princess Zena of Zendor

Chapter 46: Chater 45: preparing for spelunking

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No one answered my rhetorical question, leaving me to ask what happened.

Jo steps up and explain that during the third fight, Shain got stomped on by the golem, and while he managed to block it, his arm still got broken. To make matters worse, Murdoc refused to let Nikki give him some heal potions, stating that this would be a lesson and to wait for me, to limit the expenditure of potions.

What is his problem? A broken arm is a serious issue. I give him a dirty look, and set about healing him. In the game one never really broke bones, one just got a status that said something to the effect of “broken bone” and a debuff to the relevant stat. I didn’t need to account for rectifying the bones themselves. The question is then, will the magic set the bone straight, or not? The lesser heal spell definitely won’t, as they didn’t even remove the broken status. In theory ‘cleanse’ should remove the issue since it was a status, but I don’t feel like that is a safe thing to test.

In the end, I create a mana barrier around his arm, and use that to straighten it, which Shain found quite unpleasant. Then I used a decently powerful healing spell, which I channeled until I got the feeling of it being completed. Finally I let the mana cast dissipate.

Probably far less mana efficient than needed, but I don’t feel like experimenting with someone else's health.

Shain seems happy to once again have the correct number of joints, and Murdoc is sitting on one of the couches with a smug expression. He annoys me quite a lot, so he’ll be low on the priority list of heals, when the spelunking actually begins.

Having dealt with the first problem, I sit down at one of the tables and take out a fruit, one of the odder ones. It has a rough outside like a pineapple and a large stone in the middle like a peach. Cutting it open with a knife reveals the green flesh which is textured like an orange. The taste is a pleasant combination of sweet, salty and mana. Not a lot of mana in it, just enough to be noticeable.

I offer some slices to the others, who for the most part accept, except for Murdoc, who rolls his eyes and mutters something. No doubt an insult, but I didn’t listen enough to hear it.

As the meal continues with the others also taking out food to eat, I realize that the other group is mostly eating field rations of dried meat. Why would they bother drying the meat if they use an inventory? Maybe they prefer it that way.

As I ask them, the one to answer is surprisingly Garth. The meat is not just dried, but heavily salted. And the dwarves do indeed prefer it that way. 

After the meal, we head back out so that they can practice a bit more, though I just sit on a rooftop observing them. 

Jo has gotten a lot better at fighting since the first fight with the wolf, where she just didn’t react fast enough. Now she uses mana thruster to not only dodge, but also to reposition herself. Not perfectly though, as she falls over a couple times, luckily when the golem was distracted by the others.

The next golem is outside of the settlement, because it seems that they cleared out the rest of them. Murdoc still insists on not breaking the cores, but if they are about to be killed, both me and James will probably step in on a moments notice.

For this fight, I decide to buff them without telling anyone. I cast all the applicable buffs I have on all three of them, using the minimum mana for each. The golem gets the same treatment, but in reverse. Lots of mana and debuffs.

Jo immediately recognized it, and Nikkin also noticed that I was the source, but Shain only noticed it after he engaged the golem. Obviously he hit it, and the golem missed it’s counter strike. Because of the strong accuracy debuff I gave it, it went so far as to hit the ground behind itself.

The fight was over in record time as Jo used the chance to fire a full power lightning bolt straight at the golem, leaving it paralysed long enough for the others to finish it off.

Murdoc’s expressions at their sudden improvement was quite funny, and the displeasure in them was even more fun when he realized what happened.

During the rest of the evening, two more golems were dispatched by them, with adequate rest inbetween. If they were the ones to do all the fighting, it would probably take a week to get to the mine entrance had I not already cleared it. 

For dinner, James wanted to make risotto and asked me to give him a focus buff so that he could take the ingredients out of his inventory. He apparently purchased a lot of miscellaneous ingredients in both Draumr and Aeshraton.

He was not the best chef on earth, and he still isn’t, but the meal was good. I never really ate risotto, so I couldn’t really tell that anything was off by it, but he specified that the spices were a bit unorthodox.

Soon enough we decided to take the night and went to our separate rooms. I considered putting up my tent and sleep in it since it’s more comfortable to sleep in, but in the end, I decided against it.

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No memorable dreams this night, so my mood is better today. Hopefully Murdoc doesn’t change that.

Today we are going into the mine to fetch that specific crystal. Fetch quests sure feel different now that it’s real. 

While looking through my selection of clothes, I also take the opportunity to search for torches, or other similar tools. There are a few things that glows, but nothing better than a regular torch. One of the best thighs is an outfit that glows, but it’s a bit too transparent for me to comfortably wear.

In the end I settle on Zena’s custom dress because it’s ultimately the best outfit I have, at least in terms of overall performance.

The breakfast is quiet and filled with nervous energies, but they have made up their minds on joining us.

Towards the end of the meal, Murdoc asks “Why do you have wings? Last I heard of it, Elves didn’t have wings.”

How should I explain it to him? Probably something grandiose to rub it in his face.

“The universe decided to bestow them on me.” Is my answer, which is technically true as I got them during the transition.

In response he just huffs and says “Sure thing, the universe just decided that one particular elf should fly.”

There it is, the first snide comment of the day.

“No, the flight is my own spell.” I comment back, which quiets him for now.

After that confrontation, we head out of the settlement, towards the mine we will enter.

The first crumpled pile of a golem doesn’t incite any reaction in the others, aside from Murdoc wanting to collect the code. The tenth had them a bit weary. 

As we got close to the mine, they practically littered the ground.

The only person to speak at that point was James, who asked if there are as many inside the mine. There weren’t as many, at least the short distance I ventured into the mine, but there weren't none, either.

The dwarves froze for a moment when they saw the big ones that guarded the entrance, but steeled their nerves, even though I said that we’ll probably encounter bigger ones inside. At least according to game logic they should get strong as we go further, with a boss at the end.

The qualitative change of the quest marker, marks our entrance into the mine.


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