Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 57: Loved Ones (3)

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To call the time of their discovery a "fond memory" would be a lie. I was honestly horrified. However, I am still glad that I told them, now I wouldn't have to live in secrecy. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom and Mrs Singford working on preparing lunch in this restaurant styled kitchen.

It was extravagant with multiple large countertops, about 8 stoves, 4 ovens, it looked like we were about to serve a whole town. The smell of bolognese sauce was wafting through the air, which made my stomach grumble. The sound was so loud, that they both turned around to look at me. I sheepishly smiled they both giggled in turn.

"How can I help, mom?" I asked to break the awkwardness.

"Well, you can help by setting the table, I would have had your father do it, but they are both busy discussing a business trip." She said with disdain in her voice.

"Dad's going on a business trip with Mr Singford?" I asked, curious about this topic. I walked over to the drawer to get the cutlery as I asked. Then, proceeded to wash them at the sink.

"Yes. Apparently they are heading to North Ourannos to meet an animal trader there." She explained as she began plating the food.

"Animal trader?" I asked.

"Yes indeed. They are authorised by the government of Ourannos, so they aren't poachers." It was Aurora's mom that explained this time. "This one is even more special, I believe he has more exotic animals to trade. Because of the calamitous earthquake, which deeply affected North Ourannos, many more curious creatures have been forced from their habitats. Thomas is going to give them authorisation and a market to trade."

"These people sound quite interesting," I said, drying off the cutlery with a nearby towel. "So, who is this guy?"

"He's an adventurer and part time business man. Travis Volance," I turned my head to see Aurora enter the kitchen gracefully, a small smile on her face.

"Ah, I see." I have never heard of this person before, but I am still vaguely interested in this little trip.

"Yes. He also has a son, coincidentally, he is one of the representatives for North High in the Arcanothon. Third year, Astere Volance. He is known as The Hunter." She continued to explain.

"Ah…" I was getting more excited now. I wonder how he fights, I wonder what events he will participate in! I wonder-

In the middle of my train of thought, Aurora tip-toes and pecks me on the cheek, then walks to our mothers like nothing happened. For me however, I sustained critical damage from that! Every bodily function of mine broke down and I just stood there like a statue.

I frantically look around to see if anyone saw. Just my luck, I caught my mom with wide eyes covering her mouth. But that was not enough to cover her dumb grin. Meanwhile, Aurora's mom had one brow raised with a more devilish smile. 'Damn you Aury.' I thought to myself. Luckily, our fathers didn't seem to notice, so I quickly scrambled outside to set up the table.

However, I could still here their words on the wind, even from outside the kitchen. "Oh my god… Aurora dear… does this mean-" My mother was practically shouting with excitement. Unknowingly, it made me blush hearing my mother so excited.

"Hehe, maybe…" She said teasingly.

"Baby, would you care to explain why you took so long to come down today?" I could already see the devilish smile on that woman's face as she asked that question.

"Mom, I'm sure you are smart enough to answer your own question."

"*GASP* Did you hear that Cheryl! Our children have finally done it!" My mom said excitedly, which I obviously cringed at.

"Wait did you lose your virginity?!" She asked confused, suddenly her devilish and condescending air faded like it never existed. I facepalmed so hard. This was embarrassing for all parties involved…

"Mom!" Aurora yelled in annoyance.

"OH! Sorry, sorry! I shouldn't poke into your private affairs!"

"Urgh… Mom please." I think I should put an end to this comedy show.

"Hey." I said calmly as I could. All 3 girls turned to look at me. "If you are done, I would like to eat, I'm starving." I said somewhat annoyed, but really, I was just trying to mask my embarrassment. I walked away soon after.

Aurora gave a small smile and ran after me like a little girl. As we were walking to the dining area, I listened to their conversation once more. "Cheryl! I am so happy for them!"

"Honestly, it took them awhile, could have sworn they were already dating."

"Let's keep this from their fathers. Bet those dense idiots would take a week to realise."

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I laughed an shook my head. Then, I felt Aurora's warm hand and fingers intertwine around my own. When she did that, nothing else mattered, only her. I gave her an affectionate smile, which she returned in kind. This afternoon, September 5th, 2023, a day I will remember for the rest of my life.

Life is about to get much more hectic as well. Exams coming up in two weeks, on the 18th of September. Until then, we are apparently released for a study break. Then, the 16th of October will be the first day of the Arcanothon tournament. Exams are kind of a drag, but when it comes to the Arcanothon, I could barely contain my excitement!


Lunch was served shortly after, both families gathered around the large dining table, eating as one. This was not new to me. Since we have been staying here, almost everyday, we would have dinner together, as friends, as family. But now, knowing that Aurora is my girlfriend, and the one that I will most likely spend my whole life with, her family, which I already saw as a secondary family to my own, would really become that.

It was like I was looking from a new perspective. The smiles, the jolly laughters, the scrumptious food. This whole scene in front of me, with Aurora, it will be immortalised.

Besides the aspect of having a new family, I also wanted to see what North Ourannos and what Astere Volance is like. I looked over to see our fathers chuckling and having a merry conversation, as friends should. I almost felt bad interrupting them, but I knew I needed to ask them.

"Hey dad, Mr Singford?" I spoke up, my voice somewhat trembling from the guilt of interrupting them. However, didn't see it that way at all. In fact, their smiles were still plastered on their faces.

"Kaler? What's up?" My dad asked back. No turning back now. I rarely demanded things, but I had the feeling that this would be an experience I would regret missing out on.

"I heard that you guys are travelling to North Ourannos. You will also be visiting the Volance family right?" I asked to confirm, but it was more of a formality to get the conversation rolling.

"Yeah. I guess Cheryl told you about it. Is something the matter?"

"Well. I was sorta kinda thinking that maybe I can come with you?" My dad tilted his head, his face carrying a perplexed expression. Mr Singford was much the same. Our mothers wore more surprised expressions. Aurora, she looked like she didn't care. She probably expected this.

"I don't see why not. But why?" He asked.

"North Ourannos. I wanna see the aftermath of the earthquake. And um, I wanna meet the Volance family?" I answered unsteadily. My dad narrowed his eyes, knowing that I wasn't being truthful. His gaze drilled into me, accusing me. It's impossible to lie to your parents.

"OK fine. I don't really have a reason. I just felt like I should be there." I said, sighing in defeat. Hearing that reason, I'm sure it would be in our best interests to decline the request.

Unexpectedly, my dad let with his death glare and smiled. "There we go. Now you're being honest." He said with a wide smile. "Yeah, I'm sure Thomas wouldn't mind if you came along!"

"Absolutely not, dear boy!" Mr Singford second what my father said.

"Well then, if this air head is going, I'm going too." I looked to my left to see Aurora gracefully lifting a forkful of pasta to her mouth. I was conflicted. I was elated that she would be coming. But at the same time…'Air head?' Really? Ouch.

"Wow. Are you sure dear? You usually don't like travelling that much." Mr Singford said, surprise was evident in his tone.

"Yeah. Besides, someone's gotta remind him that we are on study break, not vacation." She shot me a glare and a sly smile crept onto her lips. The little devil…

"Alright then. How about you two? Are you coming as well?" He asked the wives.

"Oh god no. I'd rather stay here. Ana and I have some catching up to do." Mrs Singford waved off the suggestion, winking to my mother. They both smiled and giggled at each other. They were up to something, and everyone here was unsettled by it. "Aurora dear, do me a favour. If your father even lays a hand on another woman…" She said with a sinister air.

I could feel shivers down my spine. Mr Singford on the other hand looked like he wanted to cower in the corner. His face was turning pale and his eyes wide. Sweat was starting to trickle down the side of his head.

"I'll put him in cryo sleep and deliver him back to you." Aurora said without hesitation of even a hint of mercy. Mr Singford was now looking helplessly between both women. If his eldest daughter were here, she would probably support her father, but that is not the case.

"Thank you dear! I will tie him to the bed and remind him that he chose me as his wife…" Her grip on her fork tightened as I almost saw it's shape change. However, her face bore a smile, one more akin to that of a witch.

Mr Singford was no sweating buckets. "Thanks for the meal honey!" He said, quickly standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"That's actually a good idea!" My mom sounded like she was jsut inspired, because she jsut was. "Kaler…" She looked at me with a knowing look, sigh deeply.

Seeing this, my dad followed Mr Singford's example and scrambled to the kitchen.

I chuckled internally, truly, without these family members, my life would be a drag.

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