Pokemon: Summoner’s Creed

Chapter 1: Place where dreams begin

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19th March 2022, I breathed my last on earth. I don’t quite remember my death nor more than half of my life of what it had been. I remember I was from South Asia… I guess. I remember being young, family of four—father, mother, me and a sibling and some more faces probably my friends; but what I mostly remember is a website— . If there’s one thing I know it’s that I loved Anime and most particularly one that I have been watching for more than a dozen years --- “POKEMON”.

Now I don’t remember how much I wished and prayed to what deity/deities but I sure do owe them a big one.

Why you ask?

Because in just a moment I am going to pet a one foot tall rat with yellow fur, pointy ears and tail. If one looked closely they could see the black fur outlining ears and tail; also a teeny-tiny nose that could only pass as a dot.


With a twinkle in my eyes I almost leaped at the adorable Pokémon—


I fell on the ground paralyzed, twitching and eyes rolled in back of my head as Pichu electrocuted me.

“Art, are you alright?” my mom came running to me with a worried look.

“I… ri...” I tried to form words but couldn’t due to obvious reasons.

“He is alright Sylvie,” father spoke. “And for millionth time, DO NOT SCARE POKEMONS” he said as he delivered a fist to my head.

(Third person POV)

“Hudson family?”

Nurse Joy approached the trio what seemed to be the most active family. It’s been 5 seconds they have entered the classroom and somehow managed to acquire undivided attention of everyone.

“Yes, you guessed correct nurse Joy. I am Robert Hudson, this is my wife Sylvia Hudson and our troublesome brat Dash Hudson.”

“What are you doing calling our son a troublesome brat?”

“You know it’s correct, Sylv. It’s been 5 seconds and he is TWITCHING on the floor.”

“Don’t give me that. It’s your genetics that make him so overly full of energy.”

“What are you even talking about? It’s you who spoiled him so much.”

“I need to give him motherly love. Children need MOTHERLY LOVE.”

“Scientists call your motherly love as ‘spoiling your children’-- S-P-O-I-L-I-N-G”

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Seeing the parents squabbling while the child in mother’s arms trying to reach Pichu once more Nurse Joy couldn’t help but mutter, “I think you both might just have similar genetics.”

“What was that--” both parents glared at Nurse Joy.

“C-children take after both of their parents. I can clearly see his beautiful black silky hairs are just like yours ma’am and his mesmerizing hazel eyes take after you sir,” Nurse Joy hurriedly praised their son. “He is going to be a heartbreaker one day.”

“Yes, I agree,” Sylvie said ecstatically. “My Art is the most handsome”

*Cough*“…That’s true.” Robert blushed.

“Yes,” Joy sat down on her toes besides Sylvie and patted Arthur on head. ”Arthur I take it you love Pokémon’s.”

“Yes, yes I do,” Arthur exclaimed. “I want to be friends with Pikachu… no, I mean Pichu. Will you help me?”

Looking at puppy eyes of Arthur Joy almost lost her composure and hugged him

‘I wasn’t kidding when I said he’s going to be a heartbreaker before.’ “Of course. I will. But Arthur you shouldn’t jump at pokemons like that. You wouldn’t like someone jumping on you, right?”

“Mmhm” Arthur nodded.

“Pokemons are highly cautious beings. So you need to gentle with them. If you be gentle then all the pokemons will become your friends.”

“All of them?” Joy could see twinkle in Arthur’s eyes.

‘He really do love Pokemons. Well, I know he is going to be troublesome for entirety of camp but I suppose his cuteness and love for pokemons will overshadow that.’ “Yes, all of them.”

“Yaay~~” Arthur started dancing in his mother’s arms.

Hearing the conversation between Joy and Art, Sylvie and Robert felt relieved. They were worried about Arthur going to pokemon camp for an entire month. To say that their child was overactive or extremely fond of Pokemons is an understatement. Heck, they still remember when he spoke his first word. It wasn’t ‘maa’, ‘dada’ or anything nearly similar but… ‘Pika’! Sylvie’s mother burst in the fit of laughter as both of them lost their bet and weeks of hard work to make Arthur either say ‘paa’ first or ‘maa’ first.

“Mr. and Mrs. Hudson shall we complete the rest of procedure,” Joy pointed to the counter in classroom. “Come with me Arthur. Let’s have you registered for the ‘Pokemon Camp’. We are going to have lots and lots of fun—after all this is the place where all dreams begin.”  

You can find story with these keywords: Pokemon: Summoner’s Creed, Read Pokemon: Summoner’s Creed, Pokemon: Summoner’s Creed novel, Pokemon: Summoner’s Creed book, Pokemon: Summoner’s Creed story, Pokemon: Summoner’s Creed full, Pokemon: Summoner’s Creed Latest Chapter

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