Please Let Go Of Me Now

Chapter 3: 2

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Chapter 2


“I’ll give it back.”

He kissed her neck as he brushed the back of his hand down her thigh.

Even though she was drunk, her senses were awake, and her knees closed quickly. Lily brought her hands together and bit her lip.

‘It’s okay. It’s okay.’

Lily repeated the same words in her mind like before.

‘I only need to endure it once.’

Then, as the emperor had said, everything would be returned. Her father’s title, and her monotonous daily life.

Lily finally opened her squeezed knees and released the strength from her thighs.

When the space opened, the emperor licked her long, straight fingers with his tongue. He covered her plumped soft breasts with his hands.

Then the hand came down the narrowly opened gap and entered, rubbing the pink flesh.


The smooth fingers slid downward like a snake’s tongue, and the moist valley only trembled, unable to close or open.

A sharp pain ripped through the valley as the raw stimulation tingled below her navel.


Lily bit her lip to keep from making a sound as her body twisted from the pain she had experienced for the first time in her life.

Tears leaked out from her eyes as she felt the vivid touch.

“Wait. Don’t move.”

Holding her lower stomach with one hand, the emperor turned his wrist and pushed in.

‘How much longer must I endure this?’

The slippery fingers pushed in and out. Each time it came out, the humiliation Lily had to endure doubled.

When the fingers that had been inserted melted away, her lower belly, which had been hardening for a long time, relaxed. Her stiff neck also fell into the pillow.

Before she had time to calm her breathing, Lily raised herself up on her elbows.

“Is it over?”

In response to her ignorant question, the emperor rubbed his sticky fingers, which were glowing red.

He grinned. There was even a strange sense of joy on the corners of his mouth.

Lily lifted the edge of her lips, mimicking his expression.


She had to get home.

She had to get out of here as soon as possible. That one thought was enough to keep her going until now, so she turned her shoulders without hesitation.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to go back to my father.”


“He must be worried about me by now…”

Perhaps it was a habit, but Lily slurred her words strangely.

“So you’re leaving? Because your father is worried?”

At Lily’s strong nod, the too imposing man was speechless.

He was silent for a while, then stood up and tilted his head.

‘Should I laugh? Should I be angry?’

He took a quick look down at his erected manhood and chuckled to himself, as if it were funny.

As if she thought the permission was granted, Lily got out of bed, past the emperor.

She scanned the room, even though she didn’t have any clothes to wear, she bowed down and greeted him.

“I’ll correct what I said.”

The emperor’s laughter disappeared in an instant.

“It was not even close to being done.”

He grabbed Lily’s wrists and tossed her onto the bed. He came up to her when the body that followed him still hadn’t been able to turn halfway around.

“If you’ve come this far on your own, you’ll have to see to the end.”

He held Lily’s two hands with one hand and lifted over her head, while with the other hand pushed her pelvis down. He raised her knees and spread her thighs and settled in the middle. Then he whispered in a low voice.

“Since I have brought you here, I will offer you this level of hospitality. I’m sure your father is worried about the daughter he sold for gambling debts… right?”

He grabbed her face with both hands and thrust in with all his strength, the two flesh were deeply engaged.


Lily’s throat, unable to scream, twisted like a wisteria.

It was pain, pain.

The pain of burning flesh with a red-hot stick.

‘I think I’m going to die.’

The breath in her throat choked and jerked as if it would break now.

“Why, you don’t like this either?”

The emperor growled low, thrusting in and out.

“Are you that dissatisfied?”

Despite the clenched teeth, the pounding continued and the two flesh making dirty noises.

“Breathe. Keep doing that while looking at me.”

Like teaching a child how to breathe, the emperor repeatedly took long breaths in and out. Lily opened her mouth with eyes that were still teary.

“Ah, once….”

Only once.

Obviously, her father said so.

He told her to do as she was told, unconditionally, without complaining.

Lily followed him and took a deep breath.

Her breasts, wet with sweat, rose and fell in the man’s arms.

“You’re good.”

The emperor brought their foreheads together so Lily couldn’t turn her face away, and he thrust his hard manhood harder than before.


“Are you crazy? You want me to live as a baroness?”

Lily pricked up her ears at the cracking scream.

She had been hiding in the corner watching her mother and father fight.

“If you didn’t do anything extravagant…! With that money, I hired a champion… I could have won…!”

Her father, who was lying on the floor, jabbed his fingers in the air in rapid succession.

“What? Is it my fault that you lost the duel trial now? Who was the one who picked the fight from the beginning? Who was the one who gambled and was taken to court!”

Her mother, who had closed the suitcase, yelled loudly. As if that wasn’t enough, she threw down the satchel she was carrying.

“Oh my god!”

Perhaps the shock of being hit in the face was too much, so her father jumped up. He got up and lazily got on all fours.

“Kaa, Camilla, that’s not what I’m talking about… Huh, what am I, what am I supposed to do if you go like this…”

“What do you want me to do!”

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Lily’s ears tingled. But it was a noise she was used to hearing.

“You lost your title, your fortune had been taken away, and all you have left is this snot in one corner of the house, and even that, you were going to put in Count Smith’s mouth?”

So, Young Master Allen still has our release…”

”You idiot! You have been married for a long time and you say that? My mouth hurts when I talk to you. Get out of my way! Don’t block the road.”

“Camilla, I won’t move!”

“You’re doing it till the end?”

“Oh, Camilla, you’re all I have!”

The father ended up getting punched in the side by the mother. He fell to the floor after the beating.

Lily felt sorry for her father as he rolled around grabbing his swollen cheeks, but her mother didn’t seem to. With no time to stall, Camilla gathered her things and got into the carriage. She was about to leave, but as she opened the window and suddenly spat in her daughter’s direction.

“So there’s nothing wrong with gypsy b*tch! You’re your father’s daughter!”

Lily was even familiar with this, so she waved at the carriage, which was moving away from her eyes.

“Take care mother……She’s gone….”

The mother said she would go and go every day, and then she really went.  She cursed and cursed at Lily like that. It was rather good.

Lily roughly covered the spit on her feet with dirt, grabbed her skirt, and went up to the attic.


After her mother ran away from home, Baron Paulman lived every day drinking.

In fact, everything related to gambling, although one might think that he was a pitiful man.

‘I should have called for seven instead of six’, such mundane noises.

Of course, his wife’s name came out from time to time.

“Camilla, how could you leave me? If you want to go, spit out all my money and go.”

After a brief sea of tears, there was always a bad word in the end.

“That gypsy girl! It’s all because of her. That girl….you cursed me…. my family!”

(*he is cursing at Lily)

It was normal for her father to curse and grind his teeth, and sometimes he threw things at her or swung his cane. The cursing  was getting worse by the day, and only the people around her felt like they were dying because of it.

In the meantime, Lily tried to maintain a peaceful daily life. As she’s always done, she’s been gardening and reading books.

Strangely enough, her father came to visit her at dawn that day and made a fuss.

It was an unexpected visit, but Lily was not surprised and opened the door. It was her natural personality.

“My only daughter, where are you ……?”

Several of the servants who had not yet left helped the drunk, staggering Baron and laid him on the couch.

“It’s all over! The glory of the Paulman family and the engagement with the Smith’s. Even my wife abandoned me….It’s all over.”

As the constant lament continued, Lily yawned loudly and rubbed her eyelids.

The baron exhaled vainly, looking at his daughter, who resembled him and seemed to be somewhat lacking.

“Lily, you need to comfort your father in times like these.”

Another muffled sigh.

The Baron, who was lying on the couch, barely lifted his head, his hands shaking.

“Come, my only daughter. Give me a hug.”

It was said that when a person makes a sound that he has never heard before, he has few days left to die.

Despite the thought in her mind, Lily came and sat next to her father without complaint.

“Well… the rumor about the Emperor… you heard it and know it too, don’t you?”

Lily shook her head half-heartedly to a random question.

“That’s right. My Lily doesn’t know. My my.”

It was impossible for a girl who was born and raised only in a mansion to know about the world.

While Lily was yawning profusely, her father suddenly dropped his chin and let out a cry.

“Lily! What are we supposed to do! Huh?”

And then, with a snap, he grabbed her hand.

“That emperor. The nobles weren’t enough, so now commoners and lowly people say he’s going to take them away unconditionally if he needs a woman!”


“If it’s just about having a physical act with a woman they’ll definitely be willing…..!”


When Lily replied it didn’t have anything to do with her, the Baron immediately lost all his strength.

Because Lily was raised and hidden from the world so she was ignorant of everything, so there was no one to blame. It just made his heart ache.

“I don’t think I can live like this. Yes, your mother is right, you should just die!”

Lily didn’t know where he got that kind of power from, but her father stood up and strangled her. She choked and her eyes turned white.

“I was born a noble, and I intend to die a noble! Lily! You’re coming with me!”

“Father, what is wrong with you!”

“I won’t die alone,” her father said, releasing his hands, and Lily shook them off in surprise.

She ran to avoid the crazy father and hid in the corner behind the bed.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I can’t believe I’m such an ugly father….”

Uncertain of his consciousness, his father squeezed out tears that did not come out through his swollen eyes. Then, as was his habit, he said, lying down on the floor.

“But I had no choice either.”

He was an incomprehensible drunk.



“My dear Lily. Father has something to say.”

The Baron beckoned for her to come over, but Lily was still just hiding behind the bedpost. Helplessly, the Baron opened his mouth.


As the conversation died down, a strange silence fell over the room.




That was when her father came running in quickly, grabbing Lily’s skirt.

“Huh, just once! Please help me. I’m begging you….”

She was a fallen daughter, anyway.

She was young and slender, so she could be sold for a good price.

“In that case, wouldn’t this one be better?”

Sluggishly, he clutched the hem of Lily’s skirt and shook it again.

“Who gave birth to you, who raised you? Huh?”

They say once a parent, always a parent.

“Can’t you do this as a child’s duty?”

If only she could regain her family’s honor once. If only she could be remembered as the proud daughter who kept her father alive….

Lily bowed her head, wiping the water off her nose.

“…I will do it.”

Her drunk father fell to the wooden floor.

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