Pokemon: Engraved

Chapter 1: Prologue: Cabin in the woods

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Sounds of wood chipping and hammering filled the area.

The gentle humming of the wind as it moves through the trees.

Quiet sounds of small animals echoed about.

And the silent lake at the side enhances the ambiance of the forest.

Aspen, a boy in his teens could be seen sitting on a tree stump and carving on a palm-sized wood, hands moving delicately and accurately, chipping where he wanted.

Humming alongside the breeze, he focused on his work, smiling as a faint outline was finally made. He positioned it right in front of him to take a better look.

An outline of a Skiddo could be seen. He nods to himself, seemingly satisfied with his work.

Dropping the Skiddo carving on the ground, he stands up and stretches, popping sounds of joints sounding out making him feel more satisfied.

Aspen sighed and looked at the lake, a melancholic expression on his face.

'It's been 13 years since I came here, and 1 year since she died'

He simply stared at the lake, unmoving, until he felt a pull at his sleeve.

Looking at his side, he sees the model of his carving. Abeona, his remaining family.

The Skiddo pulled on his shirt making him chuckle and said, “Beo, stop.“

She didn't stop, making him say more, “Okay, I'll stop moping if you stop pulling,” he said while chucking some more.

Hearing that, she finally stopped and looked at him. The light reflecting the lake and Beo made him realize that it was already nearing dusk.

“Ah, have I been working that long Beo?“ he asked the Skiddo who nodded her head fast.

Aspen looked up and stared at the clouds, noting how dark they were.

'It's going to rain soon, need to start a fire at the house, don't wanna get a cold,' he thought as he commanded Beo to grab him some firewood.

He picked up his carving supplies and went to the log cabin right beside the lake, putting his supplies there, and going out to help Beo with getting firewood.

He still had some dried Magicarp at the house so he didn't have to worry about not getting food for the night, the only thing needed at the moment was a source of warmth for the upcoming rain.

Both of them holding firewood with their hands and teeth respectively went back to the log cabin and dropped off the wood. Aspen counted them and nodded.

“I think that's enough girl, it's about to pour soon,” he said, which turned out to be true as it soon started to heavily rain.

They both got inside and closed the door. Abeona went to her spot on the carpet and lay down, while Aspen went to the hearth trying to start a fire.

'Knowing how to start a fire is really convenient, how did I not know how to do this in my last life,' he sighed, thinking about his unique situation.

Said situation is him suddenly waking up as a baby in the middle of a forest having memories of all sorts of things but not about what he is.

Memories like school, technology, entertainment such as anime and games, and also the nightmarish existence of a subject called Math. He wishes he didn't know the last one.

But oddly enough, he had no recollection of who he was, what his name was, or anything else about himself.

He would have died there and then, being a baby and all in the middle of a forest were it not for a very kind old lady.

The old lady, Sage, took him in and raised him as her son. She lived in the forest, which he found out was named Allearth from the old lady talking to herself.

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An old rustic cabin was her home and by extension his too.

She lived as a sort of carver of pokemon, using any pokemon she meets as a model for her carvings. She also treats any wounded pokemon she meets with herbs she got from the forest, and basically just lived life as a hermit.

That was how he came to know that he was in the Pokemon world.

He also got the name Aspen due to her obsession with carving. Her favorite wood and the best for carving she said. He liked that she named him after a favorite of hers and was happy with his name.

He liked that sort of life, so he soon started doing the same as her which got Sage relieved as she thought he would not like this sort of life, away from civilization, and was prepared to send him to the city with her connections.

6 years passed and he can confidentially say he has the skills of an expert carver now, Sage also agreed.

This is also the time he got Abeona, his Skiddo.

It was night and there was a heavy storm at the time, thunder was rolling and the winds were roaring, when they heard a loud knock at the door.

Sage looked out the window and saw a heavily injured Gogoat and a young Skiddo. She hastily opened the door and let them in.

She tried treating the Gogoat but she wasn't able to save him and it soon died in the morning.

Skiddo didn't have anywhere to go and was still too young to survive on its own so Sage adopted the small goat too.

That's how Aspen got a sister.

Aspen looked at Abeona as he remembered the past, finally having done starting the fire.

He sat at a chair beside the table and relaxed, listening to the sound of rain dropping on the roof.

A few minutes passed and Aspen looked at Abeona, he said, "Do you wanna go outside Beo?"

Beo looked at her brother funny, why should she want to go out when it's raining?

Aspen recognized that look and chuckled, he added, "I meant going outside the forest, going on a Journey, maybe challenge a gym or two."

She sent him a scandalized look after hearing that, seemingly shocked that her brother would want to leave.

"I think we've greaved enough, and Sage would have wanted us to explore the world too, quite ironic when she was living a hermit life," he said as he remembered Sage saying how he should leave when he comes of age.

As much as Sage wanted him to stay with her, she knew that she couldn't keep him tied, and if he so wanted to continue her way of life, he should only do so when he's experienced more of what the world has to offer.

Abeona laid her head down, deeply thinking about it. A couple of seconds and she nods.

"Okay, we'll leave tomorrow," he said, and added some more when Abeona was about to interject, finding it too early to leave, "It would only get harder to leave the longer we stay, and we can just visit. This will always be our home."

Again, Abeona thought about it and nodded.

"It's decided then, to happy journey for us," Aspen said as he chuckled.

"Skii!" Abeona cried, somewhat excited now that she thought about leaving home.

Aspen laughed and they kept bantering until their stomachs growled. Prompting him to make dinner, and after eating they both went to sleep.

Getting ready for their adventure.

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