Pokemon: Becoming Legend

Chapter 3: V1 C3 – Rainbow Miracle

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Absol watched in horror as Joe went over the edge. Despite being injured, the wild Pokemon immediately rushed to the cliff edge where the human had fallen, but before it could get too close yet another yellow bolt of electricity came from Raikou, hitting Absol in the side. A few small streams of smoke left Absol’s body as it was knocked off its feet and hit the dirt path.

There was no way it was going to give up after coming so far. Growling in response to being attacked, Absol slowly stood up and realised it was now paralyzed. Static buzzed around its pure white fur, and the surrounding air, as it continued to force itself to the edge the human had fallen over. Absol hoped the human was okay, although with how much time had passed he must’ve reached the bottom of Mt. Silver by now.

Raikou began preparing one final attack to finish off this nuisance of a Pokemon, and the charging process was quick. In mere seconds a large, white beam left Raikou’s mouth.

The wild Pokemon standing up to Raikou was not a pushover though. Due to travelling the world and constantly saving those in danger, it was much stronger than the average Pokemon. A black aura grew around Absol’s paw as it prepared Sucker Punch and, as the white Hyper Beam sped towards it, Absol sprinted at the Legendary. Raikou’s Hyper Beam was split in two by Absol’s Sucker Punch and the two halves travelled past both sides of Absol, with one half hitting the side of the mountain, dislodging more rock and dirt, and the other half flying out over the sea to the South. 

Absol briefly landed on all fours before pouncing as fast as it could with its front right paw still wrapped in dark black energy. It was prepared to strike the beast standing before it. If it were to be struck in the right place, Raikou would hopefully be stunned for just enough time to allow the wild Pokemon to flee and check on the young man.

It’s rare for a plan to be executed correctly in these situations though. The static still attached to Absol became more active, paralysing the Pokemon and bringing it to a halt just before it could hit Raikou. The Legendary beast took this opportunity to attack its immobilised opponent, opening its mouth and wrapping its fangs with blindingly bright electricity.

The static around Absol wore off ever so slightly, allowing it to duck under the Thunder Fang attack. Instead of using Sucker Punch as it had originally planned, the wild Pokemon jumped back and unleashed a beam of ice while it was in midair. Ice Beam struck Raikou in the leg, freezing the beast to the mountain path, and worked its way up to hit the Legendary in the face.

Yet another Thunderbolt was launched at the beast’s opponent, The Disaster Pokemon Absol. Jumping aside to dodge, Absol fired back with a Shadow Ball just as Raikou broke free from the ice that was keeping it stuck in place. Firing a beam of white energy at the approaching orb of darkness, the Legendary pokemon showed its great strength by using such a potent attack even though it was completely unnecessary. Shadow Ball was completely erased as Absol leapt aside to avoid being struck by Hyper Beam.

After exercising its strength, Raikou looked to see its opponent close to the cliff edge. There was no running from this fight. Raikou summoned a powerful Thunder from above, striking near Absol and blocking the wild Pokemon’s escape route. Even though it struck a good metre or so away, the force of the attack could be felt as Absol’s white fur moved back and forth from the pressure created by Raikou’s attack. The power a Legendary exuded as it stood there casually using a variety of moves was frightening.

In order to get out of this conflict alive, running away was a must. Absol had done what it could, but there was just no combating a powerful Legendary such as Raikou. Retreating didn’t appear to be an option, however. There was no easy way to back down from this fight. Dealing damage in the right place to stun its opponent and run away while it recovers was the only choice Absol had at this point. The two Pokemon glared at each other and growled, preparing to clash once more.

While their battle raged on, Joe was lying on his back, panting heavily as cool water dripped into the lush green grass beneath him. “Thank god there’s a river here.” He managed to speak between deep breaths. There was no else around, but speaking aloud confirmed to himself that he was alive.

With his back on the dirt, Joe could see parts of the battle between Absol and Raikou leaking out over the ridge. Blue beams of ice here, yellow bolts of electricity there. He was in no position to aid Absol, but he sat up with only one thought in his mind. I want to help Absol. It had tried its best to keep him safe, so it was only fair that he did the same in return. He wanted to, he needed to, help the wild Pokemon. So after checking his leg to find the effects of Raikou’s electricity had worn off, wearing clothes dense with water and weighing more than they should, he sprinted across a nearby bridge and back up the mountain path.

Absol had put up quite the fight, but there was just no standing up to a Legendary Pokemon. Absol’s ice was broken too easily, its Shadow Ball was swatted away like it was nothing, and its Sucker Punch was swiftly dodged. Absol lay beaten on the mountain path, barely conscious as the shadow of Raikou loomed over it.

But before a large paw came down on Absol’s neck, the Legendary stopped and looked back. Absol followed the gaze of its opponent to see a human with his hands on his knees panting to catch his breath, water dripping from his clothes, his black hair sticking to his face probably from a mix of water and sweat. Absol’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of Joe.

“Looks… like I made it…” He managed to speak while breathing heavily.

The Pokemon of legends turned its full attention to Joe, electricity buzzing around its body. Raikou was preparing another attack against the human. Absol attempted to get up and do something before this stupid human got himself killed, but slumped back down. It just didn’t have the strength anymore.

Standing firm, Joe looked at Raikou. What now?

There was a single word to describe someone like Joe: Fool. He’d run into danger with absolutely no plan, but with the slim hope that luck would, for a change, favour the unprepared man.

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And to say he was lucky at this very moment would be an understatement. The clouds above parted and fire rained down from the opening, clearly targeting Raikou alone. The Legendary sped away using electricity to enhance its speed as a blast of fire hit the ground where Raikou was mere moments ago. Once the flame as bright as the sun collided with the road, it scattered across a wider area, thankfully missing Absol by a few inches. The injured Pokemon could definitely feel the heat of the fire. But, with nothing flammable to feed the fire, the flames slowly shrunk until they burnt out completely.

Raikou looked up towards the sky with a nasty glare after Joe had already looked to the source of the fire attack. A huge red and white bird had appeared, flying high above the trio on the mountain. As if seeing one Legendary today wasn’t enough, now there was another. 

“Ho-Oh…” All Joe could manage was to speak its name as he watched the majestic bird stare down the four-legged beast, its rainbow wings moving gently to keep itself in the air.

Using an electric-type move, Raikou attacked Ho-Oh and retreated up the mountain as fast as a Thunderbolt. Ho-Oh gave chase from the sky, leaving but one thing behind. The Legendary Bird may have left as quickly as it had shown up, but it’d helped out a great deal. Not only had it chased off and pursued the threat, but it had left behind a little gift. Small glowing particles fell from where the bird had flown, and once some of them touched Absol, its injuries began to heal and its energy recovered. Joe put a hand out to catch a few of the tiny glowing orbs as if he were catching snow in his palm, only for the golden particles to dissipate upon impact. But it still left a warm, tingling sensation where it touched him.

When the area had long since fallen silent, Joe spoke aloud. “What was that all about?”

Knowing he was attempting to talk to someone, he snapped out of his trance and remembered why he’d raced back up Mt. Silver. Absol. He looked to where Raikou had stood before it was attacked by Ho-Oh, seeing his saviour lying motionless.

Running to Absol, it was apparent that Joe need not worry. The wild Pokemon rose to its feet and began stretching just as the human arrived by its side. Absol appeared to be in good condition, just like when they first met near the top of Mt. Silver.

“Oh, you’re up?” The human looked at the Pokemon. With a smile, he continued. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

The Pokemon nodded slightly in response.

“So what now? Are you going to run off to help others? I get the feeling that’s what you normally do.” Joe asked, sitting down. He was acting on adrenaline during the whole Raikou ordeal, but now that he’d convinced himself it was safe thanks to the appearance of another Legendary Pokemon, all the extra energy left his body and he just wanted to relax.

Once again, Absol nodded. To Joe’s surprise, the Pokemon even sat next to him. He couldn’t blame it though, after such a difficult battle it probably wanted some quality rest. It’d most definitely earned it.

As they both sat there silently, looking out to the never ending sky, Joe thought about the life he’d led up until now. He’d been but a simple store clerk. But like every other child in existence, he once had a different, much bigger dream in mind. Once upon a time, Joe had wanted to become a Pokemon Detective. Someone who helps those in need. Couldn’t he do it now? It wasn’t exactly what he had planned for his year-long holiday, but he could do whatever he wanted. He could always have another, proper holiday in the future. If he could do some good in the next 360 days then he’d go back to Olivine City satisfied with what he achieved. If he could help just one person and live the dream he wanted before, then he could go home happy.

It would appear as though this Absol with a particularly strong sense of justice had awoken Joe’s long lost dream. With a faint chuckle, Joe thought that he wouldn’t want to go on this journey without the Absol sitting beside him, so after taking a deep breath while preparing himself for rejection, Joe spoke frankly. “Hey, how about we go together?” He quickly realised that didn’t explain anything, so rushed to pick up where he left off. “I mean, I can raise a team to support you. It must be lonely, right? Trying to protect everyone by yourself. Let me help.”

They both sat there in silence, just watching the remainder of Ho-Oh’s golden particles be blown about by gusts of wind, until eventually Absol moved to stand in front of Joe. It lightly barked the latter half of its name, without any gesture of approval or disapproval.

“Is that a yes?”

This time the Pokemon gave a nod as it spoke its name.

There was no way for Joe to know why Absol accepted his offer. Maybe this battle showed Absol that it wasn’t strong enough on its own, or perhaps it was impressed by Joe’s willingness to enter a dangerous situation to help out. Either way, the new pair of Trainer and Pokemon set off down the mountain together. The current goal was a modest one, the nearest clothes shop in New Bark Town.

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