Princess Medical Doctor

Chapter 272: Chapter 272

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Chapter 272: Easy to use, Still worried

The carriage they used right now, was not the carriage they temporarily borrowed. The carriage they used was the Xiao Wangfus carriage, which was not only comfortable but also very spacious. Xiao Tianyao and Lin Chujiu can occupy each side. They can even lie down to it if they want to.

Lin Chujiu first got on the carriage. According to her past habit, she chose to sit on the left side, while Xiao Tianyao was on the right side. However, Xiao Tianyao didnt appreciate it. After getting inside the carriage, he sat beside Lin Chujiu.

After someone sat beside her, the carriages space seems became smaller and her nose was invaded by Xiao Tianyaos unique yet cold scent. Lin Chujiu moved to the side, but after she found out that they were still sitting very close to each other. She moved again

Xiao Tianyao didnt say anything, he would like to see where Lin Chujiu could move further.

The carriage was so big, Lin Chujiu moved to the very end of the carriage. However, she was still only an arm away from Xiao Tianyao. Lin Chujiu wanted to move again, but there was no space left.

Then, so be it!

Lin Chujiu sat comfortably and sneaked a glanced at Xiao Tianyao. When she saw he was not angry, Lin Chujiu sighed in relief, but

Its too early for her to be happy!

Benwang is tired! Xiao Tianyao lay down and rested his head against Lin Chujius thigh.

Wangye Lin Chujiu was startled and her body became stiff.

Hmm? Xiao Tianyao only a made a heavy sound.

If you sleep like this, isnt it uncomfortable? Those words were not actually what Lin Chujiu think, but she couldnt say what she wants.

Mmm. Xiao Tianyao still only hummed. He was uncomfortable, but he didnt say a single word.

However, with Xiao Tianyaos long legs, Lin Chujiu knew he was definitely uncomfortable. After all, this side of the carriage was no longer spacious. Xiao Tianyao ca no longer stretch out his legs, but

Xiao Tianyao was very happy to sleep like this!

Xiao Tianyao relaxed and rested on Lin Chujius thigh. His eyes were closed and his face looked soft. He was indeed looked sleepy.

Looking at Xiao Tianyao like this, Lin Chujiu couldnt afford to push him away. She gradually relaxed her body, so that the two of them could feel more comfortable.

Xiao Tianyao has always been a master of a group of people, so when he found out Lin Chujiu didnt resist anymore. He said: Benwang has a headache.

I will give you a massage. Lin Chujiu responded out of reflex. When she realized it, her hands were already massaging Xiao Tianyaos temple. It seems it was too late to recover her hands.

Lin Chujius face was full of black lines, her consciousness was not really high!

Xiao Tianyao was not really tired, he only want Lin Chujiu to get used being close with him. However, when Lin Chujiu gave him a massage, he really felt relaxed and fell asleep. He only woke up when the carriage stopped.

Lin Chujiu massaged Xiao Tianyaos temple all the way to the Xiao Wangfu, she didnt stop at all. Xiao Tianyao got up and took Lin Chujius hands, then he frowned and asked: Are they sore?

They are. Lin Chujius tone sounded a little depressed.

How long do you think it took me? You remember to me ask me if they sore, but you never ask me when Im massaging your acupuncture points in the legs?

Dont do this again next time. Xiao Tianyao held Lin Chujius hand and pinched her knuckles. His strength was not too strong, but Lin Chujiu felt a warm current was flowing down from Xiao Tianyaos fingers, which instantly relieved the soreness of her fingers.

Is this internal force? Lin Chujius face was full astonishment, as if she had discovered something amazing.

Yes, benwang discovered that it is very useful. When Xiao Tianyao saw Lin Chujiu was happy, he inexplicably felt better.

This thing is indeed very useful. Regarding this matter, Lin Chujiu didnt deny that it was indeed useful. But the premise was, Xiao Tianyao must be willing to use it for her, otherwise, it was useless!

Outside the carriage, a guard has long been waiting in the corner. He doesnt know if he should remind their Wangye that they arrived for long a time now.

Can anyone change my place?

Ahem After waiting for a long time, when they still havent seen any sign of the people getting out. The guard harden his scalp and said: Wangye, Wangfei, we arrived!

Oh Lin Chujius face redden and busily pulled her hands.

She didnt realize that the carriage has stopped. She doesnt know how long they stayed inside the carriage. It was so shameful.

Lin Chujiu, who has a red face, wanted to get out of the carriage. But, she found out that Xiao Tianyao was in front of her. She couldnt walk outside.

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Get off the carriage. Lin Chujiu pushed Xiao Tianyao. Xiao Tianyao shook his head helplessly, but in the end, he still went outside first. He turned his head and stared at the guardsmen: Leave!

This subordinate will retire. The guardsmen were scared and quickly spread out. They all went away in a blink of an eye.

Get off, the people are gone. Xiao Tianyao reached out his hand and helped Lin Chujiu to get off.

Can you remind me next time? Its very shameful. No one was outside, so the redness in Lin Chujius face gradually dissipated. But, in the end, she was still feeling a bit uncomfortable.

The carriage stopped, but they didnt come out for a long time. It was really hard to imagine.

Whats shameful? We didnt do anything. Xiao Tianyao replied with conviction, so Lin Chujiu was speechless

Yes, they obviously didnt do anything, so why should she feel embarrassed?


After Xiao Tianyao left the palace, he personally went to pick up Lin Chujiu and he didnt hide it to other people. So, the emperor soon learned of this.

He doesnt care, but he picked her up in person. The emperor smiled contemptuously.

Since Xiao Tianyao cares so much about Lin Chujiu, things will be easy. Xiao Tianyao has no weaknesses, but Lin Chujiu was full of it.

He doesnt believe that if Lin Chujiu gets into another accident, Xiao Tianyao will still let go of those people behind the Ci Entang.

The matter regarding about Ci Entang must be solved as soon as possible. It will not only give the people confession but also make him feel at ease. He will never allow an unknown force to appear in the East Country.


Lin Chujius courtyard was very far from the front yard. Xiao Tianyao wanted to go with Lin Chujiu, but he was rejected by her: Ive delayed your business the whole afternoon, you should go, you dont need to care about me.

Mmm. Xiao Tianyao nodded and walked toward his study room.

He really does have a lot of things to do.

In the study room, both Liu Bai and Su Cha were already waiting. The two were talking about the front line. Seeing Xiao Tianyao coming in, the two busily got up, Wangye.

Sit. Xiao Tianyao gestured for the two to sit down and ask immediately: Hows the matter going on?

It was very smooth. Doctor Wu personally checked the quality of the new batch of drugs and said the quality was very good. Things went smoothly, so Liu Bai was very happy.

The shortage in the medicines on the front line has finally settled.

Sent people to covered up the Cui Family in their errands. The Cui Family helped him to find a new batch of medicines, so naturally, he will return the favor.

I understand. With Xiao Tianyaos words, Cui Sanyes errands will be very easy.

Liu Bai reported a few other things and there were also no problems. Basically, all his recent errand ended easily.

It was not that Liu Bais strength increase, it was because the emperor didnt have time to bother them. He was very busy in the matter regarding the front line and the Ci Entang. He has no time to stare at Xiao Tianyaos business. No one was secretly sneaking an attack on them, so naturally, everything goes smoothly.

After Liu Bai finished his report, Su Cha also briefly said things about Zhou Hean and Xiao Rui. That kid with a surname Zhou believe in Wangfei. Fortunately, I came with Wangfei today, otherwise, things will be difficult. Su Cha said to flatter Lin Chujiu. However, even without her, the result will be the same.

Very good, Xiao Tianyao nodded with satisfaction and replied with a very relaxed tone, then he left like a gush of wind


Only one day had passed, after their passionate night, but now Xiao Tianyao put his lips next to Lin Chujius ear and bite it, then said: Is benwang useful?

In what aspect? Lin Chujiu took a deep breath and busily stopped someones sneak attack with her hands.

In what aspect benwang is useful? Xiao Tianyao bites Lin Chujius ear again. Lin Chujiu busily curved her body: Lightly, light

Light? It seems it is not enough?

No, no enough, enough.

What is enough? Are you saying benwang is not good enough?

No, I didnt say that.

Liar, what do you mean in what aspect benwang is useful?

Yes, yes in some aspects, you are very useful.

Is that so? In which aspect benwang is very useful?

Drying my hair with your hands.

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