
Chapter 1: Loss

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On a small planet just outside of the milkey way galaxy, a raging battle unfolds with sword beams big enough to split mountain ranges apart and flames hot enough to boil the sea and evaporate all the water

In the center of a devastating mountain range, A man with long gray hair and gray eyes appeared, His eyes, didnt gleam like those of a man at war, but rather like an innocent child, who dreamed inspiring fantasies of peace, In his hand is a huge golden blade

He raised the sword in his hand and with a world shaking voice he bellowed




Suddenly the mountains beneath him exploded, a huge golden light appeared, stretching miles apart in the void and threatening to destroy all in its path

But that did not seem to satisfy the man as he reached out with his hand and bellowed again



His sword strike which already defines the law of physics was once again doubled in power and speed as it surged towards a zone in the sky menacingly tearing the void asunder.


A calm but equally powerful voice made it’s presence known as a massive flood of light came together to form a seemingly endless glass reflection of the massive golden sword strike


The golden blade strike zoomed towards it’s target with speed rivalling that of light itself with small trails of cracks in space following its trail as it finally reached it’s target.


The world came to a standstill and everything in the world paused for a slight second as the explosion halted time itself, A big crack in the very fabric of space raged forth in place as the very planet that this monstrous battle is taking place in could not maintain nor withstand the might of two beings that are releasing power of the 7th tier.

The void where the small planet used to reside is now a collection of asteroids that took form as on one side of the asteroid field is a man with long gray hair and gray eyes with a huge golden sword and on the other side of the asteroid field is a woman in all black with two dark horns on her head that gloss with power and authority

with shimmering eyes and a flowing hair the woman raised her left arm and opened all her finger and said


gray air suddenly burst forth to take the form of a circular wheel of lightning, with each spin terrifying arcs of lighting descended to the battlefield as it threaten to destroy all it touches.

leaving trails of cracks in space, the circular wheel garbed in lighting spung one second in the air and instantly appeared 10 feets from the man with the big golden sword, he had a slight change in expression as he bellowed out



The circular wheel in front of the man moved with speed exceeding mortal comprehension as the target of its speed was destroyed with another void breaking explosion with the whole asteroid field becaming filled with lighting


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as the lighting explosion receded and the battlefield became visible again one can see only a big golden sword hovering in the void

appearing in the void right next to the golden sword the woman’s expression remained unchanged as she was not expecting it to be over with that, she laid out her palm on the sword expecting an attack her way

But none came her way

for the first time in this fight a slight change happened on her expression as she was genuinely baffled, stroking the sword the woman stored it and turned to leave the battlefield

with the man’s golden sword in hand which is the strongest weapon he used she naturally assumed he was dead but as she turned she could feel a change in space, as she turned to look she was met with a tear in space and the same gray eyes.

The man now adorned witn golden bracers on his arms surged towards her, and before the woman could react she was met with a fist ever so encompassing as she heard



as the fist came into contact with her beautiful face the power of the bracers were made apparent, the golden bracers surged with tinges of purple color

The bracers to the woman’s surprise were even more powerful than the golden sword, space shattered and with her thought in a jumble the woman was sent flying at a speed beings in the 6th tier would find impossible as she clashed through a large planet with half of the planet being obliterated instantly

still flying through the void at an impossible speed and not stopping the woman somewhat regained control of her hand as she called out


Back on the battlefield, the man with the now new golden bracers felt a shift in space as right in front of him appeared a mirror, the woman now battered and with one horn broken came out and she held in her hand a dark glossy spear.

flying at the same speed as when she was first hit, the woman used her speed to her advantage to drive the spear through the man’s abdomen

The man was surprise to found that it was not just his body that was damaged, as the man felt his soul being skewered, he has taken a serious damage.

the woman laughed as with a wound like that she felt she had won, the man looked down at his chest in pain as he knew better than anyone that this was something that he can not survive from, eyes glimmering with innocent, the man roared in defiance as he showcased a power he had never wanted to use

his left bracers shined purple as they exploded, he stretched out that hand to grab the woman by the hand, with his right hand bracers also shining purple he drew it back for a final blow.

being grabbed the woman tried to break free but to her shock, she found that she could not move her body as her soul was restricted.

The man roared with



The attack doubled with enough power to destroy solar systems came hurdling towards the woman, Feeling the incoming attack being directed to her soul the woman looked at the man’s eyes as his eyes shimmer with fighting spirit and defiance.

she closed her eyes and let out a slight smile



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