Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter 289: Dr Akihabara

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[ Saffron City - Fighting Dojo ]

Nestled between towering skyscrapers and busy street markets was an old dojo. The front of the dojo was immaculately clean, thanks to the efforts of the Old Master who was currently sweeping the entrance with a worn broom. His face was covered in bandages.

As the Old Master swept, he couldn't help but think about his sons; Trodaire and his brothers, who had set out on their Pokemon journey just a few hours ago. They had been inspired to leave the dojo after seeing the dominance of Austin and Yellow. The Old Master couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and sadness as he thought about his boys leaving the nest. He had always wanted them to find their path in the world and not be held back by the dojo and now with the money that Austin has given them, they wouldn't have to worry about the dojo being repossessed by the league.

( ~ Sweep ~ )

The sweeping sound echoed through the quiet streets as the Old Master continued his work. Suddenly, he heard a voice calling out to him. "Excuse me, is this the Fighting Dojo?" The Old Master turned to see a group of parents approaching him, their children in tow.

"Yes, may I help you?" The Old Master asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"I would like to register my daughter here," the first parent said, gesturing to a young girl by their side. The other parents quickly chimed in, expressing their interest in enrolling their children in the dojo.

The Old Master was taken aback by this sudden influx of interest. "Is there something wrong, Sir?" one of the parents asked, noticing the confusion on the Old Master's face.

"No, it's just that people don't normally come to this place," the Old Master replied, still trying to process the sudden change in the dojo's fortunes.

"Ah! We understand, if we hadn't seen that video about this place, we would never know such a place existed," another parent said.

"Wait, what video?" The Old Master asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh, sir didn't you post it? These two teenagers were fighting and after seeing that I thought that self-defense would be great for my children. So, can I ask if the admissions are still open?"

The Old Master was left more confused than ever, but he would soon find that Austin had posted clips of his fights on the internet that went viral and brought attention to the dojo. 

As he welcomed the new students and their parents into the dojo, the Old Master couldn't help but think about his sons and the journey they were embarking on. He knew that they would face many challenges along the way, but he also knew that they were more than ready to take on whatever came their way.

"Wherever you are, boys? Remember that a home will always be waiting for you, here," the Old Master thought to himself as he gazed upon the new students.


[ Pallet Town ]

The news has been getting interesting these days. Aside from the usual petty crimes and Rocket behavior, for the past week, everyone had been talking about a discovery that had rocked the entire world as a team under Bill Montgomery's lead at Grandpa Canyon. It seemed as though there were a hundred stories about what happened and who was involved.

Back in Pallet Town, Professor Oak was sitting in his study, the room dimly lit by a desk lamp and the soft blue light of the television set. The room was lined with bookshelves filled with tomes on every subject imaginable. He was watching the news intently with a look of absolute shock on his face.

The newscaster, Alyssa Winters, stood in front of a large banner that read "Grandpa Canyon Discovery - A New Era for Pokémon!" She was dressed in a smart suit and held a microphone in her hand. Behind her, a group of people could be seen milling around the site, some taking measurements and others examining the rock formations.

"Hello, welcome to the 9 o'clock Kanto News. My name is Alyssa Winters. Our top story today is related to the Grandpa Canyon Discovery that occurred a week ago last Tuesday. For those of you who need a recap, a team under Bill Montgomery made a huge discovery in the digging site known as Grandpa Canyon, which was becoming famous for its abundance of prehistoric fossils. The discovery made by the Team led the world to see the light of the Era of Prehistoric Pokémon who had survived and lived in an underground system of caves under Grandpa Canyon. Now we are living with the Vice Captain of the Team, Jeffery Simmons. Jeffrey, is there something you would like to say?"

Professor Oak listened intently as the Vice Captain of the team, Jeffrey Simmons, described the discovery in detail. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Prehistoric Pokémon still existed! It was a dream come true for him.

The sound of his phone ringing brought him out of his reverie. He picked up the phone, seeing that it was Bill Montgomery, the lead of the team.

"Congratulations, I must say never did I think I would live to see the day such a discovery was found." Professor Oak said into his phone.

"Thank you, Professor," Bill replied before the sound of something hitting a slab of metal caused Professor Oak to tense up.

"Bill, are you alright? Where are you?"

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"Yeah, I am alright. I am currently in my lab running some tests on a Pokémon," Bill replied.

"Oh, why aren't you at Grandpa's Canyons? Is it due to the protests from those cultists or the trainers who want to capture a prehistoric Pokémon?"

"None; actually, I only organized a team to be sent out. I haven't left my lab in days," Bill said, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

"....Really? I am surprised. Weren't you obsessed with Prehistoric Pokémon in your younger days?"

"Let's just say I have more important matters to deal with. I'll call you back, Professor," Bill said.

" Got it, Bill can you ask Ash to give me a call? I have something important to discuss with him."

" Got it." 


[ Vermilion City - Bill's Lighthouse

The lighthouse was a tall, imposing structure that stood on the edge of the city, overlooking the ocean. The sun was setting and the sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow on the lighthouse. Inside, the laboratory was bustling with activity. Bill, was surrounded by various pieces of equipment and tools, all designed to help him in his quest to revive prehistoric Pokemon.

Bill was dressed in a lab coat, his hair disheveled from a long day of work. He was holding a syringe in his hand, carefully examining its contents. He took a deep breath and approached the tranquilized Aerodactyl that was lying on a table in the corner of the lab.

( ~ Tap ~ )

The sound of Bill's footsteps echoed through the lab as he approached the table. He placed his phone on the table, before turning to the side.

"Don't worry buddy, this is for your safety," Bill said as he approached Aerodactyl. He carefully inserted the syringe into its leg, injecting the contents.

The Aerodactyl's immune system was extremely vulnerable to present-day viruses and bacteria, so Bill was going through the procedure of giving artificial passive immunization to Aerodactyl to protect it.

Stroking its maw, Bill smiled with a few tears building up in his eyes. It was always his dream ever since he was little to see an Aerodactyl in real life. Even after witnessing the first-ever successful test of bringing back a fossil, Bill couldn't say that he had accomplished his dream because 65% of the DNA used to revive a fossil was made from DNA samples collected from modern-day Pokemon that had an ancestral lineage to Aerodactyl.

Maybe it was the perfectionist in him, but he discounted that meeting as an accomplishment of his dreams. But now, he had truly accomplished the dream he had after witnessing the old prehistoric Pokemon display in Pewter City.

"Hmm, I wonder what Ash is doing right now?" Bill thought to himself as he watched the Aerodactyl begin to stir. 


[ Matcha Town ]

The small rural town of Matcha was nestled between the bustling metropolis of Cinnabar Island and the picturesque Fuschia City. Despite its idyllic location, surrounded by lush green hills and sparkling blue oceans, the town was often overlooked by trainers in search of more exciting adventures. The older generation of residents was content with the peaceful existence their town offered, but for some, like Dr. Akihabara, the monotony of daily life was suffocating.

Dr. Akihabara was a young scientist who had been scouted by the legendary Bill and the esteemed Professor Oak to assist in the creation of the revolutionary Pokemon transfer system. But his ambitions didn't stop there. Dr. Akihabara had a dream of creating an artificial Pokemon, a dream that was met with disdain and condemnation from his colleagues. Without funding or support, he was forced to continue his work in secret, his obsession with the project causing him to become more and more isolated from the rest of the scientific community when they found out, Dr. Akihabara was swiftly kicked out of the team.

As his funding dwindled, Dr. Akihabara was forced to return to the town he had grown to loathe, working as a part-time repairman to make ends meet. On this particular night, as he trudged home through the quiet streets, the wind whipping through his green, spiky hair and the light of the moon glinting off his swirling glasses, he couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat.

As he approached his apartment building, he fumbled with his keys, only to find that the door had been left ajar. Puzzled, he pushed it open and stepped inside, flicking on the lights. But what greeted him was not the familiar sight of his sparsely furnished living room, but a figure sitting calmly on his couch, a sinister smirk on their face.

"Welcome back, Dr. Aki." The figure spoke, their voices were cold and menacing. Dr. Akihabara's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the gravity of the situation. He was not alone in his apartment, and the intruder was not there to welcome him home.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Some say that Luxray or Entei are the kings of beasts, and others give that title to Nidoking or Kingler. All these pokemon have some claim to the kingship, but they are not the only ones, for the rare male Kangaskhan is equally renowned as a powerful leader of pokemon.

They are called Kangaskhagan by some, khan of khans, and their harems (owing to the rarity of males of the species) are even larger than those of the Mongol Emperors. They are quarrelsome beasts, willing to take vast hordes of pokemon to "war" (or at least to battle) over a female kangaskhan or even a held item. They are magnanimous towards those who surrender or those they defeat easily but will punch someone into a pancake (human or pokemon alike) if they resist for too long. They are often compared to Tyranitar in their fighting style, the influence they wield among other pokemon, and the sheer strength of their attacks; some poorly-informed trainers have even mistaken Tyranitar for male Kangaskhan or speculated that a Miltank/Tauros-like relationship exists between the species. (In reality, there are female Tyranitar; they just look a great deal like the male ones.)

They are generally considered to be too dangerous to train, for even ghosts fear them, and are often regarded as a symbol of the wilderness. Although there are no credible reports of one being captured per se, there have been numerous reports of a male Kangaskhan in the company of one Erma, head of the Pokemon Ranger Union. It is not her pokemon, but a wild ally that works with her to protect the peace of Almia.

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