Psychic Awakening

Chapter 25: 25. First Ally

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Fate Reylin

To be honest, I was worried Erika wouldn't trust me, and she'd refuse to give the cure to her sister. I continued observing her for a while, she was rushing around her lab like crazy. Apparently she's been trying to analyze the cure. I don't know enough about it to speak on its creation, but apparently, she decided it was real.

I've never seen her this happy before.

The moment she confirmed for herself the cure was real, her face lit up with joy. She was ecstatic.

This girl deserves happiness.

For the longest time, she had suffered unimaginable pain while trying to protect her sister.

Now, she finally has an opportunity to help Anna.

Upon completing her analysis, she immediately rushed to the hospital to use one of the vials on her sister. Just seconds after injecting her sister with it, it was like watching a dead person reawaken. With my sixth sense—I could tell how bad Anna Velle's condition is. Everything from her heart rate to her breathing, she appeared to be near death. Even worse, I noticed how much her body temperature dropped.

After Erika injected her with the cure, the color began to return to her skin, and her pulse stabilized. Within ten minutes, she started showing signs of recovery.

Finally, her heart beat became regular, and within twenty minutes—she regained consciousness.

My power allowed me to see the entire ordeal, and I couldn't be happier for Erika. Now, her sister won't die because of her illness.


Anna Velle

It felt like a dream.

Everything was blurry, and disorienting. My senses seemed dull, and my head ached terribly. A sudden jolt of nausea overwhelmed me, and I could do nothing but wait for it to pass.

Eventually, I realized I was laying on my back. When I opened my eyes, I saw Erika standing above me. She looked so beautiful, and peaceful.

Her face is stained with tears, but that makes her even prettier.

What happened to her?

"Erika... What happened?"

She smiles sadly.

"Anna... You're awake."

Clearly, I'm awake.

"Oh, thank goodness. I was so afraid you were going to die."

She's crying?

"You fell into a coma. You built a resistance to your medicine... It stopped working. You've been asleep for days—I thought I'd never speak with you again."

Oh... So that's why she's crying.

How long have I been asleep?

I guess I shouldn't be surprised... I've known for years that my condition was effectively a death sentence. Every year, I would fail to improve.

I feel a sudden wave of sadness wash over me—the thought of dying scares me.

I want to stay alive.

No matter what. But I'll just fall into another coma, and probably never wake up.

It's scary.

I want someone to save me.

"Do the doctors know when I'll fall into another coma?"


What's with that expression? Apprehension? On Erika's face? What happened to my sister while I was asleep?!

I've never seen her hesitate before, or be unsure of herself. She's always so confident, and strong. Her boundless energy, and optimism are contagious. I've learned a lot from her.

Now, I see her looking so helpless, and weak.

Why is she acting so strange?

I guess this is my fault too. I'm Dying. Even after everything she's done for me.

"I need you to keep this a secret."

Her voice shakes. Suddenly she jumps up to lock the door to the room, and she places all of the communication devices in the room away from us? What's with her?

"Please don't tell anyone about this—not even our parents."

She looks so afraid, so scared.

I wonder what she's hiding.

"Tell me what happened."

I ask her, but Erika seems hesitant to answer.

"Do you remember when I told you about a possible cure for you?"

Of course, I do. Why wouldn't I?

"Well... It turns out it wasn't a lie. I managed to find a cure."

"You mean... It exists?!"


Before I can fully process everything, she hands me an empty vial.

I look at it in confusion.

'G-C-1. Genetic Cure V.1.0.'

Something like this really exists... Wait. The vial's empty.

"The doctor said that he didn't think you'd survive. You weren't expected to wake up again."

Erika continues, looking so distraught. She continues to cry while speaking.

I've never seen her cry like this before.

"This cure—no one knows it even exists. It's one of the greatest secrets in New Eden. Those bastards want to keep it hidden, and locked away forever. They want to monopolize it, and let everyone else suffer. It's absolutely impossible for someone like me, or you to get their hands on it. For now, nobody can know about this."

My heart pounds harder in my chest.

I've never heard my sister curse about someone before.

"You can't tell anyone, Anna. Not our family, not the police, and definitely not the government."

Wait. Wait. Wait. This is too much.

What's happening?

"Am I cured?"

She hesitates before answering.

"Yes. I managed to get two doses of the cure. I used one on you... You're gonna be healthy Anna."

She's sobbing.

Is she serious?

I'm cured?  Just like that?

"How is that possible?"

I ask her, my voice shaky. I don't understand.

"S-Someone... A friend I met was able to obtain two doses of the cure. They probably took it without permission... They gave me one dose to cure you, and I'm going to use the other to replicate its production method."

"Wh-Who is this person?"

I know Erika saved me. I know that. I'd be long dead without her.

I know she risked her life to keep me alive—but who is this mysterious friend?

And how did they get access to G-C-1? If this is such an important secret, why would they save me?

Did they have to risk their life to obtain it? If they did, why would they risk their life to help someone like me?

If only I knew more information...

I need to know.

Before Erika answers, she starts tearing up again. I've never seen her cry so much before.

Ah... I really am selfish, aren't I? Erika's done so much for me, yet I only want to question her. She's suffered so much keeping me alive, and now because of her... I'm cured.

"I can't tell you yet... I-I'm so happy... Y-You're going to be okay..! I love you Anna!"

She kisses my forehead, and then hugs me tightly. She's crying. I hug her back.

I can't stop myself from sobbing anymore.

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I'm not going to die. I can live, because someone saved me.

I wonder who gave Erika the cure?

"I love you too..."


Fate Reylin

It's about time to meet with Erika again.

I'm currently hovering high above her lab. My figure is mostly obscured by the night sky, but I've also used my psychokinesis to move clouds above Erika's lab to hide within. She's already inside her lab—patiently waiting. Unlike our last meeting, she's set up a small dining table, and chairs.

She even has tea and coffee set out.

Well, at least she's not scared enough to feel compelled to carry a gun.

It may be small, but it is improvement.

Just before our arranged meeting time, I disconnect her security systems that I can, and block the rest that can't be turned off. Through careful observation using my sixth sense, I can pretty much move undetected—even when I'm faced with a top of the line security system created by one of the greatest scientific minds on Earth.

There are cameras everywhere in her lab, but I manage to turn them all off.

Standing in front of her lab's door, I'm about to open it using my power, but this time, it opens on its own.

This certainly is improvement. I no longer need to break in.

Sitting at a white table and chairs is Erika. Due to the mask I'm wearing, I'm unable to actually see her using my eyes. For the moment, I'm using a simple plastic mask to cover my face. It has no eye holes, so I'm totally unable to see through it. I'm completely relying on my sixth sense.

I've convinced myself that this is just extra training.

It's certainly not because I haven't had time to obtain a custom high quality mask that can allow me to see out of it while also covering my face entirely.

Regardless, there isn't any sign of danger around me right now.

With that thought in mind, I begin walking toward the table where Erika sits. As I approach closer, I notice that she's drinking some sort of tea.

She's very calm. With my sixth sense, I can tell just how calm she is based on her heart rate. Unlike our last couple meetings, she's feeling extremely relaxed. She's not panicking at all—it doesn't even look like she's worried.

That's good news.

As soon as I reach the table, she stands up.

"Thank you. I don't know why you helped me... I don't know if I can ever repay you... But, for saving my sister's life—thank you!"

She bows deeply to me.

I never really noticed it before, but as she bows, her golden ahoge bounces along with her. It's almost hypnotic to watch.

"Please stand up. I'm glad your sister is recovering. That must be quite relieving for both of you."

"Yes... We couldn't be happier."

Her words come out slow and measured. There's something different about her today than usual. No longer does she seem depressed, but she's also missing her lively energy. She's more calm, toned down—she's taking our meeting very seriously.

I'm starting to worry about what exactly she wants to talk about.

"You said you had things you wished to discuss, and an ambition you have. Before that discussion, I wanted to ask you a few questions."

She takes a sip of her tea before continuing.

I may as well go along with her questions.

There's just one primary point of contention: My power.

I'm fine with answering any of her questions, but I'm still unsure if I want to reveal my power to her. I doubt she'll believe anything I say unless I show her first hand proof of what I can do. At the same time, I'm reluctant to expose anything about my identity, or abilities.

She's a genius level scientist, it's very likely she'd be able to further my understanding of my power, and its limits. But, if I were to do that, she could potentially expose the existence of my power, which would put me at great risk.

Outside of scaring her, I've given her no reason to consider me an enemy. And without my help, her sister would have certainly died.

However, revealing my power means putting myself in a position where I might become a target for those wanting to obtain power.

In my head, I let out a deep sigh.

I want her help. I don't have enough scientific knowledge to fully utilize, and research my abilities. Her help, and knowledge would make up for my shortcomings. She could potentially be the key to further awakening my power, and learning more about not only my power, but the corruption.

I need to get to know her better, but at this point, I'm inclined to show her my power. But I can't expose my identity.

If she only knows about my power, she'd be unable to directly threaten me. So long as she doesn't know my identity, it'd be easy for me to eliminate her if it comes to that.

"First off, please explain to me how you came across the genetic cure."

For the sake of safety, I should avoid revealing any personal details to her—at least until I've made sure she won't betray me.

"I was researching the potential of a possible adversary. During that investigation, I learned of New Eden's efforts to hide some sort of genetic cure."

"I see, you also stumbled across its existence... Why did you give it to me? Why would you help me?"

She asks these questions in quick succession.

I suppose I'll tell her part of the truth.

"My ambition... My wish is to make the world a place where innocent people will no longer needlessly suffer. I want to create a world where people don't need to live in fear—a world where innocent people don't need to desperately fight, just to survive, a world free from violence and war, a world where innocent people can truly live their lives peacefully."

I answer her honestly, and try not to sound too preachy.

The disbelief on her face is obvious, but there's no mockery adorning her face.

Instead, she looks intrigued.

"In order to realize my ambition, I need allies. Such a task is impossible alone. My reason for giving you the cure is the same reason I helped you. I wanted to free you from serving people you despise, and if possible, I'd want you to use your newfound freedom to join me. In return, I'll protect you against any harm that comes from the people you hate."

Her expression changes slightly after hearing my response. It becomes hard for me to read her expressions due to my mask, but I think I detect slight surprise in her features.

But she quickly hides it behind another smile.

"So you intend to take advantage of my weakness?"

"No. I have no intention of forcing you. Your sister is already cured, and you still have another dose of the cure. If it's what you want, you can simply reject me, and continue using your intelligence to help people that slaughter the innocent without remorse."

I speak calmly, but firmly.

Erika remains silent for a moment.

Finally, she responds. "Even with my sister cured... I'm not free to do as I wish. Dr. Mathers holds my sister hostage, and threatens to harm her if I refuse his requests. He'll never let me walk away from Anithrel..."

She looks like a caged animal. Her eyes are firm, strong, but she fully believes herself to be trapped.

"Dr. Mathers: head of Anithrel Institute's aerospace, and satellite division. The man credited for creating Anithrel's most popular satellite. Erika, you have my word—by tomorrow, he won't have the power to force anything upon you."

I respond confidently.

After a brief pause, she smiles again.

"Are you going to kill him? What is it that you plan on doing with him?"

She sounds almost happy at the idea of killing him. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. He's the man that has controlled her life for years, and forced her to create weapons against her will.

"That can be arranged, if it's what you want. Otherwise, I have another plan in action that will remove his power without killing him."

I sense her heart rate increasing. She's never been given this kind of choice. For years, she's been told what to do, and when to do it. She's never been given a choice. She takes a deep breath, and shakes her head a bit before speaking.

"I don't want him dead... I-If what you say is true... If I'm truly free... Why would you want my help? You're saying that I'm free... Then I should be allowed to choose whether or not I want to help you... Am I correct?"

She speaks slowly, carefully choosing each word.

She seems to understand that my offer is genuine; that I mean what I'm telling her. This is new ground for us both. Neither of us know what to expect.

"Of course. My wish is to save our world. If I'm wrong, you may tell me—but I believe you also wish to change this messed up world into something better—change it into a world that doesn't throw away people like your sister for no reason. If we work together, then perhaps we can achieve both our ambitions. Please consider helping me."

I am offering her a chance at freedom, and a future she didn't think existed anymore. I'm certain she sees my intentions as sincere.

"A noble goal," she says with a smile. "But, is it really possible for humans to achieve such peace? To be saved? How can two individuals change an entire world? Do you even possess the power necessary to accomplish such a thing? How can you say such words, and believe them!"

She begins shaking her head violently. "Why would anyone listen to someone who claims they can solve everything by themselves? Who gives advice to others while hiding behind a mask?"

This time she laughs, though her laughter is filled with bitterness. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at her reaction. After all, she's heard many promises before, only to be betrayed later on.

"Because I'm not trying to fool you."

I reply honestly.

She stares blankly at me for several seconds.

"I can't solve everything by myself, that's why I want—need your help. Even if it's just the two of us, I believe we can make the world we wish for a reality."

It appears to have hit home for her. She lets out a heavy sigh and places her hands over her mouth.

"hah... I can't believe I'm taking this seriously..."

She whispers quietly to herself, but I hear every word clearly. She's thinking about it. She's considering what I've offered her. She thinks about her own situation, and what she wants for herself and her sister. Slowly, her shoulders begin to relax. She continues staring at the wall opposite of me. Finally, she turns back towards me. The resolve in her eyes tells me that she's made her decision.

"Alright," she says softly, "Let's work together. I owe you for saving my sister, and—If it actually is possible, I'd like to see that kind of world in person."

She reaches out and grabs my hand.

We shake on it.

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