Prides Submission Book 3

Chapter 20: Chapter 17: Painful Temptations

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      “Thirty two?” Sophia mumbled the number to herself over and over again. Sometimes in her mind, sometimes partially out loud. She couldn’t help but wonder what the hell it meant, what the hell was in store for her. More than likely something shameful, I’ll bet. For some reason, that didn’t seem so bad anymore.

      Sophia Pryde, lonely unicorn and ample milk producer, went to college for the promise of future wealth. Such greed still motivated her decisions, but the source of that greed seemed to be changing. She still loved the idea of owning her own mansion, or high-rise suite, complete with servants to please her every want and need. Now, however, her cravings took on a more carnal flavor. 

      Semen. Enough to fill a swimming pool, or at the very least a bath tub, would make her tits perk up. That…or one mans seed in particular. 

      Even now, as she walked down the steps into the unknown void below campus grounds, all Sophia could think about was Lysander. She ached for him, her swollen pearl throbbed for his touch. It was hard to think about anything else, including the insane garb she had to wear.

      The bikini was barely large enough to cover her nipples, and its thin string clung too tightly against her skin. She could feel it starting to leave a mark, it was digging into her flesh. The underwear gave her the worst wedgie of her life. The razor thin strand ran along the seam of her undercarriage, from the bottom of her nether lips, up the length of her butt cheeks, all the way to the base of her spine. The slice of fabric covering her groin wasn’t large enough to hide anything.

      Thank god I remembered to shave yesterday, Sophia thought to herself while walking down the rather long stairway. Her back tattoo was glowing with a light bluish hue, and at times the colors changed to a dull orange. 

      It took fifteen minutes for them to make their way to the warehouse. The tunnels leading to it were laden with shadow, and it was easy to get lost without careful direction. Joscelyn led the way, bearing a cell phone to light their path. The underground labyrinth was cold and dark, the sound of dripping water echoed around them. Sophia could taste the moisture in the air, it was tangy and metallic. 

      They made their way to the hidden party quickly enough, and Sophia was relieved to find the warehouse was throbbing with life. Pulse pounding music sent shockwaves through the air. The speakers waned as they passed the threshold. Already some dozen freshmen were there, all wearing the same slutty uniform.

      “This thing is giving me the worst wedgie.” Chloe managed to whimper just before the lights brightened.  

      “I know, right up my ass crack.” Sophia responded as a series of spotlights flared, all focusing on a second tier where the seniors drank amongst themselves. Sophia spotted the president at the center of the crowd, a golden chalice in one hand, and a large cock in the other. A man, nearly the size of Lysander, stood next to her with his mammoth trunk in her grasp.

      “Welcome my dear sisters,” the presidents voice was somehow a crescendo of elegance and drunken sloppiness. “I know you’re dying to learn what your special card numbers are for, but don’t worry, that will come later. For now I want you all to enjoy tonights festivities. My only order for you, until later, is to not leave the dance floor until your clothes fall off!”

      A heart bursting uproar of applause erupted from the seniors standing on the top tier. They were so loud, they nearly spoke over the presidents next proclamation. Sophia heard it, although only barely.

      “Don’t mind the camera’s, just pretend they aren’t there.” The presidents words were just audible enough to breach through the noise. Sophia’s eyes darted from side to side, a bead of sweat strolled down her cheek. She couldn’t see any cameras, or at least nothing obvious.

      “Is she serious?” Chloe gasped. 

      A memory flashed before Sophia’s mind, one of when she was in the back room of the Rhythm Garden, and her experience recorded for wide spread circulation. Could this be a repeat? She couldn’t help but wonder.

      The applause continued from up above, and the music volume rose. This pattern would repeat itself numerous times, the volume decreasing and the president repeating her orders, as new groups of freshmen arrived. Each time, Sophia looked around in search for hidden camera’s, only to finally give up after the third attempt. Sophia got the impression the seniors were enjoying themselves a little too much, watching the freshmen pawns make fools of themselves like it was a dinner and a show.

      The dance floor was made up of padded plastic beams, and the speakers surrounding it created a steady rhythm in the air itself. Sophia resigned herself to the presidents orders, although she felt them childish. Her bikini strands dug into her giving breasts, and carved into her shoulders, as she tried to move with the music alongside several other freshmen. Shots of alcohol were delivered by older sisters periodically, and Sophia accepted them whenever offered.

      Once the last of the pawns had arrived, the doors were sealed shut. For a moment, she feared this was the extent of the party. Those fears were disquieted before long.

      Eventually several side doors opened, revealing the warehouses side chambers filled with other students enjoying themselves. Seeing the spectacle in the main room, they made their way inside. Most were made up of Rachelle Sophomores, and Juniors, although several other guests were amongst them. 

      Amidst the disorienting light and sounds, Sophia could make out a curiously large number of women from the Lyra institute. Seeing as they were technically rivals, she couldn’t help but wonder why they were here? The Lyra’s were all wearing new uniforms, tube tops and hot pants. The ensemble looked much better than what she was wearing.

      Strobing lights, heart banging music, and sweaty bodies all packed so closely together created a steamy atmosphere. A steady fog started to form along the floor, smelling of rich perfume. Sophia’s entire body was glistening with sweat from head to toe. She craved something, anything, to drink. 

      Alcohol was plentiful, and in all varieties, although the servings of vodka with lime slices was her favorite. The drink of choice for most appeared to be a mash whiskey served in a jar and flavored with toffee sticks. Sophia couldn’t wait to get her hands on one, but first she had to survive the mosh pit.

      Sophia’s initial instinct was to move cautiously. Her heart was racing beneath her breast, and there was a surge of delirium laced with the adrenaline. It wasn’t long before someone was grinding up against her. She could feel his chest against her back, and his bulge pressing between her butt cheeks. He was large, and quite thick indeed. Judging by the impression of his tip between her cheeks, Sophia could tell he was circumcised. 

      All it took was a single, hard, slap on her right cheek and Sophia’s vision went white. She squealed with pleasure as the sudden jolt of pain shuddered up her spine. She jerked back, and felt the string of her bikini snap from the sharp twist of movement. Sophia fell forward, barely reaching out in time to stop her fall. Within seconds she was pinned forward, one hand on the floor, the other trying to wrap around her giving breasts, while her rear was arched upward into the air. 

      “Shit…” Sophia tried to collect herself. She got a good whiff of the sweet smelling fog lazily hovering over the floor, it made her feel slightly light headed.

      A hairy arm wrapped around her waist, and for the first time Sophia felt the head of a rather large erection poking against her nether lips. She wanted to fight back, she wanted to resist, but her thong was a soaking mess. It clung loosely to her folds like a weather beaten flag. 

      He arched himself an inch closer, easily gliding the tip between her swollen lips. Sophia’s womb clenched, her head was spinning, and she felt a knot roll in her stomach. She wanted him to breach her fertile cove, to spread her wide open. It had been six long months since Sophia had such attention between her legs. If only he wore a condom…or she had her pills, then she would’ve slammed her hips against him. 

      Sophia’s mind was racing, her knees were literally shaking with elation. It wasn’t the riskiest day for her…but…

      “Your so wet, I can just slide right in.” His voice was agitated, and edged with a fevered anticipation. Clearly his natural instincts were taking over. Sophia could feel it as he pressed himself closely against her. His heart was racing, his skin felt like it was on fire. Had he been a lesser man, he probably wouldn’t have hesitated at all. If he were a brute, he would be slamming his girth forward without mercy the moment she hit the floor.

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      “Hey, let me go.” Deep down, sub-consciously, Sophia hoped he would ignore her plea. Had he pinned her down, and forced his way with her, Sophia’s body would’ve joyfully surrendered. 

      “What?” The mans voice was quick and haggard. He looked down at her quivering body, and noticed the terror in her eyes. “Fine…sorry.” 

      He let her go, then slowly drew back. A thick dab of love juice drooled from Sophia’s lower lips. It stuck to his mushroom shaped tip, and dangled from his shaft, as he rose. He even offered to help Sophia back to her feet. 

      She accepted his hand, but as Sophia tried to stand, a high pitched snap accompanied an instant release of pressure around her waist and groin. Her thong fell to the mist carpeted floor, exposing her naked body to the man in front of her. 

      His erection stiffened in response, but somehow he kept a distance. Sophia wished he didn’t. She hated to admit it, but she wanted him to seize her and use her however he desired. Her body demanded it! Sophia’s eyes dilated, her fingers twitched, and her loins were dripping nectar onto the floor. 

      Each breath dulled her mind, making it more difficult to resist the temptation. It was hard to listen to the little voice in her head reminding her that this man could literally knock her up before the night was over. He wasn’t even that handsome, but for some reason…she struggled to care.

      Something had to be done, Sophia realized! Otherwise, her fertile womb would be flooded with veril seed. If she didn’t relieve the pressure using another means, either she would surrender or she would be forced too.

      “No worries,” Sophia offered him a small smile. Her fingernails were digging into her palms as she got onto her knees. Even the pain in her knee had subsided, or it had been washed away from whatever narcotics were in the air. 

      Sophia looked up at the mans erection, her heart skipped a beat, and the tattoo on her lower back was burning a stark pink. “Let me pleasure you like this instead.” She had her hands on the sides of her breasts to emphasize what she meant.

      Her breasts welcomed his pulsing heat. Pre-seminal fluids coated his shaft, and began rubbing into her flesh. The tip reached her lips and he tasted like lavender body wash. It didn’t take him long. Barely five minutes later, a thick cup-full of his batter poured into her mouth, most of it in one forceful spurt. It was more than she could swallow. Somehow, it was almost thick enough to chew!

      Sophia gasped for breath, spewing thick globs of gooey semen down her chin. The spent soup dripped onto her collarbone, and glommed onto her skin. Another attempt to gulp it down caused her to cough, spewing more of his juices onto her breasts. 

      “Have you been saving that all month!” Sophia’s words were thick and warm as her tongue was still covered in baby batter. It took several more attempts to force enough of it down her gullet to properly frame a sentence. 

      “Just gifted, I guess.” He took a deep breath and kissed her on the cheek. Thoroughly spent, he strolled away, opening a path through the crowd. 

      Sophia followed in his wake. Nearly half her freshmen sisters were naked already, and in the throws of sexual depravity. Just before she made it to the edge, Sophia could hear Chloe’s unmistakable voice above the noise of the crowd. She looked over her shoulder, and quickly caught her best friend nearby. It wasn’t hard to spot her. In fact, Chloe was impossible to miss.

      Chloe’s body was hanging loosely in the air, her limbs dangling as a much taller and broader man impaled her with his insanely large shaft. Her ringed piercings reflected the light of the flood lights from up above as they swung from her scarlet colored nipples. 

      It was mesmerizing to watch. Chloe’s guttering moans of pleasure were barely audible above the music, although Sophia could make out each wrathful orgasm. 

      Once again the temptation to let the nearest man explore her depths was almost beyond her control. Desperately she resisted, even though a flood of endorphins was sending her libido into overdrive. Turning away, Sophia missed the moment when Chloe’s body seized with mind-numbing pleasure. The brute cheered like a drunken mule, ejaculating an entire generations worth of semen into her shallow cove.

      Naked, her breasts laden with milk, Sophia marched away and emerged from the crowd. The area around the dance floor was made up of bar stands, drinking games, and other means of entertainment. She found the rest of the warehouse, orbiting the dance floor, was mostly filled with sophomores and juniors. Joscelyn was amongst them, and was quick to notice her. 

      Sophia expected some kind of punishment, and was taken aback when her older sister offered her a drink instead.

      “Heya,” for the very first time, Sophia saw a genuine smile on Joscelyn’s face. There was no cruelty, or sadistic pleasure. The drink she offered was a filled jar of moonshine, the whisky mash smelled surprisingly sweet.

      “Thanks, I guess?” Sophia took a single short sip. The flavors tingled on her tongue. “This is delicious!”

      “Hah,” Joscelyn nearly coughed as she laughed. “There’s more where that came from, so enjoy.”

      Before Sophia could respond, an arm wrapped around her shoulder. Someone she hadn’t met before leaned up close. She seemed strange, although Sophia could’ve sworn she recognized her from somewhere. Curly blonde hair, tanned skin, and an athletic frame wore the Lyra uniform with style. The woman’s small, apple sized, breasts were surprisingly perky against the tube tops thin fabric. 

      “So you must be the milking girl.” The Lyra’s voice had a strong Hunters District accent, not too dissimilar from Lysander’s, but with a more feminine tone. She continued, “seeing you naked always gives me a rush.” 

      Sophia looked at the Lyra’s bright amber colored eyes, and felt the strength in her bicep. “Have we met?” She asked curiously.

      The Lyra sported a laugh, then chugged the jar of moonshine in good spirits. “Not formally, but…lets change that.” She then looked over at Joscelyn, “Can I borrow the pawn for a moment?”

      Joscelyn finished her drink, then motioned for Sophia to do the same. She even placed a hand at the bottom of Sophia’s glass jar, forcing it to her lips and lifting it until it was devoid of its contents. The moment Sophia was finished, another jar was presented to her in earnest.

      “Just be patient Helena. Trust me, you’ll get all the time you need before the night is over.” Joscelyn shot both of them a wink.

      “What—“ Sophia tried to ask, only for Joscelyn to interrupt her by placing a finger on her lips.

      “Shooo, don’t worry about it.” Her older sister motioned for the two of them to follow. “Lets play some beer pong, forget about everything else for now.” 

      Sophia felt pressured by the strange Lyra girl, and her older sisters strange attitude. Regardless, by the time she was finished with her second jar of moonshine, she no longer cared. 

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