Primordial Mecha

Chapter 2: C2 Dungeons Deep, Caverns Old

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"So, you said you can hold us right? and that i'm supposed to pilot you right?"

I ask Korr

"Yes, elder brother, let me open the cockpit so you can enter."

His kneels down to where he's on one knee, and his head splits into two, revealing a red bubble with a chair inside. I step inside, and Nyx follows me. I notice some markings along the walls, and realize that some of them were the same as the ones on the way here. 

"Hey Korr, what do these symbols mean?"

"You cant read them? Theyre written in the language of the Star Crystals."

"They are? I've never seen any of my kind apart from Nyx"

"Really? Perhaps they really did...."

"Did what?"

"Nothing, just a rumor I heard way back."

"I see...I'll ask about it later then, but for now, how do I pilot you?"

"See the chair? Lay down in it, and close your eyes. From there the chair reads your brain activity and interprets how you want to move"

"How does it read my brain activity? I dont even have one"

"The neurons in your body arent located solely in your head like most creatures, instead it blankets your whole body, so essentially your whole body is a brain, and it connects by you sticking your arms into the openings seen in the arm rest."

"So, no sticking needles into me?"


"Alright cool then, lemme go on in then"

I walk in, taking notice of the black walls with the symbols, red vein looking things snaking throughout the inside and outside, as I get closer to the red bubble I extend my hand, and the bubble parts, allowing me to pass. I walk through the bubble and lay down on the chair, sinking my forearms into the openings and closing my eyes. When I do so, my body feels like its on fire, and I see lots of computer messages alerting me. I feel like its just information overload, as words and images ive never seen before flood into me, battles and wars, conversations with people like me, things I've never seen before, yet I can feel that theyre real. I barely manage to speak aloud

"Korr...are these...your memories?"

"Yes elder brother, you are seeing the millenia of my memories, hence why you are in pain, meanwhile I am reading your memories, so that we can build a bond, so we can synergize perfectly in battle and elsewhere."


"Are you ready to attempt piloting me yet?"

"Yeah, I think so. What do I do?"

"Just imagine standing up first"

I do so, but I fall over, not quite used to the digitigrade legs. I try once more, twice more, and on the third attempt, I manage to do it.

"Good job elder brother! Now, since we have room, try to relax your back muscles as much as possible."

I do so, and the wings at the back unfold, spanning an unimaginable distance. 

"Great! Now, tense your back up"

I do so, and the wings fold back together.

"Good, now, relax, and tense, and repeat that process a couple times"

I do so, and the wings begin flapping, causing me to hover above the ground ever so slightly.

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"Amazing Elder Brother, with that you can walk and fly! Now, for weapons, you have a couple different options. On both shoulders you have cannons, and the weapons you can hold include an antimatter rifle, a plasma sword, and a magic staff. You can have the unlit sword on your hip, your rifle on your shoulder, and the staff on your back. If you walk to that door over there and put your hand on it, it'll open, and you can retrieve your weapons"

I walk to the massive steel door, rough and unpolished from millenia of no maintenance. I scan it over, and some symbols can be read, Korr's memories coming in handy so that I can read it

"Ye who came long after our exodus, we leave you our legacy, a legacy born of the void, our lost homeland that we have been exiled from. Take, and become our herald, for we shall emerge soon after you have awakened."

They know who I am? What is the Void? Where did they flee and why? And when and why are they coming back? So many questions that I dont have the answers to. Nyx notices my confusion. I relay what was said and what was bothering me, and she too begins to contemplate. I place the hand upon the doot, and it opens, slowly at first, and eventually it finally slides all the way to the sides, letting me pass. The weapons Korr mentioned are mounted on the wall. I pick the rifle up, and notice the shooting range behind me. I aim, and I fire. A massive amount of energy gathers at the barrel of the gun, and explosively shoots out, and a strange form of explosion happens, where everything, air included, is gathered at where I shot at, depriving the room of everything, and then it all just...explodes. Theres no word for it, just how explosive it was. There is no word in any language which can describe it. Korr actually takes damage from it, and quite a bit too. I feel myself becoming a little smaller, as Korr takes some more crystals from my body to repair himself. I ask Korr a question

"Hey Korr, just how do I replace my crystals? And just how large can I get?"

"There are three ways to replace your crystals Elder Brother, you can either eat minerals, which is slow and requires a lot, you can consume the mana of living or dead creatures, or you can consume star radiation. The last two are the most profitable. As for how large you can get, so far, there has been no upper limit recorded, however, as with most large things, you become slower and less maneuverable, so its not recommended to become too large."

"So thats how it is. Now, since I dont want a repeat, I wont test the staff, however, the plasma sword and shoulder cannons are different"

"Ok, the sword is easy, so I wont tell you how to use those, but the shoulder cannons, imagine energy flowing into your shoulder, and then that energy being expelled from the shoulders"

I did so, and the resulting explosion was equal to a rank 7 fireball, out of 9 ranks. Pretty damn good, and the mana consumption isnt too bad either. I ignite the plasma sword, and a red blade of plasma comes out, I swing it at the wall, and nearly drop it, since the blade has no weight, only the hilt has weight, I' m not quite used to the sensation. I take a few more practice swings to familiarize myself with it until I get comfortable enough with it. I then recall something Korr just said.

"Hey Korr, I just realized what you said, didnt you say I could consume the mana of living or dead creatures to supplement my crystal growth?"

"I did, when we come across another organism I will explain the process."

"Ok, If you say so. Now, lets go find Taan." 


Since we have plenty of room to maneuver around in, I decide to fly my way down the stairs in the armory to get used to the sensation, although I guess its more accurate to say I'm gliding rather than flying. As we float down, I notice more of my language, however, we are going too fast for me to be able to read it. 

"Hey Korr, are you able to record the scriptures so that I may read them later?"

"I can, and I will"

"Thank you"

Finally, the stair well ends yet again, and this time what awaits me is a pit, and inside this massive pit is a horde of monsters, orks, goblins, lamias, minotaurs, all kinds. This seems to be a perfect place for me to test my mana drain ability. 

"Ok Elder Brother, so what you do is you imagine your targets mana, circulating throughout their body, and then imagine you inhaling that mana, and solidifying it to add to your body."

"I do so, targeting a random goblin. Korr's mouth opens, and the poor goblin has his mana completely drained from his body, turning him into a desiccated husk. If you look at it right, it seems as though I ripped his soul out of his body and ate it, which more or less is what happened. The mana I took replaces that which I've lost so far in these ruins, just from a goblin. 

"Hey Korr, is there a way to condense the solidified mana, so that I dont grow too big?"

"You can, however, its kind of dangerous, but it'll also make you stronger. All you have to do, is imagine the process, and it'll happen."

"Is there also a way to drain mana in an area, instead of a single target?"

"You can, and its the exact same process, however you must also have an image of the ambient mana as well"

"Thank you."

I do so again, and this time, the exact same thing that happened to the goblin happened to everything. The screams, oh gods the screams, I'll never be able to sleep again. Even with the condensing method, I still grew twice as big, placing me at 11 and a half feet. (thats 3.5 meters for you non imperialist. rebel scum.)

I now am taller than Tyr, I wonder what he has to say about that. I fly past the pit, trying my best not to look at the massacre I left behind, and yet another stairwell appears. At this rate we're going straight to the planets core, how has the Coalition not noticed this yet? However, this time, something is different, I notice that there is several, giant monsters, like behemoths, ogres, giants, and things like that. Big things for me and Korr to fight. I glide to the nearest ogre, and swing the plasma sword at him, severing his head and cauterizing the wound.  I kill several ogres and giants, and I eventually get to the behemoth, something that is taller than even Korr. I decide to try out the antimatter rifle on the behemoth, and uh...nothing is left. I dont take damage this time because Im far enough away, but theres nothing of the corpse left to sell. What a damn shame, could have made a small fortune, although i guess it is a blessing because lots of questions would be asked. 

We move on, fighting several more giant beings, and eventually I decide on actually fighting the behemoth just to try out my skills. Now, a behemoth isnt exactly smart or fast, but it is deadly. Ducking and dodging its attacks, taking the occasional swing at it, landing graze shots with the plasma sword. I'm wearing it down, but the downside of the plasma sword is that it cauterizes the wound, so the victim in question cant bleed out and become even weaker. It takes me several more swings, but it eventually goes down. Now, finally, Im at the end of the steps, and what awaits me is yet another giant sliding door. I read the scripture and it says

"Beyond here, lies the greatest challenge, and also the greatest reward. Here you will find yet another primordial being. Treat it well, and you will be most pleased indeed."

I lay my hand on the door again, and it opens. As the door opens, I hear a growling and snarling animal behind it, ready to attack as soon as it opens. I ready myself, and I go in.

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