Pokemon: The Orayen Tales

Chapter 34: Kanto: Chapter 34

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"She has trained Exeggutor well." Misty nodded in compliment. 

In the past week, Leaf worked with Anira to teach Exeggutor a decent Psychic-Type move since it had not learned one on Evolution. Aizen's Mega Metagross had helped with that. It used its Psychic Powers to teach Exeggutor on how to form a Psychic Focus, and instructed on using Extrasensory. 

The move took the multi-headed Pokémon over 5 days to perfect. And it proved to be a good choice. 

"Exeggutor is strong." Anira confidently said. "But now Violet knows which Pokemon to use to counter it. It would be a tough match." 

"Go, Tentacruel!" 

"What..." Anira looked at her choice in amazement. "Why Tentacruel?" She frowned. 

"Poison is weak to Psychic, and Grass is weak to Posion." Daisy smiled at her. "A Gym Leader's job is to test the Challengers as best as they can, not to make sure that they always win. It is not an Elite Four Match." She giggled. 

Anira nodded her head and smiled at the Two Pokemon that were staring at each other. 

"This will be close." She crossed her arms on her chest and nodded to herself. "But Exeggutor will win in the end." 

"We shall see." Daisy smiled brightly and waited for the next round to start. 

"Tentacruel vs Exeggutor!" Lily submitted the information on her Dex and smiled brightly before raising her hand. "Begin!" 

"Tentacruel, greet our Challenger with Ice Beam." Violet calmly ordered. 

"Use Leaf Storm to counter it!" 

The two Powerful moves collided, and eventually the storm of leaves won, cancelled the Ice Beam out and hit Tentacruel. 

"Tenta.." It groaned in a little pain, but the damage seemed insignificant.

"Rain Dance..." Violet whispered. 

The water Pokemon called onto the could that gathered over the retracted roof of the Gym, and rain started pouring down.


"Don't let it! Giga Drain!" 


The tentacle Pokemon groaned in pain as a green light stated blinking around it, but it recovered all the energy it was losing under the rain that was pouring on it. 

"Rain Heart..." Leaf's heart skipped a beat. 

It was then that a powerful screech rattled everyone. And Exeggutor took the most burnt of it. 

"Wrap." Violet calmly commanded her Pokemon who approached Exeggutor and wrapped itself around it. 

"Trow it off! Use Extrasensory!" Leaf cried out, but Exeggutor had fallen under confused state. 


Tentacruel performed the Ghost-Type move where a malevolent energy erupted from its body. 

Exeggutor was already confused and ended up taking massive damage from Hex. 

"Exeggutor..." It was in a pitiful state. 

"Extrasensory!" Leaf cried out again. 

This time, her Pokemon was not confused and did as commanded. 

Tentacruel was hit by in invisible force that pulled it off Exeggutor and sent it high in the air. 

"Leaf Storm!" Leaf wasted no time.

"Sludge Wave!" 

The two attacks collided, and this time, Exeggutor was overpowered as Poison energy rained down on it. 

"Exeggutor..." It dropped on one knee and panted. It fell under the Poisoned state. 

Leaf could see that her Pokemon was not in good shape. And Tentacruel seemed a little better off. 

This were not going according to her plans. And it was painful the way her mind was running with multiple thoughts. 

"Wood Hammer!" She ordered her Pokemon. 

Tentacruel was still in the air, on its way down, and failed to do anything. 

The power behind the move rattled it, and it crashed onto the wall of the pool several meters away. 

Exeggutor took more burnt from the self harm Wood Hammer did, and it crashed onto a disc and struggled to get back on its feet.

"Stay strong!" Leaf clenched her fists. "Use Extrasensory! Don't give it any time to recover." 


The glow in its eyes disappeared, and a painful groan of Tentacruel sounded out. It was once again hit up in the air by an invisible force and this time, the damage was heavy. 

You are reading story Pokemon: The Orayen Tales at novel35.com

"Ice Beam!" Violet called out.

"Giga Drain!" 

Violet sighed when she saw what was happening. She already knew the result after Tentacruel's body started blinking in a green light. 

Ice Beam was cancelled before it could be performed and the tentacle Pokemon was groaning in a lot of pain.

"Give it your all! Leaf Strom!" 


The merciless attack squarely landed on the already haggard Pokemon. The tentacle Pokemon was helpless in the storm that enveloped it.

Exeggutor lost balance and fell on its knees, tired, but still staring at Tentacruel that was dropping down. It acted strong, but it was spent of all its energy now. 

The tentacle Pokemon dropped down on a disc, and the gem on its head was dimmed. It was no longer conscious to recover from rain with its ability.

"Tentacruel is unable to continue. Exeggutor Wins! The Winner of the Match is the Challenger!" Lily raised her hand and called the result. 

Leaf's body trembled before she too fell on her knees like her Pokemon. Her head was lowered and her fists were clenched tightly. 

She knew that if Tentacruel had gotten one more chance at Exeggutor, this match would have been Violet's win. But she was proud of herself and her Pokemon. It was just that the emotions she was feeling were overwhelming her. 

She felt a hand comfortingly land on her head, and she subconsciously leaned into the caresses. 

"You did well." Aizen crouched by her side and smiled at her. 

"Thank you!" She blushed and did not dare to raise her head to look him in the eyes. 

"You should call back Exeggutor. He needs rest." 

"Oh my god..." Leaf abruptly stood up and plucked the Pokeball from her belt. She was really embarrassed that she had forgotten calling back Exeggutor. "Return!"

The multi-headed Pokemon was enveloped in a red beam of light that sent it back inside its Pokeball. 

"You did well." She lovingly whispered before planting a kiss on the Pokeball and storing it on her belt. 

"Congratulations, Leaf!" Anira called out and hugged her friend. "It was a great Match." 

"Thank you!" 

Misty, Daisy, and Lily approached her to congratulate on her win, and with every compliment, her confidence rose. She felt better and in control of her emotions. 

"It was a good match, Leaf." Violet finally made her way over to the group and stood infront of the hazel-eyed girl. "Here's your reward!" She presented the Cascade Badge to the young trainer. 

Leaf accepted the batch with a bright smile and then turned around to proudly flash it at Aizen. 

"I won!" 

"Yes. You won." He chuckled and patted her head some more. 

"And now it is your turn! We will celebrate in a restaurant after your win!" She confidently spoke. 

"He has to win first." Edric called out to them as he walked over to take his Position on the other end of the Arena. 

Aizen smiled at the words of Edric. 

"Go on, girls." He said to the people surrounding him. "I don't want to keep the Guardian of the Cerulean City waiting." 

"Goodluck!" Anira hugged him and then grabbed Leaf's hand before heading to the stands. 

Misty stepped forward and planted a kiss on his cheek before running off to the stands. 

Lily did the same to his other cheek before following her little sister. 

"Best of luck!" Violet only shook her head at the antics of her little sisters and wished Aizen before heading to the stands. 

"Seems like you will be needing all the luck for this match." Daisy winked at him before walking over to the Referee's Square and taking her position. 

"The Gym Battle between Cerulean City Guardian and Aizen Orayen is about to commence. The battle is over the Cascade Badge. The Standard Rules of the Battle apply in this Match." She patiently spoke. "The Battle will be a 3v3. The Gym Leader will choose their Pokemon first and are not allowed to substitute them at any time. The Challenger may use substitution if their Pokemon has survived 5 minutes in that round or has won the previous round. Any questions?" She looked at Aizen. 

"No." He shook his head. 

"Gym Leader, please choose your first Pokemon!" She called out to her father. 

"Hope you are prepared..." Edric smiled at Aizen. "I told you that I won't be going easy. Come on out, Slowking." He threw his Pokeball in the air and summoned the royal Pokemon. 

Aizen stared at the Psychic-Water Pokemon thoughtfully. And made his choice. 

"Go, Wartortle!" He called out to his Pokemon. 


The indigo tortoise stared the Slowking in the eyes. And there was an excited grin plastered on its face. 

"Slowking vs Wartortle!" Daisy raised her hand after she was done setting up everything on her Dex. "Begin!"

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