Prides Submission Book 3

Chapter 12: Chapter 9: Repopulation

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      It made no sense, why she would even consider accepting the sororities offer, after touring the campus with Joscelyn Luca. Yet, Sophia couldn’t help but imagine how much her life would be easier if she could somehow get her hands on a diploma. Of course, her life wouldn’t get much easier if she got knocked up in the process.

      The risks involved made going to the university a real headache. There was an opportunity to climb a step up in the world, all she had to do was ensure her womb was ripe and ready to work. Sophia looked over at the counter just thinking about it, gazing to where her contraception sat. She always hated taking it. It messed up her monthly cycles, and made them worse. More than once Sophia had considered being done with them altogether. 

      Chloe had followed her home like a lost puppy dog with a tail tucked between her legs. Sophia couldn’t dismiss her best friend out of habit, but wanted very much to slap her in the face. She hadn’t spoken much during their journey to the southern district, even in the cab they were both awkwardly silent. 

      Strolling into the bathroom, Sophia threw off her clothes into the wash bin, and proceeded to draw a bath. She felt gross, and smelled sweaty. Looking herself in the mirror, all Sophia could see was the small layer of fat at the base of her stomach. There was also a pinch of extra fat along her thigh. Sophia hated the idea of dieting, but didn’t see another choice. 

      A splash distracted her, and Sophia turned around to find Chloe already in the tub. She curled her legs tight to allow Sophia some room. 

      “I’m still mad at you,” Sophia scoffed as she stepped into the bath. The porcelain tub was just wide enough to accommodate both of them, if they laid their legs on top of one another. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but Sophia let it slide.

      As she laid in the warm water, and dropped a bath bomb under the faucet, Sophia let her mind wander, thinking about what Joscelyn had told them. She reflected on the college tour experience, letting the events sink.

      “So,” Chloe finally spoke up. “What do you think?”

      Sophia wasn’t sure. Just as she was about to speak, she felt a sore pain building in her chest, and small trickles of white fluid began to leak into the water. The warm bath had helped expand her milk ducts, making it easier for the nectar to leak through.

      Chloe jumped at the chance, noticing the grimace on Sophia’s face, and helped to massage her giving breasts. Sophia moaned as her friend suckled on each of her teets, while rubbing her breasts with smooth hands. The affection came with all the skills Chloe had learned while working at the dairy as a farmhand.  


Three Hours Ago

      “Favorite sex position?” Surprisingly, by the time Joscelyn got to it, it wasn’t the worst question. Yet still, Sophia couldn’t stop herself from blushing. 

      The three of them had been touring the campus for over an hour. It’s gymnasium was immense, and nearly packed with students. The cafeteria featured five star quality chefs and were readily available with anything from a rather large menu. There were five major scholastic buildings, each dedicated to a specific set of curricula. Engineering, Literature, Science, History, and Art.

      Sophia thought the gardens were the best part. With its many creeks and pathways there were so many places to get lost in, so many places to enjoy the scenery. Sophia already picked out four places that would be great to read. The rain had finally faded, yet the humidity remained. 

      One of Sophia’s earlier questions had already been answered. All the sororities had a different style of uniform. According to their chaperone, the styles changed every year. Some were fairly nice to look at, others…not so much. The worst uniform Sophia had seen was from the Sasha Institue, who wore a belt around their breasts, barely covering their nipples, and a thong that dug into their rear cheeks. It must’ve been agonizing walking around in that all day.

      Her favorite uniforms so far were from the Lyra Institute. Their gowns were modified to include a boob bag, and their backs were fully exposed. It was exotic, and sophisticated at the same time. Their choice in garter’s looked a little tight, but otherwise the outfit was splendid. 

      During the tour, Joscelyn had been asking them a series of questions. Some of them were routine. Sophia had a hard time looking at Chloe the entire time, she was still stewing over the fact she lied to her, and drugged her, two days ago. 

      “I like being spooned,” Chloe answered Joscelyn’s question sincerely. Sophia knew that much to be true. She had enough personal experience with her, and her boyfriend, to know.

      Sophia tried to relax, she rubbed her shoulders and popped her knuckles to relieve some of the tension. It made it easier to confess to such a personal question.

      “Doggy…on all fours...” Sophia had never confided that with anyone before, not even Chloe. The way a man felt, rubbing her inner walls at just the right angle while her breasts swung in the air, was extremely euphoric. If she ever grew too tired or lost the strength to keep going, her mounds could act as a cushion while leaning forward so that the man impaling her could make his way even deeper. When he would grab her hair was the best part. Sophia kept all that to herself for now.

      “Do you enjoy the warmth of a mans semen pouring inside your tight walls? Does your stomach flutter at the prospect of having your womb filled?” Joscelyn looked over her shoulder with a grin. 

      It was at that moment that Sophia noticed a sorority sister with a noticeably plump stomach walking by, books in hand and purse over her shoulder. The young thing smiled at them as they passed.  

      Sophia paused, her memories with the Durrant’s still fresh in her mind as well. Feeling the warmth of his seed spilling in her fertile cove was unlike anything she had ever experienced. It was soothing, fulfilling, and somehow…it made her feel alive. 

      “Yeah,” her stomach dropped admitting it, but Sophia couldn’t deny the truth.

      “Why the hesitation?” Joscelyn asked politely.

      “I just…” Don’t be timid. Sophia took a breath. “I love how it feels.”

      Chloe walked beside them, feeling the need to add to the conversation. “Everything but the mess.”

      “Birth control?” Joscelyn continued with the next question. A flock of sparrows flew overhead, free to soar without the rain. Way off in the distance, Sophia was also surprised to find a small herd of deer strolling through one of the open fields at the edge of campus. Several doe grazed next to their fawns, while a pair of bucks kept towards the tree line.

      “Not anymore,” Chloe’s answer was swift. 

      Sophia wasn’t sure where this was going, although catching a second pregnant girl made her nervous. “Yes,” she answered.

      “You better stop taking it,” Joscelyn looked squarely at Sophia. The look in her eye sent a chill down her spine.


      Joscelyn halted her step, nearly causing Sophia to collide into her. “You heard me, no contraception is allowed on campus.”

      No contraception…is…allowed. Sophia felt her throat go dry. “But…what about…?” Sophia tried to ask the obvious question, all the while noticing a third pregnant sister sitting by a water fountain.

      “Getting knocked up? It’s a strong possibility. Especially if you’re the kinda girl that likes to have fun.” Joscelyn turned around, causing a nip slip with her parted gown. “In fact, one would say it’s encouraged.”

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      Sophia paused her step, and even Chloe halted next to her. 

      Noticing their terror fueled expressions, Joscelyn licked her lips before elaborating further. “Ever hear of the Nova Repopulation Program?” Neither of them had. “You best do some research before accepting the enrollment. It’s the sole reason we exist as a campus. It’s the only reason we have the funds to maintain all our facilities.”

      It was true that the Grand University seemed to exist outside the norms from the rest of society. The resources to maintain it had to come from somewhere, and there were no taxes to supplement its facilities. Sophia wondered if her mother knew anything about it, or if it was a new program.

      “The program is designed to bolster the human population, in hopes of expanding the city and maybe one day rebuilding civilization. Most sorority sisters get pregnant at least once, some multiple times during their enrollment. I think the average is about three times during a typical college career.” Joscelyn crossed her arms underneath her giving breasts. The sun started to break through the clouds, although a curtain of grey sky refused to fade away. “Of course no one can make you have sexual intercourse, although I won’t lie, hazing can get a little tough for some girls.”

      “I’ve heard seniors can order freshmen to…do just about anything.” Sophia remembered what her mother had told her.

      “What!” Chloe gasped.

      “Losers say what,” Joscelyn chuckled. 

      Sophia and Chloe ignored the cheap jibe. 

      The sorority sister looked disappointed. “Really? Fine, don’t get your panties in a wad. It is true that you would be required to obey your senior sisters orders, but that doesn’t extend to sexual intercourse. At least not actual penetration. Best get used to blowjobs though. Good luck trying to resist the temptation, college is kinda boring without having fun with all the available guys on campus.”

      Sophia swallowed. So far she hadn’t seen man boys on the grounds, except at the gym and they seemed exceptional examples of masculinity. 

      Joscelyn brushed her hair back, which only exposed more of her right breast. She didn’t seem to mind the cold air giving her supple flesh goosebumps. “Campus university finances the transfer of early stage pregnancies into synthetic wombs, but only for the top ten percent of grade point averages. And yes you’re expected to raise them, the babes I mean, not just the grades.”

      “That’s insane!” Sophia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. What kind of institution would promote the impregnation of it’s students?

      “That’s saving the human species from annihilation. Anyway, you best mentally prepare for that.” Joscelyn resumed her pace, without caring if they followed. “Again, you don’t have to sleep around. You just aren’t allowed to use any birth control while being a student. Don’t worry, most guys are pretty good with pull out in time…most guys.”

      Sophia’s feet felt slow and cumbersome as if her shoes were made of lead. “You suck at selling this whole ‘come to college and get a job’ bit. How many kids do you have?”

      “Two, and their father and I have eloped!” The fragrance in the air suddenly tasted a little sweeter as the trio got closer to the tower which housed all the students. Joscelyn’s pace heightened as they approached the front doors. 

      Sophia studied Joscelyn’s lean and youthful figure, and wondered if this was just another jest. “You look pretty good for someone who’s had two kids.”

      “Top ten percent grade point average, I’ve not had to actually deliver them.” 

      They reached the doors of the tower, a series of security checkpoints were installed just beyond. The windows were barred, and sentry turrets were installed with infrared scanners. Sophia wondered if they fired live ammunition, or tranquilizers. She hoped the later. 

      “One last question.” Joscelyn reached out to plant her hand on the security terminal. It scanned her palm and finger prints while she looked at the camera. “What would you like to do with your life? Other than selling your milk from those soft and hefty breasts of yours?” She looked over her shoulder at Sophia, then glanced toward Chloe. “Or work as a farm hand at a dairy for minimum pay?” 

      The scanner rang a chime of approval. The locking mechanism on the door hinge clicked, and signaled with a green light that the way was clear. 

      Sophia had thought about why she would want a degree for a while. When they explored the literature building, and reviewed all the course options, Sophia discovered exactly what she would love to do. The next question she had to ask herself, was whether it was worth it. 

      “I want to be an author.” Sophia noticed Chloe glance at her with a cute smile.

      “An author huh.” Joscelyn didn’t sound impressed. “Can you afford the paper or computer software to write a manuscript?” Joscelyn opened the door to the vast dormitory. “Do you even know how?”

      Sophia didn’t have the skill or resources to accomplish it on her own. She shook her head and sighed.

      “And what about you Chloe?” The sister asked.

      Chloe’s answer came with a shrug. “I was thinking about owning my own business, so maybe something with management?”

      Joscelyn weighed their answers, then motioned for them to follow her inside. “With a college degree you can easily get an apprenticeship with an actual author in the city, and with a simple grant all your gear would be readily available. You could write dozens of manuscripts, and have them edited without robbing you of a single dime.” 

      Sophia gulped at the prospect. As she crossed the entrance threshold, she noticed how cool and refreshing the temperature was inside. The air was laced with some kind of incense that made her nose tingle, and there was a uniquely calming atmosphere.

      Joscelyn continued, this time addressing Chloe. “It doesn’t take much to be an entrepreneur in Nova Nash, just an idea and a will to pursue it. But without a degree, good luck getting the finances in order. You want to run your own business? Maybe even your own diary? You’ll learn all the tricks of the trade in no time here, and with the city expanding there’s always a need for new capitalist ventures.”

      Inside, the ground floor of the tower was expansive with plenty of space for lounge rooms, a small cafeteria, and even a recreation center. Few spent a lot of time here, unless wanting a snack or a quick meal from the cafeteria. Sophia would learn later that most the students hanged out elsewhere on campus for social activities. 

      Sophia was impressed by everything she had seen, and wondered what the dorms looked like. “Will…I be required to live on campus?”

      “Yes,” the sister answered. “Although you’re free to come and go on weekends.”

      Sophia nodded. “I don’t like the idea of this Repopulation Program.”

      “Just practice abstinence then, or make sure he pulls out in time. Most guys are careful enough to avoid mishaps.” Somehow, Sophia wasn’t sure about that. Joscelyn continued with a stern voice. “Oh, and one last thing. I hope you don’t get all skittish and shy around men. Judging by the video I’ve seen, you have a little demon in both of you, so I doubt that’ll be an issue. Just saying, a lot of new sisters freak out when they notice the glory holes in the bathrooms, so you best not panic when asked to pleasure one.”

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