Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rising Enigma

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Getting a Sense of Things.

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On the top of the bell tower, the leaves fall near a makeshift nest. Scattered letters signed in scarlet ink, long since turning yellow with age. Some of past accomplishments, some of warning.  Red and orange light fell throughout the village. 

 "There was no one for miles, same as always." thought Braviary as he faced the horizon.. As he closed his eyes he went over the day's events. His morning flights repeatedly came up empty, regular travels to Seva and there was no one even close to Embers. "And yet somehow.." His gaze turns over to the hill and the bronze statue. The fiery child talking to this green stranger interrogating him as those he held the answers to everything in the universe. There was no good reason for him being here. He stared closer at the kid. He was barely following along with Liam, not a rarity among Pokemon but he was holding up better than most.  "Somewhat close to evolving, old enough to be traveling but at their level? Whoever sent him here wouldn't be serious. Probably someone hazing them." The gaze focused harder on the back of the grass type. "The kid has his fun, then he leaves."

Costello shivered. He could swear he could feel someone staring daggers at his back. Though he assumed it could also be the aftermath of the light charring he took as a result from the person currently trying to peel him open. In a social sense. The bunny had a lot more fur on the top of their head, seemingly to spike it up but it seemed unsuccessful as it drooped down. The tips of his ears pointed straight as he talked.

 "C'mon mate, you can tell me huh? What brought you over here? I know that the A.E is a bit off the path but it's valuable isn't it? Maybe one of the research squads finally got my letters!  Pops told me that they can be kinda uppity and mysterious but they couldn't be all bad!  Are you a part of those guys? Or maybe you're just a true blue explorer!"

Costello pulled himself near the base of the statue, lying his back on the chilled stone base.

"I have... no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh come on Coz."

"Don't call me that."

Liam extended his paws towards the tree's figure."Coz look, Ygg is one of "the" original dungeons of the Enigma Rush. 60 Floors of pure excellence, heart pounding discovery, and randomized so that each experience is a new one for the whole dungeoneering family!" 

As he beamed excitement at the end of that sentence, Costello could only stare at him with confusion as Liam continued to sell Ygg.

"Well, an estimated 60 floors, but no one's ever gotten to the top of Ygg before. Personally, I think that's part of the fun. Besides, Yggdrasil is famous, you can't not know him.

Costello tried to get to their feet. It was still a bit wobbly, but he felt better and his throat was less hoarse.

"I am... very thankful for the help you've given me. But I'm not an adventurer, or at least I don't feel like I was one."

You weren't. 

"I woke up in a pile of leaves 2 hours ago, and I felt like I was in a fight of some kind? I'm not completely sure. I'm sorry I'm not who you expected."

The red tips of Liam's ears drooped slightly. "Ah, that's my bad for guessing. But I'm sure we can find someone to help you, people usually look for the missing. Besides, I'm sure Mr.Braviary could help us get you home safely!"


As the words left his mouth, Costello felt a gust of wind and the feeling of something of heavy landing. From the corner of his vision, he could see their massive figure straighten out.  As he turned around, he saw . 3 feathers atop their head and the ruffles behind it were a definite white. 

"Liam." Braviary spoke. "What did I say about dealing with strangers?"

" 'To observe and report to you with no contact', I know sir. But I had to help him out though, he was kinda roughed up and I accidentally burned him so I did what I could to help."

The gray eyes of the avian shifted from Liam to the figure beside. It was partially burnt, but that wasn't the main issue. The kid was tired and looked like he was put through the wringer. He couldn't have been sent. Better word would be abandoned.

"Bring him home. We'll talk about this there. I'm sure you don't have a place to stay for the night, young one."

 Liam's grin turned into a full fledged smile. 

"Well I'd be chuffed to bring a new friend home. C'mon then mate. I'll lead you there. Thank you so much Mr.Braviary!

Costello moved closer to the massive bird and sized him up. His feathers were losing its luster, but signs of vitality were still hanging on at the roots. 

"Yes. Thank you sir."

 Costello turned around to follow Liam as he raced down the hill. Feeling that same chill coming down his spine.

The sun's light lowered among the trees, leaving a cold breeze blowing among the empty streets. Footsteps patterned and small sparks lit up periodically as lamps lit up from home to home.    Within the bell tower was a small living space for few.  It was a space built for a congregation that wasn't there.  Costello glanced over the area. Hung drawings with their colors faded. A piece of bark with small burn marks was nailed near a door with a note reading "First Spark!."  The space was cozy, large enough and there were rooms for people. It wasn't made to be lived in but it was converted nicely. The place was empty, leaving only Braviary and the Treecko.

"Liam will be back soon. He's currently helping the others light their lamps. In the meanwhile however, tell me about yourself. What brings you out here all by yourself?"


"I woke up a few miles away and walked till I got here. This town was the closest so I ended up here."

"What about your family or any partners? You seem too green to go it alone."

"Don't know about them."


"Don't have any that I remember."

"No one you could get in contact with?"

"Unfortunately not."

Braviary took a deep sigh. He looked straight into Costello's eyes with a stern look.

"How's Thea doing?

Costello looks down.

"What is he..."

Deep in his head Costello felt.. something. Another flash. Of something strong, something that looked down on him...

"Why do I recognize...?"

Don't react. He's looking for that. He doesn't believe you. Restate your claim. State your intention. Solidify yourself. There's no time for hesitation.

Costello looked straight in the eyes of Braviary.

"Sir. As I said, I don't remember anything. All I get are flashes of things that don't make sense and all I really have is a name. I have no idea who you're talking about."

Mutual eye contact between the two of them told Braviary all he needed to know. There wasn't anything behind those eyes to suggest they were trying to deceive him. But the intensity of the way he looked at him. There was something behind there. It wasn't a real feeling. Only.. analysis.  It made him uncomfortable.

Costello saw experience, he saw something trying to search him. But for some reason... he also saw something resembling caution. Maybe even fear.

"Ok. I believe you then. I apologize for Liam's little burn streak. He tends to do that when he gets excited. Hard to teach a fire type not to set things alight when the world is capable of going up in smoke."

"I understand. What is your name?"

"What do you mean?"

"Liam is Liam. You're Braviary. That's your species. What is your name?"

"It's best if you refer to me as Braviary, respect for your elders and such."



The door swung open as Liam burst into the house, fur in his face and breathing heavily.

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"Everyone is ok!  Maysi's still running the bank and Mrs.Simisage is still planting. The Kecleons are still packing up though. Shame on that note but at least we can see them off. What was my time by the way?"

Braviary looked out the window.

A bit before sundown. Shave off a few seconds and you could break your record. "How were the Kecleons?"

"Oh they were fine, still set on moving but I know if I just..."

Liam looked away as he trailed off. Braviary looked at him with concern.

"You shouldn't do that. They made their choice and you should respect it."

"I know it's just that I feel like they're... never mind. How are you doing Costello?

The emerald figure kept itself on its legs. "I have been worse."

The wings of Braviary stretched out towards the door. "I will be back soon. I need to take a quick trip to pick up some bandages. Don't stay up after me." From there, he proceeded to navigate out the door and took off into the darkening sky.

 Liam turned towards Costello with a smile on his face. "I assume you've already seen the grand old place. Mr.Braviary apparently inherited this spot, worth of a lot of dosh according to what he says. 

"Shouldn't you be worried that he left?"

"Oh you needn't worry about that, he does that sometimes but he always comes back before morning. You fancy a tour of the place? A bit too late for a full town tour but the house should be on limits. '' Liam hopped over to the door next to the piece of bark. "This right here is the best spot in the house. My room." He opened the door to reveal a room, scattered with notes and pictures. A chest divided a set bed and a hammock. The bed's location was filled with notes on top of it, an "As you can see it's a bit... messy but never fear!" Liam points to the hammock, newly set up and dusty. "Something for our new guest! We can't leave you out in the cold now can we?"

"Thank you Liam."

"It's no issue right? Besides, you seem like you've been through a lot, we can just call it a day

"Yeah. Of course."

As Liam cleared his bed, Costello looked out the window as he sat down and tried to wrap his head around himself. 

"Why did we lie to him?"

You don't know her. You've been having flashes and there's nothing solid to tell him. It would've given him wrong ideas. This wasn't lying, you don't know them.

"How do I know it's her?"

Thea sounds female, so her.

"Is there anything else we know? Friends, family?"

Liam is as close to an ally as we get. That's all you have.

"Oi mate, you ok? You like you're trying to burn down your hammock with your eyes." Liam had come back with a plate of berries. The chill of outside briefly lingering in the room. "Fresh from Mrs.Simisage. She tends to give me some berries for helping light the lamps and such." He held out the plate for the lizard to take. Costello gingerly took from the plate.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. Shouldn't you be tired from running around the place?"

"Running around town? That's a breeze. Mr. Braviary says I take after my mum that way. A true 'Stamina Monster'. Just like her."

"Are you sure that wasn't an insult?"

"Of course not!" Liam grinned and rubbed his nose patch." It's a useful trait at the very least!"

Costello took a bite from the blue berry in his hand. It was sweet. No seeds and it felt like a soft chew. Juicy enough for flavor but not enough to make a mess.

"Do you and Braviary live by yourselves?"

"Sometimes he has visitors over but there hasn't been any for a while." A chew from another berry was taken by Liam. "Is it true that you don't have any memories?"

"Nothing complete. It's mostly just flashes and colors. Sensations and smells. There's no real scene in my mind."

"Must be a pain. Sorry for you mate. You'll get your memories back. Very least, I promise to lead you to someone that can help."

"You're promising a lot to a stranger."

"You've been the first stranger I've met, it's been a nice change of pace. Besides, I don't really get to talk to people my own age."

Liam sighed and looked out the window, the moon light starting to gleam in.

"It's been hard lately. No one's been coming in to see Ygg,no one's been visiting in general. Its rubbish! First the Scizors and then the Lilligants! And now with the Kecleons, I don't think this place is going to last much longer."

"What are you going to do about it then?"


Costello twisted his neck about. "You can't stay here if the place is dying, and you can't do much trying to hold on to people who want to leave. If there's no traders and these Kecleons are leaving you, then this place is already in the process of going under.  What are you going to do about this fact?

Liam stayed silent for a minute, his brow furrowed.

"I want to start a team. A rescue team." He moved towards the chest and opened it, taking out two scarves. The majority of it was red but the fabric showed signs of falling to age, patches of it being replaced with patterns of blue. "From what Mr.Braviary says, these were the scarves my mom and dad wore when they first formed their team, before becoming established.  There's gotta be something causing people to ignore this place. I'm going to find that out." Liam looked up and back to Costello before blushing. "My bad mate, I tend to overshare when I get to talking."

Costello moved closer to Liam and put a hand on his shoulder. "You're gonna make your team dude. There's no reason why you can't."

Liam's face was surprised but soon turned to a wide smile.



The dawn rose among the land. Shining light spread among the trees as green wings spread itself, the ends of which contained a crimson border. Behind him was a city that contained experiences that would take years to truly see. Smells of food and dishes using ingredients never seen. The guild castle stood in the center of it all, offering a reassuring structure as a fortress to the city.   Outside was a Green Dragon, eyes covered with a red dome, sitting outside a perching structure and staring out into the distance.

Devlin personally thought this was some sort of disrespect. He had been called out in the morning to meet up with some retired guild member.  He was a god-damned 5th rank member of the Almas Guild, not some freelance rescue team member in need of credentials to get good with Thea. Why was he sent out here instead of an actual scout, Of course he was technically under the scout designation but that would only be for big things! Big quests, big expeditions! "I should be treated with more respect than this. A future Expedition lead and you have me out here doing messenger work for some old timer."

As the Flygon continued to grumble , a winged figure perched beside him. 

"God it took you long enough man, what's the- oh! Soren!" Devlin put a salute towards the being.

Braviary put himself straight next to the rookie. "At ease. We need to talk." Where's Thea?"

"She said that she had prior business to take care of."

"Of course, that- What happened to the "Stay Away" order?!" Soren buried his face in the inside of his wing. "I have some kid at my outpost. No teams, no members, nobody was supposed to come! What kind of business is she running?"

Devlin put his hands up in a defensive manner. "I wouldn't know! You know how hard it would be to act outside of an official order? We could send an inquisitor or-

Soren cut off Devlin with a wing and a look of immediate concern. "No! No inquisitors. I can handle this. Tell Thea to keep an eye for anyone who tried to dump a body near Autumn Embers." Soren moved his body back to whence he came, wings spread for the next flight. He looked back at the Flygon. "And tell Thea the next time I come over here, we're talking face to face, not by some proxy."

As Braviary proceeded to take off, Devlin could only look on as he saw him fly off, leaving him to try and spin Soren's words in a way that wouldn't get him chewed out.

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