Prides Submission Book 3

Chapter 17: Chapter 14: Nurse me for Seed

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      Nothing happened, despite all the rumors. 

      It wasn’t as if Sophia didn’t want something to happen, it just wasn’t up to her. It was absolutely maddening, however, being so close to that behemoth of a man and not being allowed to play with his ripened shaft.

      More than once, Sophia attempted to find ways to touch him. Just a small touch, to feel how firm his bicep was, or how stony hard his stomach could be. She wanted to feel up his rock hard, and bulging, abdominals. She wanted to press her palms against the slabs of muscle that were his pectorals.

      Lysander’s Hunter Village accent continued to ring in her mind. It was so unique, so fluid and arousing. The Hunters Village, like the Shade District, was outside the wall. But where her mothers district was organized and guarded, the Hunters was a sprawl of chaos. Criminals lived in those southern hovels for years, even with the threat of skitters, and it was only recently recognized as an official district. Its people were hardy, fiercely protective, and reclusive. Few from inside the city walls willingly explored the new district, but Sophia had journeyed there on milk runs more than once. She had to be guarded each time. 

      He kept a distance from her all the way to the dormitory tower. The only time she was able to get close was when she pretended to trip and fall backward into his arms. As far as trust falls go it wasn’t convincing, but he did catch her all the same. His hands caught her gently, the back of her head bounced off his stomach. Being that close gave her a sense of vertigo, like falling from grace. The sensation lasted all but a second, and Sophia twisted in his arms so she could place her hands on his stomach. 

      The first thing she noticed was how thick and hot his skin was. The palm of her hand was practically on fire, and yet she didn’t want to pull them away. The smell of his musk tickled her senses, and his cologne stirred her arousal. “Could you please do me a favor,” Lysander asked politely with that charming, yet rustic, tone of voice.

      A thick trail of saliva dangled from Sophia’s lower lip while she looked up at him. He was so freaking tall! It was almost intimidating, the sheer level of masculinity exuding from his stature.

      He noticed the fire in her eyes, and gently tried to push her away. Sophia wasn’t budging, her fingers dug into his shirt in protest. 

      “Please get off me,” Lysander asked. 

      “Whoops.” Sophia struggled summoning the energy to let go. The moment she took a step back, her fingers wouldn’t stop tingling. Her palms were clammy, and she could feel sweat strolling down her shoulder blades. Arousal dripped down her inner thighs, her lower lips eager and ready to suck him dry. “Thanks for catching me.” 

      It was hard to read his handsome face. Lysander masked whatever was going on in his mind with a neutral expression. He didn’t look or sound angry, but neither did he seem happy about her attempts at seduction.

      Lysander Kromwell had proven every bit as much a gentlemen as possible. There was safety under his shadow, and a welcoming sense of relief. He was a gentle giant, his bulk acting as a shield to guard her against those who clearly desired her. Sophia couldn’t blame all the wandering eyes, her sorority had one of the skimpier outfits after all.

      There was only one sorority she was jealous of, clothing wise. That being the Kiersten Institute. Sophia didn’t know why, but she was very curious about where she could find something like it outside the University. She would love to have something similar, but a little less revealing of course. The fabric and style of their uniform was every bit as imaginative as it was jaw-dropping. 

      Entering the dormitory tower, strolling through the main commons area, Sophia was bitterly reminded as to why she was so envious of the Kiersten’s.

      The Kiersten Institute was having some sort of gathering in the main commons area of the dormitory tower. Where they planned to go was of no concern to her. It was annoying, finding her way through the crowd. There must’ve been some fifty of them getting ready for wherever they were going. Sophia assumed it was a closed party, or maybe some sporting event. 

      It was their uniform she enjoyed looking at. It was a dark purple spandex one piece bodysuit. The material was a bit glossy along the cuffs and collar, and more matted over their torso’s. Delicate swirl patterns coated the ensemble, all barely noticeable unless one looked closely enough. It seemed innocent, and seductive, enough from the front. Yet, as they turned around, one would find a large slip of its material was see through. From the back of the neck all the way to the very bottom, a line of camisole was completely see-through. It made it so their rear cheeks were completely on display, and the thong they wore must’ve been agonizing. 

      One last caveat that caught her breath, was that each of the Kiersten’s had a tramp stamp tattooed on their lower back. A pair of tribal wings, with a broken heart at the center, and flame’s etched along the wing tips. Sophia wondered if they had other tattoos in more unsavory places as well.

      There were so many Kiersten’s getting ready to leave, yet they didn’t seem to care about Sophia, or any of the other sorority girls trying to make their way through the room. They all looked at Lysander, who was still fallowing her. Sophia shot them all a ‘he’s mine’ glare, it was met with a few ‘we’ll see’ glances in return.

      Once passed them, Sophia’s head began spinning as the two walked up the stairway to their designated floors. She couldn’t stop thinking of all the ways Lysander could ravish her. He had the strength to do whatever he wanted, even against her will. All he had to do was but put a firm hand on Sophia’s shoulder, and she would happily submit to him. She would even scream if he asked. 

      They arrived at the Rachelle floor fairly quickly, and it was then that Lysander wanted to part ways, to walk further up to his own floor. It was fate that got in his way. Just as she was about to tempt him, Sophia tripped on one of the stairs. This time it wasn’t on purpose, and she landed hard on her knee. It happened so fast. She cried out in pain, feeling her kneecap strike home against the narrow slip of the next step. The gash quickly drew blood, as a wash of blinding white pain flared.

      Lysander was quick to rush to her side. He leaned over her, wrapping an arm around her waist, and slowly lifted her up. His other hand reached out, and clasped the wound. 

      “Easy, you banged yourself up pretty bad.” He wasn’t wrong. Sophia was groaning with pain as she felt her leg pounding. His hand pressed firmly against the wound, applying pressure to keep herself from bleeding all over the floor. “I’ll take you to the infirmary, just try to keep still.”

      It wasn’t the way she wanted to get closer to him, but Sophia didn’t complain as he scooped her up and carefully carried her back down to the first floor.

      He made his way down the stairwell with a measured pace, keeping his hand on her busted knee to slow the bleeding. The smell of his pheromones somehow made the pain bearable. Her nipples were perky and fully erect. With each bounce in his step the material of her uniform parted so that he could see them. Sophia wanted him to see, she wanted him to admire her fair skin, and supple breasts. They were aching for his firm touch, they were yearning for his soft lips.

      He wouldn’t risk a glance, Lysander kept his gaze firmly down the stairwell, despite her bouncing tits. By the time they arrived at the infirmary, the Kierstens were gone, all except one younger freshmen who seemed left behind, and worried. The girl noticed Sophia’s wound and instantly jumped forward.

      “Holy shit! What happened.” It was then that Sophia noticed her curly ginger hair, and freckled cheeks. The girl was short and lithe, the skin tight uniform held tightly to her small peach sized breasts. Despite her thin stature, there was some muscle on her bones. 

      The Kiersten had a soft womanly face, one that seemed almost fragile. A single scar was visible on her cheek, and Sophia couldn’t help but notice the collar tattoo wrapping around her throat, one of vines and thorns with a few flower buds in between. 

      “She stumbled,” Lysander answered swiftly. 

      “You’re lucky I was here, I may be hungover but I know the basics for first aid.” The Kiersten’s voice was chipper, as if excited.

      Lysander, with the Kiersten in tow, rushed Sophia to the infirmary without another word. The nurses station was empty, and Lysander called for her via a terminal as soon as they found a spare cot. 

      “Let me see the wound,” the Kiersten asked. The moment Lysander lifted his hand, a thick spurt of dark red blood gave Sophia a fright. 

      “It isn’t as bad as it looks…I think.” The newcomer worked alongside Lysander to wrap up the wound with thick wads of gauze bandages. The first several layers failed to stem the flow, instead blood found ways to seep through the tiny strands of linen. 

      Sophia couldn’t stomach the sight of seeing her own blood, and quickly fainted.

      A few hours passed. 

      Her dreams were muddled and complicated. When Sophia awoke, she found herself feeling groggy. Leaning up from the infirmary mattress, she quickly lifted the sheets to find her knee firmly wrapped in several layers of fresh gauze. Also, for once she was wearing a hospital gown rather than her typical uniform.

      “Took a bit of a stumble, how careless.” A middle aged woman was busy analyzing a large glass container of whitish fluids. The label listed it as test specimen secretions, yet Sophia knew semen when she saw it. “You should look where you step.”

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      Sophia’s head cleared, her eyes began to focus through the drugged haze. The nurse looked to be in her mid thirties. Her charcoal skin stood out in her white lab coat, and the brown locks of her hair were braided in dreadlocks. 

      “How long was I out,” Sophia asked with a dry tongue. She yearned for a glass of water, and maybe some of that semen to top it off.

      “Only a couple of hours.” The nurse answered while studying the vials. “Your leg needed three stitches, not to mention a couple of anti-biotics to prevent a serious infection. You were lucky a brother from the house of Contact was there to bring you here before you suffered from too much blood loss.” 

      Sophia laid back down, her head rested on the feather pillow. The ceiling was spinning above her, it was hard for her eyes to focus on one spot for long. Her knee was numb, but her leg still throbbed. “It feels sore…”

      “Thats odd, I pumped you so full of painkillers that you shouldn’t feel anything at all.” The nurse looked over to Sophia with a nurturing smile. Sophia’s vision got a little clearer, allowing her to see the glasses sitting on the bridge of the nurse’s nose. They looked good on her, in a nerdy sort of way. “No matter, you’ll be fine. Just go light on it for a couple of day.”

      “Is that Lysander’s?” Sophia asked, looking at the impressive amount of fluids in the test cup.

      The nurse chocked a laugh before responding. “I asked for a sample of his seminal fluids, and he happily provided. It took a little convincing, luckily his girlfriend was there to help extract the specimen.”

      “Girlfriend?” Sophia’s eyes shot open, a breath caught in her throat.

      “Yeah, that Kiersten nurse-wanna-be who helped bring you here. She did a decent job, for a freshmen. Although anyone can learn typical first aid. Still, I’ll notify her sorority as to why she was late to her sorority events.” The nurse strobed her finger along the edge of the glass container while lost in thought.

      “That Kiersten ginger girl…is his girlfriend!” Sophia couldn’t stand the thought. 

      “Yeah, I was just as surprised as you. The size of him alone would ruin most girls. I could only imagine how loose she must be by now.” Sophia listened to the nurses words, and couldn’t help but feel the same.

      The nurse continued. “If only you were awake during the sample extraction. I’ll admit, it got me a little steamy. If I ever wanted my snatch beaten to a pulp, and then some, I know just who to call.” That last confession was spoken with a coy smirk. “Imagine an elephant trunk, that’s what I’m talking about.”

      “Can I go back to the dorm, please.” Sophia grumbled pitifully. 

      The nurse was taken aback by the suggestion. “Absolutely not! I need those stitches to settle first. Give it another hour, and then I’ll have someone help you get back. I would advise you rest through the weekend. Come Monday you should be able to walk, but you’ll need help going up and down the stairs.”

      Sophia didn’t care about her injury, she remembered what it felt like having her toys stolen by one of her other siblings when she was a young girl. That feeling of outrage, mixed with anguish, was how she felt now. If she could get away with it, Sophia would’ve isolated herself in the bathroom until she had no more tears to shed. 

      How could a boy make me feel like complete shit, Sophia wondered. “Great,” she mumbled silently into the open air.

      The nurse noticed her frustration, and strolled over with a light sway in her hips. “You’re young and healthy, you’ll heal up in no time. It was just a flesh wound after all.”

      “Can I have…some of his semen?” Sophia looked over to the large cup of seminal fluids. 

      The nurse nearly tripped. “What?” She asked with a stunned look on her face.

      “Sorry, stupid question.” It wasn’t stupid, not to Sophia, but she figured it wasn’t a normal request. 

     The nurse recovered her posture, and then stiffened with a new consideration. She cleared her throat, adjusted her glasses, then sat next to Sophia. “How about I trade you for it?” Her voice was shallow, barely a whisper.

      “Hmm?” Sophia leaned up in her cot, still feeling a little light headed.

      “A small vial of his ejaculate, but only for you to ingest. In return, I would like some of your fresh milk. I’ve heard it’s especially flavorful.” Wherever the nurse might’ve heard that was anybody’s guess. Regardless, Sophia felt it a needless request. All she had to do was ask and Sophia would happily sell it. Especially for something as pure, and juicy, as Lysander’s seed. 

      “Deal,” Sophia was already undoing the buttons on the back of her gown so that the nurse could get easy access to her chest.

      The nurse took off her gloves, warmed her hands, and then dabbled some ointment from her medicine cabinet. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

      “I’ve already been milked twice today, there may not be much left.” As proof, her breasts felt a little softer than usual, and once exposed to the clean air their sag was noticeable.

      The nurse felt up the softness of her bountiful mammaries, the ointment coating her hands quickly seeped through the skin. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Then with a small amount of pressure, the nurse managed to massage a little deeper, into the soft tissue. 

      Sophia gasped. Her chest felt warm, and her heart calmed. 

      “The lotion I just applied has a small amount of oxytocin. As it makes its way through the layers of your fatty tissue, it’ll send a message to your body to relinquish what small amount of milk you must’ve stored up.” The nurse continued to apply her skill, her fingers rubbing a little deeper. “Did you know that oxytocin is the hormone released when a babe suckles on a mothers breast. It helps to inform the body that it’s time to release any milk stored in your glands, and secret it through the nipple.” 

      Sophia wondered why she hadn’t thought of using such an ointment before. It might’ve helped her milk production when she was at the farm. Sophia leaned back, letting the soothing warmth make its way through her exhausted mounds until feeling tiny amount of pressure beginning to stir. The nurse’s hands then focused on one breast at a time, ensuring both were rubbed with a healthy dose of her special ointment.

      “Hey nurse?” Sophia’s cheeks flushed. 

      “Yes?” Her hands and eyes remained fixated on her chest.

      “Can I have some of that ointment too?” Sophia looked at the large bottle sitting next to her.

      The nurse shrugged, then shook her head. “It’s fairly expensive, so no. But if you ever want one of my massages, I’ll happily lend you some. I will ask for some of your milk in return though.”

      “Sure thing.” Sophia gasped as a budding pressure rose to the surface. “Keep going, don’t stop…” her words were sharp as a thin trickle of motherly liquids spilled into the nurses opened vials.

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