Princess Medical Doctor

Chapter 99: Chapter 99

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Chapter 99: Doubts and superb craftsmanship

Mo Yuer has a jewelry box. Inside that jewelry box, there was a white jade hairpin that looks exactly the same in Lu Yuans hand. In which a naked eye wont be able to see any difference.

Lu Yuan turned away immediately after switching the two hairpins. And then, he went back sitting as if nothing really happened.

Mo Yuer went out of her room but didnt notice anything. Then, she just discusses and answered Lu Yuans questions. After answering his questions, she didnt hesitate in sending him away.

Lu Yuan thought that nobody notices his actions. But, what he doesnt know is that ever since he entered Mo Yuers room. A guard from Jing Tiang Courtyard is eyeing his movements.

That same night, a man dressed in black kneel in front of Xiao Tianyao and said after bowing his head: Wangye, Lu Yuan switch Mo Yuers hairpin. I took out the hairpin but I dont understand whats wrong.

Send the hairpin to Wangfei. Xiao Tianyao simply said. The man dressed in black knows that Lin Chujiu has medical knowledge. So, he didnt get surprised: This subordinate understand.

The man dressed in black bow down and was about to go out. But suddenly, he heard Xiao Tianyaos voice: What is wangfei doing right now?

Wangfei? The man dressed in blacks body got stiffed, he doesnt know the answer, so he asked in a low voice: Wangye, do you want to send people to watch Wangfei?

No one was watching Lin Chujiu, so nobody knows whats shes doing.

No need. Xiao Tianyao realized his mistake, so to no further embarrassed himself, he waved his hand and said: Go

The man dressed in black hurriedly left the room. Because hes afraid that Xiao Tianyao might ask another strange question.


Lin Chujiu was very tired today. So, when she got back, she soaks herself in the bath and checks her condition using the medical system. The medical system diagnosed her and reported that she has symptoms of colds. Because of that, Lin Chujiu decided to sleep early. However, the man dressed in black asked for her to come out and check the white jade hairpin.

Lin Chujiu got up when the maidservant called her. And then yawn while saying: Give me a cup of tea. Lin Chujiu asked for a cup of tea because she needs to ready herself in case Xiao Tianyao suddenly give her a difficult task.

Yes, Wangfei. Please wait for a moment. The maidservant bows her head and turned away to get her a cup of tea. She knows Lin Chujiu doesnt have any orders, so she quietly retreated.

Whats the matter? Lin Chujiu who is half awake asked.

The man dressed in black came closer and showed her the white jade hairpin. However, Lin Chujiu didnt pick it up and just helplessly look at it: Who told you that I have the ability to distinguish whats wrong with the hairpin? I am not an immortal fairy, so I cant tell if its manipulated or not.

Wangye ordered this subordinate. The man dressed in black seriously answered.

Lin Chujiu who has an indescribable depression silently look at him.

The man dressed in black notice that Lin Chujiu didnt make any move. So, he carefully explains: Wangfei, Wangye just want to recover the former health his legs. So, can Wangfei forgive Wangye this once and find out if there is any problem in this hairpin?

Excuse me?

Lin Chujius lips twitch. These people also know that Xiao Tianyao is asking too much of her?

Is it really important to know whats the problem with that hairpin? Cant you just throw it away if you think that it is suspicious? Lin Chujiu still didnt touch the hairpin and just look at it lazily.

Wangye wants to know the problem in order to counterattack. Xiao Tianyao is not someone who enjoys eating his boredom. He wants to know whats wrong with it, so meaning

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She must check it tonight!

Put it down, then go. Dont allow anyone to come inside here. Lin Chujiu had enough, so she no longer wants to discuss it.

At the right time, she will reveal identity. But, today is still not that right time.

The man dressed in black sigh in relief when Lin Chujiu finally agreed.

As one of the closest people to Xiao Tianyao. He knows clearer than Xiao Tianyao himself about Lin Chujius status in his heart. So if today, Lin Chujiu will still refuse. He wouldnt keep forcing her.

The man dressed in black turn around and jumped out of the door. But suddenly, he heard Lin Chujius voice: Dont send some people to watch me ah!

It was a warning. Meaning, Lin Chujiu knows that someone was monitoring her before.

When the man dressed in black heard her words, his foot slipped and he almost fell. However, Lin Chujiu didnt pay him more attention and just closed the door.

So, theres no more chance to explain!

The man dressed in black almost wanted to cry. But, he decided to put down this matter first and decided not to let Xiao Wangye know.

Lin Chujiu picked up the hairpin and took it in her room. And when she didnt feel any presence, she finally activated the medical system and took out some equipment and drugs.

Lin Chujiu tie her hair up and put on a head cap. Then, she wears clean gloves. At that moment, her facial expression became serious. And for some reason, she gives off a sense of being distant.

Lin Chujiu didnt directly check the white jade hairpin. Instead, she soaked it first in a special solution. The white jade hairpin was made of special material. But, as long as she soaked it in this solution. Any drug that was used in it will float out.

After five minutes, Lin Chujiu took out the white jade hairpin and check the special solution. But, there was nothing, so there was no problem in it.

Huh? This doesnt make any sense. Out of curiosity, Lin Chujiu picked up the white jade hairpin and look at it again near the candle to see what naked eye cant see: Did I just fell into their trap? This white jade hairpin really has no problem. Or maybe, there was a bomb inside of it?

Well, you cant blame her for thinking this way. Because a mans mind is really unpredictable.

However, Lin Chujiu didnt say that it was her final conclusion. Lin Chujiu took out a microscope and check out the white jade hairpin once again. And in there, she found out whats the problem.

This is not a complete piece of Jade. No, I mean, it is completely made out of jade, but the slit in it was intentionally made to be filled with something. Only a person with superb craftsmanship can make this happened. The white jade hairpin was also covered with a special herb so that a naked eye wont be able to see the slit. So, if Lin Chujiu didnt have a microscope, she will also wouldnt find it.

Seriously, what a smart and clever person. Lin Chujiu couldnt help but praise. Ancient craftsmen really have superb skill. And their skills are far beyond of this world.

After praising their skill, Lin Chujiu got curious about what those people wanted to do. So, she took out a fine needle to scrape out the gelatinous thing that was filling the slit. Lin Chujiu scrap out one by one the gelatinous gum.

There are five slits. Lin Chujiu was very careful but she accidentally broke the last gelatinous gum. The gelatinous gum looks like a small cut fingernail. So, even though she took those out from the slits, the white jade hairpin still looks the same. And no one would notice any difference.

Lin Chujiu properly put away the white jade hairpin. Then, she put the broken gelatinous gum to her special solution. And the rest, she wrapped them up so that the man dressed in black could bring it to Xiao Tianyao.

This time, there was a result!

The gelatinous gum is a mixture of amber, but it is a non-toxic agent. And if you will add any special agent in it, it will easily be dissolved. Meaning the problem was the special herb that was coating the jade. However, although there will some corrosion because of it, it

Even if there will be corrosion, it cant harm Xiao Tianyaos legs. So, what is the use of this?

Lin Chujiu once again review her findings, but the more she looks the more she got puzzled

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