Prides Submission Book 3

Chapter 5: Chapter 2: The Rhythm Garden (image provided by Mr. Gunn)

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      Sophia’s mothers, both Keri and her wife Sena, had expressed to her the importance of keeping her breasts healthy. Now that she was working at the dairy in regular intervals, her poor gals relied on a proper diet and optimal protection. Without proper maintenance, and proper padding, her swollen mammaries risked growing saggy. 

      Some days, like today, Sophia’s mounds felt like melted butter in her hands, and looked like melon sized mushy tear drops. They were especially prone to being like this during her days working at the dairy. On others, often during her off weeks, her poor gals felt swollen and looked like plump tear drops. 

      Right now they were exquisitely sore, and Sophia could feel a spike of pain with each heart beat. On days like this, she opted to wearing a silk brazier, along with a firm corset to keep everything in place. The silk was soft enough to fit comfortably over her sensitive skin, and was delicate with her sharp nipples. The additional corset was strong enough to keep her breasts from swinging around with each step.

      Sophia opted to wear a pair of skinny jeans as well, and adorned herself with a light jacket to complete the ensemble. Her dancing shoes were brand new, a reward she got for herself using the tip money the Captain had given her.

      Once in appropriate attire, Sophia quickly left her tiny loft and met with Chloe at the designated club. She had never been to this particular one before, a place called The Rhythm Garden, although she had heard of it. These days, there was always a new club to check out. Bars and clubs, and the trends they followed, seemed to come and go like the wind.Sweet Springs was just one of the many neighborhoods known for its leisure activity. During the day, live music could be heard on many a street corner. Restaurants were aplenty, as was the choices in cuisine. The minute the clock struck nine, street vendors made way for live broadway shows, and bars opened their dance floors. 

      The Rhythm Garden was one of the newer clubs, although it took up one of the more historic buildings in the city. The structure was once an amphitheater overlooking the river, its newest owner had renovated it to feature a large dance floor, complete with synchronized lighting and music. The thrum of the bass speakers sent shivers through ones soul, and the air had been laced with legal narcotics to help loosen everyone’s mood.

      The interior decor was delicate and sophisticated, with marble tiled floors and polished bar tables. All the furniture was aged and refurbished to appear tasteful and refined. The open space at the center drew the eye, and servers in sexy lingerie walked around carrying trays of varying spirits for everyone to enjoy. The establishment was obviously trying to appeal to a refined clientele, while also trying to lure in a young and vibrant crowd. The music was a mix of techno-muse and retro-disco. Sophia wasn’t the biggest fan of it, but she let it’s rhythm pulse in line with her steps on the dance floor.

      Sophia was glad to be out of her work uniform. Her new outfit quickly drew the eyes of the surging crowd. It felt good to be noticed, even on days like this when her breasts felt saggy and gross.

      Chloe was glad to be in something more seductive as well. While she worked as an employee at the diary, her contributions were not of the milking variety. Thus her womanly curves were unblemished from the trials of over use and continued nourishment. Chloe was happy to show off her stomach with a shortened crop top, and her leggings were parted at her shin to show off her ankles. She didn’t need a bra, and was happy to let her nipples scratch at the surface of her linen top.

      Together, they danced with the music for what seemed like hours. Once the overhead sprinklers came alive, Sophia was too enthralled in the atmosphere to care. Warm water seeped through the fabric of her corset, eating its way through the silk brazier underneath in mere seconds. At some point, several of the dancers around them began stripping out of their clothes. From there things escalated quickly, the dancing quickly devolved into an orgy of carnal flesh and blind stupor.

      Sophia let her partner’s hands explore her flat stomach, and peel underneath the layers of her top. Just as Chloe was about to reach the bounty of her flesh, Sophia pushed her away at the last second. “I’m not quite drunk enough for what comes next.”

      Chloe looked disappointed. “Wanna take a break?” She asked as loudly as she could over the noise.

      No sooner had she said the magic words, another man on the dance floor tried to lean up against Sophia. His broad chest was dripping from the overhead showers, and the light bounced off his fair skin. Sophia looked him up and down, he wasn’t handsome but not ugly either. He still wore his jeans, although Sophia could feel his hard phallus pressing up against her back as he tried to feel her shoulders.

      “Sorry buddy, maybe next time,” Chloe politely interjected. Somehow her voice was sharp enough to sting through the thrum of the music. The air around them was starting to feel stifling, a result of all the sweaty bodies pressed so closely together in the tight confines.

      He wasn’t interested in turning back, Sophia blushed upon feeling his firmness rubbing against her. Only a few centimeters of fabric separated it from touching her bare skin. It took her a moment to push him back and try to escape. Thankfully the water made it easy to slip away, and the blinding lights made it even easier to get lost in the crowd. 

      Once freed from the growing orgy on the dance floor, Sophia and Chloe rushed to the bar toward one side of the interior. Behind the counter top stood several dance poles, complete with professional dancers to entertain those who sat nearby. Sophia was surprised to see both male and female courtesans applying their skill on the poles for all to see. 

      Sophia was glad to find a pair of stools for them to sit on, although their clothes were still soaking wet. Had she known this was the type of establishment to sprinkle them in hot water, she would’ve worn something else. Actually, Sophia felt like had she known this was a sex club she wouldn’t have come at all. She preferred far more classy establishments, ones that weren’t used for degrading fantasies.

      The moment they sat down, it was as if the weight of the world slipped off her shoulders. Fresh towels were provided by some of the roaming servers, and Sophia was quick to take off her jacket and wipe the sweat from her neckline. 

      “That guy was a jerk,” Chloe was happy to see the bartender was quick to serve up a fresh martini. The cover charge they paid up front just to enter the Rhythm Garden paid for the drinks.

      Sophia grumbled, her loins were still tingling with excitement. How long has it been, she wondered about her rather dormant sex life. Three months? Maybe four? 

      “He was getting really handsy,” Sophia looked over to see that the man hadn’t followed. He was still on the dance floor. His jeans were laying on the ground as another woman caught his eye. Rather than brush him aside, his new acquaintance let him grind against her like a animal ready to mount her.  

      “Chloe…” Sophia turned her gaze away from the naked mass of bodies, and looked squarely at her best friend with accusing eyes. “Exactly what kind of club is this?”

      “It’s a…” Chloe paused thinking of the best way to answer. Her blue lipstick left behind a small smudge on the martini glass in between sips. “Actually, it was supposed to be a trendy new college club, but I guess the owner switched things up this weekend?”

      “I can see that.” The Grand University grounds were only a few blocks away, making this the perfect spot to attract young students from the safety of their overburdening dorms. Looking around, however, Sophia saw few wearing university colors. There were plenty of customers her own age though. 

      Few were accepted to join the intellectual elite, and without a fraternity or sorority invitation, any application would be dismissed. Sophia’s own mothers had met at the university, and graduated from the Rachelle Institute Sorority before she was born. The horror stories they told didn’t encourage her to follow in their footsteps. 

       “I guess that’s why they carded us,” the realization dawned over Chloe. “They really scrutinized our age. I kind of feel bad for acting so insulted.”

      “You said you wanted to dance, but this is clearly an adult club.” The laws of Nova Nash were fairly loose around the activity of the leisure districts. Whenever an establishment entertained itself as an adult club, the only major legal requirements were that everyone was of age. Private security had to also be present, and there were plenty of bruiser looking types monitoring the club.

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      “Now that you mention it, yeah I should’ve read the brochure.” Chloe sat her empty drink on the counter top, and was happy to see that a second had swiftly taken its place. The bar tender was nice enough to offer them some light chit-chat in between serving their drinks. He even went out of his way to find the special brand of gin that was Sophia’s favorite. She was sure to offer a tip for the effort.

      The crowd behind them cheered louder as the music switched gears. Soap bubbles formed on the floor, and several people were openly feeling up each other in full view. One thing quickly lead to another, and the sounds of moaning pleasure outstripped the thrum of the speakers.

      “I’m not going back in there,” Sophia sighed. She watched as a woman got on all fours, and let a complete stranger take her from behind. 

      “I don’t blame you. I wuv sex, but Jack will freaking kill me if I had fun without him.” Whenever Chloe spoke of her boyfriend, there was a hint of whimsical reverence in her tone. Despite her many faults, Chloe was always loyal to her man.

      “At least you have some form of standards,” Sophia shot her a smirked.

      “You know I do.” The lights overhead continued to stroll back and forth. It was starting to give Sophia a migraine. 

      The minutes passed quickly between them. The orgy in the center of the dance floor became the pivotal attraction for newcomers entering the club. The sprinkler system continued to soak the center stage as dancing lights reflected off everyone’s wet skin. Those that sought the refuge of dry safety kept to the fringes of the dance floor, enjoying the festivities of party games and jubilant conversation. It was interesting to watch all the action from the safety of the bar, although the carnal leisure made it hard to think of anything less salacious. 

      “I’ve been thinking?” Chloe leaned against the counter with drink in hand.

      “Oh boy,” Sophia braced herself.

      “I want to work at the dairy in a more productive manner. I want to work as a brood mare.” The confession surprised her. Sophia’s condition was unique, along with her sisters, who’s mammary glands were always in a stable state of production. Few women could handle the constant demands, their bodies just not prone to lactating until after their first pregnancy.

      Sophia studied her best friend’s face. If she were serious, that could only mean one thing. “Are you and Jack trying for a baby?” 

      That made her best friend blush. “I wouldn’t say trying, but we’re not not trying either.” She emphasized ‘not not’ trying with air quotes. 

      Sophia squealed with anticipation. She was practically hopping up and down in her seat. To restrain her, Chloe had to grab her by the wrists and keep her still. “Calm down Sophie, don’t make a scene.”

      “But it’s so exciting!” 

      Chloe pressed a finger against Sophia’s lips in a playful way of shutting her up. “Speaking of sex,” Chloe’s voice quivered as she spoke. “What was the largest you’ve ever sucked?” 

      Clearly she was trying to change the subject. Perhaps it was the exhaustion from the dancing, or the laced aphrodisiacs in the air. More likely it was whatever they were adding to the drinks, but Sophia found the idea of talking openly about her sexual exploits appealing. “I think maybe nine inches?” She couldn’t be sure, but remembered exactly who it was and where it happened. Much like a place like this, and the guy had been a huge mistake.

      “Not bad, not bad. What about the largest you’ve ever fucked?” Asked Chloe. She had crossed her legs, a sign that the was struggling to keep still. 

      “Six,” said Sophia with a measure of certainty. The guy had bragged about being average, as if that were an accomplishment. Apparently, he was incredibly self-conscious about his length until uncovering the truth from a mens health magazine. It must’ve been a rather weird day for him, but luckily Sophia enjoyed him well enough. 

      “Wait…you didn’t fuck the nine incher?” Chloe nearly dropped the glass in her hand. 


      “Why not!” Chloe’s cry was more an accusation than a question.

      “He was nine freaking inches!” The answer seemed obvious to Sophia. Her stomach clenched just thinking of what would happened if she let that snake monster near her. It would rip her apart!

      Chloe strobed her finger along the edge of her glass while studying Sophia’s face. “I’m disappointed in you, Sophia Pryde.” 

      “Well then, maybe I won’t put in a good word with my mother for you once you start developing.” It was a pointless jibe, of course she was going to try and help her best friend get the promotion when the time came. But it was fun seeing Chloe grumble at her behest. Sophia finished another drink before continuing. “What about you? I know all about Jack’s size, shape, and texture. Has there ever been a larger pleasure stick in your hands?” Sophia was happy to turn the tables on her best friend. 

      Chloe was about to respond when something caught her immediate attention. Her cheeks flustered as her eyes darted past Sophia, and toward something across the room. “Um, babe?” Her hands were practically shaking as she planted a hand on the flat bar table.

      “What?” Sophia followed her best friends gaze. Once she saw what had so captured Chloe’s attention, the hairs on the back of her neck stood straight.

      “Is that,” Chloe pointed to the opposite side of the vast interior to where a small gathering had formed around a beautiful woman wrapping her legs along a steel pole. “Is that your mom?” 

      Sophia’s mouth went dry, her hands grew clammy. Seeing her own mother swinging on the stripper pole like a savant made her want to die.


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