Pocket Monster University

Chapter 4: Psychic Powers and How to Use/Abuse Them

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“How is that, Master? Feels good, right?”

“Fuck… it’s so big. I tried resisting all night, but I just can’t… this cock is too much…”

Lina and Yang were in my bed, their hot breath blowing on my morning wood. One of them was using her tongue on my balls, the other was swirling it around the tip, but with the covers on, I couldn’t see who was doing what. They were both so warm and soft, their breasts squished up on my thighs.

“I love your cock, Master. The way you pounded me in the shower last night… it broke me. I need you now. I need to serve you. Master~!”

“Is that the kind of girl you like? Want me to be your slave too? I’ll even let you turn me into a pokegirl then! How about it, Master? Just imagine how big my tits will be if I changed.”

“Yeah… I like the sound of that. You can both…” I pulled the covers away to reveal the two beauties, but instead of Lina and Yang being under those bumps, it was the dark void of space. As soon as I realized I wasn’t lying on my mattress, I started falling, plummeting and flipping end over end, faster and faster.

As I stabilized, I saw I was falling towards some kind of angry dark purple star. And then the star blinked, an inky black pupil forming at its center, looking right towards me. I screamed as I tried to resist being pulled into it, but I fell into the blackness and felt pure cold as it swallowed me up.

And then I was back in my bed.

I stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds, then pulled off the covers. No hot girls underneath. Sitting up, I saw Yang had already left, even though she must have gone to sleep after I did. Made sense, though. I bet she was up at the crack of dawn every day.

I took out my phone to check and see how much time I had before the assembly with a speech by the Headmistress.

Let’s see… if I skipped breakfast, skipped a shower, just threw on some pants and ran at full tilt… I’d still miss it by more than two hours.

“Damn it.”

I climbed down out of the bed, then considered my options. I might have overslept, but it was only 10:30AM. Maybe I could still catch one morning class and all the afternoon, I just needed to…

Hold on.

Before doing anything else, I released Lina out of her ball. She was just as naked as she’d been in the shower last night, and as she stretched and yawned, I was reminded of the morning wood that hadn’t been taken care of yet.

“What’s up, bro?”

I thought about averting my eyes, but if she wasn’t ashamed of it, I wasn’t going to be either.

... I did still try to maintain eye contact as much as I could. Which might not have been very much.

“I overslept and missed the assembly. Do you know where I should go to pick up my schedule?”

She tilted her head at me. “Schedule?”

“Yeah. My class schedule. It’s the first day and I don’t want to miss any more than I have.”

“Ohhh…” She smiled at me, then sat her naked ass down in my chair, spinning around in it. “Yeah, no. We don’t have those here.”

“...how does that work?”

Lina came to a stop in the chair, pulled her legs up, then spread them so they were resting against the arms of the chair. My body was thinking she was inviting me to breed her and it was responding in kind, but my mind remembered she’d said she was off limits until the weekend, which meant this was just more of her usual teasing, even if she’d taken it up a level.

Still though. That pussy of hers was so smooth, the skin around the labia a blushing pink.

“Got that?”

“Huh?” Damn it, had she been saying something?

She must have from the way she rolled her eyes at me, pulling her feet up into the chair and hugging her legs close, blocking off my view of her pussy and most of her chest. “I said, you’re not here to get a standard education. They call it Pocket Monster University, but there are only two reasons you’re here. To learn how to control your powers and…”

Lina gave me an impish smile. “Actually, I’ll let you figure out the other reason for yourself. But either way, you’re the one in charge of your schedule. If you want to improve in an ability, head to one of the gyms. Get some friends on your level and work together with them, like last night with that musclehead. If you’ve got questions, find a Mentor. It’s really not too complicated.”

Not that complicated? Sure, if only because they were leaving it all up to the students. It’s like they almost didn’t care about whether or not the students here did well.

“Fine. Then I guess I just need to pick something for today. Maybe get some food before—”

If you can hear my voice, come to the Psychic Gym within the next fifteen minutes to earn two credits.

Lina must have heard the voice too, because we both jerked our heads in the voice's direction, somewhere near the center of the campus.

“Did you hear—”

I repeat, if you can hear my voice, come to the Psychic Gym within the next fifteen minutes to earn two credits.

“Well, hey! You heard that? Looks like you’re not going to be stuck at level 1 forever after all. And it looks like you’ve got something to do. So if you don’t need me, I think I’ll be going now. Haha, good luck!” Before I could ask any other questions, Lina was right back in her ball. Even when I pressed down on the button, it was like it was broken. Apparently, she could refuse to come out when she wanted to. But why did she want to stay inside? Had she recognized that voice?

I washed my face off in the sink, brushed, then threw on some clothes and as I thought about it. According to my Mother’s story, my father had some really impressive psychic abilities, and it had been there on my phone along with the Fire ability. Being able to hear a voice inside of my head, did that mean that mine were coming in?

With it being my first time exploring the main building, it took me a while to find the Psychic Gym, so I had less than two minutes to go before I stepped inside. As soon as I did, there was a ding on my phone.

Congratulations! You earned two credits!

I didn’t have any idea what those were for—a special currency to spend on special items? A mark of my grade, with X needed to graduate?--but seeing numbers go up was always fun. This was definitely not what I had expected from a “gym”, though.

The center of the room appeared like a normal enough classroom, four columns of tables that went five rows deep, each with two chairs behind them, facing a standard wooden desk and a standing white board.

Around that was what appeared to be the campus’s library, with a reception area near the entrance and curved bookshelves forming rings around the standard classroom, with a circular loft overhead containing yet more books.

I wasn’t the first to arrive, with some students sitting in their chairs, others relaxing on top of the tables, and one girl who was on the second floor reading with her back to the class. What really caught my eye was the teacher. I was used to the other trainers looking attractive. I was at least familiar with the idea that pokegirls were bombshell exhibitionists. But this woman looked more like a dominatrix than teacher!

She was wearing a long-sleeved, high-collared red top with gold trim that snugly supported her large (I mentally amended the description to medium, after comparing her to the other women I’d seen on campus so far) breasts and a matching skirt that had a hemline so high I was sure I’d see her panties if she bent over even the slightest amount. Her smooth stomach was partially exposed, partially because she seemed to be wearing a skin-tight, skin-thin shiny black bodysuit underneath her outfit.

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I wondered if I could see her nipples through that bodysuit. I decided I was going to enjoy this education to its fullest.

As I headed towards the tables, the teacher called out to me. “There we are. Cutting it awfully close, aren’t we, Miss Hachiko?”

Miss Hachiko?

Then I realized her gaze wasn’t at me, but slightly behind me, where there was another straggler who’d made even worse time than I had.

“Better late than never, right?” The almost-tardy student deflected as she caught up with me, giving me a slightly worrying smile. She looked rather normal compared to my roommates, wearing a baggy blue cardigan that looked like it was part of a school uniform and a skirt that was far too short to ever be part of any decent school’s dress code. Her hair was colorful, black on the outside but a pink interior, but what really caught my eye was the choker she was wearing. It had a brass heart-shaped padlock in the middle of it, the key to which was presumably the one dangling from a necklace she was wearing.


“Oh nice. I was wondering how long it’d take before I had a class with an actual guy in it. I’m calling dibs.” She laughed as she grabbed my hand and pulled me after her.

“Yeah, they seem to be in small supply. The name is Ben, by the way,” I said as I let her lead me.

“Hachiko, like she said,” she answered, giving my hand a squeeze. I’d never been unpopular growing up. I’d even dated the captain of the cheerleading team back in high school for a time, for what that’s worth. But it seemed like things were almost too easy at this school.

Together, we headed down to the center of the room and took a seat with the rest, all the students getting into a seat as they prepared to listen to the teacher.

“Good, good. Welcome, all of you. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Sabrina Natsume, leader of the Psychic Gym.” I saw a purple light emanate from the teacher’s hand, and a second later one of the markers picked itself up, writing out the name on the whiteboard.

“As the Headmistress explained to all of you earlier, this school doesn’t normally have regularly scheduled classes. All of you are going to manifest your powers in ways that won’t exactly match anyone else, and your number one priority should be getting those under control. Right now, these next few months, they’re going to be the greatest crucible of your life. You either learn to control yourself, or you’re going to find a trainer to control you instead.”

“But you lot have something else to worry about. Unless you came in here by complete coincidence—” the teacher’s eyes glanced towards the girl on the second floor, and I followed the gaze, seeing that she wasn’t paying attention to any of it. “—then you heard my psychic message. All of you have potential. Psychic abilities are rare even among trainers, and the ability is going to offer you temptations that others want. It’s my job to drill it into your head just what a terrible idea abusing your gifts would be.”

Whatever, hag.

I sucked in my breath, and I wasn’t the only one. The voice had gone off in my head just like Sabrina’s earlier message, but the voice was different this time. And whoever had said it was either supremely confident in her abilities, or…

“Miss Cassandra, is it? Perfect, a volunteer.” Sabrina smiled as the purple glow returned to her hand. An instant later, one of the students stood up. No, she was lifted up, her feet floating inches over the floor as she slowly floated next to Sabrina.

“Fuck, what’s your damage, bitch? Let me down!” My eyes widened as the student actually threw a punch at the teacher. It didn’t land, and for her trouble, she had her hands forced down to her sides, everything below her neck seeming to be paralyzed.

She was attractive for sure, with breasts too big to fit her white blouse properly and the edges of her pink bra showing. Platinum hair, pierced ears, and more makeup than most of the girls I’d seen.

“Swear to god, going to knock—” The rest was cut off, her mouth closing, and now only her eyes conveying just how furious she was.

“That’s better. Now, before any of you misunderstand, I’m not going to punish Miss Cassandra for anything she just said. When she interrupted me before, those were her private thoughts. And for fledgling psychics like yourselves, keeping your thoughts to yourselves is going to be one of the first things that you learn, especially from other psychics. At the same time, listening in on someone’s mind without their permission is something else you’re going to avoid. Everyone is entitled to the privacy of their own thoughts, and they’ll be judged on their actions alone.”

“That said…” Sabrina snapped her fingers, and the loose black ribbon on Cassandra’s blouse began to pull itself apart, followed by the buttons, revealing her nicely sculpted tan skin and breasts that were being tightly constrained by her bra. “I needed someone to demonstrate the dangers of psychic abilities, and it’s not like there are ever many volunteers.”

Another snap and the bra went loose and was psychically pulled away, Cassandra’s milk chocolate brown nipples exposed to the entire class. “Now then. This is the simplest way you could abuse your powers. Brute force. It should go without saying that most of you should know better than to forcibly restrain or harm another student outside of a Battle. Every Trainer should know better. Every person should know better.”

“But our abilities allow us to be a little bit more subtle. For instance.” Sabrina’s eyes glowed with that same purple light as her hands before, and the same glow was shining in Cassandra’s eyes, only dimmer.

Abruptly, Sabrina dropped the student back to her own feet. Cassandra stumbled, then rubbed at her head. “Ow… what’s with the headache, Mistress?”

“That’s just a side effect of me rewriting your personality, dear. But isn’t there something else you should be worrying about right now?” Sabrina said sweetly.

“Huh? Like… oh! Sorry, sorry! I didn’t even realize, Mistress!” Cassandra blushed with shame, then immediately tossed off her unbuttoned blouse, before bending down to slip off her skirt and panties, leaving her dressed in nothing but her socks, shoes, and jewelry. “Unruly slavegirls like me don’t deserve clothing.”

“Good girl. Now, I want you to take this marker and start applying appropriate graffiti for a worthless slave like yourself.” Sabrina said as she floated the same marker she’d used to write her name on the whiteboard to Cassandra.

“Yes, Mistress. Of course, Mistress! I live the serve, Mistress!” And just like that, the gyaru got to work, writing BITCH and SLUT across her chest to start, then continuing down her torso, thighs, and arms.

Like the rest of the class, I felt so nervous it was hard to breathe. All we could do was watch the demonstration in front of us. It was definitely wrong… but that kind of power; it had a dark appeal to me too. Something that I hoped Sabrina or the other students weren’t picking up on right now.

“You see, class, psychics can toy with a person’s mind. Their perception. Memory. Values, Relationships. Personality. It’s all a canvas for you to play on. And the temptation to do so is going to be incredible. But let me warn you, there will be consequences. Every Sunday, I and the rest of the staff will perform a psychic sweep to look for the traces of control on every student and faculty member within the school.”

Sabrina grinned, and I felt she was looking right at me. “Should we find that anyone has been tampered with, we will purge that influence from their mind, restore any lost memories, and place a psychic shield on them for twenty-four hours that will prevent more tampering. Furthermore, whoever did that tampering will be forced to pay one credit from their account.”

For a long few seconds, the only sound was Cassandra’s marker defiling her skin. Finally, one in the front row wearing glasses raised her hand. “Miss Natsume… surely there’s more to it than that, right? It’s like you’re practically telling us to… oh...”

The realization was dawning on the rest of us. With a cost so low, the teacher was effectively telling us that we were free to use our abilities on other students.

“Now, before you get too excited, there are a few exceptions. If we find that any of you treated another student truly sadistically, more than this—” She jerked her thumb towards Cassandra, “—then I’ll be paying you a visit to fix that part of you. No putting out cigarettes on someone’s forehead, no making them lick the floor. You get the idea. More importantly though, no forcing them to use their abilities while under your control. If a Trainer transforms into a Pokegirl and your psychic residue is found on her, you’ll be under investigation, and nine times out of ten, that means you’re going to share her fate. The world already has too many pokegirls and not nearly enough trainers.”

“And it should go without saying, but remember. Actions have consequences, and with great power, there comes great responsibility. And don’t think that I’ve told you all there is to know about the ethics of mind control here at PMU. But enough about that. Since you’re all here, let’s get onto something more practical. Each of you, pick a partner. For the next hour, try to convince the other to put one of these on.” A box floated down from the second-floor loft, and inside there was a pile of black chokers with brass-colored heart-shaped padlocks. Just like the one Hachiko was wearing. “Oh right. Feel free to participate too, Miss Cassandra.”

The glowing purple light in Cassandra’s eyes snuffed out, replaced with a burning fury, as she shot up to her feet. She wound her fist back, ready to strike, “You fucking…! Nngh… whatever.”


Like before, everyone in the class heard the thought, though whether it was intentional or not was anyone’s guess. With a sigh of frustration, Cassandra picked her clothes up off the floor and went to work getting dressed again.

Poor girl. But I had worries of my own. Several of the girls were looking right at me, Hachiko especially, and I needed to choose one of them to practice with. And how the hell was I going to convince any of them, when my Psychic skill was still at… hold on. I’d heard both Sabrina’s message and Cassandra’s loose thoughts. Did that mean…? I took out my phone and checked my stats.

Benjamin Krimson

  • Level: 2
  • Skills: Fire (+0), Psychic (+1)
  • Abilities: Born in Flames, UNKNOWN 1, UNKNOWN 2
  • Corruption: 1%
  • Harem: 0/X
  • Balance: 9892$
  • XP: 0
  • Credits: 2

I noticed the new stats for XP and Credits, but what really caught my attention was the +1 next to Psychic. So it cost one XP to level up a skill? Or did the rate vary? Would it cost more to get it to level two? The whole thing was leaving me with too many questions, but for now, there were two more pressing questions.

Who was I going to choose, and how was I going to deal with them?

Thanks for reading! If you want to read more of my work (including a whole bunch more of Pocket Monster University) you can find all of the relevant links here: https://linktr.ee/griztorc

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