Please Leave Me Alone

Chapter 3: 3

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The Bunjitsu meeting is over. It’s a Monday in late June. I guess it’s time to start worrying about the final exam.

I was going to go to the library after finishing my lunch. However, a girl I didn’t know called me right after I left the classroom.

“I’m sorry. Do you have a moment?”

“Eh, ha.”

This girl’s long black hair is tied into a ponytail. Her face is refreshing and shows her determination. There are tan lines on her arms under the summer uniform’s sleeves. Along with the deodorant scent in the air, I can judge that she’s a sports club member.

I can tell that she’s in the same grade from the color of her shirt. It’s just that I don’t know her. It’s most likely that she wants me to call someone in my class, right?

However, this girl just kept staring at my face. She didn’t speak for a long time.

Is there something on my face? Or is there something wrong with my clothes? But, if that’s the case, she would’ve just told me and left right away.

Either that or she’s here to invite me into a cult? …I don’t even have enough money to buy a charm or something. Then, the girl made up her mind and spoke up.

“You are Hodaka Nanamura-san, right?”

“Nope, you got the wrong person.”

“Actually, I want to talk to Nanamura-san- Ehh!? I-I got the wrong person!?”

Oh, shit. I instinctively denied her because I had a bad feeling.

The girl in front of me mumbled, “T-This is impossible, right…?” She’s confused and shocked. Perhaps she only came to talk to me after confirming that I was the person. Of course, anyone would freak out if somebody said they got the wrong person. However, she’s actually right here.

My instinct persuaded me to avoid harm. So, even if I feel bad about her, I must leave with a calm face.

Goodbye, unknown girl. I wish you the best of luck.

However, before I could escape, that girl asked one of my classmates next to the door.

“I’m sorry. Where is Nanamura-san from Class A?”

“He’s over there…”


The girl in the same class gave her directions confusedly. Obviously, she pointed toward me.

Oh, I’m glad she didn’t ask, “Who’s that?” first! Hiya, now I can’t get away from that girl. However, a tinge of warmth appeared in my chest when my classmate remembered my name. Perhaps I left a bad impression on this classmate’s heart after the Hoshigasaki incident. However, it’s better to have your name stinking than having none. I’m still willing to believe that a bad reputation outclasses being forgotten.

That girl is too shocked by the unexpected answer. She froze on the spot. However, she immediately recovered and tugged the bottom of my uniform.

“Don’t you go away!”

“Hey, don’t tug me that hard.”

“You’re Nanamura-san! Why did you lie so calmly!?”

“It’s because I can feel something troublesome will happen. This is proper self-defense.”

“I don’t understand! Sheesh, you just ruined my rhythm…”

“Well, I’m the same.”


“You stopped me when I was preparing to go to the library. My rhythm is ruined as well. So, you tugging me and my lie cancel out.”

“How is this canceled out? Fine, I’ll admit that I was wrong about everything.”

Regrettably, she won’t be tricked to go back so easily.

But my plan is really interrupted. A loner’s life is always one of calmness and peacefulness without any unexpected events. So, being coerced by others normally stresses me out.

Even though there are always plots where the FMC calls the MC out during holidays in light novels, this is just a pain. If I’m thinking of chilling in the house and reading and someone calls me out, I always try to find an excuse to not go. Initially, even a Line message tires me out when I’m just lazing around at home.

I’m so bad at dealing with people. 

…Let’s just keep these things in my mind. It’s not going to help even if I tell this girl about it. As for the person in question, she’s giving me intense stares while I’m silent. After a while, she seemed to have given up and sighed.

“Anyway, I’m Hinata Kadotani from Class F.”

“Oh, …no, I don’t know even if you say that. Who are you?”

I don’t know her even after her self-introduction. Eh? Is she an acquaintance of mine during middle school? Or even elementary? But if I don’t remember her, it proves that she’s a stranger.

My mind is filled with questions. As for Kadotani, she answered me with a chic smile.

“I’m Sora’s friend. Sora Hanamitsuji. You must be familiar with her, right?”

“Ahh, hers?”

Come to think of it, the only person I know in Class F is Hanamitsuji. After she brought up the name, I finally remembered that sometimes, I could see a ponytail girl in Hanamitsuji’s group. It’s just that I really don’t remember what they look like.

Kadotani got slightly closer after seeing my reaction.

“I want to talk to Nanamura-san.”

“Eh, what?”

“Well, there are too many people here. Why don’t we go to a quieter place?”

Kadotani put her hand on her chin. What she said really excited a high school boy’s fantasy, whether he’s willing or not.

A guy and a girl go to a quiet place like behind the school building or the gym. Obviously, what’s going to happen there is a confession…

This is just my fantasy, no matter how healthy a high school boy I’m.

A pie won’t just fall from the sky, you know?

No matter how often this is presented in rom-coms, mixing reality and fiction is stupid. However, perhaps people will start pointing fingers at me. “Look at how excited you were when Hoshigasaki asked you to come to her house.” Of course, facts like this that can be used against me must be enthusiastically ignored.

“Fine, where are we going?”

“Follow me.”

I listened to Kadotani and let her lead the way. I feel like girls have kept bringing me away recently. …It seems like a good thing, but they are all here to give me trouble. Did I do too many good or bad things in my previous life? It’s hard to say.

After a while, we arrived at the back of the Club Building.

The sports clubs’ training in our school isn’t that intense. We don’t have those admirable clubs that practice during lunch as well. This is the ideal location for people who want to talk in secret.

…Come to think of it, Hiiragi’s always next to me whenever I’m near quiet stairs and behind the gym recently.

I see. This is why we need to avoid people. Unbelievable. After that, Kadotani suddenly becomes a person who uses force instead of words in my eyes.

“Kadotani, let’s search for a way to solve this problem with peaceful interaction, okay?”

“Ha? What do you mean? I don’t understand…?”

From this reaction, it looks like Kadotani won’t harm my body. Either that or she’s saying, “You think you can get away at this point?”

She turned around and faced me. Kadotani took a deep breath and spoke up.

“Actually, I want to talk to you about the rumors.”

“…Ahh, about that.”

The rumors have died down recently, so I just swept it out of my brain. There were rumors about Hanamitsuji and me when we were on the trip.

Kadotani continued calmly.

“Were you really with Sora during the trip?”

“Ahh, yes. I think we raised some rumors too.”

“I asked Sora about it. She said Nanamura-san saved her, but it caused weird rumors. She apologized for causing trouble for you.”

“I see.”

That girl said something like that? Even though she complained about me grabbing her, she did feel bad for me. Well, we both made mistakes that day. There’s no need to mind it at all.

Kadotani suddenly lowered her head when I was thinking about that. I was confused. Her expression and tone are incredibly sincere, even if I can’t see her face.

“First of all, I have to express my gratitude. Thank you for saving Sora.”

“…Why are Kadotani the one to thank me?”

“I was in the same team as Sora. I didn’t manage to keep her when Sora asked to leave. …At that time, she wouldn’t bump into things like that if I forced her to stay.”

I see. In other words, Kadotani blamed herself for not protecting Hanamitsuji since they were on the same team during the trip. That’s why she’s thanking me.

“I see, but it was just a coincidence that I saved her.”

“Even so, I appreciate you, Nanamura-san.”

“O-Oh, …don’t worry about it?”

She sincerely showed her gratitude. My heart is getting all itchy. I’m totally not used to receiving compliments at all.

How should I react at times like this? I don’t know. It’s bad to be too humble. Being too proud won’t work either. Is there a suitable answer? …At this point, Kadotani raised her head.

So, Kadotani’s aura changed completely. She’s staring at my face right now.

I guess she doesn’t just want to express her gratitude.

“Is there something else?”

“There’s one thing I hope Nanamura-san can do.”


What is she going to tell me? …Don’t tell me this is a real confession? The rejected possibility resurfaced again. Hiya, hiya, it’s impossible…

However, it’s actually not impossible. …My mind jumped left and right.

My body turned stiff as Kadotani stared at me. She spoke up in an incredibly serious tone.

“Can you break up with Sora?”


My voice appeared and disappeared behind the Club Building.






It’s been a few hours since my conversation with Kadotani.

I’m at the usual family restaurant.

Hanamitsuji is holding a cup of iced tropical tea in front of me. She listened to me with an exhausted face.

“…and that happened. What’s wrong with that Kadotani girl?”

“I got it. Sorry, Hinata really bothered you…”

Obviously, I told Hanamitsuji about what happened between Kadotani and me.


Our conversation continued after that. Kadotani is worried about how Hanamitsuji and I got closer after the trip.

Recently, she can see Hanamitsuji chatting with me on Line sometimes. Indeed, we texted each other a while ago to calm the rumors and talk about the Bunjitsu work. 

That’s why Kadotani suspects that what if we’re indeed close.

Of course, I emphasized that Hanamitsuji and I aren’t like that. She believed what I said as well.

However, Kadotani asked me about what happened to Hoshigasaki. She asked me whether Hanamitsuji was tricked by me.

However, I couldn’t spill the truth out, so I remained silent. Then, Kadotani’s face immediately turned stiff. It couldn’t be helped. No one likes a guy who loves shoving light novels into a girl’s school bag to talk to their friends.

“The enemy of girls…!”


Even though this is retribution for my involvement, my heart hurts when a girl I just met said that to me. I’m not, alright? The so-called enemy of girls isn’t referring to a loner like me, but band boys and YouTubers instead! I really wanted to scream all of my biases out.

Although I didn’t know whether she knew my depression, Kadotani warned me before she left. “Please refrain from approaching Sora.”


That’s what happened.

Hiiragi also warned me to not approach Hoshigasaki as well. A lot of people hate me now. I want to cry. I hope something good can happen in my next life.

Although I managed to deal with Kadotani for now, Hanamitsuji and I already talk in the family restaurant every Monday before the trip. The troublesome part is that Kadotani’s worries aren’t all wrong.

“I couldn’t pretend that I knew nothing of what she said. That’s why I told her we just chatted because of the rumors. That isn’t a lie, right?”

“Thanks, I still bothered Nanamura-kun in the end…”

It’s rare to see Hanamitsuji listen to me so calmly. It looks like she’s indeed aware of Kadotani.

“What happened between Kadotani and you?”

“We’re normal friends. …No, we were supposed to be normal friends.”

“That means you two aren’t normal.”

I can tell there’s a deeper meaning in Hanamitsuji’s words. She finally gave up and explained her relationship with Kadotani.


Kadotani is a member of the Hard Tennis Club. They were good friends in her previous high school life.

This time, Hanamitsuji still wants to befriend her. When school started, she enthusiastically forged a deep bond with Kadotani.

Hanamitsuji has experience from last time. That’s why she knows everything about Kadotani, whether personality or hobbies. This made them good friends in basically no time.

It’s just that she made one miscalculation.

Kadotani is way too fond of Hanamitsuji.

“I feel like she really, really loves me.”

What Hanamitsuji said can probably hype up an otaku into yuri. However, her expression looks very strange right now.

Even though otakus want two girls to kiss as soon as they meet, actual girls won’t immediately be conscious of each other even after getting closer. Kissing is, of course, impossible.

However, I feel like girls are always closer compared to boys. They often have skinship. I can always see girls sitting on a chair and then another girl sitting on her in the classroom. If guys have to replicate this scene, perhaps the difficulty is higher since there’s something between our legs.

I don’t know whether Hanamitsuji can tell that I’m fantasizing about yuri scenes from my face. She quickly added.

“Of course, Hinata thinks of me as a friend. She just loves me very much as a friend, okay!? Uh, she doesn’t think of me as a lover. We’re just friends. Well…”

“It’s just that her feelings are way too heavy?”

I questioned Hanamitsuji when she stuttered. Her reaction made me believe that I was right. However, she quickly waved her hands in denial of her acknowledgment of what I said. She continued.

“Ugh, …no, it’s not like I think this is a pain, okay? I-It’s just that she sends a little too many Line messages. I don’t know why she always wants to use face cam whenever we’re on a call. She bumps into me a bit too often near the shoe shelves when going to school. I also don’t know why she always follows me to the entrance before going to her club. She always asks me out on Saturday or Sunday. That’s really all.”

“Okay, I got it. That’s already scary enough.”

“I-It’s not scary…”

Hanamitsuji clearly lacks confidence. It looks like she agrees this is a bit terrifying as well.

Come to think of it, Hanamitsuji always has a troubled look when she’s on the phone recently, whether when we were in Hoshigasaki’s house or during the Bunjitsu meeting. Perhaps this is due to Kadotani’s text bombing.

Kadotani glued herself to Hanamitsuji. So, naturally, she’s concerned why a guy like me is messaging Hanamitsuji. That’s why she went out of her way to warn me too.

“I’ll go ahead and ask this. Was Kadotani like this last time?”

“I would’ve distanced myself from her if she was. We were really just normal friends last time.”

“So, Hanamitsuji did something wrong this time.”

“Yes, …I feel like I’m going too deep into Hinata’s heart.”

Hanamitsuji mumbled with an exhausted expression.

From what I’ve heard, I imagined Kadotani’s and Hanamitsuji’s high school life at this point.

She just got into high school. She’s worried that there aren’t any acquaintances in her class.

Then, a classmate always tries to talk to her.

For some reason, this classmate quickly understood and accepted her favorites, hobbies, and personality.

It’s not just that. This classmate even guessed favorites that she hadn’t revealed yet and said, “I think you’ll like this.”

…That makes sense. No wonder she can’t leave you.

Kadotani can never imagine that Hanamitsuji already knew her previously, and she had experienced as a friend of hers too.

Being friends with the same person in her second high school life does seem like fate. Perhaps this can be a “saving a friend who died in an accident in her previous high school life” fiction.

“Ha, …I didn’t expect to be like this with Hinata.”

“Do you hate her being all sticky?”

Hanamitsuji didn’t answer right away. However, she doesn’t seem to be holding back for Kadotani either. Instead, I think she’s thinking of a more appropriate answer.

She sipped some drink and slowly explained.

“Hmm, actually, I don’t think she’s too annoying. It just gives me a close friend feeling when she’s normal.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

The answer is vague. I crossed my arms and looked at Hanamitsuji.

“…The closer Hinata is to me, the fewer choices she has.”

“What does that mean?”

“Previously, I wasn’t Hinata’s only friend. Not only did she have other friends, but she also loved her club too. I was just a part of her life. However, Hinata is spending way too much time on me this time. I’m starting to worry about how she’s doing on other things.”

“Oh, …I see.”

I finally understand what Hanamitsuji meant.

This time, perhaps Kadotani still has friends other than Hanamitsuji. However, the most important person in her heart is Hanamitsuji. But, since she knows what Kadotani was like last time, she thinks she has killed the relationships that Kadotani could’ve constructed.

This girl is thinking about some troublesome stuff.

“I know I’m thinking about something troublesome.”

She said that as if she read my mind. I looked at her.

Hanamitsuji is drinking iced tea with a tired look. There’s a lot less liquid in the cup now. I bet only half-melted ice cubes will remain soon.

“Sigh, …the stress really piles up when I’m frustrated.”

“You sure have it rough-“

Hanamitsuji listened to me and sighed. Her lips curled down in dissatisfaction.

“I know this has nothing to do with you, but can’t you think about this for me?”

“It’s hard even if you say that. I was really thinking, …nevermind, I shouldn’t say it.”

“Bruh, don’t leave me on a cliffhanger. Say it.”

Even though I think I shouldn’t say it, I can’t help if she urges me.

“It’s actually not that big of a deal. I’m just thinking even though Hanamitsuji always scolds me to make friends, now you made a mistake when dealing with your friend. Isn’t this interesting?”

“You’re the worst! The worst in the world!”

“I know. That’s why I didn’t want to say it.”

Even I feel that I’m the worst. However, I can’t deny that I feel lighter after knowing Hanamitsuji’s blunder.

After all, as perfect as Hanamitsuji in her second high school life is, she still makes miscalculations. If that’s the case, it’s not strange for me to keep messing up.

I’ve recently started thinking about how many people can even have a perfect high school life.

Hanamitsuji messes up too. Hoshigasaki doesn’t want others to know she’s an otaku. I’m a loner. If high school life is all about failure, then in a sense, being lonely is just an instance of high school students.

Hanamitsuji’s eyes are full of resentment. She sighed, put her hands on her cheeks, and changed the topic.

“Anyway, Nanamura-kun, you let Hoshigasaki-san’s brother read your novel when we were in her house earlier, right? What brutal comments did you receive in the end?”

“You’re so sure that it was brutal?”

She’s exactly right, but can’t Hanamitsuji show her kind side a bit more? Think about it. Didn’t we construct an imperfect friendship during the trip? …Don’t tell me that didn’t count.

“Which part did he say it’s boring?”

“It’s not that clear. It’s just that he tried to change the topic when I asked him for feedback. They are really siblings.”

“Hoho, interesting.”

“He even said it was sincerely boring. It’s already amazing that I can write so much.”

I tried to remain an emotionless face when I said that. However, Hanamittsuji looks like she’s about to burst into laughter. Her shoulders are shivering.

“Pfft, haha, …ahaha! Even his thoughts are the same as Hoshigasaki-san.”

“Hey, don’t laugh. I’m crying inside, you know?”

“Sorry, it’s too funny. …Well, aren’t novelists, creators, and athletes always under criticism? Why don’t you train your mind right now?”

“Seriously? My mental strength has already skyrocketed when I’m with Hanamitsuji…”

“No need to thank me.”

‘But my mind is about to break.”

“It’s fine. I’ve heard that muscles only grow after tearing them apart. Also, I feel much better after laughing it out.”

“Am I your punching bag now?”

The cola already ran out of sizzles when I took a sip. So, I chugged it in with frustration.

Whatever. What I said was kind of mean as well. I can forgive her for a trivial thing like this. Also, I should think twice before attacking Hanamitsuji.

However, there’s something I should say to her. Relationships are constructed on mutual respect, after all.

“You know, I’m Hanamitsuji’s punching bag, but it’s not like I’m not thinking about this at all. Isn’t there a better way to describe our relationship?”

Hanamitsuji pondered my question.

“Hmm, …I’m using your talent appropriately?”

“No! Please don’t discover talents like that!”

Also, what I wanted to say was “having a sense of propriety”. Sigh, I’ll admit that it’s a bad question.


On Wednesday, the class teacher started yelling at us at the start of the assembly.

“Alright, pay attention, everyone. Today’s the start of exam week. All club activities should take a break. Everyone should know the scope by now. Remember to study hard-“

So, the guys in sports clubs started cheering. “Yeahhhh!” Everyone knows about these things. They seem to be in consensus that this is the moment to scream.

You guys are so happy whenever clubs stop. Then why just not join any of them at the start? Well, but it’s not that simple.

It’s tiring to keep up with the club activities, even for competitive people. I’ll feel pretty bored if I just keep reading light novels and manga too. I want to do something else.

However, I don’t have any hobbies worthy of mentioning. The best I can do is take a nap or chat with Satsuki to kill time.

Also, some people are not into the skill itself but just want to hang out with friends. To them, the most important time is after the club ends. Honestly, Higashidani’s sports clubs are pretty weak. Students who want to take club activities seriously probably have to stay back a year.

The cheers in the classroom haven’t died down after the assembly is over. Everyone is chatting and laughing with their friends.

“Hey, you up for karaoke?” “There’s no way we can study there.” “It’s fine. Whoever’s not singing can study with BGM.” “People will die from noise if we all sing in the same room.”

“Where are we going?” “We’re studying in Miho’s house.” “I’m going too-“ “Well, should we go shopping for clothes on the way? I want summer clothes!”

“The Science Room is full. Let’s go to the arcade.” “Didn’t you fail your math in mid-term?” “Who said we can’t study in arcades? We can calculate how many 100-yen coins we can exchange with a 1000-yen bill.” “That’s mental arithmetic instead of math, right?”

I raised my ears and listened to their conversations. Whether it’s sports clubs, cultural clubs, or Going Home Club, they clearly show that they will not study at all. All of them are just thinking about playing with studying as an excuse. I guess they are fighting over who has the most interesting idea.

I always see study meetings before the exam in light novels too. However, I’m deeply suspicious of its effectiveness.

Let’s think about it. Do you think a group of good friends can stare at the reference books and textbooks silently and actually study?

They are guaranteed to stop and start trying to find something fun to do. Even when I’m never invited to a study meeting, I can understand such simple logic.

As a senpai in life who went back 3 years ago, I want to warn all of you, “You’ll lose the motivation when you turn into a third-year if you don’t start studying now.” However, I don’t take my studies seriously as well, so I’m not really in a position to teach someone.

Although there’s this “loners study because there’s nothing to do”  trend in light novels, it varies from person to person. I want to say those hard working loners still study even if they have friends.

Well, at least I’ve never thought, “Hey, no one’s inviting me out. Let’s study.” I normally kill time with light novels, manga, or sleep.

A busy loner doesn’t have time to learn.

You can also say that I’m so busy being a loner that I can’t play with friends.

That sounds good, right?

Initially, the goal of exams is to check how much students understand. Isn’t it wrong to go out of your way to study for an exam? Lazing around after cramping for a good grade only hurts yourself in the end. Shouldn’t we use our true strength to face exams and reality?

In conclusion, studying for an exam is living in a fool’s paradise. The most sincere and natural attitude is to show my truest talent in a test.

…This conclusion makes so much sense that I ignored the cheers in the classroom and went home. However, I should still go home even if my conclusion was, “I should prepare for the exam.”

In the end, no one’s going to invite me anyway. All I can do is return to the base.

I’m walking in the corridor. My phone suddenly vibrated. I was puzzled, but it was just Hanamitsuji texting me.

<Can you come to the family restaurant today?>

<I’m busy.>

<You got something to do?>

<It’s exam week. I need to study.>

<You can’t stay concentrated for long, anyway.>

<Don’t underestimate my effort. All of the Ninomiya Sontoku statues will be changed into mine in the future!>

 <The Ninomiya Sontoku statue in our school is already a natural memorial.>


It looks like climate change wreaked havoc on the statues too. Well, I’ve never seen a real Sontoku statue, though. The impression that there’s a Ninomiya Sontoku statue in my elementary school just comes from horror novels in the library and Chibi Maruko-chan.

Right, the Ninomiya Sontoku statue looks like a child lowering his head and studying with piles of firewood on his back. Their reason for building these statues is to spread the mindset that studying while helping in the house is amazing (I think).

Another Line of text came through when I was thinking about that.

<Anyway, come here if you have nothing to do. We’re having a study meeting here.>

Oh, wow, this invitation came at just the right time! But I just made up my mind that I’m against study meetings.

<Did Hanamitsuji even consider how effective study meetings are?>

<Shut up, come here. It’s going to be fun.>

She didn’t give me the chance to debate. She even said it’ll be fun. It’s clearly not studying, right?

I sighed and checked the weather. Luckily, it’s not raining. I can go to the restaurant on my bike.

Sheesh, am I spoiling Hanamitsuji too much these days…?

Staying with her this much seems to be going against the principles of a loner.


Around an hour later, 4 people gathered in the old spot.

Hanamitsuji, Hoshigasaki, Shiramine, and me. It’s the same faces when we discussed how we should stop the rumors.

When I arrived, they had already placed each of their glasses, notebooks, papers, textbooks, and documents on the 4-seat table.

“Why are Hoshigasaki and Shiramine here too?”

“It’s a study meeting. The more, the merrier.”

I asked Hanamitsuji quietly. She looked very surprised as if I said something weird.

“Is it…?”

I mumbled. As for Hoshigasaki, she sat even closer to Hanamitsuji and answered with a bright smile.

“Of course! Right, Sora-chan?”

“I feel like I said something wrong when Hoshigasaki-san said that.”

“That’s mean!”

Shiramine bitterly smiled as she looked at the two joking with each other. She ordered me.

“Alright, sit down too. You look like a waiter waiting for our order.”

“…Yeah, sure.”

I just judged study meetings as absolutely meaningless, yet I’m here now. Laughable. Well, but not that I can do anything now. So, I sat next to Shiramine.

At the same time, Hoshigasaki pressed the call bell. A noise played in the restaurant.

“Nanamura, you want drinks?”


“We were planning to order fries too, but the table would be too small if we ordered first.”

Shiramine said that calmly next to me.

“Shiramine, when did you get so close to them?”

“Not really. Hoshigasaki-san invited me here.”

“Yep, I think it’s better to have more smart people in a study meeting.”

“I have no reason to reject when the no.1 in class, Nanamura-kun, is here. Also, even the top of our grade is here too, Hanamitsuji-san.”

“I was just lucky.”

Hanamitsuji said that with a humble face. This girl was already an elite student last time. She got no.1 this time because her starting line was way ahead after going back.

However, I got first place in class because of this as well. Previously, I was just floating around the average. Perhaps I’m the one who received more benefits from going back in time.

I put down my school bag and stood up after telling the waiter I wanted drinks. After I got some cola, the three girls paid full attention to their notebooks and question banks. They are studying for real. I thought study meetings were filled with lazy people. However, these three are working hard for the exam unexpectedly.

So, I reluctantly took out my textbooks and papers onto the table. It’s against my principles to study during exam week. But…

The sound of automatic pencils stroking against the papers is really silent. I can also hear pages being flipped and occasional chatters.

“Sora-chan, this question…”

“This one? The method is included here.”

“Wow, you’re right! Thanks.”

“Hanamitsuji-san, can you teach me as well?”

“Of course! Where? Ah, this has at least one solution between -2 and -1…”

Hoshigasaki and Hanamitsuji exchanged words quietly. Both soon returned to their work. As for me, I’m reading the textbook about modern society dazedly. It’s about the formation of capitalist and socialist economies.

Hanamitusji finished explaining shortly after. Shiramine exhaled in awe.

“I see. You make it pretty easy to understand.”

“No worries.”

“The top in our grade is really something else. You really know a lot about this unit. …It’s almost like a senpai is teaching me.”

“A-Ahaha, that’s ridiculous. Sheesh.”

Shiramine touched the dangerous part the moment she spoke up. As for Hanamitsuji, her face twitched as she answered her with a smile. To Hanamitsuji, the first-year scope must be a piece of cake, right?

By the way, Hanamitsuji and Shiramine seem to be close. Even though they were a bit stiff when we met last time, the two are doing alright today, from what I see. It’s a relief.

Actually, I worried whether this group of people would isolate Shiramine, but that doesn’t seem to be the case now. Come to think of it, while Shiramine isn’t an extrovert, she’s good at socializing. My worries are unnecessary.


Wait, aren’t I the one being isolated right now?

Even though the three girls are exchanging suggestions and focusing on studying, how come I’m the only one reading textbooks silently?

No, it’s good to be quiet during a study meeting, but what’s the point if I come here and not say anything?

Come to think of it, this is a girl-girl-girl-me study meeting. I’m obviously the excluded one. A group of girls is ruined by a guy like me and forms this “3 girls 1 dude” scene. The girls will be relatively close in this case.

If I did help Shiramine to get closer to the other two, wouldn't I be a lubricant of relationships now? Should I brag about this during future job interviews?

“Your face looks pretty weird since then. What’s wrong?”

Shiramine looked at me confusedly when I was thinking about that. She said my face looks weird, but that’s how I look.

“It’s nothing. I just didn’t expect a gal to take her studies seriously.”

“Why are you talking about me now!? I-I do study.”

“But, you know, isn’t there this cliché plot in school light novels? There’s always a person who sucks at studying when a few people are in a study meeting. The said person then always fusses about not wanting to study, and the surrounding people have to bait them into it.”

“I know what you’re trying to say! But I do study usually, alright?”

“Don’t pretend to be an elite student and ruin your gal setting…”

“I’m not pretending! While my grades aren’t good in high school, I was smart before middle school!”

Despite everything, Hoshigasaki still got into Higashidani High School, which is very academics-oriented. Perhaps she wasn’t lying.

“But, seriously, I’m surprised to see how hardworking Hoshigasaki-san is.”

“Ehh! Even Prez too!? I came here after rejecting Yuria’s invitation to go sing karaoke, alright?”

Yuria should be Hiiragi’s first name. Even though I never had the chance to say this name, I remember after dealing with her a few times.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go with them? You two are friends, right?”

“Hiya, I just want to study now. Yuria and I are both in the Going Home Club. We can go to karaoke after exam week is over.”

“Hoshigasaki-san knows.”

Hanamitsuji said that throbbingly. I agreed with her.

“Look, I have a relatively fabulous appearance. Mom will be mad at me if my grades are poor. That’s why I take my studies seriously.”

Ehehe, Hoshigasaki-san laughed in embarrassment. This girl is more serious than I thought.

At least she sounds more like an elite student than I do. I’m really sorry for having bias over your appearance.

“Come to think of it, that’s how Kouya-san looked like when we visited Hoshigasaki-san’s house.”

I nodded in agreement after Hanamitsuji said that. Kouya-san’s and Hoshigasaki’s appearances seem to be in the same system.

“Yeah, I guess onii-chan played a big part in my fashion senses.”

“I see. You’re influenced by a man.”

“That’s pretty mean, Nanamura!?”

We were already chatting when I snapped out of it. The study meeting came to a pause. I checked the time. It’s already been 30 minutes. It’s a bit too quick, but I don’t dislike taking a break.

You are reading story Please Leave Me Alone at

A relaxing aura radiated between the 4 of us. I drank some cola and spoke up.

“I still don’t understand the point of a study meeting.”

The three girls looked at each other and laughed before I could even finish my sentence.

“Hoho, …yeah, that’s just who Nanamura-kun is.”

“Oi, what does that mean?”

“It’s nothing. We just talked about how Nanamura-kun probably hates study meetings.”

“I feel like you probably think, ‘There’s definitely no meaning in studying with friends. Studying alone is obviously more effective.’”

“Prez made it really easy to understand!”

Hanamitsuji knew what I was thinking while Shiramine did a perfect imitation. They left a refreshing impression on Hoshigasaki. Am I that easy to understand?

“Wait, I’ve been to many study meetings too. I’ll dash over to any study meetings even when I’m not invited.”

“You’ll only be a nuisance, right?”

I said something dumb to defend myself. Hanamitsuji silently ignored me.

As for me, I can feel despise in Shiramine’s eyes.

She dropped an “Honestly, you can’t go to study meetings without friends.” That’s brutal. I mean, she’s right, but she really doesn’t mince her words.

“Shiramine, didn’t we promise to not talk about this?”

“I don’t remember promising that with you.”

Shiramine said that helplessly. Hoshigasaki raised her voice exaggeratedly in front of her.

“Ehh!? Nanamura, you really haven’t been to any study meetings!?”

“Don’t underestimate me. I did once.”



“…What should we do, Sora-chan? I feel really bad for Nanamura.”

“There’s nothing we can do.”

Hanamitsuji closed her eyes and shook her head. Her reaction made me feel unusual for not going to any study meetings.

…Eh? Don’t tell me I’m really the weird one here?

After that feeling appeared, I started thinking about whether I should participate in a study meeting, even though I hate it. Did I…go to activities like this before…?

So, after scrambling my brain, I finally searched for an antique piece of memory at the periphery of my brain.

“Eek, yes! I did go to a study meeting before!”

I was excited. Hoshigasaki’s eyes bulged shockingly.

“Ohh! Someone’s nice enough to accept Nanamura!”

“Hey, don’t just think that I was pitied!”

I looked into the distance and announced that nostalgic event.

“I was in the third year of my middle school back then. It was a weekend during winter. The midterm exam was right around the corner. I went to the nearby café to study and change my mood.

That was a Komeda chain café store in front of the station closest to my house. They always give you a small plate of snacks when you order a cup of coffee. When I was a middle school student, I felt pretty good when studying somewhere other than home. At that time, a cup of drinks and manga were enough to make me feel I had come to an amazing place.

By the way, even though this happened 3 years ago, it’s been only half a year in this world. This is already from a long time ago to me.

“I walked into the store refreshingly and sat at a table. The first thing I did was order a melon soda.”

So, Hoshigasaki tilted her head and interrupted me.

“Wait? There wasn’t anyone with you?”

“I was there alone, of course.”

“Please help him out, Sora-chan. His situation is dire, alright!?”

“I can’t do anything. The patient is Nanamura-kun, after all.”

I ignored Hoshigasaki’s irritating words and continued my story.

“At that time, I heard some faint and weird noises behind a screen…”

“It’s getting intense!”

“I secretly looked in the noise’s direction. It was actually my classmates sitting behind me. We were just a screen apart. Also, they were a normie group with guys and girls.”

“Nanamura-kun, do you only have stories that other people don’t want to hear?”

Even though Hoshigasaki kept answering me then, she’s leaning on the sofa like a slime right now. As for Hanamitsuji, she pressed against the spot between her eyebrows with her finger.

Are these people not following the story? Even though the next part is the best one.

“Although I felt incredibly awkward back then, they would definitely look down on me if I just finished the melon soda at lightspeed and left. So, I had to stay there until they left.”

“Please just admit defeat, alright…?”

Shiramine raised her head and looked at me. Her eyes are full of disdain, but I won’t stop here.

“After that, I paid attention to my studies for 3 hours. They had already left when I snapped out of it, and I could finally go home. Do you know how good I felt back then? I felt like I had just won everything. Isn’t this it? A group of people studying in the same space generally counts as a study meeting, right?”

I puffed up my chest and showed a chic look. The three girls got their faces together with tired expressions. After a moment of conversation, they raised their heads and stared at me.

“No.” (x3)


My best moment is rejected so easily. I can’t believe it.

“If that counts, then everyone in the study room counts as being in a study meeting.”

“Yeah, my bad. I shouldn’t look forward to Nanamura saying something interesting about his study meeting.”

“How should we even react to what you said?”

“Yep, I can’t find any reason for a guy like Nanamura-san to be with Sora.”

Wait, even though I just talked about my study meeting experience, I heard 4 servings of disappointment. …Huh? 4 people?

The three girls noticed it at the same time as well. They raised their heads and looked at the owner of the sudden voice.

“Why are you here?”

The person standing next to me is the girl who really, really, really loves Hanamitsuji, Kadotani. Her eyes are dead cold. She’s no longer hiding her hostility toward me.

“There’s no club today because of exam week.”

Kadotani’s hair is tied into a tight ponytail. She looked around with her hands akimbo. After that, she spoke up with a face full of dissatisfaction.

“I’m really sorry for interrupting your study meeting, but I have something that I want to ask Sora, Nanamura-san, …and for some reason, Hoshigasaki-san sitting here too.”

“Eek! W-Why me!?”

Hoshigasaski moaned in pain and hugged Hanamitsuji’s arm. Kadotani’s eyes turned even sharper after seeing her like that. I feel dizzy with what I’m seeing right now.

Then, someone kept poking my elbow.

“Are all of your acquaintances girls?”

Shiramine mumbled that quietly. Only I could hear it. I don’t just want to deal with girls too, you know?


After that, Kadotani temporarily returned to her seat. She had been sitting behind me just then. We were just a screen apart.

I didn’t notice her at all. A serious girl is scary…

Kadotani took her school bag and drinks. She sat next to Hanamitsuji.

“Well, I’ll leave-“

I ignored everything and stood up. I planned to make this a “4 girls having fun” situation. However, Kadotani grabbed my arm tightly.

“Nanamura-san can’t go back yet.”

I’m not happy, even though a girl just touched me. Her grip is so strong that it hurts. Is it because she’s training in the Hard Tennis Club?

“I apologize for my sudden intrusion and scaring everyone. I’m Kadotani from Class F.”

“Uh, she’s my friend. Yep…”

Hanamitsuji is flanked by both Kadotani and Hoshigasaki. She introduced her apologetically. On the other hand, Kadotani is swimming in joy when Hanamitsuji introduces her as a friend.

“Ehehe, yeah, I’m Sora’s friend.”

After hearing that, Hoshigasaki and Shiramine looked at me. They seemed to be saving, “I don’t mind this, but what’s her relationship with you?”

Sure, you girls can ask that, but I'm not even sure what my relationship with Kadotani is.

“Well, we barely know each other.”

“Nanamura-san is my enemy.”


Let’s ignore what you said first. I don’t remember identifying you as such.

Kadotani hugged Hanamitsuji’s arm. She’s clearly not going to let go. The person being hugged smiled as her face twitched.

“By the way, why is Hinata here?”

“This is not worthy of mentioning. It’s just that I decided to protect Sora in secret after the club came to a pause, and then I came here. Hiya, what a coincidence.”

“How is this a coincidence!?”

Hanamitsuji complained that Kadotani casually revealed her stalking tendency, but she just brushed it off with chuckles.

I’m looking at a person who doesn’t know the line between usual and unusual…

“Hey, Hanamitsuji, think of a way to fix her. Aren’t you her guardian?”

“I’m not! Don’t just make things up!”

“Forget about that. There’s something more important.”

Kadotani decided to put her unusual acts aside. Her face looks like she’s a clean and proper person as she stares at Hanamitsuji and me.

“What’s the relationship between Sora and Nanamura-san? I’ve been observing since nearly an hour ago. You two are indeed really close. It doesn’t look like you two just met during the trip at all.”


It’s hard to answer her question. We have to go pretty deep if we wish to explain properly.

I raised my head. Hanamitsuji crossed her arms in confusion as she glanced at me non-stop. Do you think I can come up with an excuse with such a simple signal of yours?

After a moment of silence, Hanamitsuji looked at Hanamitsuji sternly again.

“I’m worried about Sora! Perhaps Nanamura-san did help Sora out during the trip. But is there any good about him aside from that?”

“But it’s also possible that those aren’t true…”

“There’s a reason why people are talking. Perhaps Nanamura-san has some issues on his own. Actually, I can tell that he’s ill-suited for society from our conversation.”

“…I cannot deny that.”


Please don’t just accept it, but even I think I’m not suited to school. Isn’t this pathetic?

“Please, Sora. Wake up. Even though he showed you his good side during the trip, don’t let him trick you! Guys are beasts once you take off their disguises! Please come with me.”

“Don’t just try to make her choose you!”

This girl is more of a beast than I do, right?

Therefore, Kadotani turned to Hoshigasaki, who just curled herself up into the corner.

“There’s something I still want to know. You are Hoshigasaki-san from Class A, right? I’ve heard that Nanamura-san did something disgusting to you.”

“Ah, well, …yes.”

Hoshigasaki gave up and nodded. She put her hand next to her mouth and mumbled.

“But isn’t this weird? Why are the victim Hoshigasaki-san and the perpetrator Nanamura-san in the same study meeting?”

Hoshigasaki stuttered. I’m also struggling with this terrible development. As Kadotani said, it’s weird for Hoshigasaki and me to be in the same study meeting.

What should I do?

We have to figure out a way to get through this, or Hoshigasaki’s secret will be revealed.

It took me a lot to protect Hoshigasaki in the classroom. It’ll be tragic if all of my efforts are wasted by this one question.

I scrambled my brain and came up with a proper explanation for this unreasonable situation.

“Kadotani. I’m actually not invited to this study meeting.”

“Huh? What does that mean?”

Kadotani questioned with a confused expression. I raised my finger.

“Like you.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand. There’s absolutely no common ground between Nanamura-san and me, right?

“You can still be this arrogant after all that stalking!?”

“The most is that we’re both organic?”

“Both of us took science. There should be at least more similarities, right!? Like how we share 99% of genes! Also, we are both warm-blooded and breathe with our lungs.”

“What exactly are you two fighting for?”

Shiramine interrupted us dumbfoundedly. That was close. Kadotani almost brought me off-topic.

I changed the mood and continued calmly.

“So, I heard Hoshigasaki was holding a study meeting with her friends, and I came here ignoring their rejection. You came here without an invitation, too, right?”

“I’m not. I’m not here for a study meeting. I just followed Sora here and sat behind her.”

“If that’s not a stalker, I don’t know what is.”

“Ugh, …forget about that. If what you said is true, why is Hoshigasaki-san still here?”

“So, this is the moment where Hanamitsuji shines.”


“Hoshigasaki is obviously not comfortable with this, but Hanamitsuji owes me a favor. I’m using Hanamitsuji to smoothen my relationship with Hoshigasaki. So? Aren’t I as dangerous as what the rumors say?”

I exhaled in triumph. Kadotani backed down for a bit. Hanamitsuji looked at me. Her eyes are filled with resentment. As for me, I forced myself to not look at her.

Kadotani has had animosity toward me since the start, anyway. I’m just lowering her opinion of me even further now. It’s nothing. I can trick her into forcing me to leave later and go home to chill. I’m so smart.

An ardent voice suddenly exploded in this silence when I came up with the plan.

“Ah, no! I-It’s not like what he said!”

All of us looked in the voice’s direction.

Hoshigasaki stood up from the corner of the seat. Her right hand is on her chest. She looked at us and spoke up again.

“Uh, Kadotani-san. What Nanamura said wasn't true.”

“Hey, stop saying nonsense.”

I quickly interrupted her, but Kadotani ignored me and looked at Hoshigasaki instead.

“Hoshigasaki-san’s is a victim of Nanamura-san, right? Why are you defending Nanamura-san? What’s going on?”

“Actually, Nanamura-“


I stopped Hoshigasaki when she was about to tell the truth. I signaled her that things would go bad if she continued.

No matter the truth, it’s already an acknowledged fact that I literally stalked Hoshigasaki in school. Thanks to that, this ended with this girl’s interests in light novels remaining a secret. If people know that’s not how our relationship is, the premise will definitely collapse.

Kadotani was about to accept the truth. What’s the point of rejecting everything at this stage?

However, Hoshigasaki just kept shaking her head.

“Alright, Nanamura. I really appreciate you. Really.”

If she said that, I had no right to interrupt. Hoshigasaki took a deep breath.

“Kadotani-san said Nanamura is my stalker, right? That’s actually not true.”

“…Can you explain?”


After that, Hoshigasaki explained everything. She loves to read light novels. She accidentally brought the novel to school, everyone knew, and I protected her.

Kadotani and the rest of us didn’t interrupt her. We listened to her.

“That’s everything. I’m sorry for lying to you.”

Kadotani paid attention to what she said. She put her hand on her chin and mumbled.

“I see. This makes more sense.”

“That’s why Nanamura isn’t a bad guy like the rumors said! It’s just that everyone misunderstands him because he helped me to keep the secret. It’s all my fault.”

“Hoshigasaki didn’t do anything wrong. I brought it to myself.”

Hoshigasaki is blaming herself too much. I interrupted her. I indeed brought it onto myself. I don’t want to see you taking all of the responsibilities.

“Well, then why are Sora and Nanamura-san in the study meeting?”

This time, Hanamitsuji gave up and sighed.

“If Hoshigasaki told the truth, I should no longer hide it…”

“You mean what Nanamura-san said isn’t true?”

“Yes, Nanamura-san and I already knew each other before the trip due to circumstances I can’t talk about.”


“So, right now, at least we’re close enough for me to invite him to this study meeting.”

“Uh, so, are you two going out?”

“That’s definitely not true.”

Hanamitsuji said that without hesitation.

I mean, that’s true, and I won’t complain. But didn’t she answer too quickly? …As for Kadotani, she gave me a sympathetic look.

“Don’t mind it, Nanamura-san.”

“That’s a big misunderstanding!”

Being rejected and pitied upon hurt my heart so much!

“I’m sorry, Hinata. I didn’t explain things to you properly.”

After Hanamitsuji said that, Kadotani quickly flailed her hands around.

“No, no, don’t worry about it, Sora. It’s more like I feel much better now that I know.”

“I’ll apologize and ask you one thing. I hope you can keep this a secret. Whether it’s about Hoshigasaki or me. Please don’t tell others about it.”

“Y-Yes! Of course! I won’t tell anyone!”

Kadotani answered with sportsmanship. She made a promise energetically. Even though she may lose it sometimes, Hanamitsuji and she trust each other.

Then, she turned to me and lowered her head gently.

“I’m sorry, Nanamura-san.”


“I didn’t confirm whether the rumors were true and blamed Nanamura-san mindlessly.”

“I’m also at fault for not clearing the misunderstanding with you. No need to blame yourself.”

“But I did say something really mean to Nanamura-san. …I’m really sorry.”

“I know. We can leave it here. Raise your head.”

Kadotani slowly raised her head and gently smiled. I’ve never seen her like this before. While she does give off a thorny impression, this is how she usually looks, right?

“It looks like Nanamura-san is a kind person. You can’t really judge a book by its cover.”

“The last part is unnecessary, right?”

“Sorry, I’m the type who doesn’t lie.”

“This explanation is also unnecessary.”

“Anyway, I’m relieved even if Nanamura-san and Sora are close now. Also, you two aren’t lovers, …but don’t you go get any bad ideas, okay?”

“Alright, alright.”

Kadotani prepared to leave after saying that. However, Hanamitsuji spoke up and kept her here. “Why not come study with us?”

“C-Can I?”

Kadotani looked at me worriedly. I nodded.

The so-called study meeting is used to get closer to friends half of the time, anyway. Now that we have reconciled, it’s not bad to study together.

“Well, I’ll obey rather than respect then. …Ahaha, it’s been a long time since I’ve last studied.”

Kadotani smiled in embarrassment as she put her stationeries on the table.


After that, within 10 minutes, I can already judge that Kadotani is so stupid that even Hoshigasaki has to abdicate. From what she said, her class and grade rank can be counted by two hands, starting from the bottom, that is.

…You know, there’s something you should prioritize more than being Hanamitsuji’s stalker. No, it’s not good to stalk people in the end.


We disbanded at 6 PM.

Everyone stopped when we were at the exit. At times like this, it’s hard for us to leave when no one speaks.

After an awkward moment of silence, Kadotani finally spoke up.

“Well, I’ll be leaving. I’m sorry for what happened, Nanamura-san.”

“It’s fine. See you.”

Hanamitsuji, Shiramine, and Kadotani are taking the bus. Hoshigasaki and I watched as they left for the station.

“Well, I have my bicycle.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“See you.”

After that, I turned around. However, I still can’t forget what Hoshigasaki said. I turned to her again.

“…I want to ask something.”


I hesitated and wondered whether I should ask her at this stage. However, Hoshigasaki’s expression is very calm right now. She clearly knows what my question is.

I still struggle with caring for others. However, it’s definitely not right to just pretend nothing happened.

“Why did you tell Kadotani you like light novels? We’ve been keeping it a secret till now.”

Even though Hanamitsuji, Shiramine, and I know it, it was a gamble for her to tell Kadotani. Who knows whether that girl can keep secrets, after all.

We could’ve ended it if she had just played along with me and tricked Kadotani. Yet, Hoshigasaki decided to give up this option and told the truth. I still don’t understand the reason behind Hoshigasaki’s action.

Hoshigasaki slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then, she gently put her hands on her chest and closed them.

That looks like a ritual to solidify her determination.

“Nanamura, do you have a moment? There’s a park nearby. Let’s talk over there, shall we?”

I nodded silently.


The sunset is about to fade away into the orange sky. We’re on a narrow path within the residential area now. I’m pushing my bicycle just a few steps behind Hoshigasaki.

“I didn’t know there’s a park here.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty close to my house. I’ve even played here when I was little.”

The park we’re in is indeed not far from Hoshigasaki’s house. I randomly chose some tree shade and put my bicycle there. After that, I sat with Hoshigasaki on a bench under the tree.

There’s no one in this residential park. The vending machine is standing in the corner all alone. Our shadows are being cast on the bench by the sunset.

Phew, Hoshigasaki took a deep breath as if she was containing her nervousness. She looked to the sky.

I followed her and raised my head as well. The western sky burns like fire, while it’s darker in the east. I can see the color of the universe at the edge.

“Well, where were we?”

“Right, why did you tell Kadotani the truth?”

“This is all because of Nanamura in every way.”


She said it was my fault at the start. I don’t understand. I just said something appropriate to solve the crisis at hand. …Also, what does she mean in every way?

Hoshigasaki didn’t look at me. She mumbled.

“You know, I’ve been a timid person ever since I was little. I’ve said this before as well, right? However, onii-chan is my total opposite. He pulled me up.”

Even though I’m confused with Hoshigasaki’s sudden backstory, I should still listen for the time being.

“I got slightly better at socializing in middle school. With that, I’m much more outgoing after getting into high school…”

She stopped at this point and touched the ground with the tip of her shoes. The pebbles are rustling under. This noise is followed closely by her.

“At that time, didn’t Nanamura come to save me when Sakado started trouble? I think this is very important, you know?”

At this point, even I fall into indescribable emotions whenever I think of that. I only helped Hoshigasaki because I went through my last high school life.

It’s because the memory of not helping Hoshigasaki last time is forever engraved into my brain.

It’s still a needle in my heart. Even though this is irrelevant to the Hoshigasaki before me right now, I just can’t control my emotions. Also, I’m not mature enough to kill my emotions with reason.

In the end, I just lied to myself.

“I really brought that onto me.”

“Ahaha, perhaps.”

Hoshigasaki chuckled and continued.

“I think I could’ve never done that if I were you.”

I urged her silently. She slowly pressed on.

“Prez is amazing as well. She immediately brought you into her group when Nanamura struggled to find someone.”

Indeed, it’s rare for people to have clear goals and decisively work toward them as Shiramine does. Most people are aimless and not reliable. They just change based on the situation to have an easier time.

“Looking at you two, I always think I can never do things like that.”

I don’t know how I should answer her sincere feelings.

Awkward silence radiated in the humid park. The quiet calls of the insects formed an ethereal BGM.

After that, Hoshigasaki poured strength into her hands. She clenched her fists on her lap.

“But that’s not all. I want to be like you two.”

Her tone sounds even more determined.

It seems that she isn’t saying that to me. She’s admonishing herself instead.

“Nanamura, you tried to help me today too, right?”

“But you still ended up telling the truth.”

Hoshigasaki laughed in confusion after hearing my answer.

“I was really happy at that time, but I don’t want to be protected like this anymore.”


“Actually, I’ve been thinking about this more and more since I heard the rumors between Sora-chan and Nanamura. I have to change myself!”

This sentence is truly plain and ordinary.

Humans want to deny the status quo and hope for growth. It’s a natural and obvious feeling. It even seems cliché to bring this up in the modern era. Hoshigasaki must feel the same too.

However, why-

Why did I feel as if I was struck by lightning after hearing what Hoshigasaki said?

Hoshigasaki’s fists clenched even harder.

She must have been like that when talking to Kadotani in the family restaurant, right? This thought appeared in my head.

“Nanamura-san, you tried to paint yourself as the bad person to convince Kadotani-san, right? The same thing would’ve definitely happened if I had done nothing. I once again felt just how amazing Nanamura is. I can never sacrifice myself for others and give up like that.”

“…That’s all? That’s why you told Kadotani the truth?”

“Yes, I don’t want to be like this anymore. This feeling is so strong that even I’m surprised. I already spoke up before I could even react.”

Hoshigasaki moved her waist and got slightly closer to me.

“Nanamura, do you think I can do it? Do you think I can change myself?”

Her face is painted with a tinge of redness. It took my eyes in an instant.

“You definitely can, Hoshigasaki.”

She showed a relieved smile after hearing my sincere answer.

“I see. Glad to hear that.”

“…You’re amazing, Hoshigasaki.”

“I-It’s nothing. Right now, I don’t even know how I should change and what I need to do. …Even so, I don’t want to stay like this anymore.”

“I see. I’ll cheer you on.”

I added, “Even though I don’t know if I can be of any help.” Hoshigasaki angrily blamed me, “Don’t say that.”

Hoshigasaki stood up. She took a few steps forward before turning back.

“Thank you. I can work even harder after knowing your feelings.”

Hoshigasaki looks incredibly charming under the sunset. I subconsciously closed my eyes.


I bid farewell to Hoshigasaki in front of the park, got on my bicycle, and went home.

I know where Hoshigasaki lives. If we’re in a light novel, perhaps I should’ve said, “I’ll walk you home.”

However, it’s quite difficult to say that to a girl in reality. Will she be afraid if I do say that? What if she says, “No, my house is there…?" I would be disappointed for days.

I passed the family restaurant we were just studying in. I rode along the bus line toward my high school. The lights from the vehicles are fading in and out across the slightly dim city. It looks like an out-of-season light show.

My feet are pressing against the pedals. The air during the night seems to be chipping away the unnecessary thoughts in my head.

I think I understand now.

In the past, I had always thought that I had to protect Hoshigasaki.

To put it bluntly, she was someone I should’ve been protecting.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that I’ve seen a future where Hoshigasaki dropped out of school. I thought I was someone special. When Sakado and Kadotani were there, I was afraid that the same thing would happen if I didn’t solve the crisis and protect her. I was afraid of not doing anything.

After that incident, I’ve been sinking in regret for not helping Hoshigasaki in my previous high school life. I was always thinking someone had to protect Hoshigasaki.

I unilaterally bounded interpersonal relationships as giving to others.

This is definitely belittling Hoshigasaki’s determination.

Conceit, and arrogant.

I couldn’t help but smile bitterly. I suddenly feel so embarrassed right now.

I’m already not a light novel MC. I’m not even someone who can save others. Come to think of it, I’ve never solved any problems smartly.

In conclusion, it makes more sense for a loner like me to be protected.

I was already near my house when I snapped out of it. The shining decorations of the package shop near the crossroad brightened up the dark road as if it were a light in the deep sea.

The traffic lights changed, and I stopped my bicycle. The pedestrian light at the side just turned green. I’ll be here for a while, right?

I looked at the roads dazedly. I remembered Hoshigasaki’s expression when she said, “I want to change myself.”

Her face is full of determination. That’s the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen from her. That has nothing to do with her facial features. It was something from her heart that made me have that feeling.

Hoshigasaki, she can definitely do it.

Her willingness to change is manifested in her heart. Even if I wasn’t there, and even if Shiramine wasn’t there, I think she can definitely carry the same thought sometime in the future.

The traffic lights started sparkling before me.

I held the grip as my feet pressed against the pedals.

I was enlightened when Hoshigasaki said, “I want to change myself.” At that time, perhaps I didn’t truly understand what it means for a person to change.

When I was a loner, I already thought personalities and attitudes were set in stone. That didn’t cause any issues. I identified everyone in my school as humans who aren’t me. There’s nothing wrong with it too. It’s because the more superficial the mistakes are, the less I’m willing to interact with people.

However, now that I know Hanamitsuji, Hoshigasaki, and Shiramine, I can’t carry the same attitude I’ve had previously, right?

Humans do change.

I can always feel the influence of my surroundings, or I should say it’s something inside my heart. They are all changing constantly.

I can’t treat people as NPCs that give specific reactions after I do certain actions. No one can guarantee what happens today will be the same tomorrow and the day after.

It’s just like when Hanamitsuji and I argued during the trip. Our mindsets conflicted with each other, which caused me to change for just a bit.

The mindsets and emotions in humans who aren’t me vary over time. Also, there can be subjective changes as well.

I finally realized it after hearing what Hoshigasaki said.

The signal changed. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the pedal.

Can everything change toward a good direction? I prayed in my heart.

However, the logical part of my brain clearly knows life is definitely not that easy.

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