Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 94: 92

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Chapter 92: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (21)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

A restaurant near the BU base.


There was a man in a hat sitting in the corner, with several empty bottles of beer on the table, and an unfinished bottle in his hand. He looked drunk and a little confused.


At the same time, the projection screen on the wall was playing the LPL World Championship expedition ceremony.


"Everyone please go to the global finals of this year's LPL division!" In the audio, the host's arrogant voice came out.


On the screen, in the center of the gymnasium, the stage was dazzling with cool lights, and three teams stood on the stage, lined up in three pyramid-like rows.


The host's introduced from the bottom to upper rank, and the team and player IDs were read aloud.


The man scratched his head and stared at the projection screen dazedly as if he heard something familiar, and a muffled groan came out of his nose.


"...Finally No. 1 seed, P—G—"


"Top single Bei, jungler Lin, mid-laner Clock..."


The host's voice was clear and clear, but the man watching the screen suddenly became agitated, and with a wave of his hand, the wine bottle that was not stable on the table fell off the table.


The sound of "Bang bang bang dang dang" attracted strange eyes from the people around.


The shopkeeper wiped his apron and hurried over, looking at the man lying on the table, frowning in embarrassment:


"Sir, are you alright?"


Although the wine bottle smashed on the ground, it was not broken, but it also splashed the remaining wine liquid on the floor of the aisle.


The floor of the restaurant is a waxed wooden floor. If there is water, it is easy to slip on it. The owner wanted to clean it up immediately, but he heard the drunk man in the hat in front of him rudely sprayed a dirty word:


"@#! What the f**k are you putting this thing on, shut it down for me!" He pointed in the direction of the projection screen, and his tone was terrible.


The owner endured: "Sorry, the store is an e-sports-themed restaurant, and its feature is to allow guests to watch various e-sports events in their spare time, so we will not close the live broadcast."


"Hey, I'm a customer, don't you guys know that the customer is God?" The boy picked up the unfinished bottle of beer and slammed it on the table, "Hurry up and close it, it's annoying!"


The shop owner was about to get angry, but the moment he saw the other party raise his head, he was slowly stunned.


This person... isn't it Yang?


To be able to open such a distinctive restaurant in a prosperous area, the owner was obviously also a senior e-sports fan.


He didn't expect that an e-sports player would really come to his restaurant for dinner, but the one in front of him wasn't being polite.


"Excuse me, are you… Yang?"


The man in the hat stared blankly and smelled of alcohol: "Well, do you want an autograph? You turn that off first..." He pointed to the projection screen, "It's so noisy, how can I eat?"


The shopkeeper showed a very speechless expression.


As a competitive game enthusiast, he appreciates all serious and capable players, and a guy like Yang who often dates with his girlfriend during the game and plays with his hips is on his blacklist.


"Hurry up—" Looking at the close-up shot of Bi Ming on the screen, Chen Zeyang urged the shopkeeper impatiently and annoyed.


"No way," the shop owner shook his head quickly and glanced at the projection screen not far away, "So many customers in the shop are watching!"


While the two were arguing, a girl came hurriedly outside.


"Hello, where is table 21?" she asked the waiter at the door.


The waiter pointed her in the man's direction, and then the girl looked up and saw a man with a blushing face and a thick neck arguing with the shop owner.


"Come on, go and close-"


"You can't, if you can't stand it, you can take it and eat it out." The owner pulled away the man, grabbed his arm, and looked at Mu Yu, who was running over, as if he had seen a savior, "You are here to pick up your...boyfriend, right? He is drunk, so quickly persuade him not to make trouble in my shop."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Who's making trouble?" The man patted the table, "I asked you to turn off that bullshit for me, but you won't, what business are you doing?"


Mu Yu looked at the blushing, drunk man in front of her, and an inexplicable shame filled her heart—


How can he be so drunk in public?


"Zeyang, let's go first." She shook the man's shoulder.


"Let's go?" Chen Zeyang hiccupped, "I won't go, my dishes are not served, why should I go?"


The owner felt the eyes coming from all directions, and gritted his teeth directly: "Don't worry, the dishes that were not served will be canceled for you, okay?"


"Thank you, how much is it, I'll pay first." Mu Yu didn't want to be watched as a monkey, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and prepared to leave with this drunk.


Seeing the young and beautiful girl's face flushed, the shopkeeper couldn't help but sigh for her: "Five bottles of beer, two cold plates, a total of ninety-three, I'll charge you ninety."


"Okay." After Mu Yu paid, looking back, Chen Zeyang was still staring at the projection screen unwillingly.


She followed the other party's gaze and saw that on the big screen, wearing a red and gold expedition shirt, a woman with a cool face was standing in the place where the lights gathered, with her teammates and other team members beside her, but no camera could plunder her edges.


"The three LPL teams have gathered, let's wait and see, this time, who can write a new legend!" With the host's words, the lights flickered and scattered like stars.


At this time, the woman on the screen seemed to be covered with stars. She lowered her eyes and glanced at her "War robe", bent her lips, and smiled brightly and beautifully.


Mu Yu looked a little stunned as if it was the first time she got to know her "Boyfriend's ex".


"She is too..." Too dazzling.


With this appearance, even if Lin Nan is really a scumbag like the rumors, there will be countless people flying into the flames, right?


Recalling that a few months ago, in the live broadcast room, Mu Yu always felt like there were ants crawling on her back, making her want to leave immediately.


Unfortunately, Chen Zeyang, who was half-drunk and half-awake, was also heartbroken by this scene. He wanted to ask God why he was making fun of him like this—


The road to the top of the world should belong to him. Why does Lin Nan have the qualifications as a woman, but he doesn't?


Lin Nan has never experienced youth training, never played in the second team, and never experienced any suffering he endured. Why?


And the self who has worked so hard for so long has now become the laughing stock of everyone. He can only buy drinks in this kind of fly restaurant and paralyze himself...


His eyes were red, he gritted his teeth unwillingly, and finally met the shopkeeper's subtle eyes.


The other party seemed to pity and mock and shook his head gently at him.


Chen Zeyang, who was deeply humiliated, avoided his gaze and grabbed Mu Yu's hand: "Let's go!"


The two walked out of the restaurant in embarrassment as if they were fleeing.


Besides the musical fountain in the square, Mu Yu staggered two steps and broke free of his hand: "Zeyang, don't do this, you hurt me!"


Seeing her hand being caught red, the grievances she had accumulated on weekdays flooded into her heart: "I came to you today, not to clean up the mess for you!"


She came to him for an explanation.


After the semi-finals that day, he dragged her to the hotel and didn't contact her for days after his rude vent.


At the end of the third place, she thought he finally had time, but she couldn't wait for a call from him.


"Chen Zeyang, what happened to us now?" The more she thought about it, the sadder she became, "You are completely different from before!"


Chen Zeyang's face sank: "I'm different? Mu Yu, are you disgusted by me now?"


Mu Yu was stunned for a moment.


Chen Zeyang took advantage of the wine, and his tone became more and more excited: "Hehe, I lost the game and was scolded as a dog. I can't give you the capital to show off. The coach told me that I will be a substitute next season..."

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"Zeyang, what did you say?" Mu Yu took a deep breath and frowned as she looked at the man who was out of control in front of her.


"I'm going to be a substitute next season." Chen Zeyang grabbed her hand and held it hard, "Little Yu, I'm really not reconciled—"


Mu Yu looked at his twisted face at this moment and suddenly felt that something in her heart was quietly shattering.


Her radiant jungler was so cowardly and pitiful under the dim night light.


It's just becoming a substitute, it looks like he is falling into the end of the world, without any fighting spirit.




At the PG base during the holiday, the five main players all made up for live broadcasts in the training room.


Li Dingbei, a fitness maniac, and Shi Zhong, who has a mysterious family background, didn't plan to leave.


As for the twins who were originally interested in going out, seeing Bi Ming stay, they obediently canceled the plan.


This led to the fact that PG fans fell into sweet trouble when the five people broadcasted live together:


With only one pair of eyes, whose live broadcast room should they watch?


"Usually it's hard to catch one, but now there are five cubs here, so I can't bear to miss it ah woo woo..."


"Can the five of them play online games together?"


"They haven't played the World Championship yet!"


"But now it's a holiday, and Pyo has been photographed dating his girlfriend."


It's funny, the only non-single dog in the PG team is Pyo, who is a little bald and round, and the others...


At least in the eyes of fans, if they can give up their vacations and work diligently to start live broadcasts, PG's players obviously don't look like singles.


Bi Ming rarely turned on the camera. But today, with a small purple V-neck, silver collarbone chain, crisp snow neck, and light red lips she started her broadcast. After less than an hour of broadcasting, the popularity of it climbed to the top three in the platform game area.


On the first and second positions were the super big anchors who are residents of the platform. Bi Ming, who is a player who broadcasts from time to time, can be so popular, the platform can't wait to hug her thigh and call her father.


And this kind of popularity comes not only from the attractiveness of the face but also from the successive visits of professional players.


For example, BU, who was live streaming, placed an order in South Korea. As soon as they received the system prompt that Bi Ming started the live broadcast, they clicked on Bi Ming's live broadcast room in front of all the audience.


"Watching her play...Learn things..." They would also explain to the audience in a bit of stumbling Chinese.


But the audience was already in haha:


"Brother, aren't you talking about learning things? Why are you still applying for a card in the live broadcast room?"


Applying for a card on the platform is equivalent to getting a fan card. When the top laner in Korea saw that his official account was bearing the [Lin] brand, he couldn’t help but smile:


"To learn something, you have to pay tuition."


As soon as Bi Ming went online at this time, she also cleaned up a wave of friend applications piled up in her game.


After she became a professional player, she often crashed with other players and then received new friend requests.


Even if they didn't know her at all.


The barrage was brushed quickly:


"So many applications... Sister Nan's fish pond is so big."


"I didn't expect that BB with thick eyebrows and big eyes also secretly applied for Lin's friend? I was stunned."


"Haha, our arrogant little bug also added my wife, and she was ignored, and the double chef was also in a complicated mood."


Bi Ming had planned to ignore those unfamiliar players who had never spoken to her at all, but when she saw the barrage, she casually explained: "Sorry to the other players first, I will only accept requests from people who win against me."


If someone else said this sentence, everyone might sneer.


Especially those players, who have some arrogance in their hearts, one has to be afraid that they will still hold grudges when they are rejected in person.


But Bi Ming is different. The male player who took the initiative to add her had a little less pure and careful thought, and there was no one in the LPL division who had won against her in the main game. Therefore, after she said that sentence, it provoked a lot of people's desire to conquer.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Who can resist the temptation to pick a high mountain flower?


As a result, Bi Ming met many "opponents" who were extremely serious in front of her and aimed to defeat her in qualifying before the World Championship.


One unintentional intervention, on the contrary, has greatly improved her ranking quality, which can be regarded as an unexpected joy.


At this time, in the live broadcast room, the audience was asking questions.


Then someone asked her carefully: "Sister, when you say win, are you referring to the competition or the rank?"


Bi Ming pursed her lips: "Of course it's rank." She hasn't lost the official game yet.


"What about Brother Zhong and the others? Have they defeated you?"


Bi Ming thought for a while: "I haven't soloed with them yet, I shouldn't lose in 1v1."


Soon, in the live broadcast room of the other four, there were good audiences rushing over to tease and ridicule.


[Clock, Lin said that she is better than you when it comes to heads-up, is that true?]


[Beibei, Sister Nan said that you will lose 1v1 with her.]


[Xishang Xishang, your sister Lin said she wants to solo with you, do you dare to fight?]


[Dongzai, Lin said that your Bud plays like shit, she is better than you when she takes it out!]


In order to arouse the men's desire to win or lose, the barrage even began to add fuel to it.


Meng Dongliu, who was drinking the Happy Water from the Fat House, had his eyes wide open and almost choked to death by Coke: "Cough...I don't believe it, you must be lying to me, my sister wouldn't say that my Bud is the same as..."


Meng Xishang also looked indifferent: "She will play Draven, don't mess with her, or I will be beaten."


And Li Dingbei glanced at Bi Ming next to him, and said calmly, "She's sitting next to me, don't make it so outrageous."


As for Shi Zhong, the next second he watched the barrage, his fingers quickly operated, Syndra's extreme combo stunned the opposite side, and played a set of divine maneuvers to counter-kill with blood.


When the barrage swiped "666", he smiled and said calmly:


"Answering what someone asked just now. She is better than me if we single out and compete."


Audience: Damn... This man is so charming when he admits to cowardice.


After Shi Zhong operated his well-fed Dark Head home, he glanced sideways at the woman beside him.


The opponent was holding the mouse and focusing on brushing the wild.


The smile on his lips deepened.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Although the barrage thought he was joking, but—


Even the champion mid-laner has opponents who can make him helpless.


The author has something to say:


To the audience: If you don't go on a date or play on vacation, you must be single


To men: Haven't you heard of training room dating (^_^)

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