Power Initialization [Superpower Crafting LitRPG]

Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen

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Two status screens hovered in his view. Every new power tugged and pulled on him in an entirely different way. Each power a new path answering an important question that it was time to try and answer: Who did he want to be?

Eli shifted uncomfortably on the chair he'd been sitting on for the past ten minutes as he tried to come to a decision. Dr. Simmons had been talking to his dad in his office the entire time, but he could barely think about that right now. Couldn’t think about what had happened today.

The mall... he winced at the thought then relaxed as tension melted in the wake of Rapid Recovery soothing its way through his body. It felt so strange to feel so... powerful. Colors were vibrant everywhere he looked. Every sight appeared different—changed—as if it were his first time seeing them. Individual threads bristled up at him from the carpet as he studied the whirling pattern covering every inch of it. No one else sat with him in the waiting room or was even in the whole building other than the three of them.

Yet the empty space in his Equipped Powers list stared at him with its hollowness. He checked his status again.



Body: Light (Photon Shot)

Mind: None

Will: None


[Equipped Power List:

Slot One -- Spatial Control Ev. 0/Lv. 4

Slot Two -- Rapid Recovery Ev. 1/Lv. 2

Slot Three -- None


<Congratulations, Elias Newton! For slotting a power into a stat, you have unlocked an option to obtain a special power. You may now select from one of the following options:

Voidshade Control

Hydro Control

Metal Control

Assimilative Constitution

Winter’s Dominion>


Nearly every power on the list called out to him one way or another.

He had loved the idea of controlling water way back when he'd picked Telekinesis instead, but he'd grown to appreciate light with Photon Shot, and after the past scant few hours of being stuck in the car with sunlight's warmth on his skin... He'd started to grow to love it. Each vibrating photon flitted through space faster than he could even comprehend. It was a constantly shifting landscape that mesmerized him as the spectrum changed and evolved.

Now he had come to realize it was the limitations of Photon Shot that had bothered him. It had yearned to be destructive. To be fired so it could blast his targets. Reduce whatever it struck to scorched oblivion. That wasn't Eli, despite what his parents seemed to think now.

Spatial Control offered him more than enough options for destruction already. With how easily he could displace things and launch them through his void... no. He didn't need help being more destructive, but to reign it in. Eli needed to be precise. Exact with how he used his powers.

He scanned through the list again. Hydro and Metal Control felt weak to him. They were exactly as they seemed.

Eli didn't need to learn to master a whole new power that offered him little real perks now or later when. Especially when he could probably learn to replicate Telekinesis a bit still with Spatial Control. He had some ideas on that, but nothing concrete yet. Now that he’d evolved Recovery to Rapid Recovery and slotted Photon Shot it was more than time to finish out Spatial Control.

With all of that said, that left Voidshade, Assimilative Constitution, and Winter's Dominion to choose from.

Each was appetizing in its own way.

Voidshade would undoubtedly help him with Spatial Control. He sensed that it was literally the abyss of his void that he traveled through whenever he teleported. He knew that it would transform other shadows to fit it and then he’d be able to control them too. It would also help balance out Body of Light's weaknesses, especially if he could find or was offered a body-boosting power like Enhanced Physiology again to merge with Voidshade and Rapid Recovery at some point.

Maybe then he could even combine it with Spatial Control or whatever it evolved into at evo-1. Whatever resulted would be perfect in his Mind or Will slot.

Assimilative Constitution was the power to literally take in materials, elements, and even concepts and weave them into the fabric of his being. To strengthen his body even further both temporarily and permanently. After experiencing the sheer difference in scale from his weak mundane body pre-System to now? A more than significant part of him wanted to chase that high and become even stronger with it. He bet it would synergize very well with both Spatial Control and Body of Light. Absorb the void, space (if he even could), and light to further empower himself.

Winter's Dominion... felt powerful. He'd become the soul of winter personified. Cold would be nothing to him. He'd be able freeze whatever he wanted, control ice, create snow, and probably control any freezing air, which would be all air around him. It also felt like it'd evolve to become a Domain power at some point. But it was rigid. It felt the most complete out of the others even if they were all at evo-0.

He felt it with certainty even if the System didn't list their evolution stages.

"Ugh..." Eli sighed as he stretched out and leaned his head against the wall. Too bad he couldn't just take them all. Voidshade and Assimilative Constitution plus Rapid Recovery and Enhanced Physiology if he could get it again would turn him unstoppable. His body would be perfectly attuned to both the light and dark. Every teleport would empower him. Heal him. Winter's Dominion would allow him to freeze and attack everywhere around him and once it became a domain... well, he already had control over space.

Safety wouldn’t just be ensured, but guaranteed.

He eyed each of the five powers one more time, weighed each choice, and still came up with those three as the only ones he wanted. Maybe these powers would be offered to him again the next time he slotted a power into a stat. Maybe they wouldn't. He had no idea and it wasn't like he had his phone to check either. His battle in the mall had fried it down to scrap.

If he only had one choice... and he had to assume he did. It came down to Voidshade or Assimilative Constitution. Winter's Dominion seemed cool, but... while it was metal as fuck, it wasn't him. Not yet anyway. He wasn't going to throw everything sideways just for the coolest sounding power that he would have to drop everything to master. It did offer an interesting option with how reflective ice and snow turned light, but it wasn’t nearly valuable enough to ruin a unique chance for a new power.

Voidshade Control and Assimilative Constitution.

One would help him optimize and delve deeper into his greatest asset while the other would help him shore up his weaknesses and allow him to turn it into a constantly growing strength. Rapid Recovery would help both of them so it wasn't really a way to balance the scales. Same with Body of Light, except for the fact that being stuck in the dark now sounded even scarier than before.

He already had to rely on his senses to teleport whether physically or his spatial field. But what if he expended every drop of light he had charged and was trapped in a dark cell or it was nighttime and he was under attack? He'd be almost powerless. That terrified him. Voidshade would help him with that right away and even more once he turned it better.

"Sorry that took so long, Eli." Dad said as he walked down the hallway with Dr. Simmons right at his heels. Dad looked and sounded... broken. His face was ghostly pale except for the smoldering heat in his cheeks. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was mussed as if he'd run his hands through his hair multiple times. Eli cringed a bit at the whole situation and that he’d caused all of this, even if he didn’t think he had done anything wrong still.

He only felt bad that Dad had driven them all to New Faram to drop him and Lana off at the community center, gone to the mall, then he had to presumably drive everyone (sans Lana) to the hospital, go back to the community center before coming back to the hospital. Then he’d driven everyone back home before driving them here?

Holy shit that was a lot of driving. About eight hours worth in total. Eli wished he had his phone so he could check the time, he knew it was beyond late.

"Feel free to sit down and relax or go somewhere if you want while Eli and I talk, Rick. If we need to, I’m more than willing to talk until two in the morning. It’s not like we have to worry about any other appointments. How does that sound, Eli?" Dr. Simmons's eternally calm voice helped ease his tension even more as he nodded, stood up, and followed behind the man as they stepped into his office.

"It sounds like you've had quite the hell of a time since I saw you last." Dr. Simmons said as he plopped down into his chair. Eli stopped halfway into sitting on the couch so he could stare at the man and wiggle his stump of a shoulder sarcastically before sitting.

"You're telling me."

"How do you feel about it?"

"Pfft. Classic therapist question." Eli scoffed as he turned away to avoid eye contact. His conversation with his parents flashed through his mind. He already knew he fucked up. He didn't need—

"It sounds like it was really scary, Eli. You definitely made a mistake, but it was a brave one. I don't think I would have been able to rush across town into an active terrorist situation to try and fight them off like you did."

"Does it matter if everyone keeps saying how stupid I was?"

"Bravery is often stupid. Not that you should do it again, of course, unless you're already in the situation... and then it's probably better to fight a pitched battle so you can run away. But otherwise? You've already been punished and shown what the consequences of your actions were. It sounds like your parents already gave you an earful you lost your arm like you pointed out. Why waste our time counterproductively repeating what has already been said? I'd rather hear about anything you'd like to say about what has happened."

"My parents haven't punished me? They both tore into me while I was lying there in a hospital bed."

"Eli. You scared them, no, you terrified them. They thought you were safe then found out that you were in the hospital from the same situation they had just gone through? And you had lost your arm in a fight against those terrorists? What parent wouldn’t be upset? I have one kid in college and another with his own children. I would ‘tear into them’ too right now if treated their own life like it had so little value. But in the end, I'd say you’ve had enough lecturing about consequences. Luckily you weren't killed… this time, but what about if something like that were to happen again?"

"Then I'd stop it," Eli said as he lifted his chin up with all of the determination he could muster. His status seemed to whisper to him about the possibilities he'd wield next time.

Voidshade Control

Assimilative Constitution

Eli would be an entirely different person. Ever since the system came he'd been beaten, berated, and banged around from situation to situation. He was fucking tired of it. Nails bit into the palm of his hand as he clenched his fist and reveled in the sudden thrum of strength that rushed through every fiber and strand that made up his muscles.

"Elias..." Dr. Simmons lowered his head as he rubbed the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "You need to live for more than paranoia and powers. To have more than the next level up or new power waiting on the horizon. Do you remember last time we spoke about how studies found correlation between the powers the System granted people and their greatest memories and their deepest wishes?"

Eli nodded.

"The first few times we spoke I saw a young man wounded by a poor social life in school. Discouraged to try, unsure what he wanted to do in the next five minutes let alone for his future. I still see that in you, but... I also realize how much fear there is inside of you. Every decision seems to be governed by it. I think the System even gave you an out, maybe too many outs to that end."

"What do you mean?" Eli frowned as he studied the man in his trademark golf polo, red today, his neatly pressed slacks. He was composed as always. As confident in himself as steel was that it wouldn't break, but still soft and kind. But yet, Eli had to revolt against a rising tide of anxiety at what he might say.

"You're aimless. Sure, you love to travel, but... this is different. I’m not a scientist or anything like that, but a psychologist, and yet it seems like the System gave you an easy answer to your extreme avoidance. To allow you jump from one thing to the next without needing to ever face whatever bothers you. Then you got your Recovery power which I think has been doing the same for you. It has made you reckless. Emboldening you to take increased risks without having to deal with the long-term repercussions. That's da—

"Dangerous I know." Eli sighed as he tucked his head down. "Maybe you're right, but I've been trying to prepare myself in the face of danger. I'm not playing with these powers for the sake of them being cool! I don’t want to lurk in the shadows to ambush criminals and beat them to a pulp or anything."

"No, you’re not. But you're practicing with them for the sake of being ready to harm others. It's one thing to be vigilant and quite the other to be obsessed. On the hunt for trouble wherever you can find it." Dr. Simmons sighed then leaned forward. "How often do you use your powers, Eli?"

"What do you mean?" Eli narrowed his eyes and tilted his head slightly.

"This space is my domain. So I sense a lot going on in here. I feel how space bunches all around you. Now there's a current of some energy constantly running through you that I don't recognize. I can feel the sheer energy of light that's radiating off you. I bet you that every one of your powers is constantly in use. Right?"

"Aren't most peoples’?"

"No, Eli, they aren't. Most people use them as tools, but you aren't. I'd like you to deactivate all of your powers for me if you can. Right now."

"What? Why?" Eli tensed up at the ridiculous suggestion. Twitches of adrenaline spiked through him as his heart pounded. Strength started to well up inside of him as his body began to absorb more light. To charge it inside of him as if his entire body were a simple orb for Photon Shot. Ready to fire, to act.

"I want to see how you react." Dr. Simmons pursed his lips. "Just deactivate them, please. Take a deep breath and think about how you feel when you have no powers. When you don't have to worry about anything but what you need."

"I...I..." Eli swallowed with an audibly dry click as his mouth seemed to turn into coarse sand. "I can't. I just can't.

"I understand that, but I really do think you need to. You're perfectly safe in here."

"I just can't." He said as he bitterly thought about how easy it would be for this man to crush him like a bug beneath his heel. All it would take would be a quick nudge of his powers and it’d be done. He’d be nothing but a bloody smear.

"Why not?" Dr. Simmons asked in a low, gentle voice. "I know you have a lot of anxiety. But I think this is important for your recovery from what has happened and also for your wellbeing in general."

Eli glanced up to meet Dr. Simmons's unflinching gaze, his wide but openly concerned smile. Disgust twisted in his gut. What was wrong with him? Dr. Simmons wouldn't hurt him. Eli nodded as he unequipped both of his powers one after the other.

Spatial Control’s influence vanished as the space around him deadened for the second time that day. Rapid Recovery ceased all at once. Comfort vanished like a magic trick leaving only exhausted flesh and blood that had been pushed to its last leg. Emotions sparked and flashed through his mind rapid-fire as if his heart was a lighter on the fritz.

But Body of Light remained. Photons buzzed ever so imperceptibly against his skin as he fought to keep himself from collapsing. From guzzling every bit of ambient light in the room dry to strengthen himself as much as he could.

"Your light power too please."

"It's permanent," Eli whispered as tears started to claw their way out of his eyes. Each feeling was starting to catch as they went blazed like oiled kindling.

Fear. Regret. Longing. Discomfort. Anxiety. Anger.

Again and again on repeat.

"What are you feeling right now?"

"Not very good!" Eli snapped as he dried his tears with a swipe of his hand and said with a shake of his head, "I feel awful. Bad emotions and memories keep popping up."

"Like what?" Pen scratched on paper with the same whispering of spindly shadow legs clicking against the tile floor of the mall. Eli shivered as his stomach rebelled with a sharp cramping pain.

"Being bullied. How I stopped getting invited to do things or go around places. How I quit the job I worked at throughout high school so I could buy my car. The home invasion. Dealing with how mean and prickly everyone has been since then... Having my mind broken into so the government could see if I was a fucking threat. Hearing that the mall my parents and youngest sister were at was getting attacked! I knew I had to do something! What if my parents had gotten hurt and Lyra was stranded by herself? All she has is some kind of advanced illusion power I don't understand! No one understands why I did it, but I had to go. What if I hadn't and Lana and I had never been picked up? What if they died while I sat around knowing I could teleport across the city easily? Fought knowing that I could get hurt or die, but at least I can heal and recover better than my family could. Even with my mom's cooking enchanting power. No. I hate how everyone keeps yelling at me like I’m a dumb child who broke something from being a fucking idiot. I'm a bit over two weeks away from being old enough to enlist in the military, but I’m still not old enough to fight to defend myself and my family?"

Eli found himself panting furiously behind the couch with razor-sharp unmoving streamers of light that trailed behind him like ribbons. He stopped, panting as his breath exploded from his lungs with a bright glare emanating from the cloud of vapor. Hot shimmering tears glowed like luminescent beads of sparkling glass that dotted the front of his ugly hospital gift shop shirt and the tread of his path back and forth across the carpet.

You are reading story Power Initialization [Superpower Crafting LitRPG] at novel35.com

Meanwhile, Dr. Simmons's pen skated and glided across his notebook like an Olympic figure skater. Swirling loops and hard-edged lines. Each word probably a condemnation permanently in his notes.

Eli let Body of Light fade as he walked back to his spot on the couch. Fans of glowing light and dotted beads of light dissipated back to nothingness or to regular mundane tears. His outburst left him fatigued as if he'd run a whole marathon in an instantaneous sprint with a weight yoked to his chest.

"I... I didn't mean to yell..." Eli said between ragged breaths. "It's just... I've been holding it back for so long and..."

"It's okay." Dr. Simmons said as he leaned forward to nudge a tissue box closer to him. "You've been through a lot and you seem to be beating yourself up over... well, living, on top of what you've experienced? It will take time, Eli, but my hope is that if you keep trying to stay involved, do new things and stay mindful of these things then change will come. Slowly but surely."

Eli sat there while he tried to process everything he'd said. Something about the words struck him as hollow, but also genuine. Change wouldn't happen instantly. He'd have to try if he wanted to be better. He thought about the last year in more detail and winced at what he'd allowed himself to be reduced to.

Before he let Tom and his friends get under his skin, he'd loved to do so much more than stay around at home waiting for the school year to end. He'd been on the swim team throughout junior year and had just... he'd just stopped. He pulled away from everyone and sure, Tom had turned some of his friends into targets like with what he'd done to Roman or Scott. Eli winced at how he'd pulled away and ghosted them. Now they just ignored each other in the halls at school.

Sure, he'd convinced himself he was doing it to protect them, but wouldn't a good friend have stayed by their side?

"I think you're right Dr. Simmons," Eli said with growing conviction as he wadded his damp tissues up and tossed them into the wastebasket before standing up. "I've been a bit of a dick. I have some people I need to apologize to."

"You don't want to finish the session? Are you sure?" Dr. Simmons blinked in surprise owlishly.

"I do, but... I want to get a headstart before I lose momentum. I just can't believe I let myself fall so far."

"We fall and rise, but it doesn't make us demons or angels. You’re as human as I am. Superpowers don’t change that one bit." He shrugged but stood up with him. "We'll talk to your father if he didn’t leave or keep talking while we wait for him to come back if he isn’t. . I'd like to think you understand what I said, but I'm hoping you'll think about it and be a bit kinder to yourself... and to others in regards to all of this. But one last thing before we go. These powers are nice and fun when they can be, but try to take time away from them now and then. Breaks are important."

"But... what about safety?" Eli asked as he peered up at him.

"Do it when you max them out then." Dr. Simmons shrugged. "At the very least, I think we'll have a new policy of having your powers deactivated as much as possible while you're here."

"Okay..." Eli winced at the thought as he followed him out of his office into the hallway. He instantly tried to equip Spatial Control and Rapid Recovery again only to be hit with cooldown messages.


<Spatial Control is currently unequipped and on cooldown. No cooldown will occur if the power is capped>

<This power cannot be equipped again for 00:27:47>


<Rapid Recovery is currently unequipped and on cooldown. No cooldown will occur if the power is capped>

<This power cannot be equipped again for 01:27:46>


"Dr. Simmons..." Eli said then paused right outside the threshold of his personal office. A thought had clicked in place like a puzzle piece as he thought about Rapid Recovery. What if it helped him more than just physically? Every step he took was dogged, he felt like he would have passed out if it wasn't for his sheer determination to make up for how he'd been acting to, well, everyone. "Do you think that my Recovery power has been working mentally and emotionally too? When it was suppressed at the hospital I had a really hard time adjusting. It was even worse when I fully deactivated it just now."

"It's certainly possible. Or it could be that you've been leaning far too hard on your powers as a crutch to cope in an unhealthy way. Maybe it's both. Is it still deactivated?"

"Yeah. Both of my powers are on cooldown."

"Hm. Well. Just be mindful of it. Make sure to spend time without it activated whenever you have time to yourself or when you're doing something where you don't need it. It might be helpful for you across the board. We can talk about it and see how you feel after our next appointment."

Eli nodded as he pondered over that while he followed him into the lobby where his dad reclined with his head leaned back right against the wall with his prescription sunglasses covering his eyes. His legs stuck out at odd angles and his arms were crossed over his chest. Mom and Lyra had gotten new clothes from the hospital, but his father hadn't.

Rips and tears crisscrossed across his sleeves like claws had attacked him in a flurry of blows. Small scorch marks dotted numerous spots on his spring jacket. Even his pants had more than a few slices taken out of it. Eli hadn't noticed before. Either because there wasn't a single stain of blood or because he had just been that self-absorbed with his own shit.

"Dad?" Eli asked as he stepped forward to shake his father awake. Dad startled awake instantly. Tendrils of water vapor spooled from his hands as he glanced around before he calmed down. Eli wished he had Rapid Recovery equipped so he could give him some energy. He looked like he needed it.

"Sorry about that... I must have fallen asleep there.” Dad took his glasses off to rub at his sunken eyes.

"It's okay. It's Saturday so no one is here and we didn't mind." Dr. Simmons said kindly before studying both Eli and his father. "I think we're done today, but I'd like to see Eli at least twice a week. Does that work out for both of you?"

"Of course. How about Tuesday and Friday next week?" Dad asked as he gazed off into the distance like he was reading something with Technopathy.

"That should be perfect. But I'd like Eli to come by himself if that's possible?"

"By myself?" Eli asked at the same time as Dad.

"Yes. I think it would help you make this more personal. Besides, you have a license to drive and a car, don't you?"

"I do but I haven't really used it since I got powers." Eli shrugged. That and with how easily he could teleport around town it hadn't occurred to him to sit inside his car for a while let alone use it.

"Do you feel comfortable with that Rick?"

"I guess. I mean, Eli used to drive him and his sisters around... I guess he could again. Other than today things have calmed down for the most part, but what about his new... his new condition?" Dad's hands clenched together with a hard squeeze.

"I think it would do him some good to try anyway. Help him find a more normal, empowering use for his powers. "Sound good?"" Dr. Simmons smiled at him and Eli smiled back, although he wondered how he felt about driving again. It felt... odd. Weird and pointless. Why do that when he could just zip around using Spatial Control, but maybe it would be nice. Once he figured out how to drive with only one arm, he could drive just for the joy of it.

"Sure." Dad shrugged after Eli nodded.

"Then I'll see you on Tuesday, Eli. Both of you take care now!" Dr. Simmons said as both him and his father walked out of the office.

"How about I drive, dad?" Eli said as he held his hand out for the keys.

"I can drive."

"You're exhausted. Let me do it." Eli insisted as he shoved his hand out closer.

"Eli... You only have one arm and none of our cars are really accommodating for that."

"Not a problem." Eli shrugged as waved his hand again. "I might be able to use light a bit to help, but I mostly drive one-handed anyways. I'll have to take turns slower, but that's probably for the best, right?"

There was a long pause where they looked at each other in the looming shadows of the night. Eli held his hand out while Dad wavered on his feet. Eli stepped closer and waved his hand more urgently.

“If I can’t figure it out you can just take over with your powers or we can switch spots. It’ll be fine.”

"If you insist, kiddo." Dad sighed as he handed his keys over and rubbed his face again before they got in the car and took off.

"Hey dad... I'm really sorry for everything that happened today. I know I made a mistake, probably several, but I also don't think I did anything wrong. I just did it all in the wrong way, you know, like in the grand scheme of things. If I was older and stronger, it could've been the right move, but... I couldn't bear living afterward knowing that you guys got hurt when I could have helped. But I do feel really bad that I made you all worry and left Lana alone like that. That wasn’t very cool of me to do."


Eli risked a glance over and sighed at his father's deeply asleep form. He'd started snoring like a bullfrog that was trying to assert dominance over everything in the car. Loud and gutturally. Despite all of his assurances that he was fine and could take over with his powers if Eli needed help, he was out cold. He vowed to apologize again.

Regardless, it felt good to drive again even with the radio off. The only sounds were the thrum of the engine, and the flapping breeze of the wind coming in through his window. Not to mention his father's snores.

Light from streetlamps spilled through their windows to dapple Eli’s skin giving him a shiver of strength each time as he was topped off. Blinding rays from headlights weren't even an annoyance, in fact, they were now a benefit. He had to generate and harden panes of light now and then to help brace the steering wheel whenever he had to turn or follow the curving roads. The first few times were embarrassing as the light had shattered into motes of radiance, but he started to get the hang of it.

Maybe one day he'd be able to fashion a construct out of light to act as a prosthetic. Then he might be able to just restore it to flesh and blood using Rapid Recovery.

It would've been a perfect drive if it weren't for the pestering reminder of his status notification asking him what power he wanted. At least he was able to equip Spatial Control. Rapid Recovery was still on cooldown.

Finally after nearly twenty-five minutes of driving, he pulled into the driveway at home and parked the car. He leaned back into the seat of the car and looked at the new power selection screen again. It was time to make a decision.

Assimilative Constitution would be a huge help in making his body stronger all around. It could even be the pathway to restoring his arm. Might even allow him to do all kinds of neat tricks that he wouldn't be able to do otherwise. He'd be able to take in the traits and materials of whatever he wanted to improve himself. Merged with Rapid Recovery and maybe Enhanced Physiology if he was offered it again? His body would serve him like a dream come true, especially if he could find someone to trade him another body power or two.

But Voidshade Control? It'd allow him to literally control the void he teleported through. Literally optimizing what he already had while making up for his weaknesses with Body of Light both right now and in the future. Sure, he was fine as long as he had light absorbed, but his body was entirely mundane in the dark unless he used up his stored light. Plus, it'd be a huge boon to further his offensive powerset. Not to mention the possibilities if he did something similar with body-focused powers.

He just couldn't decide. Both enticed him in entirely different ways.

"Is earlier today on your mind?" Dad asked softly, startling Eli so bad that his skin glowed a prismatic radiance for a split second before he calmed down with a deep breath. Anxiety tip tapped along with the beat of his heart, but he was fine.

"Kind of." Eli sighed as he turned to look at the man who had raised and guided him on so much in his life. Why not ask for his input now? "Don't chew my head off or anything—"

"Great way to start a conversation, but fine."

"—but I maxed out Photon Shot and I was able to slot into my stats and now it's permanent on top of it buffing my body in practically every single way. Granted, it doesn't work in the dark unless I use light I've stored and charged up all day, so right now I'm physically a normal human."

"Okay." Dad said flatly, but he was paying attention at least.

"So... after I did that the System offered me a choice between five different powers, but I think I only want two of them. Assimilative Constitution which would be great long term and really help make me better physically or Voidshade Control which would make up for the weakness with Body of Light now and later plus it’d help me get even better with my Spatial Control!"

"Hm. And you're positive about these two powers?"

"Yes. I was interested in Hydro Control, but I don't want to get a whole new power right now that doesn't really mesh with anything else."

"Are you sure? That makes sense and everything, but you've always loved the water. Whenever we went to the beach or have gone swimming we had to pull you out of the water. You're always the one that sat out with me and watched the rain or gone with me to walk through it. It could be a good pick for you."

"I'm sure. I can always build something like it later. It's offered me a water power every time."

"Alright. So. We got a physical boosting power and essentially a meta power that's good in its own right?"


"Eli... I think you should pick the Voidbane one."

"Voidshade." Eli interrupted quickly before he got too much farther.

"Yes, Voidshade. It'll help balance you out now and you can always get another body-enhancing power whether by yourself or you could even buy one later." He shrugged then added, "Besides, I feel like it'll synergize very well with your light body at some point. After all, what happens when you absorb all light or you have a very bright light?"

"It's either pitch black or there are shadows."


“Okay… I’m doing it.”


<Congratulations, Elias Newton! You have selected Voidshade Control Ev. 0/Lv. 0

Would you like to equip it? Y/N>


"I know I already said it, but... I'm sorry dad. And thank you."

"It's okay. I understand." Dad sighed then paused. "We'll talk more tomorrow. It's really late and we should probably go to bed if we can."

"Worst Saturday ever." Eli said as he climbed out of the car and tossed the keys back to his dad who fumbled them and dropped them... before they stopped right above the ground then snapped back up into his father's hand.

"Goodnight, son."

"Goodnight," Eli said before he stepped into the void to teleport into his bedroom. Instead of an endless abyss, his void was now a spectrum of swirling shadows a million shades of dark. Each one of them was cold, but also deeply familiar. Shadows trailed around him as he dropped out of his void and under the covers.

He almost fell asleep within moments, but before he did he remembered what Dr. Simmons said and left Rapid Recovery unequipped. It was the deepest sleep he'd had since the school year began.


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