Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rising Enigma

Chapter 9: (Description Chapter) The Types of the World Part 1

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very type is privy to an element of nature. As bestowed upon by the First, there are 18 types in total not counting outliers such as "Shadow" ( A type that has only been put in myths and uncorroborated sightings.). These types build the foundation of the world and are one of the biggest factors in how we interact with the world as a whole.  Each and every type holds a unique effect on the holder and on their experiences within their own life cycles.  As such, different experiences define their lives in different ways.


The Water type is the most ubiquitous of the types and one of the basic necessities of our world. The water type is mainly known for being one of the more defensive and one of the most common types that you will meet around the continents. It is a common mistake that any water type will be able to breathe underwater and that their ability to breathe underwater is attributed to their typing. The true ability of the water typing lies in their larger than average lung capacity. The average Pokemon can hold their breath for roughly a minute and half. Reports have shown that water types can hold their breaths upwards of 2 minutes. Most water types can hold them for 3  minutes and higher. It is also within their skill set to be resistant to pressure changes which allows them to dive deeper than other Pokemon and see better in the water.  Within the Rivers and the Large Oceans, you will always find some kind of Pokemon inhabiting the land.   To be water is to be integral. It is to be everywhere, no matter what. It is by your hand, you can expand. Slow and steady, drop by drop, water can cut through anything.

Of course if we are to talk about the water type, we have to talk about its direct opponent in the Fire Typing. The Fire Type is more well known for being an offensive typing and one with the most combative natures found among Pokemon. While it is a severe generalization to assume that every Fire Type holds the flare for battle, it is known that Fire has been known as one of the types with the most move related injuries among those in their first years/ first evolutionary stages.  Though these injuries are only found among outliers with a very strong inner fire or were born with a strong move within their genetics. The Fire Typing is not only resistant to their own moves but also to  extreme temperatures and burns. This fact has lead to the formation of many Fire Type Coalitions* for the purpose of fighting fires and dealing with the after affects of Fire Type Dungeon formations.  Studies have shown there to be an odd connection that Fire types and Water types have towards a natural disagreement not due to some aspect of their spirit but the aspect of the element. Fire is an element of offense. It is an element that comes from disaster both natural and not. Lightning strikes and Volcanoes and simply heat. Water on the other hand is considered safer with a mellow attitude. It is found everywhere and is a natural part of our world.  Fire burns and will burn, it seeks fuel and nothing more but to become brighter. Water seeks nothing but natural propagation, slow and steady. Fire will consume you. Water will accept you, and without your knowledge,before you know it, it will take everything from you.


There is another to be added to the immortal threesome of elements. One with connection to the land we  The Grass Type is connected mostly to plant growth as well as the maintenance of life within the land. As long as there is potential for plant growth, you will more than likely find a Grass type nearby the area. Their connection to nature through their typing has allowed them to propagate and expand in the rush and bustle of the Pokemon world. Even in harsh desert areas, you can find Cacnea and Cacturne near by acting as wanderers so you may want to hire out a fellow Desert Walker* to properly navigate your way to the next city.  The grass type is more than leading people to oases however. It is a special connection to the land and being able to speak with it. Some may perceive this connection through a literal "voice of the land." Other's understand it as more of a feeling or intuition that allows them to navigate dense jungle and feel the disturbances of the land.  Grass is both the beginning and end result. Fire will burn it away and water will propagate it. But the inverse is true as well. Fire burns to make way for smaller plants and the water will drown everything in its path. No matter what, something will grow, something will cover, and something will come. No matter how minuscule, grass will be there in some form.


Types are something to take in mind not only in battle but in social situations as well. Fire types may be more boastful and in your face and Water may be tranquil and recluse. However generalizations are the folly of both Pokemon and Researchers. So many personal identities are born and molded everyday and you must not be afraid of that. You must not be afraid of how your identity will be molded in the future as well. 3 systems are what you must know but those who fall under those categories are not to be held to binaries. They are the ones who will give you knowledge and love. They will leave you empty and filled with hate. Fire,Grass,Water. There is so much to be seen and felt and you must not be afraid of that. You cannot avoid it but you can adapt, you can grow from it. Allow yourself to move, allow yourself to burn, and allow yourself to grow.*






*1.A Coalition is defined as a grouping of members from different Rescue Teams for the purpose of achieving a common goal or service. For more information,see "Roanoke's guide to Rescuing:How to Save Lives Before It Becomes Impossible"  

*2.The cheaper the Pokemon looks, the better. Scams are known to be run by those who present themselves as experienced Walkers. The cleaner they are, the more likely it is to instead be some outsourced company funded by a guild trying to cut into profits (Most come from Mistico)

*3."-I will exist beyond this form. I will live for all to see. I will inspire emotion and I will inspire action. My will shall be carved into the world, no matter how minor. Within me exists a conflict of ideals that drives me. There is pain, there is hurt, there is suffering. But there is love in my heart that will survive forever."-Ransaw.

To people wondering as to why Description Chapters pop up sometimes, usually when I get busy, need to take a break, or life catches up with me, I end up cranking out a few thousand words of worldbuilding to tide things over. This was made awhile ago so excuse the "filler".

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