Pokemon- PokeZoa

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Then we were led down the mountain like place leaving with the bag AND a pokeball coming from the flock and said pokeball is a feather ball which makes flying type pokemon gain a bit of a power up coming from mister krook, we continued our little adventure reaching a town called Gallad Town which where Mister krook and me separated ways while also giving me PokeDollars and His contact number

As i was led to the Pokecenter i saw that a Beginner Trainer Tournament will be held on an account of a certain professor, the rewards for the Tournament was a bit big which i liked and since i already planned on joining the tournament me and rufflet have to train really hard to win! I already know what kind of training i want for the both of us


a pink haired girl stood in front of me, and what have i found! It’s the pokemon Nurse Joy!!... just kidding

“Hello miss… uhm can you help me, my pokemon fought a little bit too hard this day and now he is a little bit beat down”

“Ohh… then please hand me his pokeball and ill patch him up”

“Thank you… uhm”

“Fufuf how rude of me… you can call me nurse joy like everyone else”

“Okay thank you again nurse joy!”

“You’re welcome, come back a little bit later”

As i exit the pokemon center to buy pokeballs and potions with a few berries and some gear for my adventure, i saw an interesting thing happen

“Please take care of this pokemons”

“Im sorry mister Krook… they aren’t trainable… they are too weak for me now”

“I… ive helped you ground up!”

“Mister krook… im sorry they eat too much! Even for my skuntank, training applins aren’t”

“…Okay you just have to give back some funds and the basic gears that my company lent to you”

“…okay thank you again mister Krook for understanding”

I saw mister krook slum in the ground sitting in the corner and looking really downed…

“Uhm are you okay mister krook”

“Ahh kid… you’re here… yeah… it s just i really tried to keep the company”

You are reading story Pokemon- PokeZoa at novel35.com

“ohh what happened?”

“You see my company sells Applins as the main face and the guy who left is the sponsor of my company… and… now we don’t have anyone anymore”

“Wait is that the only reason for the sponsor?”

“Well no, its also because we want to find another taste that is a good matchup for applins, and it was said that the most suitable flavor for applins could make the applin stronger”

“Ohh… and im guessing that he didn’t find one? And the applin became a burden to him”

“Basically yes…”

“I can see that…”

“SO kid do you want to… uhm be a sponsored trainer”

“…well i want to talk a bit more for it”

“Ohh okay then lets go to a restaurant and talk about it”

I followed Mister krook and then talk about some of the important details and much more and in the end we will see again tomorrow to sign the papers, I came back to the center and get back my rufflet and ate with him, then slept really early…

Early in the morning i woke up my baby bird pokemon and then got my training clothes and then came out of the center since it was free of people and the center were taking trainers for free stay just that you have to take at least 1 job

“Okay Rufflet our job is to make a group of meowth's leave a shop to which has a deadline of 5 days from now which is enough time for us to train, now i want the both of us to improve our physique”

and so we did the saitama training to which we failed miserably we didn’t even finished 30% of it but we did try to finish them

“Okay thank you jones for this help and ill give you the list of pokemons you can get and ill set you’re limiter to 8”

“Thank you mister krook”

“No no no Thank you Jones”

As me and ser krook separated i go back to the center and did some other task that was easier to do   

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