Pro-Mom Fan Transmigrates into Villainess

Chapter 30: CH 17.1

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Chapter 17 – He’s naturally yyds!

(t/n: yyds means “forever God,” it’s how fans show their admiration for their idols.)

Qi Zhen has had a dream repeatedly since she was very young.

The blurry-faced woman in the dream spoke earnestly, reminding her over and over again:

“You should have lived a very, very good life. It would be best if you got him to dote on you, but now you can only use the little kindness when you were young to make a living.”

“He doesn’t love you, not at all. The only reason he kept you around was that you once gave him a meal. All the women in the world are the same. It doesn’t matter who he keeps around.”

“If you can do it all over again, remember to be nice to him. Treating him a little bit better, a person like him will give everything with humble and devoted hands.”

Qi Zhen didn’t understand when she woke up from the dream. However, the number of times she had this dream increased, and she gradually took it to heart. She vaguely knew that she had to be better to a person and use some trick to tie that person’s heart.

This way, she could live a rich life without worrying about clothes and food.

But she didn’t know the man’s name or his appearance.

Until just now, she dragged down the bulky suitcase, saw by accident the opposite person’s breathtaking appearance, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated uncontrollably.

An inexplicable feeling she couldn’t tell herself made her body move faster than her brain.

“Wait a minute.”

When the young man was about to pass by her, Qi Zhen hastily said, but the young man did not seem to hear, not even looking at her, and passed by her indifferently.

Qi Zhen didn’t want to think about it, so she immediately stretched out her hand and grabbed the other person’s wrist.

Jiang Lu didn’t expect this unknown person would suddenly reach out and grab him. The slippery sensation of skin touching skin immediately came from the wrist. Immediately, a strong sense of nausea stirred in his stomach. Jiang Lu shook off Qi Zhen’s hand straightway.

He wasn’t polite to her, and the intensity of shaking his hand wasn’t small. Qi Zhen was brought up in brocade garments and jade meals since she was a child, and she was brought up like a Miss. Being thrown off by Jiang Lu like this, she frowned and showed a wronged expression: “Why are you so fierce? I just wanted to have a word with you.”

(t/n: brocade garments and jade meals: an atmosphere of luxury and wealth.)

Jiang Lu wasn’t a patient person, especially with unfamiliar women. He had nothing to say to her and didn’t care what she thought in her heart, so he turned around and left.

Qi Zhen wanted to ask whether they had met somewhere because he gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have stopped him so rashly.

But seeing Jiang Lu’s cold and hard attitude, Qi Zhen was also a little upset in her heart. She wanted to ignore him, but a sentence appeared inexplicably in her heart.

If you can do it all over again, remember to be nice to him.

Qi Zhen hesitated momentarily and looked at Jiang Lu’s figure seen from behind suspiciously. Could the kind of unexplainable familiarity just now be guidance from the Heavens?

Was it him? The person who she reminded herself again and again in her dream to treat well. If she was nice to him, would he fall in love with her and live the life she dreamed of from then on?

Qi Zhen looked at Jiang Lu silently. His presence was out of the ordinary. He didn’t look like a child of a normal family. It was a no-brainer that he was a young master of an aristocratic family. Besides, the family backgrounds of the people who lived here were unimaginably rich.

It was just that he was wearing a too low-key look, and he didn’t seem to be wearing big brands. But she didn’t know all the famous brands, so maybe he was wearing some kind of high-luxury brand.

Qi Zhen thought, if this was really that person, it wasn’t too bad.

Qi Anan was already making headlines when she saw Qi Zhen hold Jiang Lu’s wrist. She immediately ran downstairs excitedly. Looking through the glass, she couldn’t hear what they were saying.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Of course, she had to immerse herself in the experience.

By the time Qi Anan ran downstairs, they had already separated.

Jiang Lu was standing at the door, while Qi Zhen was standing in place as if she were looking at Jiang Lu. Qi Anan was a little disappointed. How come they finished talking so quickly? She didn’t get to hear anything. However, she saw that Jiang Lu’s face wasn’t very good. He seemed a little uncomfortable.

Qi Anan took care of him instinctively, and when she saw this expression, she subconsciously asked: “Jiang Lu, what’s wrong with you? Is your stomach upset?”

Much better. Jiang Lu’s hand holding his stomach relaxed slightly, and the girl behind him kept staring at him. He was just sickened by that gaze.

But it would be fine if she showed up.

Jiang Lu looked at Qi Anan’s unambiguous eyes, reflecting his face clearly. Her voice was as sweet as ever, and when she spoke, it seemed that the surrounding air was much cleaner and fresher.

“It’s nothing. “Jiang Lu put down his hand stiffly. He wanted to wash the wrist that had been grabbed immediately.

Qi Anan calmed down and looked at the two of them with a smile: “Did you meet just now?”

Jiang Lu was taken aback and glanced in Qi Zhen’s direction. The latter was obviously also taken aback. No one expected that their destination was actually the same place.

Qi Zhen looked at Qi Anan up and down: “Are you Qi Anan?”

“It’s me,” Qi Anan smiled at her, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Let’s not stand outside. Let’s go inside.”

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After speaking, Qi Anan ran over, intending to help Qi Zhen carry her things. She took this opportunity to take a sneak look at Qi Zhen. Well, her daughter was so pretty. She had a type of mature and graceful temperament. The ends of her eyes were slightly raised. She must be beautiful when she grows up.

It was just that she was still slightly inferior to Jiang Lu, but the people in the novel were like this. Jiang Lu is the appearance ceiling, and even the female lead couldn’t compare to him.

Qi Anan came up and ran to the biggest and heaviest suitcase. Because she was at home, she only wore a short dress and stepped on a pair of slippers. Her arms and legs were exposed and became more delicate and slender, and her thin ankles felt like they would break if they were gently bent.

Jiang Lu frowned at the sight of it and hurried to walk over to stop Qi Anan: “Let me get it.”

His voice was low, taking a second of mental buildup before he held the pink box in his hand.

Although he didn’t know about Qi Anan’s relationship with this girl, seeing her so enthusiastic and happy, he could only temporarily suppress the disgust in his heart.

Qi Zhen didn’t refuse. She glanced at Jiang Lu secretly and raised her hand, somewhat reserved, to tuck her broken hair behind her ears. He hadn’t looked at her straight up just now, and now that he was making eye contact with her, sure enough, people were different. She thought he was pretty cold-hearted. But no, he came to help her carry the suitcase politely now.

Qi Zhen lowered her head and smiled slightly. She had been beautiful since she was a child and knew it very well in her heart. This young man was her favorite type. Whether he was the person she was looking for or not, it was a matter of great honor to let him be her suitor.

Qi Anan took Qi Zhen into the house, and as soon as she entered, Qi Zhen couldn’t help but look around.

Qi Hong built this house to suit his preferences before, but later, he threw it to Qi Anan without living in it. The decoration looked magnificent at first glance, but it was actually a bit tacky.

Butler Chen and several servants were waiting at the door. Seeing Qi Zhen coming in, they called her Miss Qi.

Qi Zhen nodded casually. She had already walked to the living room curiously, looked around, and couldn’t help but reach out and touch the mural on the living room wall.

Jiang Lu put the suitcase away at the entrance and asked Qi Anan in a low voice: “You have a guest. Why did you call me over?”

Hehehe, this was obviously to create an opportunity for you to meet.

Qi Anan knew that to get two people together, she mustn’t introduce them too deliberately at the beginning. If that were the case, it would be boring. Let them get along by themselves and discover each other’s goodness by themselves.

As time went on, it would be the sweetest where water flowed, and a canal was formed.

(t/n: where water flowed, and a canal was formed: when conditions are right, success will follow naturally.)

But she couldn’t speak of such a great goal. Qi Anan could only whisper: “There’s no interference between having guests and letting you come ah.”

Her tone was carefree and casual, Jiang Lu’s heart fluttered, and he curled his lips slightly.

At this time, there was a sudden “meow” next to them, Qi Anan lowered her head, and Dashun was rubbing her ankles affectionately.

“Dashun, good boy.” Qi Anan rubbed Dashun’s head, hugged it in her arms, and faced Jiang Lu: “Say hello to your brother.”

Dashun glanced at Jiang Lu arrogantly with a very resentful expression.

Ha¡um, it turned out to be this person. He recognized him. He had abandoned him, this ruthless and cold-blooded human being.

Dashun lay lazily in Qi’an’s arms, pretending to be dead and motionless.

Hmm? He was usually very lively and would jump up and down. Why would he put a long face when he saw his former owner? Qi Anan was puzzled and asked while caressing him: “Jiang Lu, do you want to hug him?”

Dashun’s face was full of disgust and rejection. He rolled around in Qi Anan’s arms without the slightest scruple, rubbing her slender and white arms unruly with an enjoyable expression.

Jiang Lu saw that he disliked him and didn’t have any interest in being held.

“No, I don’t like cats.”

With his hands still feeling uncomfortable, Jiang Lu leaned over and whispered: “I want to go to the bathroom.”

“Oh, over there,” Qi Anan stretched out her hand and pointed, “Just go straight.”

After Jiang Lu left, Qi Anan ran over to look at her daughter excitedly: “Don’t stand, hurry and sit down. Can I call you A Zhen?” It wouldn’t be appropriate for the relationship between the two of them to be called sisters. Besides, she wanted to be friends with Qi Zhen, and this name was more appropriate.

“Of course. You can call me whatever you want.” Qi Zhen felt secretly strange in her heart. She thought Qi Anan would definitely intimidate her as soon as she saw her, or curse in rage or cry and scream, but not only did she not, her face was full of joy.

This Qi Anan had a little level. Qi Zhen thought secretly.

Qi Anan smiled and raised her head to look at her: “A Zhen, you look so beautiful, come and eat fruit.”

There was a large plate of fruits, washed strawberries, and crystal clear cherries on the coffee table, all with delicate drops of water. Qi Zhen took one and put it in her mouth to chew slowly. The sweet and sour taste spread. She was silent for a while and smiled: “Anan, I know my identity is embarrassing, and you will definitely not feel comfortable in your heart, but Dad said I had to come, so I can’t help it. Don’t worry, and I won’t bother you. When the vacation is over, I’ll go to live in residence in high school.”

“You don’t have to think so much. You aren’t a bother,” Qi Anan smiled and pushed the fruit forward. “You can live here with peace of mind. If you’re short of food, just tell Uncle Chen or me directly. It’s the same thing.”

After a few words, Qi Zhen couldn’t figure out Qi Anan’s trap for a while. Why didn’t she show any hostility? She obviously knew that she had taken away her father’s love. Now she still came to take care of her sister. Shouldn’t it be expected for a little girl to be sad and angry? She didn’t even reject her?

If she was pretending to be welcoming, then her acting skills were too good. What image did she have? Qi Zhen looked at Qi Anan up and down without leaving a trace.

Qi Anan’s appearance was delicate and beautiful. She was the kind of harmless doll with round eyes, a small chin, and soft without any edges or corners.

But there were such deep intentions under such a lovely and clear appearance that she couldn’t see what it was.

Qi Zhen couldn’t help but have an exceedingly fighting spirit, and her vigilance gradually rose in her heart.

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