Power Initialization [Superpower Crafting LitRPG]

Chapter 1: Chapter One

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Eli grunted as Tom Harver's fist sank into his gut for the fifth time since his beating began for the day. The bully had been hitting him nonstop for what felt like minutes and Eli was pretty sure he could feel ribs cracking, but that wasn't enough to stop him from getting up again. He'd gotten in three good hits of his own before being knocked down by another blow.

"Had enough yet?" Tom sneered as he shoved Eli over so that he sprawled out on the pavement. "I told you what would happen if you came around here again."

"And I told you," Eli wheezed his words around the searing bar of pain in his chest, "to stop selling your trashy weed to my sister. Leave her alone or I'll make you."

Tom laughed and kicked Eli's chest, rocking his body back into the brick wall of the abandoned gymnasium. "What are you going to do? You're nothing but a loner that has to stalk your sister to get her to talk to you. Next time you interrupt my business, I'm going to break something. If I didn't already." Tom spat a thick globule of saliva that dribbled down Eli's face. He lay there gasping for breath while he tried to stand. Bruises pulsed across his ribs where he'd been kicked without mercy.

Movement flashed in the corner of his tear-blurred vision. Lyra, his youngest sister, standing at the edge of the shadows watching them nervously. She winced while she waited for Tom to leave before she rushed over to crouch beside him.

"Oh my god, Eli I'm so sorry. I didn't think this would happen. I... I just saw Lana leaving with them and texted you... I didn't think they'd beat you up like this."

"It's... okay Lyra. Don't worry about it." Eli hissed through the pain as he wiped the mix of blood and spit off his face and curled up with his back against the brick wall. "I can't believe she's hanging around those losers still."

"Should we tell Mom and Dad?" Lyra's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Eli winced at the thought of blemishing his parents' idea of their twins. They were three years younger than he was and he'd felt like he'd been in charge for as long as he could remember. Now Lana was drifting away as she escaped into drugs and boys. Lyra was a nervous mess over their sister and the crushing workload of high school. How could he leave for college with things like this?

"I don't know..." Eli muttered. "All they'd be able to do is yell at some teachers and administrators then we'd get in trouble for 'snitching'." As soon as he said it aloud, he knew how true it was. He loved his parents, but they did everything like the forces of nature they were. When he'd been overworked last fall at his fast food job, they'd strolled in and sworn up a storm at his managers about how they were giving him too many hours.

He had to quit shortly after that, it had been too embarrassing to face any of his coworkers after that.

"Well what are you going to tell them about all of your bruises?" Lyra raised her eyebrow.

"I don’t know, but I better figure it out soon. Seventh period is almost over," Eli sighed as he struggled to climb up to his feet.

Then, everything went black. Nothing was visible except his body, not even his clothes. He really hoped he was hallucinating and that he wasn't actually naked. A public indecency charge would not look good on any of his college applications.

<Initialization processing...> The words burned themselves into the void in front of his eyes, before a screen popped up in the open space.

<Enter your name: ____>

Eli stared at the floating screen as he wondered if he had a concussion and had slipped into some kind of psychedelic nightmare. He flapped his arms and tried to pinch himself, but nothing changed.

"Am I dreaming?" He asked just so he could hear his own voice and then he blinked in surprise as the text on the screen changed.

<User's name updated to: Amidreaming. Is this correct? Y/N>

"No! My name is Elias Newton." He corrected it instantly before his gut sank at the realization that he was talking to his hallucination. At least his parents had decent insurance, otherwise, he'd be a lot more afraid of what the ensuing medical costs would look like. Going into a mental hospital would be scary enough without the thought of overly burdening his parents like that.

<User's name updated: Elias Newton. Is this correct? Y/N>

"Yes." Eli frowned as the screen updated and then vanished. The pitch black void brightened to a almost blinding white and he felt as if he were falling from an astronomical distance.

A new screen popped up in front of his eyes. <What is your most cherished memory, Elias Newton?>

"Um... what?" He asked, then shrugged. It wasn't like he could do anything but answer these asinine questions. Maybe the sooner he was finished with this the quicker he'd wake back up? "I guess when my parents took all of us to Orlando for the amusement parks with my grandparents."

He smiled at the memory and all of the other times he'd gone on vacations or traveled with them. Too bad they hadn’t gone anywhere since his parents got new jobs in their respective careers.

<What is your greatest fear, Elias Newton?>

"Probably being forgotten or being alone," he frowned as he remembered the time his sisters had both gotten severely sick and he'd been left to his own devices as they had to be tended to around the clock. Or the time when his Dad had been late picking him up from school by nearly an hour and he wished that he could have just been magically home.

The sensation of falling at rapid speeds only seemed to increase. Below was a bird's eye view of Farbrook City and from the looks of it he was falling straight for where he had been earlier.

<Congratulations, Elias Newton. You have been successfully initialized into the System of Humanity.>

Eli gasped as he flailed awake with an agonizing squeak of protest as his ribs blazed with agony. He blinked blearily at the sunset that bloomed across the sky. Then he glanced down and yelped in surprise at the unconscious form of his sister Lyra right next to him. He crawled over to check her pulse and was relieved to feel the even tempo of her heartbeat thrum against his hand.

"What the hell was that 'System of Humanity'?" He asked under his breath and then yelped as a screen flickered in front of his face:



Body: None

Mind: None

Will: None


[Equipped Power List:

Slot One -- Teleportation Ev. 0/Lv. 0

Slot Two -- None

Slot Three -- None


[Unequipped Powers:




"What the fuck is all of this?" Eli muttered as he poked at the words teleportation, but nothing happened or changed. His hand passed through the screen with no visible effect.

Lyra groaned as she woke up and squinted at Eli as if he’d grown a second head. "Um, did something strange happen to you too?"

"Yes!" He shouted in his eagerness and hope that he hadn't been alone in experiencing whatever the hell that was. "Did you see those weird screens too?"

She nodded her head slowly. "Do you remember what yours said?"

"It asked me a few odd questions, but when I woke up and thought about the whole 'System of Humanity' thing a screen popped up." Once Eli said 'System of Humanity' to Lyra, the screen vanished.

"Huh. Yeah. It popped up for me too..." Lyra said with a forced calm as her face blanched. Her eyes roved over the text that only she could see. "It's like some kind of weird video game? Are all of your stats empty too?"

"Yeah. The only thing filled was an equipped power. Teleportation, I guess?"

Lyra frowned as she pointed at a line near the bottom of where her screen would be. "Mine says that I have 'Illusion' at level zero?"

"Teleportation was at zero for me too."

"This is really fucking weird Eli... We need to look around. See if we can find out if this happened to anyone else." Lyra stood up, then offered her hand so that Eli could pull himself up. His chest ached from the flurry of punches he'd been subjected to, but somehow the situation made all of that seem insignificant.

They wandered away from the abandoned gymnasium behind their school towards the bleachers where Lana and her 'friends' liked to hang out and smoke. A group of five people were talking animatedly amongst themselves, including Tom and Lana.

"Lana! We need to talk to you." Lyra called out as they got closer.

"Did you guys see it too?" Lana blurted out as she stood up to rush over to them in excitement. Her friends studied them with a mix of hostility and curiosity. Tom cracked his knuckles as he tried to stare Eli down, but Eli ignored him once Lana reached them. "It was really crazy, wasn't it?"

"We did. What did yours say?" Eli asked in a brisk tone.

"Nothing that no one else's said except for the whole 'equipped power' thing. I have 'Enhanced Athleticism' apparently. I'm the only one so far. What's yours?" Lana boasted with the biggest grin Eli had seen on her face since she’d failed to get into varsity track, even if she was a freshman.

"I have illusions and Eli has teleportation. What do they have?" Lyra answered before Eli could. He frowned a bit about how open they were being about all of this. They needed information, but… something about these powers felt a bit private. Personal. Especially if the questions the ‘System of Humanity’ asked had anything to do with what they were. He grunted in annoyance as he dismissed the screen that flickered in front of his face.

"Don't tell them! Why should they get to know?" Tom sneered as he stood up and walked over to them. "What did I tell you about leaving us alone?"

"Does that really matter right now? We have no idea what the fuck is happening. Stop with the dick measuring contest." Eli rolled his eyes as Tom got closer. Irritation prickled him at the thought that they’d had the same thought. Asshole.

"Wait, why are your clothes so dirty?" Lana asked with narrowed eyes. She moved closer as she studied his lopsided lean before she poked his chest where there was a smear of dirt.

"Ow," Eli grunted with a wince.

"What the hell did you do, Harver?" She whirled around to glare at Tom and point her finger at him accusingly.

"Nothing! He was trying to get between me and my favorite customer."

"So you beat up my brother? What's wrong with you?" Lana crossed her arms.

"You should probably speak nicer to me. My power is better than yours." Tom's face darkened as sparks of flame ignited and whirled around his fists. "I'm not afraid to use it."

"Whoa! Tommy, sit down and chill out. Forget about them," called out a girl from Tom’s group of rejects. Never mind that his sister hung out with them too.

"Yeah, yeah..." Tom shook his head at each of them before he muttered, "This isn't over yet. You'll pay for this soon enough, Newton."

"Let's go, guys." Lana huffed as she led the way off the field towards the back streets where Eli had parked his car.

"Are you okay?" Eli asked once they caught up to her.

"No, I'm not fucking okay. That brute beat you up! I just can't believe he'd act like that."

"I can. He's fucking dumb as a rock, his head is emptier than the school’s recycling bins. He’s repeated his senior year twice." Lyra rolled her eyes. "I heard him bragging about how many times he's been suspended. I'm surprised he could even count that high.”

He unlocked his car with his key fob with no small amount of relief. A small part of him had been concerned technology wouldn't work. He couldn’t say why he had been worried about that, but he definitely had been. He did almost swear though at the time on the dash's clock. It was nearly seven. How long had they been unconscious?

"Hey Lana, did you guys all wake up earlier than us?" Eli asked as he glanced at her in the rearview mirror.

"No. Some of us woke up earlier than others. It seemed kind of random." She paused. "Do you think Mom and Dad are okay though?"

"Dad was probably home when that happened. Mom could be at the office, but who knows?" Lyra shrugged as she lifted her hands as a faint translucent glow began to warp and distort around her hands.

You are reading story Power Initialization [Superpower Crafting LitRPG] at novel35.com

"Well, let's hope that they're both home. You want to try calling them, Lana?" Eli said as he drove through the warren of residential streets near the school. Traffic was a mess of cars parked haphazardly as people ambled around trying to figure out what had happened. Several accidents blocked parts of the street so he had to backtrack more than a couple of times or even drive over the sidewalk to keep moving.

"I think the phone lines are down." Lana sighed after a couple of minutes. "I've tried calling and it goes straight to voicemail. They haven't texted me back either."

Eli grew increasingly worried as they drove closer to home. Hordes of people filled the sidewalks as they spoke to one another. It was nearly eight at night by the time they were almost home. By that time, police and news helicopters swarmed across the sky. More than a few intersections had the added chaos of police and even a few military vehicles and soliders all wearing combat gear parading through the streets with loud speakers out.

"Evacuate the area immediately. Return to your homes. Curfew will be enforced at 10:00pm."

The warning repeated again and again as the clock wound down minute by minute closer to the stated curfew. Before too long they reached their house with both of their parents' cars parked in the driveway. They stood on the porch with their phones in their hands before they rushed towards the car. Eli had barely pulled to a stop before they tugged the doors open.

"We were so worried!" Mom cried as she pulled Lyra and Lana into a tight embrace the second they stepped out of the car. Dad smiled at Eli as he walked around to join them.

"I was about to leave any second now to see if you were all at the school. The news said to not go anywhere... but it was starting to get pretty late." Dad said as he pulled Eli into a hug of their own. Eli's wounded ribs twinged at the treatment, but he staved off a wince or yelp from the force of the hug.

"We should head inside. Come on kids." Mom insisted as she gave Eli a quick hug before their parents herded the three of them into the house.

Eli frowned as he studied the living room expecting to see tremendous changes. But everything was the same. Large TV flashing with the current news report where the TV was framed on the wall. The entertainment stand still stuffed full of knicknacks and the family's gaming console collection. Their couches and armchairs were just as they left it. It felt so bizare. He glanced over at his status again and studied the words Teleportation with a growing sense of horror and excitement. What would happen if he—

His mother passed him a glass of water and gestured for him to sit. Eli flopped into the couch cushions with a groan of shifting wood at the same time everyone else joined him in the living room. Dad snapped his fingers and the TV muted itself.

"Uh, what was that?" Lana asked, dazed. Her eyes flitted from the TV to Dad as if she’d seen a ghost.

"One of my powers was technomancy. I can kind of control any technology I can see." Dad shrugged. "Tell us what happened to you guys first."

"One of your powers?" Eli echoed as he turned to frown at his sisters. "We each only have one power."

"Odd. We both have two. Maybe because we're older?" Dad paused in thought before he shook his head. "Anyway. What happened?"

"Well..." Lyra started then stopped with a glance at both Lana and Eli. "I just remember being surrounded by nothing and seeing a lot of strange screens in front of my face. It was like I was playing one of your VR games, Dad."

"Same here," said Lana and Eli at the same time.

"Then I woke up with Eli shaking me and the sun was setting." Lyra finished lamely as she gestured for Eli to continue for her.

"And now we’re here.” He said distractedly as he studied the floating status that hovered right in front of him. Apprehension and excitement grew as he read through it again and again.

"I'm glad you all made it home safely. These powers are dangerous. Have any of you tried to use them?" Mom glared at each of them in turn as if they’d personally caused this. "We don't know anything about them or this 'System of Humanity'." She shook her head sadly as she took a liberal sip from her glass.

"Not yet." Eli sighed, he hadn't really had a chance to see what teleportation was like. It felt like the power was detatched from him, but close to him at all times. As if it were a vestigial limb that had finally been granted a purpose.

"I did..." Lyra admitted with a raised hand. Light twisted and broke above her open palm until the image of an apple floated above her hand. But the picture of it was distorted and off. Flat and waxy, the red was less like the skin of an apple and more like that of a crayon. "I have illusion powers, I was practicing while we were in the car."

"That's cooler than mine," sighed Lana. "And yes, Mom, I guess I have used mine. My powers feel like they're always 'on'. Everything about me physically seems like it's been enhanced. My balance, strength, reflexes, everything. It's already reached level one."

"Well... I guess Lyra's and Lana's don't sound too dangerous." Mom sighed as she held her hand to her head. "Your father is forbidden from using his other power indoors. Our fence in the backyard was destroyed right after he woke up and panicked. I was worried your powers were also destructive."

“What do you mean?” Eli asked derisively as he glanced from one parent to the other.

“I can create and control storm clouds.” Dad said with a dazzling smile as he started to lift up his hand, palm up as if he were about to show him… then stopped at the harsh glare Mom sent his way. “But I’ll have to show you later… Anyway. What’s your power, Eli?”

"I can teleport, I guess. I haven't done it yet." He shrugged. Wouldn’t it be awful if he could teleport only a dozen paces at a time when he could’ve just walked? What if he accidentally teleported inside of a wall or something and lost a limb? He didn't want to leave pieces of himself everywhere... but he really wanted to try it. Maybe when everyone went off to bed he'd give it a whirl.

"What are your powers?" Lana asked as silence stretched in the lull of conversation.

"Ah! Like I said, my first one is something called 'Storm Cloud' which is... well what it sounds like, but it’s really hard to control. The other is just Technomancy. I can control and interact with technology.” He grinned like a kid in a candy store before turning his smile to Mom. “Tell the kids about yours, love."

"Fine," Mom sighed in a huff before a smile thawed its way through her worry. "My first power is 'Cooking Enchantress' which seems like it'll happen whenever I make food. I haven't figured it out, but I feel like I can do a lot with the different kinds of food I make or even whatever I eat. Then I also have Phytomancy, which lets me control plants."

"That sounds pretty cool, Mom!" Lana exclaimed as she leaned forward. "You both seem like you have more... more polished powers than we do or some of my friends did."

"What did they have?" Eli asked snarkily as he remembered the flames that had appeared around Tom's hands. Thank god the initialization hadn't happened before he'd been beaten or he might've been burned too. Seared ribs instead of just bruised. No way he could’ve hidden his injuries then. Small mercies that Tom hadn’t hit him anywhere visible. His parents had no clue how school was going for him. They still thought he had friends.

"One kid had fire powers, Samantha had dream powers, another had some sort of earth-shaping power? And finally, another kid could control sound." Lana rattled the powers off excitedly as she bounced on the edge of her seat. "Samantha's powers were pretty cool. She can create dreams for people."

"A fire power sounds kind of dangerous..." Mom sighed as she slumped against Dad's shoulder. "At least none of you have anything like that."

"They all sound kind of scary to me," Dad said as he started to rub her shoulders. "Dream powers sound like they could get nasty quick. Or earth-shaping? She could destroy buildings very easily. Not to mention the damage sound could do on... well almost anything. I'm glad all of your powers were a bit more tame."

Silence stretched for a few minutes while everyone processed what had happened. How the world changed. Speaker enhanced voices crackled in the echoing distance while the police and military continued their attempts at keeping things peaceful. He hoped.

"Well, I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm glad you're all home safely." Mom stood up after a lengthy pause. "It's been a long day and... and maybe things will be better tomorrow.

"Okay. Goodnight," Dad said before he kissed her then waited for her to head upstairs to their bedroom. The door closed with a click.

"Should we go to bed too or...?" Eli asked with a sinking feeling as he noticed the gleam of excitement that got them stranded listening to a monologue about whatever had caught Dad’s interest in the past. Or on a spontaneous trip to a store in New Faram city for six hours. Nothing good ever came from that look.

"If you want, but don't you want to experiment with your powers a little?" Dad beamed as he stood up and stretched. "We can head down into the basement."

"I don't really think I can experiment too much with mine. It’d be normal exercising, really." Lana sighed as she stood up. "I might head to bed too."

"What about school?" Lyra asked.

"It's canceled. Everything basically is until they lift the curfew. Are you in?"

"Sure. I want to see what I can do with illusions anyways." Lyra shrugged.

"I am curious about what this teleportation is like..." Eli said haltingly as Dad frowned.

"I think you should definitely practice with it, but try not to think about anything outside of the house just in case. I don't want you accidentally going somewhere you shouldn't. We don’t know how it works yet."

"Mom is going to be so pissed when she finds out you guys practiced." Lana chuckled as she headed for the stairs.

"She expects it, I bet." Dad shrugged before wishing her goodnight. "Now come on. It's time to see what we can do."

The basement was filled with stacks of boxes and miscellaneous clutter in one of the spare rooms they had down there. There was a guest bedroom and a bathroom that laid empty most of the time unless extended family decided to fly in, but they were in the largest room in the basement. The laundry room/rec and exercise area where Eli helped Dad move the ping pong table against the wall. Before he could say anything, Dad started rummaging through some boxes of storage in the corner.

Anticipation filled the air as Eli huddled close to Lyra in the middle of the room. They were about to break the natural laws of physics to practice and experiment with their powers. The prospect was as thrilling as it was horrifying. He’d always daydreamed about what he’d do if he control fire or lightning, throw things around with telekinesis… and now he could teleport. Eli couldn't wait to see how teleportation worked. As long as it didn’t end with him buried in the wall or trapped in a crawl space. Nerves tingled and churned through his gut while he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"Can we start, Dad?" Eli asked, interrupting their father's storm of muttered curses.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm just looking for some old tech that I can work with, but that can wait." He pulled away from the boxes and turned to watch as Lyra weaved picture after picture in the air.

Eli's heart hammered against his bruised ribs as he thought about using his power. Tunnel vision blacked out the edges of the room as he felt his focus narrow more and more until he stared at a specific point on the crack in the concrete floor inches away from the wall. Shivers tingled across his skin as if he'd plunged into an icy lake as darkness devoured his senses. Nothing to see, hear or feel.

Until he stood wobbling on the crack like he'd been shot out of a cannon. A cold breeze wafted away from him as he'd landed right next to the wall.

"Good job, you did it!" Dad and Lyra congratulated him at the same time as he sank to his knees. Nausea knifed at his gut as he heaved from the motion sickness of suddenly moving from one place to another so quickly.

"Are you okay?" Dad asked as he knelt next to him and patted his back comfortingly.

"I'm fine, I didn't... I didn't expect teleportation to be so… intense." Eli coughed as he pushed himself off the ground. He shook his head and took deep breaths as he tried to get control over his breathing again.

"Did it feel instantaneous to you?" Dad asked with clear enthusiasm.

"Pretty much, why?"

"You disappeared for almost half a minute before reappearing over here. We were starting to get worried you'd accidentally teleported somewhere else." Dad said as he patted Eli's shoulder again.

"I don't think I could have gone too far. At least not yet. I think I can only teleport anywhere I can see. " He crossed his arms over his chest as a realization struck him. "At least my clothes came with me, I didn't even consider that they couldn't have, but what if there was a weight limit?"

"Could be," Dad shrugged as he handed over a ping pong ball. "Can you teleport objects while you stay behind?"

"Let's find out." Eli nodded as he held up the ball and focused on it. The moment he concentrated, the ball vanished from his hand and appeared a few inches away to drop to the floor with a rolling plink. He held his hand out as he focused on the ball teleporting back into his hand, but he felt resistance as if the space between the ball and him was rigid. Yet it was still flexible between him and the ball. He could teleport to it, but not the other way around.

He did so and smiled as he blurred closer to the ground with his hand right on the ball. Nausea twanged through him for a single moment before it faded and dispersed. Maybe shorter distances didn't affect him as much?

"I always thought teleportation would be a cool power to have." Dad said wistfully as he watched Eli teleport the ball a few inches away from himself, then teleport himself towards it as he tried— and failed to catch it.

"You don't think illusions are cool?" Lyra asked in a teasing tone as she spun the image that hovered in front of her around so they could see the photo-realistic 2D rendering of themselves. "So far all I can do is flat images. I've tried to make them 3D, but they haven't worked. Neither have illusions for the other senses." Eli looked at the spinning image and grinned. It wasn't perfect, but it had his likeness down perfectly.

"Nice. That'll be useful for your art. I bet you could create all of your designs with your power first then trace it." Dad smiled and nodded approvingly as he suddenly sighed. "Your mom just emailed. She says it's bedtime and we can play around with our powers tomorrow. Guess the phone lines are still down."

"How can you tell?" Eli asked with a shared glance at Lyra. "You didn't check your phone."

"I can sense it with my technomancy and use it at the same time. I didn't find anything useful down here that I could play around with too much, so I've been browsing social media with my power." Dad shrugged. "I can't do anything too exciting with it yet, but I'm hoping it’ll become better as it levels up. I bet I could do some really fun stuff eventually.”

"What do you mean by level?" Eli asked with a frown.

"You haven't leveled your power yet? Mine's already reached level two." Lyra said as she read the status only she could see in the air in front of her.

"Technomancy is at level three for me, but Storm Cloud is still at zero. Is Teleportation still zero?"

"Yeah, it is." Eli said as checked, but saw that nothing had changed. Lyra and his dad exchanged a glance before Dad’s phone buzzed again.

“Time for bed! Let’s go.”

A few minutes of bedtime routine later and Eli was alone in his room. He shut the lights off and sat on his bed with the ping pong ball he’d slipped into his pocket now cradled in his hands as he thought about everything that had happened. Tom Harver had beaten the shit out of him, then what was probably the entirety of humanity had spontaneously gotten powers, and now he was sitting alone in the dark as he teleported the ping pong from one hand to the other.

He had tried teleporting himself in the dark and it was harder. Space seemed to squeeze around him as he fought with it to allow him to slip through its vise in order to teleport. The process took longer. It seemed like he needed to see wherever he was teleporting to, but since he could teleport the ball from one hand to the other he was pretty sure he could use his other senses to teleport. Eventually. Not to mention his imagination might still work, but the thought of trying to visualize his room scared him. What if he got a detail wrong or his mind wandered?

He didn't want to appear somewhere in the middle of a military mandated curfew. That sounded like the ultimate bad idea of all time. Or even worse, what if he somehow teleported and got stuck inside of something? Or appeared in another dimension or universe? He’d seen enough sci-fi horror movies. So instead he decided to try to stay inside his room while he practiced. A part of him longed to reach for his phone and scroll through the different social media sites and see what people were saying, but he didn't know if Dad's technomancy would somehow clue him into it.

Eli grinned as he teleported in place, but with the intention of lying down. His senses flickered and then he was flat on his back with his head on his pillow, ping pong ball in hand. He turned his head to the left and looked at his barely visible nightstand in the low lighting and teleported the ping pong right next to his lamp. With a smile on his face, he rolled over and fell asleep ignoring the notification that flashed in front of his face.

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