Chapter 27: CHAPTER 25: “ShuNina: A Shipper’s failure”

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*Part 3 starts here*

Kako, Shuzen.

   I did not expect to hear that name in my same class ever again. The friendship my shipping ruined. The friendship I ruined.

   It ended bitterly because of me. I only wished to find him once more, so that I could apologize, as it was my fault that he ended how he did. My first ship, my worse ship.

   In fourth grade, I began my shipping journey. Whenever I heard the slightest comment about romance, crushes, love, etc. I was there, offering my assistance in bringing them together. I was quite an annoying person. Even I know that. Naturally, I didn’t have friends in my class. Fifth grade was not different, until that day…

- “Like, Hiro is so cool!”

- “I know right? I think you two would make a good couple!”

- “Oh no, stop it. There is no way, like, no way.

- “Oh, come on girl, I think it would work, I think you are his type.”

- “I agree. I think you should go for it. And I’m willing to help you. I watched enough romcom anime to be able to help, give me a chance and I’ll do my best to give you chances to get closer to him!”

- “Like… Ew, that’s creepy, get away Niokurunin!”

   As you see I was very pushy when it came to my ships, and I was not liked by my classmates. But I didn’t know how to take a hint. After John and Ao-sen left, my life consisted of interactions like this and going home to study, do homework, and watch anime. But that day…

- “Hey are you ok?”

- “Yeah, don’t worry, it happens a lot.”

- “They were kinda rude, weren’t they?”

- “I don’t think so, it’s just they didn’t want my help.”

- “What kind of help?”

- “Shipping help.”

- “Like with sending their mail? I don’t think people are comfortable having their mail handled by classmates, dude.”

- “Ha. You’re funny, I can see why you would think that, but that is not what I meant. By shipping I mean matchmaking, playing cupid.”

- “Ohhh… But why call it shipping.”

- “It comes from ‘relationship’ when you watch a show, movie, anime, etc. and you tell yourself: ‘Waoh, those two would make a good couple!’ It means you ship them since you think they would be good in a relationship. That’s basically what it is. So when I hear about people that like each other in class, or that look good together, I ship them, and offer my help to bring them together.”

- “Waoh… That’s…”

- “Weird?”

- “Yeah, but, it’s not wrong, it’s just different.”

- “…”

- “Better than being a total flirt.”

- “Hehehe…” (Awkward laugh).

   That was our first conversation. He was taller than me, not surprising (everyone was), he had black spiky hair and tended to wear colorful clothing. He had just transferred that year and was not aware that I was the class outcast, and he didn’t care. In his words, he found me “weird, but fun.” He listened to my love for name romance, and even asked for suggestions on some, even if he told me he hated all of them. He liked foreign cartoons, American, French, etc. He wasn’t a huge fan of local Japanese programming; therefore, he wasn’t very popular at school (and hanging out with me made it harder for him). But he still had a fan club on the chess team, and his contributions to the team brought 3 trophies that same year, he might not be book-smart, but he was strategy smart. So good at it, sports teams came to him as if he were a consultant, to check if their game plans would be effective.

   We didn’t hang out every day, and I was never as close to him, as I was with John and Ao-sen. Even compared to my friendships now, my friendship with him could be compared to my friendship with Fasshon, not super close, but not super distant either.

   And it was like that for the whole of fifth grade. He often advised me to control my pushy personality when it came to my shipping obsession. And I often advised him to find love and to let me know when he did. He agreed, and I tried (and failed) to do as he said. And then, sixth grade…

Yoen, Nina.

   Cute, outgoing, smart, and friendly. The moment she arrived at our school, every sixth grader, fifth grader, and seventh grader; either wanted to date her, or befriend her. Not me though, I was too focused on my ships, and I intended it to be like that, up until the moment when I saw how Shuzen was looking at her.

   He was enthralled by her, he couldn’t take her eyes off her, but this was my friend, I needed to make sure that my suspicions were correct, and not just daze due to her beauty. I observed for one week, a Shuzen’s gaze didn’t change, how she spoke, how she behaved, he liked everything about her. Every once in a while, her name would appear in our conversations without my mention of it. One week later I asked…

- “You like Yoen, don’t you?”

- “WHAT?! No way.”

- “Oh my gosh, you do, don’t you!”

- “I’m telling you no, Nio!”

- “I’m telling you yes, Shuzen!”

- “No!”

- “Look, Yoen’s coming.”

- “You think I’m stupid don’t you?!” (Speaking confidently).

- “Hello Kako, and you too Toyohama! It’s a good day, isn’t it?” (Cheerful).

- “Sure is, and please call me Nio, it’s too long otherwise.”

- “Sure thing, see you in class.” (Cheerful).

Much like Shuzen; Yoen, Nina didn’t care about my classification as an outcast of the class.

- “She heard you! She knows I like her now!” (Worried whispering).

- “I thought you said you didn’t like her!” (Smug).

- “WHY YOU!!!” (Angry whisper-scream).

- “I made sure I stopped discussing that before she was in earshot, don’t worry she didn’t hear anything.”

- “Fiuh” (Relief).

- “This is good, I can finally put my skills to use. I’ll help you get together with her!”

- “Hah! Not to be a bringer of bad news, but she’s out of my league, and she is out of the league of your skills. No offense.”

- “Huh… It would seem I am being underestimated!”

- “What? You think you can get her to like me?!”

- “No.”

- “See, I knew it.”

- “I can give you chances to get her to like you?”

- “I don’t follow bro.” (Confused).

- “Only you can get her to like you. I can’t promise she will, but I can get you chances to get closer to her, to get to know her better. And maybe even get her to know you better.”

- “Are you crazy? How are you going to do that? You are leagues apart in terms of popularity!”

- “Since when have I cared?”

- “…”

- “Such boundaries have no effect on me. And such boundaries do not affect love. I am a shipper.”

- “Well, if you say so. I won’t hold my hopes up, don’t come crying when you fail. And don’t worry, I won’t be mad, after all, it’s not like you have a chance”.

- (Smirks).

   If only I had failed. If only he hadn’t gotten his hopes up. If only I had looked closer. If only I had paid closer attention.

- “Class, Earth Day is coming, and each class has to decorate their classroom in honor of the day. Divide into groups of three.”

- “Hey, Yoen, do you mind teaming up with me and Shuzen?”

“The audacity.”

“Doesn’t he know his place?”

“There is no way she’ll say yes, I mean, it’s Nio.”

“She might say yes, I mean, Kako is there.”

“Maybe if Nio wasn’t.”

- “No problem here!”


- “Keep your voices down and get to work!”

   Everyone was bewildered, even Shuzen believed I was in over my head. But she had agreed. Classmates gritted their teeth and clenched their fists. The class representative even went to ask the teacher for him to pick the teams, but the teacher saw through his intentions, yes even the class representative was bewitched by Yoen, Nina.

- “No way Nio, did you…”

- “Yep. Now is your first chance, make good on it, the rest is up to you. I’ll help whenever you need me to, even if you need suggestions… (Starts whispering). Here she comes.”

- “What was that? The class went wild all of a sudden.”

- “I have no idea either.” (Winks towards Shuzen).

- “I think they didn’t think you’d agree to join us, Yoen.”

- “And why wouldn’t I?” (Confused).

- “Ah… Well…”

- “Shuzen here thinks it’s because you are too pretty.”

- “Ah, how nice of you to say!” (Cheerful).

   I thought I was in my game. I should have used have time to notice. Upon remembering, it was obvious.

- “So what part are we going to do.”

- “What do you think Shuzen?”

- “Um… I thought… I thought we could work on the banners.”

- “Hey, there is no need to nervous, I know I’m new here, compared to Nio, but I don’t bite!”

- “Ah… I didn’t mean… Yeah, I’m sorry.”

- “You don’t have to apologize.”

- “Heard that, you don’t have to apologize!”

- (Annoyed whisper). “I heard it, Nio…”

- “You’re a funny guy aren’t you, Nio?”

- “Not really, if anyone is funny, is Shuzen here, I just like to get on his nerves.”

   If I’m being honest, now that I think about it, I was overdoing it. But I was too giddy to notice, this was my first shipping operation, and I thought doing great.

- “So, who’ll be the team leader?”

- “I think it should be either you or Shuzen.”

- “What about you?”

- “I’m no leader, I’m a follower.”

- “I’m no leader either. That just leaves Kako.”

- “What? No way!”

- “Don’t be so modest Shuzen, show your power!”

- “Hahaha!”

I should have seen beyond the laughter.

   Things were like that during our sixth grade. I would find chances for them to get closer. Naturally, I didn’t do the stunt of getting us on the same team every time, my attempts would have been obvious otherwise.

   After that team up, I would ask both of them to the theater, and the park. I told her about Shuzen’s chess matches. She always came. That first group project made us friends in my eyes, and as everyone knows, that’s how it starts. It made it easier for me to create chances for Shuzen.

   It started being only my goal, but eventually, I came to value her as a friend, but there is a reason I don’t consider her a friend, not even one from the past. It is easy to see where this story is going upon watching. Not only is it cliché... It has happened many times, but I still fell for it, despite being a romcom anime fan, I didn’t see it.

   Despite telling Shuzen it was up to him to make her like him, for most of the sixth grade, I carried the pairing on my back until I spoke to Shuzen.

- “Do you like Yoen?”


- “Because I’ve been carrying this ship all the way. You haven’t made a move on your own, ever. There are only so many opportunities I can get you to hang out with her. I’m the one asking her every time. It’s only a matter of time before she either smells the coffee or gets the wrong idea. And if she gets the wrong idea, thinking I’m hitting on her, say goodbye to your chances, because she won’t want to hang out with you or me ever again!”

- “I see your point. So, what should I do?”

- “Find something to do with her and ask her yourself. Since it’s your first time doing it yourself, invite her and me, when you get more confident, invite her without me, and I’ll go and stay hidden, to make sure everything goes well, and eventually ask her out, and hopefully, she’ll say yes.”

- “It’s that simple?”

- “The first one will work; we’re just changing who asks. The second one might seem weird to her at first, so come up with an excuse for me, and hopefully, she’ll think it’s normal after a couple of times. Make sure to switch them up so she doesn’t suspect, until you are ready to come clean about your feelings. The third one depends entirely on her, I can only wish you the best.”

- “You’re right. Thanks, Nio, I’m hopeful, and I owe it all to you!”

- “Leave it to me! More like, I leave it to you!”

- “HaHaHa”

How stupid was I? What a butthole I was as well.

   As expected, the first time Shuzen was the one to invite us all she was surprised he came up with the idea but was happy nonetheless. When he invited her on his own while making excuses for me, she was concerned, but not against it, and she was none the wiser (or so I thought). Shuzen and I started using walkie-talkies, but upon realizing how loud they were the first time he did this on his own with me undercover, I decided upon com-links, for the next attempts.

   Their hangouts went without trouble, sometimes me giving Shuzen ideas via com-link. They seemed to be getting along well. They seemed to be getting closer. It was all going great in my eyes.

- “Hey, we’ve been friends for a while. Can I call you Shuzen?”

- “Of course, I’d like that!”

- “Yey! (Cheerful). Then you… I already call you Nio… How about I give you a unique nickname… How about Niokuruny!”

- “Isn’t it a bit long?”

- “I don’t think so…”

- “Well if you say so… But why don’t you come up with a cute nickname for Shuzen as well?”

- “Eh… It’s embarrassing, I haven’t even been able to use his name yet…”

- “Well… What do you think Shuzen?”

- “It makes sense…”

- “Ok…”

- “Yey! (Cheerful). Then I would like you to call me by my name as well! Come on, say it Shuzen!”

- “Sure thing... Nina!”

You are reading story PROTAGONIST is A SHIPPER part 1 at

- “Yey! (Cheerful). Now your turn Niokuruny!"

- “I… I don’t know Yoen… I don’t think I can call you that yet…”

- “Oh come on, it’s fine I don’t mind.” (Cheerful)

- “Sorry, I can’t do that yet, but I will someday!”

- “You call Shuzen by his name Nio. (Slightly forced cheerfulness).

- “But I’ve known him longer…”

- “…”

- “It did take him a while to say my name, Nina…”

- “Sorry…” (Worry).

- “It’s fine…” (expressionless).

   That should have been a red flag. It wasn’t disappointment... The expression she showed... It wasn’t even playful pressure like Sanagi does. She seemed pissed, and I didn’t know why. But I just thought it was a one-time thing. And honestly, it was, at least it was when we were present, so I put it under the rug.

   Yoen, Nina; maintained her popularity... That didn’t change. We didn’t become more popular, and she didn’t lose her popularity. Back then it surprised me, but eventually, I even stopped hearing clenching fists, and gritting teeth.

   But the climax was coming, and I couldn’t have been prepared. It was almost the end of our sixth year… When it all went down…

- “I’m going to confess.”

- “You are?! Good for you man, go for it!”

- “But I’m scared… Can I ask you a favor?”

- “Sure thing, need me to arrange the perfect moment?”

- “No… Could you… Could you ask her… Could you ask her what she thinks about the possibility of dating me?”

- “‘Cough’ What… Isn’t that a little ‘on-the-nose’?”

- “I know… But I need to know…”

- “Are you sure? It’s the first time I would be going somewhere with her without you…”

- “I trust you man”

- “Want a com-link to hear what I hear?”

- “No… If the answer, is she doesn’t see herself dating me, or something like that… I’d rather hear it from you than her… Just please say it’s hypothetical.”

- “This is your most ‘on-the-nose’ plan, and you want me to say it’s hypothetical?”

I will forever remember how he clapped his hands together and bowed his head. And I did it.

- “So Niokuruny, to what do I owe the pleasure of you asking to hang with me? I don’t think you’ve ever asked to hang with me on your own.”

- “For the first time, ever, Shuzen was busy with something… But this works better for me.”

- “Oh” (Playful).

- “I wanted to ask this for a while, but it wouldn’t make much sense if he were present.”

- “Oh” (Playful).

- “Do you like Shuzen?”

- “He is my friend. Of course, I like him.”

- “I mean, if he were to ask you out on a date, what would you say?”

- “Well, this came out of nowhere… What brought this on?”

- (Think Nio, Think). “Well, most of the time we hang out together, all three of us, but I see you’ve sometimes hung out without me, whenever I’m busy, or can’t come, or something like that, and for what he has told me, you have seemed to have a good time, and so has he. I guess what I’m trying to say is, that in the hypothetical scenario that he were to fall in love with you, and confess… What would you say? You see, being the third wheel is not my thing, so I would make sure to give you alone time every once in a while.”

- “I see… So if I said yes, we wouldn’t hang out anymore?” (Worry)

- “Of course, we would hang out, but I would make sure to take a hint sometimes, and give you your space, instead of butting in.”

- “Prove it.”

- “Prove what?”

- “That we would still hang out!”

- “I promise.”

- “Prove it.” (Grins)

- “How?”

- “Say my name… And I’ll tell you.”

- “This again?”

- “Say it…”

- “Come on.”

- (Serious)

- “Fine, Nina!”

- “Yey!” (Cheerful).

- “So…

- “If he were to confess, I would say yes!”

   I remember how happy I was. So happy I didn’t notice I was extorted back there. It was just a name, but that isn’t what matters, it was the fact that she was willing to blackmail me over something simple. The fact that I shouldn’t have encouraged a relationship between him and her if she was like that. The fact that instead of telling him, she said yes, I should have told him she extorted me into saying her name, even when I wasn’t feeling comfortable, the fact that it wasn’t playful teasing to me. She was going to get what she wanted.

And four days later…

- “Yoen, Nina, I like you. Please go out with me.”


   Shuzen was so confident after I told him, that he confessed in the school hallway. In front of everyone. He was smiling, I was smiling, and she was smiling.

And not a good smile. As it clearly turned into fake concern.

- “I’m sorry, But I’m going to have to say no…”

- “What? …”

- “What? …”

I remember I didn’t understand what was happening at that moment.

I remember the people in the halls giving us condescending looks. Condescending. That was the word that could clearly express how Yoen, Nina was looking at him at that moment.

- “Nio… I… Didn’t you…”

- “Hey, Yoen! What’s the meaning of this? I asked you, four days ago... That if Shuzen were to ask you out on a date, what would you say? And you said yes. Were you lying to me?”


“He must be joking.”

“Yoen-senpai, date Kako-senpai? As if.”

“You are delusional Nio”

“Kako was stupid to trust Nio, he has romance for brains.”

“How stupid, Kako thinking he had a shot with Lady Yoen!”

- “I’m sorry… I don’t know what you are talking about, Nio…”

- “What? Did… Did you forget?”

   I was in too much shock to realize this had been her plan from the start. Maybe not exactly… She hadn’t planned this exactly, but this was who she was. Her true self, but I learned this later, waaaay later. All that kindness, niceness, and friendliness; was just a means to win everyone’s favor, and to be popular. She would get what she wanted. And what could make her more popular, than rejecting a student who believed he had a shot with her? No one had dared to attempt a confession, thinking they either didn’t have a shot or that she was already dating someone, maybe someone elsewhere, some few even believed she was dating either Shuzen or me (mostly Shuzen), due to how much time she spent with us. This action of hers, set her standard in the school hierarchy, if someone as close to Yoen, as Shuzen was, couldn’t date her? Who would be worthy?

- “I trusted you… Yoen... I told…”

- “Nio… You lied to me?”

- “No, Shuzen, I promise, I told you the truth. I asked her myself. She’s lying.”

- “I’m lying! You pretended to be my friend just to get me to date Shuzen didn’t you?!”

- “Wha… That’s not… Yeah sure… I wished for you together, but that isn’t the reason I became your friend…”

“What a scumbag.”

“Serves Kako right for trusting Nio…”

“Nio, anything for his so-called ships.”

- Nio… She knew… You told her you were helping me?… This was your plan, to get my hopes up so this could happen?!”

- “Shuzen… What are you talking about? All I wanted was to give you a chance to get to know her. All I wanted was to help.”

- “You set me up.”

- “No, I just wanted you to be able to get to know her! And you, Yoen, it wasn’t my goal to become your friend!”

- (Sniffles). “How… How could you say that? You just used me to get me to be with Shuzen? Your interactions with me were a means to an end?”

- “Wha… Well… I…”

- “You didn’t even ask how I felt about it? You didn’t ask if I wanted to hang out with Shuzen?”

- “I did ask, I invited you to come with me and him to places, you knew he was going to be there!”

- “But I didn’t know these were your intentions!” (Sniffles).

- “I… I just… I just wanted you to get to know him better since he wanted to get to know you better.”

   After being quiet for a while. Shuzen spoke. And confronted me with my mistakes. During all that argument I truly believed Yoen was at fault, for making me believe my plans were working. Making me believe she liked Shuzen, causing me to encourage him. But the one at fault was me.

- “So that’s it. This is all my fault. IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING NIO!”

- “NO! Of course not.”


- “You… You are right… But is it so wrong to want you to end up with your crush? Is it so wrong for me to try and help you like this?”

- “You used my friendship with both of you, as a means to the end you wanted Nio…”

- “I…”

   I hate Yoen, Nina. With everything I have, but that came later. At that moment… I couldn’t hate her. I realized that all they had said was right. True I was lied to. But hadn’t I lied to her in a way? Contrary to what I did with John years later, I never asked Yoen if it was ok with her for me to come up with fun ideas for her to do with someone else in an attempt to bring them closer. Something I did ask John, and something he agreed to.

But even with my realization that it was all my fault, I still tried to defend myself. Like idiots who don’t want to accept their mistakes do.

- “I didn’t do this to make you accept his love, only to give you chances to know each other.”

- “That’s enough… Niokurunin… Stop… Don’t talk to me ever again. We are not friends.”

   Shuzen left, with his head down, Yoen left with a group of people comforting her. Slowly everyone left me alone.

   I was called to the principal’s office and suspended for causing a commotion, and for hurting people emotionally. And I deserved every bit of it. I had to apologize in front of the whole school, and I was genuinely sorry. Not that anyone believed me or cared.

   My wish to bring people together didn’t die, it just laid dormant. I vowed to do better. Someone else would have given up, because of that mistake, and stopped completely. Deemed any attempt at matchmaking people, an act of filthy manipulation. But I realized what I did wrong. What I was missing. The most important part of any romantic endeavor… Consent.

   Shuzen never spoke to me, no one did, and I kept my distance. But I noticed Shuzen was still being laughed at for his confession. He was getting most of the attacks. I didn’t know why. I was the reason for all this right? Then why him?

   And I saw that Yoen was not doing anything about it. I couldn’t do it, so I decided to speak with who could.

- “Yoen-san”

- “Using ‘san’ now, Nio?”

- “I hurt you badly, so I don’t deserve to talk to you with such closeness.”

- “Do you mean that apology?”

- “Yes.”

- “Ok, then… I’ll listen.”

- “I know you hate me… I know you probably did all this for revenge. You realized I used our closeness to further my goals, to create chances to get you closer to Shuzen. That when you realized that you did the same, used my trust in you, and Shuzen’s trust in me, to teach me a lesson, to get your revenge. I don’t mind whatever punishment you wish to give me. But Shuzen is being laughed at for this. It’s not his fault is mine. Please I beg you, please help him. (Tears up). Because of what I did to you and him, I can’t stop this from happening. But you can. Even if you don’t like him back, you must know that he was a true friend, he, really valued your friendship. It wasn’t a means to an end for him. Please help him, everyone adores you, if you tell people to stop laughing at him, they will, it’s my fault punish me-”

- “Hahahahaha… HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

- “What?”

- “How the mighty have fallen… It seems you lost the part of you that intrigued me. But don’t worry, it doesn’t change how I feel about you in the slightest… Niokuruny.”

- “What…? I… I don’t follow.”

- "You and I are similar… Or rather were. Using how people feel to aid their goals. You and me both. The only difference is your reasons may be… Less selfish than mine. Still selfish because you get satisfaction from it, but if done properly, people would be happy. In my case what I do only makes me happy.”

- “I… Still don’t follow.”

- “I know I’m pretty. I know I’m smart. I know people like me. But they think that because that’s what I want. I act nice, I act kind, I act friendly. The person you saw that day, it was not something distorted by anger, hate, and a wish for revenge. That’s just who I am. I act all nice to trigger all those reactions from people. It was only a matter of time until someone fell for me and decided to try and win my affection. That day of the group project, I thought it would be you. That is why I went along so easily. I thought I’d string you along, make you believe you had a shot, get you to confess, and reject you, just as I did Shuzen… but without all the additional drama, you caused. But upon interacting with you I saw your intentions. Getting close to me, to get me close to your friend. We were similar, we used means to reach ends, and that intrigued me. I noticed early on your intentions, but I never cared. It was too fun, seeing him believe he had a shot, and seeing you believe you were of use to him this way.”

- “Why? …” (Anger and tears).

- “Why not? If I could do it… Why not try? School is to have fun, right?”

- “I deserved this but not him!”

- “Deserve… This isn’t about deserving… Niokuruny… This isn’t some karma, this is just my scheming, just like you schemed. Things happen.”

- “Then why didn’t you just rat me out earlier? It would have been fun that way. Get me to be considered a creep, maybe a stalker. You could have perhaps, get me expelled.”

- “You want to know? (Gets close). You really, want to know?”

   I remember she held my head and made me look up at her. She had an air of superiority, her brown hair loose, held together by a flower barrette. She was so close I could feel her breathing. And that condescending look.

   I know I never learned the reason. I felt like I wanted to punch her, so I ran away. I deserved this, but not Shuzen. I came to hate Yoen, Nina that day. The flags were there, but I didn’t notice. But I wasn’t just a victim, I was as big a part of the problem as her. The only victim was Shuzen.

   I tried to apologize to him, but naturally, he wanted nothing to do with me, and I couldn’t blame him. Eventually, things were too much for him, so he transferred by seventh grade. Yoen tried and failed to talk to me multiple times, probably wanting to gloat more, perhaps giving me her reason, but I didn’t care. Thankfully she transferred out, and I was left free from her in ninth grade.

   I thought I left that past behind. I restructured my shipping. I make sure to ask for John’s consent in having fun ideas for him to get closer to his friends, all of who like him, something fully oblivious to him until recently. And I make sure to notice who each of John’s suitors is and try to help them improve, as I will not let John be with someone like Yoen. And I will not force the shipping, I will only be a help, and offer suggestions, all with the consent of the suitors as well.

The past was behind me. But Kako, Shuzen joined my class.

   So, there you have it. Nio wasn’t always a nice guy who cared only for others. His quest to satisfy himself by shipping went wrong due to his selfishness, but he changed. The morality of his continued shipping is up to interpretation, but he tries to be more moral, and learn from his mistakes. A lot to unpack.

   Next time: How will Nio act, now that his past-ruined friendship pops back into his life? How come he is so happy to see Nio after everything? Find out next in “Protagonist is a Shipper” part 3.

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