Pro-Mom Fan Transmigrates into Villainess

Chapter 37: CH 20.1

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Chapter 20 – There’s someone you can’t afford to mess with in Xingcheng First High School.

In early September, the last bit of summer heat, the day for school to start, had arrived.

Since the high school entrance examination, Jiang Lu had moved to a house near the school. He always got up early and went early on the registration day.

The red list of names was posted at the school entrance gate. It was a big long sign, in front of the red board was filled with people, each student was followed by either relieved or sad parents. There was a lot of noise and a lot of people.

Jiang Lu walked past without looking a glance, quiet and lonely.

He didn’t look ahead but walked directly to the end. The Xincheng First High School classes were divided according to the results, counting from the first class to the back. Those with high scores were in front, and those with low scores were at the back.

He missed one day of the high school entrance exams. The results could be imagined, but…

Jiang Lu looked at his name in Class 16 with mockery at the corners of his mouth. This was what he wanted.

He turned around and walked through the crowd toward the school.

Qi Anan came to report that day and asked Qi Zhen if she wanted to be picked up, but Qi Zhen said she had already arrived at school.

She smiled very gently on the other end of the phone: “Anan, I saw you also enrolled in Xincheng First High School. Your grades are so good. We’re in the same class.”

Qi Anan originally wanted to ask if Jiang Lu was also in the same class as them, but a friend Qi Zhen had just met on the phone called her, so she hung up after saying so.

Ah, actually, it would be the same whether she asked or not. Jiang Lu’s grades were so good that he must have been admitted with the top score in the school, and he must’ve gotten into the class.

However, when Qi Anan stood confidently in front of the red list, she was dumbfounded. There was no Jiang Lu’s name in the first class, nor in the second and third classes after that.

Jiang Lu would never get a lower score on the exam. Qi Anan felt a chill in her heart. How could it be? Could it be that she was overconfident and the plot had a bug? Maybe Jiang Lu actually didn’t enroll at Xincheng First High School.

This was a bolt from the blue. If Jiang Lu didn’t enroll in Xincheng First, then he and Qi Zhen wouldn’t be in the same class, so the candy she wanted to get would be all over.

Qi Anan had asked Jiang Lu twice before, but he said he hadn’t thought about it well. She was convinced of the strength of the plot and never asked again. Still, she wanted to surprise him when school started, but now it turned out that she was the one who was frightened.

Qi Anan went around a corner with a few people and called Jiang Lu.

The phone rang for a long time, but Jiang Lu didn’t answer. Qi Anan thought that maybe he was reporting and didn’t hear, so she waited for a while and called again.

This time the phone was answered after a few rings. Jiang Lu’s voice was not only low but also somewhat cold: “Is there anything you want from me?”

“Jiang Lu, are you reporting? You… which high school did you enroll to ah?” Qi Anan almost asked why he didn’t report to Xincheng First High School.

In normal circumstances, she shouldn’t be able to predict which high school Jiang Lu would enroll in.

“Seventh High School.”


“Anything else?” Jiang Lu’s voice seemed to turn from cold to impatient, “If it’s nothing, I’m hanging up.”

Qi Anan was about to speak, but there was already a “beep beep beep” dial sound. Jiang Lu had hung up the phone.

Qi Anan stood still, a little dazed. Why did Jiang Lu seem to be a lot alienated from her after the holidays? Could it be because Qi Zhen didn’t contact him after she moved away? But… he didn’t have much contact with her.

It was really too hard. She initially thought that afterward, when she went to high school, she wouldn’t need to rack her brains to figure out how to let the two cubs get along and could easily sit on the side of the ship her CP. But unexpectedly, the plot collapsed so much that their mother couldn’t even recognize it. Before they fell in love, they started to be distant.

Qi Anan’s high school life started with a shattered dream. After several days of class, she still felt listless. Not only did she not ship CP, but she also had to study hard. Was there anything more difficult in the world than this?

It wasn’t that she hadn’t thought of a way. But letting two people who weren’t familiar with each other at all who are separated fall in love was originally a bogus proposition.

The two of them were very far from each other and had no chance to be together during the day.

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And Qi Anan could feel that although Qi Zhen spoke softly and gently, she wasn’t actually very close to her.

However, Qi Zhen’s good looks and personality made her very popular with her classmates, and she soon made many friends. She had a great time studying and having a good time living in school, and Qi Anan was very relieved about her.

But she was a little worried about Jiang Lu. She didn’t know how he was doing. Would he get along with his classmates in the new environment? Was there anyone bullying him?

“Anan, what are you staring at? Did you hear me talking to you just now? “Ji Ruomeng, who was at the same desk, gently tugged at Qi Anan’s ears.

“Ah, no, what did you just say?”

Ji Ruomeng’s eyes flashed with the soul of gossip: “There’s a senior in our school named Li Hanyu. Do you know him? A school bully.”

She seemed to have a bit of an impression. She heard about this character two days before the start of school. It was said to be tough to mess with, and he walked sideways in First High School.

(t/n: walked sideways: he was a big shot, and people listened to him.)

Qi Anan casually chimed in: “Oh… I seem to have some impression.”

“He was cleaned up by a freshman in high school. I heard he touched a snag for the first time and was beaten to the ground, head and face filthy with grime. If it weren’t for his little errand boy to help pull him out and save him, who would have known what he would have been beaten into.”

(t/n: head and face filthy with grime: covered in dirt, dejected.)

Ji Ruomeng heatedly told Qi Anan the gossip: “You must not know, this Li Hanyu ain’t just anyone. This school bully can especially bully people. Because his family has money, teachers are afraid to control him. This time he deserved it. I heard he looked at the handsome freshman and shamelessly whistled at him. Who knew he would run into a tough nut to crack. When he whistled, he blew half of his life away.”

Qi Anan wasn’t interested in school gossip, so she nodded in agreement: “That’s quite deserved. Someone should clean up such a person.”

“That’s right, it makes my blood boil,” Ji Ruomeng looked regretful, “This son of a b*tch bullied my sister. If I weren’t because I couldn’t beat him, I would’ve really wanted to beat him myself. This freshman brother really knows how to settle a grudge. I heard he’s super good-looking. I’m dying of curiosity. How good-looking can he be.”

Although Ji Ruomeng looked curious, Qi Anan didn’t care at all. Good-looking? That was because Jiang Lu didn’t come here. Jiang Lu was the appearance ceiling. Who else could compare to him?

“I want to go to Class 16 to see how handsome he is,” Ji Ruomeng sighed. She was still a good student at heart, “But I’m a little afraid. The atmosphere of Class 16, you don’t know, their grades aren’t good, and many students skip class and don’t study. Now that a new bigshot had popped up, they’re even more arrogant.”

“Really, It would be great if we could select a school grass every year on the Internet. He’s been rumored to be godlike and wouldn’t have missed being school grass. This way, I could look at his photos. It’s a pity that only school flowers are selected.”

This was a break between classes. Ji Ruomeng quietly took out her phone and flipped to the school flower selection page to show Qi Anan: “Anan, do you not pay attention to this gossip news? At the beginning of every school year, photos of high-value freshmen girls from different schools circulate on the Internet.”

Qi Anan smiled at her. How could she not know? Not only did she know, but she also had the perspective of God. She knew that the school flower voted would be Qi Zhen.

Qi Anan tilted her head to look at Ji Ruomeng’s mobile phone screen; sure enough, the first place was Qi Zhen. That photo was taken by Qi Zhen in the classroom. She was sitting upright at her desk, her long hair was combed into a tall ponytail, and her appearance was beyond the mature and graceful of her peers. This was a well-deserved school flower look.

“Hey, see, your ranking is not low, oh.” Ji Ruomeng happily poked Qi Anan.

Huh? Why was she there? Qi Anan was a little surprised and glanced at the picture Ji Ruomeng pointed at.

She was in sixth place, and unlike the top five, this was a stolen shot.

She wore the clothes she wore on the day she enrolled, a simple white t-shirt and denim shorts, with a pair of white sneakers on her feet. Because it was a sneak peek, it didn’t capture her face.

Ji Ruomeng patted her thighs regretfully: “Our Anan ah, although this shot is also good, the pixels are too blurry. It completely doesn’t show your real appearance! What would have happened to them if they had taken a good picture like the previous ones?”

Qi Anan was amused by her. She glanced sideways at Qi Zhen sitting behind her: “Mengmeng, how can I look better than Qi Zhen?”

“Nonsense, sister. You should really see an ophthalmologist.” Ji Ruomeng looked up and down at Qi Anan with disgust, “Believe me, although I admit that you two have different styles. You’re definitely better looking than Qi Zhen. A hundred times better looking.”

She made an exaggerated hand gesture.

Qi Zhen had big eyes and pale skin, but her beauty revealed a little shrewdness. At first glance, she was beautiful, but people wouldn’t feel comfortable looking at her.

But Qi Anan’s aura was charming. Her every frown and every smile was delicate and lovely. Just a sneak peek of her side face without campaigning for votes could get her the sixth position. She would throw Qi Zhen several streets away if it was a good photo.

Forget it. Most of the voting for this kind of thing was done by boring straight men. That’s why Qi Zhen was in such a high position.

Seeing Qi Anan’s simple-minded appearance, Ji Ruomeng glared at her and poked her phone fiercely to cast ten votes for Qi Anan.

She did what needed to be done. She should recharge more money.

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