Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter 272: The Prehistoric Pokémon part 1

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[ POV Change ]

" Aura is with me," Austin called out while his hands were on the ground.

( ~ Thud ~ )

" Owww !" Austin said as he held his head with his hands while he glared at Lucario who was looking at the stick in his hands as if it was the greatest thing ever.

" Why did you hit me ?"

" Because you were doing it wrong."

" Then show me how to do it right ?" Austin said as Chansey waddled to his side before healing the bump on his head.

" Nope, I believe you can do it yourself," Lucario said

Pikachu sighed as turned to see Haunter painting a sleeping Yellow.

( ~ Thud ~ )

" Goddamnit, Lucario let me focus."

( ~ Thud ~ )

" Language, you are a child."

" Then this is child abuse."

( ~ Thud ~ )

" What was that for ?"

" I don't know."

" The hell you don't know."

" Want me to hit you again."

" No."

" Then start spreading out your aura."

" Why do I feel dirty after hearing that ?" 

Austin chose to keep his mouth closed as he saw Lucario raise his stick in the air.

Closing his eyes, Austin again placed his hands as he began to channel his aura through his skin.

" Aura is with me,' he thought as his vision was replaced with a rather ghostly landscape, focusing his Aura on the ground, moving through the gravel and underground cave, eventually coming to overlook a massive underground system filled with Prehistoric Pokémon of every shape, from Omanyte to Kabutops. 

Austin opened his eyes.

He had found it.

He had found the hidden prehistoric Pokemon beneath the Grandpa Canyon.

" Hmm, could have been better ?" Lucario said as he glanced at Austin.

"Feeling the encouragement, Lucario."

" Hmm, I just have a lot of expectations from you."

"I just thought you wanted to put me down," Austin said with a frown causing Lucario to sigh.

Maybe he was a little harsh on his student.

" You know that was a lot better than when I was trying it out during my days of training."

" Thanks," Austin said with a smile since Lucario's words meant a lot to him.

" Guys, do I have something on my face ?" Yellow called causing Austin and Lucario to turn only to find Yellow's face covered in clown makeup.

" ..... " 


( ~ Swoosh ~ )

( ~ Swoosh ~ )

( ~ Swoosh ~ )

Piles of dirt could be seen being hurdled through the air as multiple Pokémon could be seen digging into the ground beside a cave with Rhyhorn taking the lead.

" This is pointless," Lucario said as he took a bite of his chocolate while he sat on Austin's back who was doing one-hand push-up.

" Aggrrrrr " Austin noised as he pushed his body to the limit.

" Stop growling," Lucario said as he glanced at Pikachu and Chu-Chu were playing around in the sandcastle Yellow was building.

( ~ Crack ~ )

" Rhy !"

" Cle !"

" Scizor !"

The sudden shouts of everyone alerted the group above as they quickly gazed into the pothole that was dug while Rhyhorn, Clefable, and Scizor had fallen into it.

" That looks deep," Lucario said as Austin lit up his lighter before throwing it down.

" Scizor, cry out if you are fine or if you see the light." 

" .... " 

Austin frowned when he couldn't properly hear any kind of cry.

" Cry louder or I'll expose you !"

" Scizor !" 

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" Good, then pick up that lighter and check if everyone is fine down there."

" Scizor !"

Getting the confirmation, Austin sent out Bulbasaur to help them get down with Vine whip.


" Pikachu use Flash." 

" Pika !" 

The entire cave lit up as Pikachu conducted electricity through his cheek pouches providing a source of illumination as the electric mouse sat on Austin's head.

" What was that ?" Yellow curiously asked as she looked around the cave when she felt something staring at her.

" A pokemon," Austin answered back meanwhile Scizor placed his claw on Austin's shoulders.

" Don't worry, I am not telling anyone of your crippling lopunny porn addiction," Austin whispered back but his joke didn't seem to land as Scizor was still glaring at him.

" Fine, I won't expose you and Fearow's late-night chess sessions." 

Scizor suddenly stopped and glanced down where he saw Ditto looking at the duo innocently before Ditto realized that maybe he had stumbled upon something he shouldn't have.

" Ash !" Yellow screamed out catching Austin's attention while he was negotiating with Scizor to not kill the shy Ditto.

Austin turned to see the eyes much closer on the wall— which was enough to send everyone scurrying back to the center of the lit portion of the cave and letting several Pokémon out.

"I've decided I officially hate spelunking," Lucario announced.

"Same," Yellow agreed.

Scizor snorted, and shot another torrent of green and red energy from the signal beam, illuminating irregular shapes belonging to the glowing eyes—

And then the first of them stepped into the sun.

Whatever it was, it was tall, big enough that it was taller than an adult, with long curving scythes for arms and a broad blunt head, all spiky and coated in armor and squinting in the sun. and there was more than just one, with small round shapes scurrying along beneath them as they fanned out—curved helixes with blue tentacles waving about—

And then one small helix with blue tentacles parked itself in front of them, posing and squeaking and glaring at them. Austin exchanged glances with Yellow—

All of them looked at Lucario.

"Oh boy," Lucario groaned—cleared his throat and started. "It says 'praise Lord helix!'"

" Really ?!" Austin asked in disbelief 

"No wait—that means this is an Omanyte!" Yellow exclaimed—pulling her Pokédex out. "And the rest of them—Omastar, Kabuto, and Kabutops—are all…extinct fossil 'mons."

"They don't look extinct," Lucario muttered.

"Maybe it's like with that one fish in Hoenn," Austin mused for shits and giggles. "What was it, Relicanth?"

The lead Omanyte squeaked indignantly.

"'Excuse me, I'm not done talking,'" Lucario translated. "'Now who dares to enter our domain?'"

"Why don't you dance for them?" Austin asked Lucario.

" Oh, please I have my dignity." 

" Pretty sure that died a long time ago."

" Guys, stop arguing," Yellow said as the Prehistoric Pokémon came closer.

"Bu ka but," a Kabutops said.

Lucario looked at the Omanyte ranting and raving. "This one says that 'we have trespassed into their domain, now we must face their wrath.'"

"Is that necessary?" Yellow asked the Omanyte. "I mean it was kind of an accident, I think"

"He says yes," Lucario said.

" Bu ka to," one Kabutops muttered—they looked at Lucario to see him smirking.

"'Shut up, Steve,'" Lucario translated.

"Their leader is named 'Steve'?" Austin asked.

"Hey, I'm just translating." Watch as the Omanyte got into a heated argument with a Kabutops and several Kabuto, an Omastar trying to get them to stop. "Okay, now most of that I don't feel comfortable translating with yellow present."

"That bad," Austin said.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Well at least they're arguing and not eating us," Yellow offered.

"That's part of what the argument's about."

"Om a STAR!" the Omastar stormed finally.

" And what was that one?" Austin asked.

"They say to eat you ( Austin ) first," Lucario said while pointing at Austin.

Everyone started and squashed closer toward Austin who sighed and said.

" I have a better suggestion."

Austin's words caused the Omanyte and Kabutops to stop.

" Scizor."

Austin's words ended with a red blur going past before Steve the Omastar saw all his knocked out in the wake of the red blur.

Steve gulped as he looked up to see a smiling Scizor.

" Mercy !"

" Pray to your God that he better have mercy on you. You won't get any from me." 

Scizor answered back to Steve who only saw red before his vision blacked out.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

The small land area of Route 19 to the north of the sea has not always been a dependency of Fuchsia City. In the Sengoku era, it was home to a tall castle constructed and dominated by a colony of Kingler. Architecturally it was a series of interlocking step pyramids surrounding the valley below; poor use of space, to be sure, but the Kingler's weak reach and lack of climbing equipment offered them no better options.

The strange territory's roots are shrouded in mystery: some ascribe it to an eccentric trainer of the era who did live in the area and have a strong bond with his Kingler, but evidence of him ever owning a castle is scant and he is believed to have had pokemon like Machoke in his lineup. Others claim it was established as a forward base by Articuno and the pokemon of Seafoam Island, and there is evidence of temporary alliances and trade between Seafoam and the castle. This scenario, however, does not account for the dominance of Kingler in the territory: Kingler was but one of many pokemon in the area, and seldom an influential one.

The castle stood for centuries, eliminated only when the ninja of Fuchsia City had gained cannon and gunpowder from their trade networks and ceased their constant clan warfare. When they finally triumphed, they slaughtered with the special fury of humans exerting dominion over nature. They made a desert of the castle's central village: even today, there are neither humans nor pokemon which call that beach home.

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