Psychic Awakening

Chapter 27: 27. Erika’s Conviction

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It's already late at night, but I'm unable to sleep. Using my power, I flew to one of the highest points in New Eden. Although I'm perched on the edge of a massive spire—mere inches away from a fall that would easily end a person's life—I'm able to do so without any fear.

I can't help but smile, and look out at the cityscape below. Whenever I get the chance, I love flying through the night. Being able to observe the illuminated streets as they light up the sky makes me feel as though I'm living in a dream.

There's no specific reason for my insomnia. I'm simply preoccupied with the events of today. Also, Erika is currently sitting in her lab—obviously waiting for my arrival.

I'm weighing my options—I'm unsure if it'd be best to meet her so soon after today's events.


There's a small breeze blowing across my skin. It's cold, but it feels nice.

Taking my mask off, I'm able to fully view the the city. Millions of lights dance beneath me, and the air is filled with the quiet hum of maglevs moving throughout the city. It's a beautiful sight to behold.

Only a few moments ago, I watched as the last satellite fell. The news is reporting that the incident was the result of a terrorist attack, orchestrated by Dr. Mathers, and unknown conspirators. The USNA is currently preparing for war against a mysterious enemy.

Oddly enough, I'm certain today will undoubtedly be considered a turning point in modern history. Today will mark the end of an era. Today will be studied as the day that ended the era of false peace that followed the Third World War.

Even if I attempt to prevent it...

An age of chaos will soon begin.

The illusion of peace has been shattered—and just like the Third World War, those in power will choose to take advantage of it. Most likely, rapid militarization will be implemented in many countries. In the meantime, the USNA will use this event as justification to consolidate their military might.

Not even forty eight hours have passed since the first satellite fell, and yet the world's landscape has already shifted dramatically. Apparently, the satellites falling was enough to create a spark that will reignite humanities lust for war. Already, the USNA, the NEO Soviet Union, the South Pacific Alliance, the African Union, and multiple other blocs have begun increasing their military force.

"And now," I whisper. "What happens next?"

To be honest, even I underestimated humanity's desire for war. I didn't think this event alone would incite an immediate response from so many nations. Just about every country has begun increasing their military spending, and there's even talk of re-militarizing space.

I can't help but feel disappointed.

Despite all the advances humankind has made, we're still capable of returning to our old ways in an instant.

I stare at the distant horizon, and sigh.

It's ironic.

Once again, humanity will be led towards conflict for no reason beyond greed, and desire for power.

Except this time, there's a difference.

This time, the focus of the chaos will not be securing resources, or lands. The winner shall decide the future of mankind—and whether humanity chooses to embrace a new age, or continue to wallow in darkness.

Granted—without my power, I'd be at a total loss.

With my sixth sense, I can tell what many countries are planning, and exactly what they're doing. Luckily, no major powers seem ready to start a large scale war.  Almost all major nations seem poised to avoid war.

However, it seems that several smaller nations will be embroiled in war between each other.

It's hard to predict the outcome of something so complex, especially when there are millions of variables.

I suppose it's inevitable, and I shouldn't fret about it.

For the moment, I simply need to continue my search for the corruption, and prevent another all-out world war from starting. To do that, I must stay vigilant, and hope that the superpowers will remain rational. But if there's individuals pushing the world towards war—I'll do what I must to prevent such a catastrophe.

Such is the responsibility of one with such a power.

I'd been hoping for more time, but it's become clear that I must take some risks. If it comes down to it—I can use my power to stand up to any military power, my psychokinesis provides me with the greatest weapon. But, simply destroying countries militarily won't fix anything—it'd most likely make things worse for humanity.

I've resolved myself—if Erika is willing, I'll make her a co-conspirator. However, I'll make the cost of betrayal clear to her. So long as it's her alone that knows of my power—I'll be able to fully observe, and prevent her from sharing any information about me.

The gap between myself, and the world's superpowers is vast—but not impossible to cross over. Gaining Erika's scientific capabilities will be the first step towards bridging this gap.


After killing some time—I finally arrive at Erika's lab.

Unlike my previous entrances, I deliberately leave her cameras, and sensors intact.

Via my sixth sense, I can feel her shock at my appearance.

Just as I'm about to open her lab's door with my power, it opens on its own.

Well, at the very least, she's not treating me like an enemy.

Erika stands up from her chair, and walks towards me.

She looks tense.

It's interesting to note the change in her posture, and how she walks.

Her emotions are certainly different than my previous visits—she doesn't hide her feelings anymore. The curiosity, and anxiousness she feels are obvious on her face, and in her voice.

"The satellites... Was that you?" Erika asks.

I suppose this is the moment of 'truth'—so to speak.

I can either deny my involvement—there's zero possibility of her believing me, and this would permanently fracture our trust.

Or I can claim responsibility, and attempt to convince her of the existence of a new technology—that would require a lot of effort and mental gymnastics. Even so—I have zero confidence in this plan. A large part of my reason for choosing her is due to her technological ability—I simply lack the necessary knowledge, and expertise to actualize such a lie.

So, what does that leave?

"Yes," I reply. "I'm responsible."


Erika stares at me.

There's a silence that fills the room, and then she utters a single word: "Why?"

"Because I want you to join me, and Dr.Mathers was in the way of that."

That was the simplest answer possible.

"You destroyed countless satellites! Do you know how much destruction you caused!? Do you even comprehend how dangerous such an act was? Do you know how many people could have been killed!?" As she speaks, she continually becomes more animated—her voice growing in volume with each question.

"Indeed, many could have been killed—yet not a single person died."

She stops, and takes a deep breath.

She's trying to control herself—to keep from screaming at me.

"How are you so calm? Don't you realize how many people you put in danger?"

I'm merely being realistic.

I'm aware of the potential consequences of my actions.

"I made sufficient preparation to ensure no lives were lost—and my preparations proved acceptable. The property damage was unavoidable—but nothing of value was lost... In the end, an evil man will remain locked away forever—and in doing so, the safety of you and your family are assured. And not a single live was sacrificed—all of that is not even considering the lives that will be saved from destruction at Mathers' hand."

In truth, my calculations were quite vague.

I simply relied on my sixth sense, and psychokinesis to direct debris away from any humans.

Erika remains silent for some time. She's probably trying to process all of my words. Her tomboyish face is scrunched up, and her lips are pursed tightly together.

Apparently, she's dissatisfied with my explanation.

But at least I'm able to tell that she understands the cause of my actions. After a few more seconds of silence, her golden eyes take on a determined glint.

"How could you do this—while also preventing any deaths. I personally know of Zephyr's specs, it'd be impossible to destroy them, while also preventing any accidental deaths. Even if you ran calculations with a supercomputer, or an AI, it'd still be impossible. I ran simulations, and tested it myself. It's inhuman!"

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At this point, Erika is looking at me with a mixture of frustration and incredulity.

I'm guessing she really did run simulations on this.

Now's as good of time as any for a possibly life altering gamble.

"Erika, please walk with me."

Erika's eyebrows twitch, and she looks at me curiously.

"Huh? Walk where?"

"Outside. We can speak on our way."

Without giving her a change to argue, or further question me, I turn around and exit the lab.

"Tch. Fine."

No sooner than I reach the door, Erika follows behind.

We step outside into the cave's cool air.

The tunnels are wide, and spacious enough for two people to walk side by side, yet Erika remains a few steps behind me.

"Erika... You asked how I achieved the things I did. However, the answer to your question cannot be given so easily."

I look back at her.

She seems tense, and nervous.

I try to clear my mind.

"I want you to join me. As I've already said, I want you to become my ally—together, we can save this world, and prevent humanity from destroying itself. Together, we can give humanity a better future."

Erika stares at me.

She seems to be searching for something—as though she's looking for the right words to say.

"In order to give you the answers you seek, I must impress upon you the consequences of sharing these answers. For both of us. Should you choose to join me, you'll be opening up an entirely new segment of reality. One that will most likely lead to discoveries far beyond the realm of reason."

"I don't expect you to understand, or comprehend everything.

If you do not wish to accept this—please do not ask me any further questions.

I'm not asking you to follow me blindly.

However, if you do choose to follow me, and you betray me—or attempt to share the answers I give you—you'll leave me no choice but to kill you."

Erika stares at me. Her face grows pale.

Surprisingly, she shakes off my death threat in an instant.  She continues her questions without a shred of hesitation.

"So you seriously won't answer my questions without some sort of oath of secrecy? How am I supposed to know what you're hiding if you refuse to tell me? There's a possibility that you're only pretending to want to help the world, and that you want to use me... You may be no different than Mathers..."

"I can assure you that I'm not Mathers," I state clearly. I can see a hint of anger boiling within her, her golden eyes seemingly attempt to pierce straight through my mask, and my eyes.

"I will not force anything upon you. If it's what you want—we'll never see each other again. The only person that can decide your future is you, Erika."

"Even if I choose to follow you—how can I be sure that you'll tell me the truth? What if you're just bluffing? Or that you'll get cold feet at the last moment?"

"If I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn't hesitate. Besides, if I harmed you, or if I were to fail to protect you—then I'd be making things even worse for humanity. I'd rather die than let that happen."

I appear to have left her speechless.

She looks at me with wide, astonished eyes.

My answer is what I wanted her to hear; I think it's the best option available.

What else should I say?

I can't afford to waste my chance.

Before I continue, she speaks.

"What you're basically saying is: although you won't force me to do anything, you won't actually tell me anything until I join you, and agree to keep your secrets."

"Correct. I cannot guarantee you the truth. As I said before, there are things I must reveal only to those who understand the consequences of revealing these truths. I can tell you this, however—I have never once lied to you."

I close my eyes for a moment.

When I open them again, Erika's golden orbs are staring straight at me.

I need to continue my attempts to sway her.

"Whether you decide to join me or not, I'll tell you one thing. One day, humanity will change—and your role in that will be important. It may be just a small role, but I want you to play it well."

"What do you mean?" Erika asks. "I don't understand. What do you mean, 'change'? And why do you want me to play a part in that?"

"Again, I can only share these answers with allies that understand the consequences of betrayal. You possess limitless potential, and I want you to realize and utilize it. With that being said—will you choose to join me—and work together towards a better future?"

I've said everything I can.

Whether or not she chooses to join me is up to her—no matter what happens now, it's up to her.

I'm unable to see her through my mask, but it appears as though she's blushing. I can sense large amounts of blood flushing around her face.

She's nervous.

Very, very nervous.

But, I suppose she has every right to be.

This is a momentous decision for her.

From her perspective, I've asked her to help me fix the world, and I've offered her the answer she seeks, but she'll face a death penalty if she shares them with others.

For Erika, the stakes are high.

I can feel her pain—her hatred towards the world.

There's a heavy burden on her shoulders.

And yet, despite all that, I sense a faint smile gracing her lips.

A smile of confidence—a conviction that she's chosen wisely.

"I'll join you," Erika declares after a moment of hesitation. "I want to save the world, and help make humanity's future brighter. I want to make the next generation of children happy—and I want to make the generations who came before me proud."

Her declaration leaves me speechless.

The bright smile adorning her face is so genuine and sincere. It leaves me stunned for a few seconds.

"Then let us begin," I reply confidently.

"I'll show you—the method I used to neutralize Mathers', and I'll show you how we can save humanity."

With us now outside, I simply extend my hand towards her.

She looks at it, hesitating.

"Take my hand—and the answers you seek will be revealed."

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