Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 65: Beneficial past

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With 159 gold coins left, Shane's choice was somewhat restricted but it was still more than enough for him to purchase everything needed.

The most important investment of 110 gold coins went into a bow called

[Horiou-wood bow Tier-1 (Rare)]

With its grade at Tier-1 and its rare quality, it could generate a force to penetrate all kinds of Elite beasts and even awakened beasts with a weaker defense, as long as the projectiles it shot were sturdy and sharp enough.

Shane was sure that his current physique couldn't pull the bow to its fullest potential, but even so, it would definitely be more than enough to kill wild stage beasts without much difficulty, which satisfied him.

Fortunately, he found the bow within a human shop and he only had to pay a transfer fee of 10%.

WIthout arrows, the Horiou-wood bow would be entirely useless and Shane searched through a few arrow shops in order to find the best quality ones for a decent price.

In the end, Shane found a decent shop and purchased slightly more than 50 uncommon tier-1 arrows for 20 gold coins in addition to 14 rare tier-1 arrows for 14 gold coins and a single.

Due to the transfer fee, Shane's complete wealth was used up and it was frustrating, as he innately wanted to purchase an extraordinary quality arrow with special runes inscribed but their price was just too high for the purpose they would provide.

As such the only thing he could do was accept the current situation when everything he purchased appeared within his spatial ring.

Overall, Shane was satisfied with his purchase, even though it hurt his heart as he wanted to do so many things with the funds he earned throughout the last few days.

With his remaining four uncommon mortal mana stones, he was confident in refining his physique to a certain degree, which would increase his combat prowess.

Shane doubted that a perfect refined physique would be exactly as strong as a normal flawed refined physique and he was expectant to figure out what a real perfect mortal physique would be capable of.

Looking at the bow within his spatial ring, Shane could only smile lightly, as he remembered his aunt who taught him archery for some time.

Somehow everything he learned from his family was useful for him right now because he learned almost all kinds of weapons from a young age in order to be prepared for every scenario.

Being reminded of his aunts and uncles, Shane felt slightly bad to have not messaged them, but once he did that he would want to meet them which would lead him to leave the Primordial Dimension, which wasn't what he wanted for now.

The only reason for him to leave the Primordial Dimension would be to go to one of the academies as long as his application would be accepted.

But even then, the academies provided their students much freedom with optional courses without the obligation to go to any lesson.

The required knowledge for everything was provided within the academy's servers and could be downloaded from the students through the system as long as one received the permission.

The only things one had to do within an academy were simple.

First, be present within the exam period and reach a certain threshold

Second, don't be too late for a class and grade challenge, otherwise, you're disqualified for the dimensional-spheres until the next challenge starts.

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Third, accumulate a certain amount of merit points by fulfilling school missions within the primordial dimensions.

As long as Shane fulfilled all requirements, he was free to do whatever he wanted to which was much better than on earth.

On earth, Shane skipped classes and entered university early as everything was boring but even university wasn't something that attracted his curiosity and he only went through all the hassle in order to secure the only thing which made him curious.


Unfortunately, that was not only the cause of his death but even after transmigrating on Igra, Shane's love and curiosity for animals tortured him as he vehemently disregarded his dad's order to kill living beings.

Even though Shane's mind already surpassed the age of 20 years during that time, his outer appearance was that of an 8year old kid.

He hated his father for a long time and the gap between them grew without a single sign that told something different.

It was probably already during that time that Shane began to question his father's orders and tries to force him into something he was not sure if he really wanted it or not.

Without being able to retaliate, Shane could only obey and he did what his father wanted him to do until he escaped his firm grip by entering the Primordial Dimension where he was saved from him.

Only now after multiple weeks of an arduous struggle did Shane understand, that the things his father forced him to do weren't necessarily bad.

His memory was still as good as it was on earth and Shane's mind was filled with knowledge about almost everything that one could read without awakening the system.

In addition to that, his strategic, political, economical thinking was distinct while his proficiency in all kinds of weapons was firm.

Thinking about his childhood and what he experienced on Igra, Shane felt somewhat guilty towards his dad.

Shane was thankful for the guidance and education he received but in the end, it wouldn't change his mind that his father could force him into a marriage.

Furthermore, he wouldn't accept his dad manipulating him as well as being treated like one of his marionettes.

Shane could live by himself and work hard to achieve everything HE wanted instead of things his father planned for him.

The gap between both of them was already too large to scoff it off as if it was nothing, only because Shane accepted one of the many things his dad did to him.

Deep within, Shane knew that his father loved him, but in his opinion love didn't justify violence, forcing anything he wanted onto him, and treating him like a puppet.

In the beginning, Shane told himself that his father couldn't take the responsibility of a whole race by himself and that the loss of Shane's mother was too much for him to handle, but with time going it was neither becoming any better nor worse which told him one thing for certain.

His father was just a complicated type of human.

Not anyone could form a connection with him but it seemed as if the strong always gathered together, as Shane's whole family was filled with humanities heroes.

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