
Chapter 1: Chapter One

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Space. I'm flying through space. I thought after something I believed to be an asteroid blurred past my senses. Those little lights in the distance are stars, then.

Fuck. How long has this been going on? Days? Years? The only reason I even know I'm moving is because of that asteroid... Now that I think about it, the stars seem to be moving a little... I must be moving fast as hell for things so far away to look like they're moving.

That doesn't help me, though. I still don't know how I got here or what's going on... I sighed mentally. The last thing I remember was being blinded by a bright ass light and passing out. When I woke up, I was already out here, zooming off into the distance as a ball of light.

A loud, obnoxious screech, like nails on a chalkboard, ripped through the void, and a series of screens appeared before me.

The text abruptly cut off, and the screen disappeared, quickly replaced by another.

I blacked out as the final screen faded.

Fuck! I screamed in my mind as my awareness returned, and I jumped to my feet.

Oh shit! I have a body again! I exclaimed mentally after I realized that jumping to my feet required a body.

"Goddamnit!" I exclaimed, this time out loud when I glanced down at my body

A pair of breasts filled my vision. Very large, very unclothed breasts.

Normally, I'd have nothing to complain about at the sight of some exposed titties. Especially when they're perky, almost gravity-defying, and perfectly shaped.

Normally though, they wouldn't be on my body. 

Before the Earth exploded, I was a dude.

"Well, I guess this is better than being a ball of light flying endlessly through the universe," I said with a sigh. "I mean, magic is definitely a thing now."

"And hot damn! I'm stacked! I can't complain about that!" I exclaimed and began checking out the rest of my body.

I estimated that I was roughly five foot six. I had a pale complexion and strawberry-blonde hair that flowed down to the middle of my upper back.

I'm not an expert on bra sizes, but I couldn't be anything less than a DD cup. I had the kind of nipples that were always easily visible through clothing, even more so when aroused.

My waist was slim, and my hips were wide. My ass was large and perfectly formed.

I had an hourglass, almost pear-shaped, figure.

Muscles could be seen rippling beneath my skin when I shifted my weight. I wasn't a bodybuilder by any means, but my muscles were clearly defined and powerful.

For the most part, I looked like a gorgeous human woman in her mid-twenties. I could give any supermodel a run for their money.

However, one distinct feature prevented me from being mistaken for a human.

A series of lines made out of some kind of dull, grey, metallic substance marked my body. From what I could see without a mirror, a main, thicker line ran down my spine and split off at multiple points.

The first split was at the end of my neck. The lines wrapped my shoulders and went down my arms, ending in unfilled circles on the top of my hands.

The same split branched off again just before my arms. The new lines traced my collarbone and combined before going down my sternum. Once again, it split into two and followed my lowest ribs, wrapping back and connecting to the spinal line.

The next split happened at my waist, wrapping around and looking like a belt. Three lines forked off of the belt. One ran a short distance upward and stopped with a circle around my navel. The other two fell down the sides of my legs and ended with a circle wrapped around my ankles.

Eventually, I finished examining my body and took a look around the area I was in.

My surroundings were much tamer than what I had imagined for an alien planet.

I was at the edge of a forest. At first glance, it looked exactly the same as any random wooded area I had seen on Earth. 

However, that opinion quickly changed once I got a glimpse further into the forest through a break in treetops.

Toward the center of the forest, the trees were massive. Incredibly massive. It looked like the trunks were several hundred feet wide, and while I had to be miles and miles away from them, I couldn't see the tops. I actually saw a cloud that was lower than the canopy!

I stood awestruck for several minutes before turning and looking in the opposite direction.

All I could see were rolling plains and something that might have been mountains in the distance.

I diligently scanned the horizon, looking for anything else of interest, before I huffed and spoke aloud. "Well, what do I do now?" I winced at my unfamiliar, feminine voice.

A screen appeared before me, causing me to jump in shock.

You are reading story Progenitress at

It was similar to the ones I saw while in space, but it had a different feeling.

I gawked for several moments longer than I would ever admit. Eventually, I hesitantly called out, "Status," causing two new screens to open.

A name... Hmm... I might as well take advantage of this new chance at life... I don't want to ever forget the past, though... I thought as I paced in circles, trying to come up with a good name for myself. 

Terra... I'll name myself after the Earth... Yea... My name is Terra. I decided, and the windows before me updated.

Immediately, I felt my body shift into a new state.

Something with me began letting off an incredible amount of energy. I felt myself becoming stronger and more durable.

And then the energy reached my mind, and my senses, for lack of a better word, blinked. To me, everything ceased existing for a split second before returning. As the world flooded back in, it was so much more than before. 

I felt like I had previously been viewing the world on VHS with a crappy tv. Now, I was the only person at a theater, watching in 8K with surround sound and rumbling bass.

It was overwhelming. My mental capabilities vastly exceeded what they were when I was human. However, my mind could barely process all the information my senses provided. 

Pressure and pain began building within my skull.

After what felt like an eternity, right as I thought my head was going to burst, something came online.

All of a sudden, the pressure and pain were gone. 

My senses became even sharper but no longer overwhelmed my mind.

In fact, my mind was working even faster than before.

Another screen appeared.

There wasn't any description of the choices. All I could go off of was the name and rank.

I sighed and picked the only real option. While I could never be entirely sure, it was logical that something with a higher rank would be more powerful.

I shivered violently as changes once more happened to my body. My entire body tingled, and it felt like my breasts and lower abdomen were struck by lightning.

After quickly glancing over my increased stats, I began experimenting with my status, prodding parts of it and attempting to glean more information.

The first tidbit I managed to gather was about my race.

Holy shit! This is insane! A massive increase in base stats compared to a human... I mused to myself, looking at my hands and idly noting that the lines marking my body must be the conduits.

I continued exploring my status.

The Prime class was confusing. Its description didn't offer much information, but it did sound powerful.

The description of Progenitress worried me, however. My new race's population growth was something to be explored in the future. It wasn't something that I would expect an entire class to be based upon.

Tossing aside my concerns, I looked over my perks.

I sighed in mild frustration. While the racial perks were amazing, the rest left much to be desired.

Hardened Will was vague, and I didn't know what it would actually do.

The last two perks were the main source of my frustration, however. I might have made a mistake with the Progenitress subclass. It seems like it will not be as powerful as I had hoped... It looks like it might be focused in a completely different direction.

Sighing again, I looked over the final portion of my status. My skills.

"Blegh! This is going to be obnoxious. How will I survive in a new, likely highly dangerous, world if I'm constantly knocked up?" I grumbled.

"At least I have 5 days befo-" I froze and reread the portion detailing the timer.

"It's already activated?!?! Fuuuuuuuuuck!!!"

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