Chapter 20: CHAPTER 19: “A Shipper’s chaos”

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What the heck is going on? 

What the heck happened? 

What the heck is this? 

Who the heck am I?

   Ok, maybe I went a little far with the last question. But I am very confused right now, well not exactly confused, more like unprepared. And I thought I had learned from my first shipping disaster in 6th grade, but it seems that either I don’t learn, or I still need to learn.

   This was what it was all about in the end, giving each girl chances to get closer to John, so they could do their best at winning his heart. It was bound to happen that they would eventually try to confess. WHY DIDN’T I PREPARE A PLAN OR MYSELF FOR WHEN THAT HAPPENED? Heck, Mattari confessed on Tuesday. It was a slip, but it was a confession, it wasn’t heard, but it should have been the wake-up call I needed.

The battlefield has shifted.

And now Panchikikku confessed and was heard. What am I going to do?

   Wait…. What if Mattari finds out? I mean she confessed first. Why wasn’t she heard, and Panchikikku was? Will this cause frustration? SHOULD I BE FRUSTRATED? I mean, my bro is an idiot, but that selective listening is terrible. Why can’t he act and listen at the same time?!

   If there is one thing I hate is when the plot picks its favorites. When some characters are given an unfair advantage over others thanks to the plot forcing some people together. But I can’t exactly blame plot for this now can I. Mattari could have said it again but didn’t, and Panchikikku made sure she repeated herself, so it got through John’s thick skull. Is it my fault then? Mattari asked me if she made the right call. Should I have encouraged her to say it? But how was I supposed to know this would happen?! HOW WASN’T I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THIS WOULD EVENTUALLY HAPPEN? Four girls like the same guy, eventually they would try to make power moves on him. I knew that. WHY DIDN’T I PREPARE?!

   So far it has been surprise-after-surprise. First Ao-sen removed herself from the ships, then Mattari with her thank you and hug with unheard confession, and Panchikikku who made a move I was not even made aware of and wouldn’t even know she did if I hadn’t spotted her, and John returning from who knows where.

   And let’s not forget Kiken takes her shot by being a great listener, ‘yandere’ behavior finally working to her advantage without being creepy. Oh gosh KIKEN! Does she know?

   Broken pencils on the bus floor, white fluff on her chair, one boy sweating profusely, getting so close to the window wall that you would think he is role-playing “Link between worlds*” or something…

   She definitely, knows. I wonder if I should upgrade my apartment's defense system once we get back to Japan… Maybe I should barricade my hotel room while we are here.

- (Muttermuttermuttermutter…)

- “Nio… Please, you’re freaking me out…”

Dang… I’ve been muttering… I need to take a break from watching that ‘shonen’ anime with John.

- “Sorry Panchikikku…”

- “What should I do Nio?! I already confessed, but he didn’t respond. IT’S NOT LIKE I EXPECTED HIM TO OR ANYTHING!”

- “Panchikikku… Your voice…”

- “Sorry… But… Things are going to be very awkward now. He knows how I feel, but he hasn’t said anything… Does that mean he doesn’t feel the same?”

- “I can’t confirm, nor deny that possibility. But what I do know is that him not saying anything, means he is processing it, he is probably just shocked.”

- “Did I make the right move? Should I have waited some more?... But the timing felt right.”

- “I don’t know Panchikikku…”

- “YOU ARE USELE-… sorry… It’s not your fault… You didn’t know what I was going to do…”

   On the way back to the hotel Panchikikku had decided to seat next to me for obvious reasons. Both Panchikikku and John entered the bus in a rush. They glared at my empty spot at once. I was scared if I was being honest, I felt like a guy wearing red with two bulls looking at him (and I don’t mean that to offend them). Panchikikku’s athleticism and speed gave him an advantage, so she reached me first.

   I could see smoke coming from her shoes, or maybe it was my imagination. John was too awkward to win, and I see Panchikikku was as well, but she has pride so…

- “But now everything is awkward. I know that until he gives me an answer, the awkwardness will stay. Should I stop hanging out with him until he does? But what of the others, won’t that… Wouldn’t they… I know Kiken would…”


   There goes the pencil I gave her for her improvement… I take back what I said… Kiken’s ‘yanderism’ will be her downfall. Mark my words, said a Thursday in Puerto Rico.

- “How do I overcome the awkwardness, Nio? … Nio?”

- “Ummm… I’ve never gotten this far before yet… Could you give me some time to think? Just know that, I’ll do my best…

- “Umm… Yeah sure… Totally.” (Nervous tone).

Does this mean the shipping is over? John did hear her. But he didn’t answer, wouldn’t it be unfair to the others if I stopped helping just because one confessed? DANG-IT. I hope some late-night anime holds my answers.

- “What do I do man? (Tears in his eyes). This is not like with Miko. She told me her feelings for me were in the past… It was easier like that. But now, Tsuki likes me more than friends and I don’t know what to do…”

   He said her first name and not her nickname… Not a good sign, he is, clearly nervous. At least he didn’t revert to saying her last name. If he gets to first name with someone, and later reverts, that’s when John cuts ties with someone, I’ve never seen it happen, but Jinna told me once. At some point during my presence with the group, every one of them started using first names or nicknames between each other. The point is: if he keeps the first name basis, it means he wants to keep the closeness, he just doesn’t know how to go about it. And neither do I.

   It’s 1 AM, and not one single anime has provided the answer, and I’m so nervous the visual novels I’ve been playing all end in bad endings, leaving me clueless.

- “I can’t say yes because I don’t know. I can’t say know because I don’t know. I can’t ignore her because we are still friends. But I can’t hang out because it’ll be awkward. What do I do?”

Dang-it. This hits me harder because John doesn’t know the whole story. I only told him I arranged some hangouts between him and his friends, but he doesn’t know that most of those friends like him romantically.

- “Please you have to help me Nio. I don’t know how to deal with this romance stuff. But, you spend all day thinking about that stuff, and anime of that stuff.”

- “Not all day… Ok yes, all day… But I… I need to think ok…”

- “Yeah… I’m sorry for barging in at 1 AM…”

- “Don’t sweat it… It’s not like I was sleeping…”

   I didn’t expect John to be the one to tear down my door. I hope that the hotel has insurance, or John’s detention will be even longer than it already is… How did he even tear the door down, getting past my barricade? How strong is this guy?

He left, and I’m left to ponder my life choices, before sleep… You know… Like men do.

{Meanwhile in a college dorm back in Japan}


- “Who… (Yawn)… Could be calling at 3 AM? Don’t they know I trying to power through a college essay that I procrastinated until the morning of the day it’s due?”

It’s Nio… Sigh… Again…

- (Through the phone). “Nio… I love you… But if it’s about John or any of the girls that like him, I’m hanging up.”


- “Huh? … He hanged up himself… That’s what I call development… Now… What was the topic I had to write about again?”

   Yeah… I forgot Jinna doesn’t like talking to me about ships. She was probably trying to sleep or finishing the last touches on a college assignment. She’s responsible like that.

But this leaves me in the same predicament I was in before…


A text message…

  • And don’t call Fasshon or Sanagi now, or next time I see you I’ll whoop your butt… It’s 3 AM, they’re sleeping, and you should too. Kisses. ;)

Jinna is really a big sister to me… And the way she reads my mind scares me…

I’m on my own… All this and I have to help Gita too…


   I completely forgot I agreed to help her while we talked at the Arecibo Observatory. She was reluctant to tell me what she wanted because she had seen Panchikikku and John leaving together. I told her it was fine… I was wrong. But I can’t back down. Tomorrow… Well actually today, when we reach the tree house in Aguadilla, I have to make sure Gita and John find a good spot to see the sunset and not be bothered by anyone…

   Oh gosh… Will she try to make a move on him? … I don’t know if my heart can handle that level of stress again!

{FYI: Cho Sanagi was, in fact, comfortably sleeping in some pink pajamas while cuddling with a ‘Coquí’ plushie she bought during her trip. But Kei Fasshon was very wide awake on social media DM-ing her friends}.

   We had reached Aguadilla and were approaching ‘Parque de Colón’ the area that had the Treehouse. It was very large, built on a very large tree. The tree was so big that some of its branches connected with the floor. After having some free time at the Mall in Aguadilla, we were back on track with what was needed according to class. It was 3 PM, and we would only be here until 6, because we were going to leave back to Japan today, so we had to head back to the airport in San Juan, all the way from here.

   I hadn’t slept for the exception of two hours. Looking for anime, visual novels, and those web novels I read. I even consulted rom-com manga, something I normally don’t do, but I was getting desperate. In every scene in which something similar happened, there was awkwardness afterward. Was I missing something? I really couldn’t find the solution. All day at the mall, Panchikikku ad Joh stayed as separate as possible, looking glancing at each other from time to time only to immediately look away, and glare at me.

   It wasn’t an angry glare; it was a desperate one. But I didn’t have the answers, so I pretended to be interested in whatever the Dragons and Dungeons guy was talking about. Gita’s moment was upon me, and I had to make sure it went well. I was trying to work with the individual feelings of three different people. Is this how harem protagonists feel when they accidentally triple book? If so… Shido*… You have my deepest respect.

   We left the bus and the third year’s teacher was addressing all of us. Most of the activities we had in Puerto Rico, with exception of the Arecibo Observatory, were separate from the first years and the second years. This was no exception, as they were now in Aguadilla’s mall. I was tuning the teacher out, I was tired, and running on coffee (just an expression I don’t drink coffee). Moving on autopilot, I give Gita her com-link, point to her an area that I thought would be a good spot, and told her to explore until 5 PM, we could also move to other parts of the park, not just the tree house.

   John was moving my way, so I used my annoying small height to hide behind the bulky second year, I hear he is a teddy bear despite his intimidating height, he even helped me escape. The third years know how to read the room well, and even if they are jealous, they tend to stray free from other people’s romantic moments, so I don’t have to worry about them when it comes to Gita’s moment getting interrupted while she is with John. The other girls know when something is of my doing, even if I don’t tell, and they mostly stay free, I can only hope today is one of those, since Panchikikku is too awkward, and Mattari is too focused on her representative order-keeping job. Ao-sen is… I don’t know what she is doing… Looking for crabs? … Whatever.

   Now Kiken is a problem. The reason she has not ruined any of my plans with the others before is: because she either was in a good mood (for whatever constitutes a good mood for her) or she didn’t know about it. But she isn’t in a good mood, and it will be, plainly obvious when the time comes. She would interrupt the moment, no doubt about it, even if she didn’t go full ‘yandere’ on account of John being present, and Gita being her friend. That is why I bought a bag of mini doughnuts at a stand in the mall. I’ve done my best to keep them warm. I know she is still miffed about not being able to take a doughnut with the rest of the guys, back before we left Japan, so hopefully, this will do the trick. I’m tired, but I’m not stupid.

   It worked perfectly. Kiken is seating on the railing between the walking area and the sand area, while she slowly eats her mini doughnuts, and uncovers the secrets of the multiverse or something (more likely she retreated to 'Johnny world' in her head), even if she keeps a straight face, the point is she won’t interrupt. We did have a conversation, one of the few that is not related to my notebook, with John, or with a plan she wants me to come up with to help her.

- (Through com-link). “Gita… You ready?”

- (Through com-link). “I’m in position. Hey… Are you ok? You sound tired.”

- (Through com-link). “Never better. Ok, I’ll try to find Jo- (Jumps from a tap on his shoulder).”

- “Nio, please! Tell me you have an idea!”

- “Man, don’t do that…”

- “Sorry… Please this is killing me…”

- (Sigh). “First, don’t be overdramatic, everything will be fine. (I hope he didn’t notice the tremble in my voice). Gita said she wanted to hang out with you for a bit. Why don’t you relax a bit and go with her? Maybe you’ll feel less weird about it after not thinking about it.”

- “That sounds nice about now. (Worried voice). But Chowa will be able to tell I feel weird about something. I don’t want her to worry.”

I was getting tired-er. So, I did something pretty crazy.

- “Here, have this com-link, I’ll put its receiver on my other ear. Whenever you feel like you are losing your cool, I’ll calm you down so you can have a relaxing moment with Gita, ok bro?”

- “Sure bro. But why did you bring a com-link? And why do you have another one in your other ear?”

- “Just go!”

- “Ok, Nio… Thanks, man… I’m sorry for all this.”

- “Don’t sweat it, I brought it on myself.”

- “What?”

- “Go!”

   He finally walked towards the pretty spot in the tree house. I was empty, I didn’t know how to overcome awkwardness. I mean, my hobbies are some of the most awkward ones there are. I learned that awkwardness is a part of me, but John isn’t like me, and neither is Panchikikku.

   Running out of options, I called Fasshon since gals often read tons of relationship magazines, but she didn’t respond.

   Time for my secret weapon. I didn’t call her first because, after our movie moment, I didn’t want her to get tired of me too quickly. I just hope she answers. If anyone must know how to overcome awkwardness, is a social butterfly. Sanagi has lots of friends, she is nice, she’s pretty, and fun to be around, she must know about relationships.


- (Through the phone). “Hello?”

- (Through the phone). “Sanagi, it’s me Nio, I really need your help.”

- (Through the phone). “So that’s all I’m good for? Helping?” (Playful pout).

- (Through the phone). “No… Of course, not… Why wo-”

- (Through the phone, giggling). “I know Nio-chan, don’t worry I’m just teasing… What is it?”

- (Through phone, worried voice). “One of the girls confessed to John, and he actually heard it, but he can’t respond yet, and everything is awkward now.”

- (Through the phone, awkward voice). “Ah-ah… Nio-chan. I don’t think I’m the best to deal with ships… You are the shipper after all right?”

- (Through the phone). “I know it’s just-”

- (Through first com-link whispering). “Nio… John seems to be worried about something…”

- (Through second com-link whispering). “Nio… I think Chowa is on to me… What do I do?”

- (Turning off second com-link and speaking through first). “He was feeling a little conflicted about something. I think this sunset watching can help you both… Talk to him, he likes to listen to things when he is conflicted.”

- (Turning of the first, and speaking through the second). “Yes, she is onto you. Breathe in and out lightly. The sunset will come from there soon… Focus on that. I’m currently trying to solve your other problem rest assured.”

- (Through second com-link in whispers). “Ok… I’ll try. And how did you know she was onto me?”

- “…”

- (Through second com-link in whispers). “Ok, got it… I’ll focus on the sunset, after all, Chowa wanted to hang with me, I can’t let her down.”

{The shipper turns both com-links back on and decides to focus once more on the call, but he didn’t know that on the other side, the blonde called, had an expression of concern}.

- (Through phone). “I’m sorry Sanagi didn’t mean to cut myself mid-sentence like that, it’s just things are a little hectic over here.”

- (Through phone). “Nio-chan… Are you alright?”

- (Through phone) “Yeah I’m fine… Don’t worry. Now about the reason for my… Hold on… (All the conversation was heard through the phone). Gita, I’m kindda on a call right now, I’ll get back to you… John… breathe in and out, the sunset is coming…”

- (Through phone). “Nio… Tell Gita to be herself, to do what feels right at the moment… And tell John to relax, thinking way ahead will ruin the present’s enjoyment.”

- (Through the phone) “Sanagi…”

You are reading story PROTAGONIST is A SHIPPER part 1 at

   She didn’t call me Nio-chan that time… It feels like I’m being scolded. Like when my mom uses my full name. Is she mad at me? Did… Did I ruin my friendship with her because of having three different calls at once? I… I don’t want to lose her friendship… Is this like John reverting to last name calling?

- (Through the phone). “I’m sorry, Sanagi… I can call at another time…”

- (Through phone). “No, I’m sorry… I forgot to use the ‘chan’ there… You probably got used to it by now. I wasn’t scolding you I was just trying to get your attention quickly.”

{The blonde social butterfly had done nothing wrong, but she had a growing suspicion that the dark-haired shipper, measured the closeness amongst his friends and acquaintances by how they call each other. That being the reason he like people to call him Nio, instead of his full name or last name. But she wasn’t sure, therefore she apologized}.

- (Through phone). “No, you don’t have to apologize, you did nothing wrong. I just thought you were made that’s all. Y-You can call me Nio if it feels better.”

- (Through the phone). “Never. (Giggles). While it’s true that triple booking your conversations is rude, I’ll let it slide because you didn’t mean anything bad by it. You just want to help everyone as soon as possible. Tell Gita and John, what I told you, then tell me what’s bothering you.”

I did as Sanagi told me and then decided to explain my situation.

- (Through the phone). “I see…”

- (Trough the phone). “How can I get them to be back to normal until John is ready to answer?”

- (Through phone) “Nio… I think you are bitting more than you can chew. You told me that you want to help bring them closer, that that is why you shipped them. To give them a chance. And you have. But now you are attempting to do the hard part for them…”

- “…”

- (Through phone). “Like you are trying to make the relationship work. That is something they should be doing right?”

- (Through phone). “… You are right… I see your point… It’s just that since I saw all her effort, I thought that the rest was up to me, to get them back on track.”

- (Through phone). “There is no returning to what was normal once a confession occurs. He-he… I think you’ve seen enough anime to know that. Heck, the anime we watched on Wednesday at midnight while on a phone call, showed that!”

- (Through phone). “You are right…”

- (Through phone). “While I don’t fully agree on the amount of time you dedicate to this, I know shipping is currently a part of who you are until you, on your own, decide otherwise, but these are not fictional characters you are shipping for a fanfiction. These are real people, you can give them the chance, but the hurdles they should overcome themselves. Because if not, then their relationship will be built on you as main support, and when you are not present, it will plummet into oblivion.”

   That was a little drastic, but Sanagi is correct. I used to be more aware of this at the start of the ordeal. I just got tangled at the moment and wanted to solve everything in my panic due to the confession element that took me by surprise.

- (Through phone). “So, the awkwardness is something they’ll have to overcome themselves. Even if things are never the same, if they are willing, they can move forward and still be friends until the confession is answered, and hopefully move together into the future, either as friends or more.”

- (Through phone). “Exactly… I hope I was able to help. Call me anytime. Hey, I got you a plushie, I’ll give it to you in Japan… Heh… or if you get confused on which plane to board” (Giggles).

- (Through phone). “How are you so wise Sanagi? Looking forward to hanging out with you… bye.”


{Meanwhile, the blonde smiling girl hugged her plushie, while she collapsed on her hotel bed with an open book that said “Relationships for Dummies 101”}.

- “Now I just need to tell Panchikikku and John, and all will be… Panchikikku? What are you doing here?”

- “Thanks Nio… What you said is right. This is the path I chose, is the path I must walk. Make sure to thank the person you called for me, will you.”

- “Panchikikku…”

- “Don’t worry I’m fine… Actually… I kindda feel better now.”

- “You know… I’ll still help set hangouts between you and John whenever you are ready…”

- “I know… Th-Thanks… I mean it… We… we should hang out sometime… When we’re not dealing with 'dense boy' and stuff, if you want. NOT THAT I CAR- ... Yeah… If you want.”

- “Sure thing… Are we friends now?”

- “Don’t make it corny… Midget. (Grins).

She didn’t say that in an insulting tone. I think everything will be ok.

Bonus short story:

“Sunset moment”

{Back in Japan, a girl with pink hair and blue highlights, enjoyed playing the electric guitar. A member of the school’s music group and directed by a certain cyan-haired ‘yandere’. Her enjoyment of Japanese music groups, especially rock groups had led her to find joy in her guitar. Her shyness prevented her from showing these talents while on her own, but when a certain small-sized shipper found her practicing by accident, he decided to encourage her to try. When with a group, she felt confident, but on her own, she did not, but her friend was not going to give up unless she did. And she did not. The girl was working on a guitar solo for a certain special someone, and her shipper friend was all on board. Meanwhile, that special someone often wondered about the secrets that hid behind the doors of his school’s music group.}

Present time:

{Once final transmissions were given through the com-links. The bald student, and the earphone-wearing pink-haired girl, were on their own}.

- “U-um… John… You seem troubled… I know you have been hiding it… but I just want you to know I’m willing to help. We are friends, aren’t we?

- (Sigh). “I just can’t hide it from you can I? (Smiles kindly at her). I just have something in my mind is all. It’s not your fault.”

- “I see.” (Dejected without showing it).

{The girl knew the reason. It was obvious that something happened between the short boxer and the boy she liked, but she kept it in}.

- “Thanks for inviting me here, Chowa. It means a lot. And I’m sorry that my head isn’t fully here at the moment.”

{The girl clenches her fist in determination}.

- “N-Nio told me that whenever you feel like this you like to listen to things.”

- “Yeah… Conversations are fine. I would love for you to tell me something. I don’t think I know much about you, even if you are one of my closest friends. I think even Nio knows more about you, despite knowing you for less time than me… I might be jealous.”

- “W-what… No… I mean…”

- “Hahaha… I’m teasing Chowa…. But I do want to know more about you…”

- “Would music be ok?”

- “Music… You mean your music. The one you’ve made yourself?!” (Excited).

- “Wha- I meant the music I like to hear…”

- “Oh…”

- “Would you, really want to hear the music I play myself.”

- “YES!... But… I don’t want to press…”

- “…”

- “…”

- “…Ok…”

{And so the girl strengthened her resolve and looked in her mp3 for the piece she had recorded of herself playing… The piece that was meant for him, even if he didn’t learn it}.

- “Please don’t laugh… Give me a…”

- “…”

- “…”

- “Chowa?”

{The girl turned pale and frozen on the spot}.

- “I saved the trial files… I forgot to save the completed version… I’m sor-”


- “What?!”

- “Yeah… It’ll be like I’m in music practice with you seeing how the magic is born… Don’t you think that’s cool? Then you can show me the full version another time!”

{The sun was beginning to set, and the orange hues of the tropical sky contrasted with their faces, as other students explored the tree house, and its surroundings, leaving the two in their own special space}.

- “Are you sure… It’s no good…”

- “It’s how it started… I want to hear…”

{The girl breathed in and handed the mp3 to her oblivious love, and he began to hear, the work in progress of her work. She was sweating bullets, it took all her courage to allow the boy to hear her completed work, she thought she would faint at knowing he was hearing the work in progress. She closed her eyes and expected the worst… But it never cam}.

- “This is cool… ‘TANANANAAAAUUUN’ I like it. Hey are the pauses you make, for parts you haven’t done yet, or are they part of the actual piece.”

- (Embarrassed). “They are… Actually, they are for some areas in which my own note writing confused me… he he…”

- “I have bad handwriting too… But this is cool…”

{Suddenly the wind picked up, and the girl could see the boy was struggling to hear. She had an idea. Picking the com-link in her ear, she tried to remember what her shipping friend had told her about its Bluetooth feature. In the process of tampering with it, she gave it to the boy, oblivious about how he had one on his ear himself}.

- “Nio gave me this. You can use it on Bluetooth so you can hear better.”

{But just as the boy grabbed it, it slipped from his hands and fell down the tree house}.

- “Oh no… Chowa I’m sor- Chowa?”

{Mere seconds after its fall, the girl had rushed out of his side. She headed to look for it. It was her fault after all. Her small friend hadn’t given her the piece of tech for music, but rather for help, and not only that, without permission she had decided to pass it to someone else. If there was a problem this girl sometimes had, is that when she was happy or excited about something, she acted with tunnel vision. Forgetting important details, like asking for permission and such. And what happier moment than your crush acknowledging your work}.

{Fifteen minutes had passed, and still no sign of it. The girl kept looking she was not going to give up. The bald boy had decided to come clean to his small best friend. The small shipper just smiled and shone in glee, as if he didn’t understand he lost a piece of tech. His priorities rested on how his second-best friend dared to share her music with her crush. He said not to worry, and to tell the girl not to worry either, as he had more of them, more to the bald boy’s confusion. The bald boy made his way back to the kneeling girl who was looking all around the tree house’s lower floor}.

- “Chowa… I told Nio… I told him it was my fault and that you just wanted to share your music. He said to forget it, that he has more… For reasons that are unknown to me.”

- “You don’t get it. He always says it’s fine. If it’s not anime or something like that, he might be frustrated, but telling him the reason why it happened, just makes him forget about it. It doesn’t make it fine. And I am not leaving until I find it. I shouldn’t have tried to give it to you without asking first.”

{The boy did understand. The shipper got angry and frustrated, like everyone, but if the joy he was feeling was greater, he just tended to ignore the anger. He knew his friend was happy to see his other friend opening up about her talent. He had come to accept it as it was, but the girl before him wanted to do what was right. He was amazed by her kindness. So despite what the shipper said. He kneeled beside her and helped her look}.

- “Were you nervous too?”

- “What?”

- “Nio gave you a com-link as well.” (He shows her his).

- “A-ah (Sweats)… Yes… I was…”

{They searched until the teacher called. They couldn’t find it, but both promised to get the shipper a new one. Making the shipper smile even more saying he forgave them. This experience made the oblivious boy, learn more about who the girl he called a friend was. He saw her under a new light, and smiled, hoping for the day he could hear the full song}.

Bonus, bonus:

- “Please don’t laugh Sanagi…”

- “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… I said it as a joke, but you actually confused the planes… Hahaha... Here's your plushie Nio-chan.”

- "Thanks, it's cute."

- “Like… What gives man?”

- “Please don’t rub it in. Your teacher is already giving me the stink eye. She thinks I did it on purpose.”

- “Ok… I’ll stop…”

- “…”

- “…”

- “…”

- “…”

- “…”


- “Pff… Like… HAHAHAHAHAHA…”

I hate plot.

Well, that happened. A lot to unpack on this one huh? No comments.

Next time. Life resumes in Japan, detention is over, and everything is great. But what happens when the shipper finds himself dragged into the karaoke place? What is this about? Find out next in “Protagonist is a Shipper” part 2.

*A direct reference to the game "The legend of ZELDA: A link between worlds", was used.

*Shido is a character from the anime and light novel series "Date a Live."

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