Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 92: 90

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Chapter 90: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (19)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

In the training room, the twins were competing, beeping and taunting each other.


Li Dingbei could hear their noisy voices through the earphones, and couldn't help but sigh.


The next second, he saw an additional information prompt on the game interface.


He clicked on the game dialog, just in time to see an old friend, the KD top laner Thunder who he met in the last game was joking with him:


"Brother Bei, play the game lightly, you were too fierce just now."


Li Dingbei turned back to the opposite side with a "?", and then added another sentence:


"Little Lei, your VN order just now was very good."


Thunder was also amused at this moment: "Brother, did you do it on purpose? If I get a VN in the competition, Lin may be happy to die, and by the way, catch me."


Li Dingbei smiled slowly, and continued typing: "What are you afraid of, she doesn't look at heroes when she arrests people."


Opposite side: "..." Brother Bei sounds so fascinated.


After thinking about it, Thunder sent a message to Li Dingbei with a little bit of maliciousness:


"Hey, big brother, how does it feel to have a beautiful teammate by your side now?"


Li Dingbei looked at his friend's question, his typing hand paused, and finally slowly entered a short sentence:


"You are gossipy."


Thunder replied in seconds, "Brother Bei, are you shy?"


Li Dingbei shook his head, hit "gun" and closed the dialog.


As he was about to start the next qualifying match, he heard the sound of the sensor door opening behind him.


What followed was the woman's happy chuckle and teasing.


"Captain, cigarettes are not like that, you are such a good baby."


Then the man coughed a little embarrassedly:


"Sorry, I just haven't gotten used to it."


The voice of the two people talking was not loud, but Li Dingbei felt that the headphones he was wearing were as if he was not wearing them, he could hear their voices clearly.


Were they outside just now... what happened?


When the two returned to their seats, Li Dingbei smelled a light mint scent mixed with a faint scent of nicotine tobacco.


The woman beside him had her short hair pulled behind her ears, but a few strands of it dangled on her cheeks, looking a little more lazy than before.


She seemed to be very happy, the corners of her eyes and brows were curved, like a demon with a lingering aftertaste after she was satisfied.


Li Dingbei took a deep breath, and the cold air entered his lungs, which seemed to make people's consciousness clearer.


Even as a teammate, there is no reason to ask her why she went out with Shi Zhong, and what they talked about after going out.


He could only watch as she opened the drawer and put back a blue cigarette case.


"Lin Nan..."



#Original translations on —do not steal.

"What is that?"


"Smoke, lady cigarettes," she looked sideways at him, looking suspiciously, "Is there a problem?"


Li Dingbei looked at those black and white eyes, and the tough outline looked a little serious.


"Smoking...not good for the body."


"I know." She shrugged.


In fact, cigarettes are just a tool for her to satisfy bad tastes.


After all, it's really interesting to see a man who has always been like an old cadre who doesn't drink or intoxicate turn the other way around from their routine self-discipline, and seriousness.


Then she raised her lips a bit viciously: "But I just like it, what should I do?"


Li Dingbei turned silent, he felt like a helpless old father, looking at his poor daughter, he had no position on what he wanted to say to her, and he was worried about her future health if he didn't say anything.


Finally, Bi Ming looked at him and laughed: "Okay, I'm joking with you. You don't really believe it, do you?"




"What did you believe in what I said?"




Seeing his increasingly serious expression, Bi Ming raised her eyebrows and gave him a piece of advice—


"Then I won't do that."




On the final day, the competition venue was crowded with people, and the game's vertical paintings and booths were placed around the venue.


Many spectators wearing PG or KD uniforms lined up at the door to receive support from the surrounding area.


PG white, KD red, the lines on both sides were also very easy to identify.


Due to the appearance, the team on the PG side has grown a lot, and some unofficial support will be sent at the door.


"Isn't it said that you can get the CP peripherals of the next year's group based on the super talk level in the square, where is it?" A young lady in a jk uniform pulled her companion around anxiously.


"Is it that..." The little sister next to her pointed to the place where a lot of people were queuing, "I saw the three-person banner for the next year's group."


"Ah, that's the one," the girl in jk uniform pulled up her companion and squeezed over, "The original manuscript especially drawn by the famous Datouch in our family, with scarves, standing cards, and badges, is super cute."


When they saw the real thing, they were so excited that they cried.


"Lin is so beautiful sitting on the throne. The two brothers kneel at her feet like loyal dogs. They are well-behaved and handsome... As expected of a big-handed product, the quality is unparalleled." The jk girl who couldn't let go of the acrylic stand had a happy look on her face, "It's a pity that the scarf is going to be over in ten days, and it is still a few days away."


The little sister next to her has enough super words, she has already received the full set, and she was also given a doujinshi (free) comic book, which is a very beautifully printed booklet. She opened and closed it, her face flushed red.


"What's the matter?" Jk girl widened her eyes curiously and excitedly, "There's no such thing, right?"


"No, no," the little sister shook her head, "But as soon as I opened it, I saw that Lin was wearing a small suspender and short shorts. It was too hot."


"Let me see..." The girl jk flipped over quickly, "It seems to be the follow-up to the manga in which my brother taught sister to play games, there is no serious content, but it is still very astringent... My brother is jealous and hugs Lin so cute... "


Because the next year's group has a big fan base, it is the only place that will give out booklets and comics when sending out support.


On the other hand, the older group and the same age group were much more low-key, and the double banners and badges were withdrawn as soon as they were issued.


When the booth was closing, someone looked at the last red-haired lady who led the Nakano double stand and felt that she was a little familiar.


Isn't this... the fan of Shi Zhong at that time?


Oh no, it seems that she has become a Lin Nan fan after experiencing the incident of smashing a water bottle on stage.


"What's wrong?" The red-haired lady who was staring at her frowned, and hugged the two people around her in her arms, "I'm already level nine, I didn't lie to you."


"No," the fan in charge of the distribution shook their head and asked in a low voice, "Are you a fan of Shi Zhong or Sister Nan now?"


The red-haired lady looked back at each of them with a foolish look: "I like both, they are so good, who else can be worthy of each other except them?"


"Indeed." The fan who sent the support smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I thought of you as …before..."


"Please, don't mention my dark history." The red-haired lady hurriedly waved her hand, her face slightly red, "I'm going first, goodbye."




The advantage of watching the game offline is that many friends can gather together, cheer for those who support each other, and feel the most tense and exciting atmosphere.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

In the restroom, Bi Ming and the others heard a knock on the door.


"Little Nan, come out soon~" Xinyue was not in charge of the task today, wearing a casual little white dress, she kidnapped her best friend under the gaze of everyone in the room, "Look who is here?"


Outside the door were Lin Nan's former colleagues.


"Miss Nan, come on!"


"Little Lin, you are the pride of our hosting circle!"


"I hope Sister Lin Nan can get satisfactory results today!"


Surrounded by them Bi Ming could only smile confidently: "Thank you, everyone, I will."


In the original work, Lin Nan, who resigned and quit the circle after being slandered, had never received so much goodwill, and only Xinyue, who had the best relationship with her, would keep in touch with her intermittently.


But now, it's completely different.


When the flowers are full of flowers, everyone around you is a good person.


Bi Ming, who knew this well, looked more and more calm after saying goodbye to her colleagues.


"It's time, let's go." The coach was already urging.


In the room, the PG people stood up one after another, picked up the peripherals, and walked towards the stage.


"Are you nervous?" Shi Zhong paused a little when he passed her.


Bi Ming took the peripheral he handed over and shook her head.


"I'm more excited than nervous."


KD is a very seasoned opponent, known as the "Two thousand years old", and has been one step away from the championship for several seasons, so their hunger for victory is absolutely no less than theirs.


So today, they cannot let their guard down.


Because it was the final, the opening ceremony was rather long this time. The host first introduced the situation of the two teams at the front desk and then asked them to pose under the large LED screen.

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"Now let's welcome KD and PG—"


The players endured the embarrassment and folded their arms, then turned and entered the player's seat impatiently.


In the first game, KD made an amazing operation, three bans (forbidden selection) jungler: Leopard Girl, Lilia, Blind Monk.


Judging from the regular season data, these three are Bi Ming's best heroes.


Generally speaking, it is very disadvantageous that the ban position is only for one position, and in addition to Bi Ming, other people in the PG team also have to face very difficulty while dealing with strong meta heroes.


The commentators looked at each other: "It seems that KD attaches great importance to the jungle position of PG."


In the regular season, it is not that no one tried to limit Bi Ming's hero pool. Unfortunately, it was found that the effect was not great, so they gave up.


After all, Bi Ming's jungler heroes can't be stopped even after banning most of them.


It's just that KD was still relatively confident. They were the top players in the regular season, and they realized that Bi Ming's Leopard Girl is very dangerous. They were beaten up by the powerful wild huntress. This time they won't repeat the same mistakes again.


Coupled with the fact that the rhythm of PG this season is dominated by the jungle, they think that as long as the jungle is not comfortable, their opportunity will come.


The PG coach asked Bi Ming in the headset: "Can you play trolls? Leopard Girl is banned, they may know that your Leopard Girl plays well."


"Yes." Bi Ming did not hesitate.


The coach nodded with satisfaction. He felt that the most worry-free thing about Bi Ming was that she could play anything as long as the tactics required her.


The first game ended surprisingly quickly.


Everyone in KD widened their eyes, feeling that there was a pillar in front of them.


"PG really hid a hand," their AD reluctantly hammered the table, "Grass, how can this troll's pillar block so accurately?"


In every team battle, the pillars released by the opposing trolls have to predict their positions in advance, dividing or enclosing them, interrupting their movement, blocking their ultimate moves, and restricting their positions...


"As soon as my tm opened, I got stuck and vomited." The assistant next to him was also disgusted, "Otherwise, I could have saved you several times."


The coach patted them on the shoulders, also showing a little helpless look.


The opponents rarely use trolls in the regular season. They expected that the opponents might not be very good at this hero, but they were beaten in the face.


What, even this is not going to work?


Her precise and sticky pillars can make any team feel terrified, how could they be willing to hide their nervousness for so long when they see the other teams doing so well?


Off the field, the audience shouted until their throats were hoarse: "PG, come on! Continue to rush! 3-0 off work!"


The PG players who returned backstage couldn't help staring at Bi Ming.


"What's the matter?" Facing the stares of a circle of handsome guys like they are looking at a rare animal, Bi Ming couldn't help frowning.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Sister, why did your troll suddenly become so arrogant?" Meng Xishang seemed to have a little star in his eyes, "You stopped three people who wanted to run with a swish, and I saw their faces over there were almost choked to death haha. ."


"And interrupting the teleportation of the opposing mid-laner, the timing is just right." Shi Zhong nodded.


Meng Xishang had a rare smile: "They wanted to come under the tower to escape. Sister Lin hit the pillar instead and they were killed under the tower. This is the first time I have seen such a miserable gank."


Facing the curious eyes of her teammates, Bi Ming glanced at the coach.


The coach hurriedly coughed twice: "This is a small request I made to Lin Nan after the regular season, to let her practice the troll's E skills, just in case."


"Is this a little bit more skilled? This is simply a real transformation..."


"The main reason is that the progress is so fast. It's only been ten days. This troll is estimated to become the signature of my sister now."


Netizens also commented on this:


"The scene where the troll cut the prince from mid-air can be made into a classic forever."


"Haha can also match with these words: Just you kid who wants to kill my teammate.jpg"


"The first game was so hilarious. I was very nervous, but I laughed after watching it. This hero is too good for the show!"


"Upstairs, trolls also have to look at their IDs. Not everyone can create so many famous scenes with pillars [Lights cigarettes]"


"Yes, yes, it's the first time I've seen a troll, such a cumbersome meat tank that plays so well."


At the beginning of the second game, KD's posture of banning the trolls immediately made the barrage laugh.


"Okay, KD, reflected on it in time and learn from it, right?"


However, the outcome of the second round did not change. After the first game, PG's operation was more relaxed and bold. In the early stage, Shi Zhong's tricky enchantress directly faced off and single-killed. A few people ran, and Meng Dongliu next to him opened Bud's time-space tunnel to help his brother chase some people. Very arrogant.


As a jungler, Bi Ming teased Li Dingbei: "It seems that we will win if we guarantee double C."


A team's double-C is well-developed enough to quickly take over the game.


The match was won without a hitch.


The huge economic gap in the first two games also made the audience and commentators see the difference in strength between the two sides.


If KD is indeed a first-class team on the LPL side, then PG is a world-class super-class team.


In the live broadcast room of the final, netizens' predicted winning rate for PG reached 99%.


KD struggled hard but was powerless.


At the start of the third game, PG played the flower work and sacrificed Shen, an unpopular hero to the jungler Bi Ming.


KD's coach had a heavy expression on his face. He thought that the opponent would choose a more stable camp to win this round. So they also chose a hero with full map support for the mid-laner, trying to disrupt the opponent's rhythm.


But the opposite Shen... can also support PG!


In this way, their original tactics had no advantage.


Soon, when Bi Ming cooperated, Zhong"s Yueta killed the opposing mid-laner, which severely restricted KD's tactical core cards.


Not long after, Shi Zhong's plane entered the wild area and helped Bi Ming squat to the opposite jungler who came to anti-jungle. At this point, the rhythm of the opponent's mid-laner and jungler was completely lost, and resources were forced to be robbed by PG.


According to the barrage of the live broadcast room: "The next thing is garbage time."


Teams who have played with PG know that as long as the PG develops, then the next step is meal time when the PG opens its fangs and bites the enemy.


Because this monster will not give the opponent any breathing room.


When KD's crystal exploded, the enthusiastic voices of the commentators sounded along with the cheers and shouts of the audience—


"Let's congratulate PG for winning this year's League of Legends Summer Championship!"


"Congratulations to PG, the new king is on the throne!"


The players took a deep breath and smiled at each other with genuine joy on their faces.


"Let's hold a cup PG!"


The five walked to the podium together and raised the Silver Dragon Cup, which represents the champion.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

At the same time, a golden rain fell on the stage.


In the splendid lights, the entire venue was echoing the screams of fans and the passionate shouts of the host:


"PeakGlory, Congratulations on reaching the top, please move forward to higher glory!"


In the midst of all the noise, Shi Zhong suddenly turned his head and looked at the woman's profile.


As if she felt something, she looked back at him with a smile in her eyes.




"Well, we won."


Standing in the middle of them, Li Dingbei interrupted their gaze and put his arms around Shi Zhong's shoulders: "We will continue to win."


Bi Ming looked at his other hesitant hand, a little helpless: "Dingbei, can you put your hand here too? I'm the only one left, it would be embarrassing to take pictures."


"Can...?" Li Dingbei turned back immediately.


"Sister, let me come, I promise not to embarrass you." Meng Dongliu on the other side of Bi Ming also came over with a smile.


With the sound of "click" under the stage, two very gentlemanly-fisted hands covered Bi Ming's shoulders.


This scene will also become a precious memory photo for PG fans in the future.


It's just that now, the barrage in the live broadcast room watching the celebration ceremony turned into crazy laughter:


"What is Dongliu saying to Sister Nan? He looks very happy..."


"Dingbei's face turned red, is he embarrassed at the thought of holding Lin's shoulders later?"


"They're all so innocent, haha... They've been together for a season."


"The gentleman's hand is well received, and the cubs are very polite."


Shi Zhong: ...Well, it doesn't matter, the first one she looked at was me.


Winning the summer crown trophy is of special significance to the five people present.


This is their first PG title, but it will never be the last.


Moreover, in addition to the joy of victory, there was another commotion in the hearts of the boys.


Maybe it's because there are not only trusted teammates around, but also her.


It was like a sudden heavy fog, which could not be avoided but they could not run away. When inhaling, it carried the breath of mint, and when exhaling, there were traces of her in their heart, lungs, eyes, ears, and mouth.


Fortunately, they will move forward together in the future, and together they will create a future greater than this midsummer miracle.


"PG, come on!"


The overlapping voices reverberated continuously in the golden Hongqiao Gymnasium.


Each of them was thinking, this must be the best summer ever.

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