Pokemon: The Orayen Tales

Chapter 50: Kanto: Chapter 50

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Aizen decided not to call out the two Pokemon inside the Town. It would scare the people if they saw them. 

"Come out!" He threw the two Pokeballs in the air when they arrived a hundred meters outside the town. 

A strong Gust of wind made them cover their faces before they caught a blur shoot up in the sky.

"Gawwwrrrrrrr!" A menacimg roar made their souls tremble, the Dragon's fury evident in its voice. 

"Preeeeeeeee!!!" The sweet cry of the beautiful bird in the sky would have brought smiles to their faces if Salamance did not look ready to shred Aizen in pieces. 

"Hi, Sky! I missed you." Aizen fearlessly approached the Salamance, disregarding its threatening glare and drew his hand forward. 

Brock and Oliver had had their hearts in their throats at his action, but then they were astounded when the expressions of the Dragon totally flipped on a different switch. 

"Skyyy..." Salamance lunged forward and shook his hand away before nuzzling his head against Aizen. 

The Prince wrapped his arms around his third Pokemon, the first he ever trained, the one he had known since it was an Egg, and comfortingly caressed its neck.

"Sorry for staying away from you for so long." Aizen whispered. He knew that Sky was mad for not being called for so long. 

Salamance blew a hot breath on his face that ruffled his hair. 

"Okay okay. You can stay with me for a while." Aizen chuckled and then turned to look at the sky where the majestic bird was happily flying. "Aerius!" He called out. 


Pidgeot suddenly darted down from the sky, turning into a blur and then landed on the groud by its Trainer's side. 

Aizen lovingly ran his hand through the feathers on its neck, and planted a kiss on its head when it lowered it to him. 

"You look more handsome than I last saw you." Aizen commented. 

"Preee!" Pidgeot puffed up its chest in pride, happy with the compliment. 

"That's a beautiful bird..." Oliver couldn't help but say it out loud. 

Aizen smiled at his words and then introduced his Pokemon to Brock and Oliver. 

"Sky, Aerius, meet my friend Brock, and this is Oliver, Guardian and Gym Leader of Lavender Town." 

The Pokemon only glanced at the two of them and seemed uninterested. 

"They have a lot of pride." Aizen chuckled when he saw the depressed look of Brock and Oliver.

"No worries. And they deserve to be prideful." Oliver smiled and waved it off. "Let's go." He threw his Pokeball in the air, calling out a Pidgeot. 

The Pidgeot fervently looked at Aerius, who was twice its size and had achieved the True Form. To the surprise of Oliver, his Pokemon respectfully bowed to the other bird before standing behind its Trainer. And for the right reasons, it was scared to even look at the Mega Salamance.

"Do you need a ride?" Aizen looked at Brock and asked. 

"No. I doubt they would let me ride them." He chuckled when he saw how prideful both of Aizen's Pokemon were. He took out a Pokeball and called out his own ride, which was a Fearow. 

"Calm down.." Brock had to soothe his Pokémon who seemed too scared in the presence of two Mega Pokemon and wanted nothing more than to grab Brock and fly away. 

Fearow and Pidgeot were antagonistic to each other, and Brock's Fearow was terrified of Aerius, who was unquestionably way stronger than it. Not to mention, the Mega Salamance looked ever ready to eat it.

"Let's go." Aizen nodded to the two of them before climbing on the back of Sky. 

The mighty Dragon shot up in the sky at a breakneck speed followed right after by the bird that was totally capable of keeping up with its friend.

Aizen waited for Oliver and Brock to come up in the sky before leading the way to the Power Plant. 

Aizen asked Sky to not go at full speed so that Oliver and Brock's Pokemon won't tire out. But a Dragon was a Dragon. How could he let just anybody keep up with it. It kept a respectable distance from the tailing Pokemon but listened to Aizen and did not just leave them in dust. 

The distance they would have covered in an hour by foot, was covered in under 5 minutes by flying. And right away, they encountered the enemy. 

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There were several Fearow in the sky keeping guard. The birds looked apprehensively at the Dragon as it approached them, they cried out signalling their Trainers who were on the ground and then braved themselves to attack. 

"Aerius!" Aizen called out his Pidgeot that was hiding in the clouds, and it shot down at the enemy Fearow. 

The painful cries of the birds echoed in the sky, and one by one the Fearow started to fall down, hurt enough to make them incapable to flying anymore. 

The viciousness of Aerius made both Brock and Oliver wince when they finally caught up, and Brock's poor fearow looked saddened at the fate of its breathen. 

While Aerius kept assaulting the Fearow, Aizen and the rest landed on the ground, right outside the entrace of Power Plant. 

Salamance attacked with a Dragon Rush at the stationed guards that had raised their guns at them, and then landed on the ground glaring at the fallen enemies. 

The sight of broken limbs and blood was grim, but they had to bear with it.

Both Brock and Oliver called back their Pokemon and Aizen sent Sky to help out Aerius and keep any Flying-Type Pokemon from meddling in their affairs. 

To say that the Power Plant was infested by Electric Pokémon was not an understatement. There were Voltorb, Electrode, Magnemite, Mageton, Raichu, Pikachu, and even some Electabuzz here. 

Luckily, the Pokemon were more interested in remaining by the side of the Cells, that were filled with electricity, than to care about the intruders. 

However, the shady people Officer Jenny had informed them about were alerted by the battle in the sky. A unit arrived at the place within a minute and a battle ensued. 

Their Pokemon were quickly taken care of by Oliver and Brock, and Aizen took the opportunity to knock out the people in black uniforms and destroy their guns with he help of Wartortle and Lapras. 

"Team Rocket." Brock approached the people Aizen had piled up and bound with a rope.

"They don't usually hide the logo on their Uniform." Aizen went through the identification cards of the criminals and took snaps of each of them with the watch he wore on his wrist. 

The wireless radios were constantly buzzing, asking for the situation of the unit they had just taken out, and within two minutes a new unit arrived at the place. 

Before the battle could ensue, Metagross suddenly appeard behind Aizen, and this gave him the excuse of using his Psychic Powers. 

With a burst of strong Psychic Wave, Aizen made the group of Team Rocket members faint before asking Metagross to help him bind them with ropes. 

"Ash is near this place." Aizen sighed in relief when Metagross showed him the location of Ash. "Brock, I want you go with Metagross and rescue Ash. Jessie, James, and Meowth are keeping a watch on him, and there are three more grunts who are responsible for the helicopters that these people arrived here in. Metagross will destroy the helicopters and take care of those two, but you will have to rescue Ash on your own." 

"I will do it." The dark-haired boy readily agreed. 

"Dexter, once Ash is rescued, drop him at Lavender Town Pokemon Center, and bring Brock back here to keep a watch on these people." He pointed at all the piled up members of Team Rocket.

Aizen and Oliver sneaked inside the office after Brock Left. 

The Lavender Town Gym Leader used his Ghost-Type Pokemon to take out the stationed guards without making a noise, and the plan worked flawlessly. 

They soon found out where the rest of the Team Rocket was after taking over the control room. Luckily, the Team Rocket had not taken out the cameras yet, and they got access to the live feed of what was happening in the basement where the Prime Generator was.

There were more than twenty guards in the room, all armed with guns, and a core member of Team Rocket who proudly wore his marked Uniforms. By his side was a scientist, and other than them, Officer Jenny, her squad, and the two workers of the Power Plant were bound and gagged in the corner. Some of them were awake, but most of them were unconscious and injured with bullet wounds. 

There were two constables that were lying lifelessly in a pool of blood.

"How much more time is required?" The teal-haired man in early thirties, wearing a Silver-Balck outfit with Team Rocket's logo, impatiently asked after he failed to contact the units stationed outside.

"We need another hour." The old man who wore a white lab coat answered after looking at the tablet in his hand. 

There was a machine in the center of the room, connected to the prime generator. And inside that machine was a blue Cube that was absorbing all the electrical power like a back hole. 

It seemed like Team Rocket was there to charge that blue Cube. 

"Let's wait for Metagross to arrive before we head inside. I will use my Alakazam and together both the Pokemon will attack with Psychic. I will instruct my Genger and Haunter to take out as many of them as possible. We need to disarm those grunts that are standing guard, and if possible, take them all out at once." Oliver whispered the plan. 

"We have to make sure we don't destroy those generators. The resulting Explosion will kill everything." Aizen nodded to the plan and warned. 

"Any idea what the Cube is?" 

"No." Aizen honestly shook his head. Whatever it was, he felt that is was not a good thing.

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