Project Divinity

Chapter 27: Vol.2 Ch.4 – The Best-laid Plans Of Geeks And Vampires

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Chapter 4: The Best-laid Plans Of Geeks And Vampires

I think it's safe to say that you have an ulterior motive”, Elaine told Ophelia as Alexis shut the door to Elaine's room behind her. “Not that that's a bad thing, mind you, but you get how this looks like to the others, right?”

What does it look like?”, Ophelia asked her voice saccharine with faux innocence. “I'm only going to drink your blood with a witness present.”

Right”, Elaine said and looked over to Alexis, who was blushing furiously. “You know you can be honest about it, right?”

If you don't want it you can just say so”, Ophelia said, suddenly uncertain.

Elaine blinked as she realized how her comments might have come across. “I'm sorry, that's not what I meant at all.”

Then what did you mean?”, Alexis asked.

It's just...”, Elaine trailed off. “I don't want Evelyn to think I'm neglecting her.”

Ophelia snorted.

What?”, Elaine asked.

We had a good long talk with Evelyn”, Ophelia said. “Trust me, she's not jealous or anything. She's still struggling with the whole finding-out-she's-not-quite-straight thing so she doesn't really want to participate in... group activities yet.”

Oh, okay”, Elaine said. “Then I'm sorry I made you feel like you weren't wanted.”

Of course, what Elaine didn't know was that Evelyn had an ulterior motive of her own for staying out of the fun. It was all about nurturing that little seed of bratty behavior.

It's okay”, Ophelia said. “It's kind of sweet that you're worried about neglecting any of us. And Evelyn isn't who you should be worried about.”

Then who is?”

Ophelia smirked. “Cassie may or may not have indicated that he is interested in you.”

Elaine frowned. “When did he do that?”

He asked Evelyn and me if he could join our group while you two”, she looked between Elaine and Alexis, “were busy... bonding.”

Alexis blushed scarlet, but then said: “I-I guess that explains the looks he was giving you at dinner.”

Elaine was a little worried about it. She had been interested in crossdressers for a long time, as her doujin collection could attest. She'd never met anyone as effeminate and pretty as Cassie in real life, had even thought crossdressers that pretty only existed in 2D, but clearly she'd been wrong about that. She should have jumped at the opportunity, except... first of all she had three girlfriends and wanting even more lovers seemed more than a little greedy to her. And secondly, if Cassie was interested in her, it would mean he was interested in her as a woman and she couldn't exactly give him that. Then again, he did say he was bisexual, didn't he?

There she goes worrying again”, Ophelia said to Alexis, then turned back to Elaine and said: “Come on, share with the class.”

Elaine let out a sigh. “I admit, Cassie is very attractive, but the idea of dating four people at once is a little...”

Bit late to worry about that now, don't you think?”, Ophelia asked. As she saw Elaine cringing she said: “Relax, I'm messing with you. We've talked things out, nobody is jealous. And so long as you check in with us before you seduce someone else it's all good. That being said”, she turned to Alexis, “would you be upset if Elaine started something with Cassie?”

It was a valid question. Alexis was a lesbian. Even though Elaine came with the wrong kind of equipment she was still a woman, as were Evelyn and Ophelia. But letting Cassie join would change things. He was a man and had been very insistent about identifying as male. So there was every chance that Alexis wouldn't be thrilled about adding a man to their relationship.

I... I wouldn't have a problem with you dating Cassie”, Alexis said. “But I'm not sure how okay I would be about sharing the bed with him. He's cute and all and”, Alexis blushed harder as she looked at Elaine, “you showed me that I'm apparently fine with... penises, but it's still a step that might take me a bit of time.”

I'm not going to force you into anything like that”, Elaine said soothingly. “Did you think I'd expect you to join crazy orgies or something?”

No, of course not”, Alexis said. “I just mean...” She buried her face in her hands.

Well, that confirms what Ophelia brought you along for, Elaine thought.

I'm also worried that Cassie might bolt if he finds out...”, Elaine said and gestured to her crotch.

That's a much more valid concern”, Ophelia admitted, “but he did say he was bi, so I wouldn't worry too much. Just tell him and find out. We are supposed to be building trust here.”

Elaine snorted. “By that logic I should just tell Abigail what I'm packing.”

Who knows, maybe she stops being so uptight after a good, hard dicking”, Ophelia said.

Ophelia!”, Alexis exclaimed in outrage.

What?”, Ophelia asked. “Don't tell me you can't see the way she's sitting apart from us like she's too good for us.”

It's kind of my fault”, Elaine said.

The hell it is”, Ophelia said. “She's the one who put her foot in her mouth, not you.”

That's not what I meant”, Elaine said. “I could be including her more. I should be including her more. But instead I'm ignoring her.”

Well I for one am glad you pay more attention to your girlfriends than to the woman who snubbed you”, Ophelia countered.

By that logic I should never have included Evelyn into our group”, Elaine said.

Ophelia opened her mouth to give a heated retort but then closed it again. “That's a fair point. Alright, fine, I'll shut up about it.”

Elaine sighed and said: “I just don't like the fact that she has over 600 EXP and nothing to spend it on.”

Um”, Alexis said quietly and both of them looked at her.

What is it?”, Elaine asked in a gentle voice.

I don't really think Abigail is trying to snub us. She sits apart from us, yes, but... she seems lonely, not arrogant.”

So what, you're saying she just wants friends?”, Ophelia asked.

No”, Alexis said. “But think about it. Elaine's not wrong. She's got her hands full with all of us. But maybe Abigail is thinking the same thing, that maybe she shouldn't bother Elaine when she's busy with all of us.”

That's all well and good, but I don't even know where to begin talking to her”, Elaine said. “I know she sings, but aside from that I know nothing about her. For all I know we're sharing a bunch of hobbies and I have no idea.”

You can always try the Evelyn approach to learning more about her”, Ophelia suggested.

Elaine couldn't hold back a snort. “Yeah, I'll leave that as the very, very last resort.”

Alright, fine, if you think the bitch is worth befriending I'll help”, Ophelia said.

What are you planning?”, Alexis asked suspiciously.

Don't look at me like that”, Ophelia said. “I'll ask Cassie to talk to her. They both joined us later so they've got that in common at least.” Then she looked at Elaine with a smirk. “Can I promise him a date with you as a reward?”

If he's interested...”, Elaine said, a blush creeping up on her cheeks.

Good. Finally done with this”, Ophelia said. “You know, I come here intending to suck your blood, get you all hot and bothered and then maybe show Alexis a thing or two, but instead all you want to do is talk about other women. I should be jealous.”

It did kind of ruin the mood”, Alexis muttered.

Elaine frowned. They were both right, of course, but more than that she hated how subdued Alexis was when others were present. The girl was really shy and introverted and Elaine wasn't about to try and 'fix' her, but it still ate at her how the gorgeous blonde who had taken charge last time they'd been intimate together was now deferring to Ophelia simply because the vampire was more outgoing.

But Elaine knew something Alexis didn't: Ophelia got as docile as a kitten when someone else took the lead. And if that's what it would take to get Alexis out of her shell she'd abuse the hell out of that knowledge.

So, Ophelia”, Elaine said. “You wanted to drink my blood, then?”

Yes?”, the vampire asked.

Then how did you want to escalate things this time?”, Elaine asked.

I was going to bite you instead of you cutting yourself open”, Ophelia said.

I see”, Elaine said, then unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse. If it weren't for the sports bra her breasts would have come spilling out already but even so she displayed a generous amount of cleavage, even more so when she let the blouse slide off one shoulder, exposing herself for her two girlfriends. “Then come here, baby. I'm ready for you.”

Ophelia swallowed and blushed a little. “W-wait, hold on, that's going too far. I wanted to bite your wrist first.”

Of course Elaine knew that already, she was just messing with the girl.

Alright, then we'll do that”, she said in a slightly disappointed tone of voice. Then she held her wrist out.

Ophelia swallowed again at the sight of Elaine's exposed wrist, the visible vein arousing a different part of her than the exposed cleavage and collarbone had. She ambled over to Elaine on the bed, looking almost as if she were sleep-walking, before grabbing hold of the offered arm with both hands. She absently started to lick over Elaine's pulse as dogs sometimes do and only stopped when she heard Alexis say:

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W-what are you doing?”

That snapped Ophelia out of her trance and she blushed. “Sorry, it's just... vampire stuff.”

Should we be worried about you?”, Elaine asked. “You seemed kind of out of it.”

Ophelia groaned. “It's a reflex. Look, you may have noticed that getting vampire saliva into open wounds feels really good, right?”

Boy had she. The first time Ophelia had licked her cut finger Elaine had cum in her pants while sitting at a table with Alexis. The second time she hadn't quite cum but it had only taken Ophelia a few seconds of blowing her to rectify that. But instead of saying any of that out loud, Elaine just nodded.

So it's a vampire's instinct to generously lick any place we're about to bite”, Ophelia explained. “That way more of our saliva gets into the wound and changes the pain into pleasure.”

That sounds kind of fucked up”, Alexis said. “Wouldn't that mean you can make any injury enjoyable by rubbing your saliva into it?”

Yes”, Ophelia said emphatically. “The vampire who sired me owned a nightclub. Yeah, I know, mother of all cliches. Anyway, there was this woman, Maria. And yes, before you ask, people did call her Bloody Mary. She called herself a dominatrix but I don't think the BDSM community would be too happy to have her. She had a kink for whipping men. Like, really whipping them, until they had bleeding wounds all over their backs. Except she liberally used her saliva to make the guys like that. By the end she had them addicted to the sensation of having their backs flayed. My sire kicked her out after a guy died from the trauma.”

Charming”, Elaine said.

So, is Elaine at risk of getting hooked on your spit, then?”, Alexis asked.

Not with how infrequently we're doing this”, Ophelia said. “I mean, look at me. I got turned into a vampire and I was never addicted to the stuff.”

Yeah, fair”, Elaine said. “You never really talk about this stuff.”

You're doing it again”, Ophelia said. “Ruining the mood with questions...”

And you're avoiding the question”, Elaine teased right back.

It's not like I'm avoiding it”, Ophelia said. “I just don't think it's that interesting.”

You got turned into a vampire at a nightclub”, Alexis said. “That's about five times as interesting as my life's story.”

But that's just it”, Ophelia said, flopping down on the bed and doing her best not to look at Elaine's arm. “It sounds exciting but it really wasn't. I was a dumbass teenager and while out clubbing one night I found out that the unfathomably sexy guy who owned my favorite nightclub was a vampire. From then on I bugged the fuck out of him for a year and a half and then, when I turned nineteen, he agreed to make me a vampire if I just stopped pestering him about it.” She paused. “So yeah, I basically annoyed my way into becoming an immortal terror of the night.”

That still sounds really exciting”, Alexis said. “I don't think I would have had the guts to do that.”

Just a few days ago you had a jousting match with a cultist riding a unicorn”, Ophelia pointed out.

Alexis opened her mouth, then closed it again.

It really does put our lives before the Invasion into perspective, doesn't it?”, Elaine said, then reached out, grabbed Alexis by the wrist and yanked her onto the bed.

Alexis immediately cuddled into Elaine's side and Ophelia reached over to stroke her hair.

So, I've been wondering”, Elaine said after the three of them had been cuddling for a while.

More questions?”, Ophelia teased.

Elaine rolled her eyes but she was smiling when she did. “Drinking blood, is that, like, a sexual thing for you? The way you shiver when you drink it...”

It's hard to explain”, Ophelia said. “Drinking blood in itself doesn't really turn me on, but this thing inside me releases endorphins when I drink blood, to incentivize me to drink more.”

The thing inside you?”, Alexis asked.

We have this bundle of instincts inside us”, Ophelia explained. “I think of it as a beast. It's all id, all instincts, it doesn't think about consequences. It just wants to drink and drink and drink until it bursts. Don't worry though, I'm pretty good at keeping it on a leash. I like to get my pleasure high in... other ways.” And then she suggestively rubbed a hand along the inside of Elaine's thigh.

They'd been cuddling for long enough that the mood had shifted back into something cozy, if not quite sensual yet, but the three of them were relaxed enough and so Elaine wordlessly held her arm out in front of Ophelia's face.

Once again the vampire's eyes went out of focus and she started absently licking Elaine's pulse as she had before. But this time nobody stopped her, nobody asked questions, and when the thing inside Ophelia felt she'd lubed her victim up enough she sank her teeth into Elaine's wrist.

Elaine thought she'd been prepared. She'd expected a mixture of pleasure and pain. She'd even expected it to be more intense than when Ophelia had simply licked a cut on her finger. But she had underestimated the sensation by an order of magnitude.

Elaine had only had sex with a man once before. It wasn't that she was averse to men or anything, but ever since that time all the people she had been attracted to had happened to be women. But that didn't mean she'd hated being with a man. That first penetration had been painful but after the pain had passed there had been pleasure in this fleshy foreign object invading her, filling her, spreading her. It hadn't lasted anywhere near long enough for Elaine to come from it but she had fantasized about it.

Growing a dick had put a damper on those fantasies. It wasn't as though she missed it much but she did mourn the fact that she'd never get to experience the sensation of having her pussy fucked again.

Except the feeling of Ophelia's fangs sinking into her flesh felt exactly like what she'd fantasized taking a cock again would. This stuff in Ophelia's saliva was incredible. There was no pain except for the mildly uncomfortable feeling of her body straining to accommodate a foreign object. It just felt as if two points of pure pleasure were forcing themselves inside her, claiming her, taking her.


And then came the sucking. The suction felt remarkably similar to an eager lover sucking on her clit and the feeling of her blood leaving her reminded her of the rush of relief she felt when cumming with her newly acquired cock.


She vaguely felt the warmth of her cum spilling out in her pants but the sheer pleasure of what Ophelia was doing to her was overpowering. If this was what Ophelia's bite felt like on her wrist, what would happen if she bit her neck instead? Would her brain just short-circuit from the pleasure? Would she become hopelessly addicted to whatever torments Ophelia wanted to inflict upon her? Should she be worried about that? Was it even worth worrying about?

Yes. Yes, it was. Ophelia was clearly struggling with those instincts inside her so if she had the willpower to fight back against them then Elaine needed the willpower to resist this all-consuming pleasure.

There was nothing she wanted more than to keep enjoying the feelings Ophelia's saliva was giving her but she forced herself to take deep breaths and opened her eyes.

Whatever was in the vampire's saliva also made her wounds heal faster than even her own now superhuman regeneration would explain, so by the time Elaine opened her eyes she could see Ophelia lapping the last few droplets away from two tiny little pinpricks that were closing before her eyes.

Her mouth was stained deep red from Elaine's lifeblood and the glazed look in her eyes was slowly receding, and then her eyes met Elaine's.

Glad to have you back”, Elaine said and her voice only sounded a little slurred.

G-good to be back”, Ophelia said after swallowing the last of the blood with a shudder. “Sorry, I think I took a bit more than normal.”

It's okay”, Elaine said. “I expected as much.” There was a reason she'd had a big steak and a tall cup of OJ for dinner. “Glad to know I taste good.”

And it was testament to just how out of it Ophelia was that she didn't even make a suggestive comment about that.

Achievement unlocked! You have reached Bond Level 7! Awarded 700 Credits.

Of course, once the pleasure had receded Elaine could feel something else. A feeling she was unfortunately getting quite familiar with: The feeling of cum in her boxers.

She always felt like a randy teenage boy when it happened to her, but so far she'd had a good reason every time it had happened. But that didn't make it any less mortifying.

It was even worse when Ophelia sniffed the air once, smirked, and then pulled Elaine's pants clean off.

Whoa”, Alexis said as she saw how forward Ophelia was being

Don't tell me you can't smell it”, Ophelia said, then paused. “Oh right, I forgot, your sense of smell isn't as good as mine.”

What do you mean?”, Alexis asked, but then Ophelia pulled Elaine's boxers off as well. “O-oh.”

Yeah”, Ophelia said. “This happens when you get bitten by a vampire. Wanna help me clean her up?”

Alexis blushed scarlet and Elaine was about to tell Ophelia to stop pressuring her when Alexis said, very quietly: “Yes.”

There wasn't just a little cum in Elaine's boxers. Everything about this new organ she'd grown was prodigious. It was of a length and girth that would have satisfied even the pickiest of size queens and the loads it produced were just as enormous. And now this small deluge of spunk was everywhere. Her boxers were full of it and made a wet slapping sound when Ophelia tossed them in the laundry basket and even with that removed there was still a liberal amount of the sticky white stuff all over Elaine's crotch.

Ophelia wasted no time in slipping down between Elaine's legs and Alexis wasn't far behind and soon the two of them were busy licking and sucking to clean up an increasingly mortified Elaine.

Once Elaine's crotch was clean again and Ophelia gently sucked Elaine's balls for a bit before she grabbed Alexis by the chin and kissed her, hard. Alexis moaned into the kiss and soon Ophelia forced her tongue into the blonde's mouth, invading her, claiming her.

Just as Elaine was starting to feel a little left out Ophelia wrapped a hand around her cock and started pumping it, almost lazily but with a steady hand that told Elaine she clearly knew what she was doing.

The two beauties were kissing more and more open-mouthed and soon Ophelia mumbled into the kiss: “Show me how you suck her cock.”

Alexis shivered at the lewd command. Everything about it was driving her crazy. The maddening kisses, the way she was kissing someone else in between Elaine's thighs, her lover's gaze on them, the idea of sucking Elaine off, the idea of doing it with Ophelia watching her, the lewd way the vampire pronounced the word 'cock', all of it made her go wild. She wanted to shove her hand into her panties but she didn't want to seem like a wanton harlot.

Ophelia, however, seemed to have sensed her desire and said: “Do a good enough job and I'll make you feel so good. I can't wait to taste that pretty pussy of yours.”

Fuck...”, Alexis muttered, breaking the kiss for good as she turned to face the cock that had given her so much pleasure the last time she'd seen it.

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