Psychic Awakening

Chapter 6: 6. Training’s Conclusion

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I've continued relentlessly training for the last two weeks—even more than the previous two months.

I've pushed myself harder than ever before. It's been exhausting, but I've accomplished a lot. My sixth sense has expanded to a radius of around a hundred meters. It's an indescribable feeling. Feeling everything in the world around you, seeing everything in your vicinity, is more than amazing.

Walls are worthless, I can already see through everythingfeel the entire world around me. There's really no way to describe it.

It's like my mind has been opened up. Like I'm perceiving reality in a new way. It's incredible—unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I can feel what's happening around me, all at once.

I can feel people and objects, and I can manipulate anything I feel with my psychokinesis. The sensation of my power seeing—feeling the world is strange. At first, it was such an overwhelming sensation, being bombarded by all the stimuli simultaneously felt like my brain was overloading.

But I've gotten used to it.

Being able to feel the world around me—to feel its shape—it's almost like I'm seeing with my power.

There's so much I can do.

If I feel like it, I'm fully capable of navigating my way through the world without even using my eyesight. My sixth sense now feels like it's ingrained in my mind—like it's truly become equivalent to my body's five senses. Manipulating objects in other rooms or even other buildings has become incredibly simple.

Which brings me to an odd situation.

When I focus my sixth sense on another person, I'm fully capable of seeing the inside of their body. I have no idea how to explain what it feels like to see the inside of another human being. So far, I've avoided using that information. I know that I'm able to manipulate the inside of another human being. And since I can do that—killing another human would be as simple as just barely flexing my psychic power.

I mean, my power's strength has reached 12.5 tons, using that kind of power to grab on to an artery, or their heart—and then manipulating it with my power? They'd die without a doubt. It's such an odd thing—knowing that killing another human being is as easy as just lightly using my power on them. . . It's difficult to reconcile the idea that I'm so powerful—knowing that I can kill another person without a second thought.

When a human looks at an ant, they know they can crush it without a second thought, they might even crush it without even trying. Having that same feeling towards other humans. . . It's strange.

But that's where my training has brought me.

I have yet to reach any long term goal. But I've accomplished so much, and I've grown in ways I never thought possible.

I can't help but feel strong. Feel like this is the kind of power that can change the world. And I haven't even had it for 3 months. Imagine if I were to continue training, what heights I might be able to achieve.

Up until recently, I've completely avoided using my power on my physical body in any way. My power's control—precision wasn't to a level that I felt confident even attempting such a thing, there's so many things that could go wrong. If by chance my body didn't count as a single object—and I accidentally manipulated just one part of my body—especially my insides, I could very easily rip myself apart.

But a few days ago, I finally gained the confidence to attempt this—using my power on my body. It worked surprisingly well. Using my psychic muscle to lift my body allowed me to make myself float—just like regular objects. It feels like my body is totally weightless—completely unaffected by gravity, but it still feels as if I'm just using my mental body to move around freely.

I'm able to manipulate my power on my body in a way that allows me to more or less fly. With the right concentration, I'm able to levitate off the ground. It's more difficult than moving my physical body, but I can certainly get used to it. But there is a bit of a problem, my body is still affected by motion, particularly—speed is a major issue.

My body is simply incapable of handling high speeds, when I use a lot of my energy, I can very easily move my body at a speed that would cause me to pass out.

For now, I've had to put off trying to make myself fly.

Maybe some day.

That brings me to maybe my most important advancement I've made in the last two weeks. So far, I've been unable to precisely shape my power. Although it felt as if it was formless, I was only capable of using it like an invisible arm, or like an aura that envelops my surroundings, but that was it. Precisely controlling it's shape was not possible.

Over the last two weeks, I've made substantial progress in this area. I started off slow, just forming my power into a flat circle, no larger than my finger tip. It was difficult, but the pain from shaping my power has slowly gone away—it's still present, but it's quite dull.

When it became clear that I could precisely shape my power—my psychic muscle, I had a whole new avenue to explore. Basic shapes took me about a week to learn, forming my power into a rectangle, a square, and other basic shapes meant that I could use that experience to form more complex shapes.

Forming my power into more complex shapes takes an incredible amount of concentration, and a lot of my energy, but it's possible.

I've always been unable to use my power to manipulate non-solid objects. Manipulating things like water, and air—were out of reach.

Until I was capable of forming my power into different shapes. I eventually became capable of shaping my power into a sort of bowl, a shape that could potentially hold water. But there was a major problem before being able to use my power on water—my power's density.

If I were to give my power a density rating, it would be similar to air—especially when I use it as my sixth sense's aura. This turned out to be a problem.

Because my power's density was like air, even if I shaped it into a bowl, it was still incapable of actually holding water—the water would simply pass right through it. So I had to find a way to increase my power's density.

This was actually a lot easier than I thought it'd be. It was almost as simple as putting more energy into my psychic muscle, and then sort of compressing—tensing it.

By making my power denser, and shaping it correctly, I could use it to manipulate not only water, but also air. I could shape my power into a bowl, or a cup, and then use it to pick up water. Or I could shape it into a solid rectangle, and use it to push the air—creating gusts of wind.

I always thought that something like this might be possible, but I didn't think that it'd be as simple as increasing the density of my power—my psychic muscle.

The day I first awakened this power, I imagined dust being brushed aside. When that happened, I wasn't imagining picking it up, or moving an individual dust particle, I envisioned all of the dust being brushed away. Ever since that first happened, I always thought it was possible for my power to manipulate things like wind or water, but knowing that I can lift water through the air, or that I can create wind—that fact blows my mind.

I can't wait until I'm able to freely shape my power.

I'm still unable to form my power into massive shapes, or manipulate it freely, but it's something I can definitely work on. This simple fact has given me a whole new combination of training options.

What's something that's incredible abundant, fairly heavy, and easily found in nature? Water.

A single cubic meter of water weighs around a ton. And New Eden is an island surrounded by an ocean. If I can shape my power into a massive cup, bowl, or really any shape that can hold water—I could use water to further increase my power's strength.

Because of that idea, currently my greatest focuses are increasing the range of my sixth sense, and increasing my ability to freely shape my power. I'm certain that I'll be able to reach my goals with some hard work. Once I've achieved them, I have no idea what I'll be able to do with my new found power.

I might be able to move mountains with my power.

Or I might be able to destroy them.

It's really changed my perspective on the world. Knowing that you can crush, lift, or throw just about anything you see really changes how you view things.

Knowing that I could jump from a skyscraper, and use my power to catch my body—you can't help but see things differently.

I made massive advancements in multiple areas, but there's one area though that I've felt a need to pursue. Active or passive defense. Some kind of barrier made from my power to protect me. Since I'm able to shape my power, and I'm able to manipulate the density of my power, I thought that I should be able to create some kind of barrier to protect myself.

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I first started by forming my power into a kind of spheroid that hugs my body. I only started this project a few days ago, so my ability to shape my power was already pretty advanced—so it didn't take too long. The hard part was making my power dense enough to actually be a useful barrier.

I practiced creating the spheroid around me, and I then practiced launching objects at it. At first, it was totally worthless. Launching objects towards the barrier would either completely shred it—or pop it like a bubble.

It really hurt. The first time I tried it, I really thought the pain would make me black out. I'm pretty sure I even screamed when that object tore straight through my barrier, it went through it like it was nothing, and left me curled up in pain.

Slowly though, I was able to form a fairly competent barrier. Numbness through repetition. I eventually either got used to the pain of having my barrier shredded, or it simply disappeared after a few thousand attempts.

I'm not sure which.

The problem is, my barrier is capable of protecting me entirely, but it's shaped in a spheroid around my body. My barrier doesn't perfectly fit my body—I'm unable to form the barrier into the exact shape of my body.

And I also have to consciously keep it active. I'm not able to keep it active at all times, and it does take up quite a bit of energy. If I only kept the barrier up, and don't use my sixth sense, or my psychokinesis—I could keep it up full time.

But using all three abilities at once drains my stamina like nothing else. I guess the benefit of that is it's given me a new way to increase my stamina. Running out of larger objects to manipulate meant that it wasn't as easy to continuously increase my power's stamina points.

Now though, I have this option to increase my stamina, and I also have my idea regarding water to further increase my strength.

My barrier still isn't perfect though.

It's much more effective against things like bullets, knives, and other small objects. I'm not sure why, but I'm guessing it's due to the force behind the objects striking my barrier. Large, fast objects hit way harder. I did manage to make it stop bullets though, but the barrier still shattered—it's just that the bullet stopped on its own before reaching me.

I'm not going to complain though—it's better than getting shot.

My barrier is still fairly weak, but it's definitely a start. Next step, I want to try to make my barrier stronger. Protecting my life is definitely important to me. In order to do that though, I'm going to have to continue trying to increase it's density.

Another line of thought I've had regarding my barrier is if I could somehow use it to decrease the strain put on my body while using my power to float—fly. If I could use the barrier to block the wind's pressure when moving at high speeds, flying using my power might actually become a possibility.

Of course, if I do try to use my power to fly, I'll need to try and remain hidden while doing it.

If I do fly using my power, being discovered in some way will always be a possible risk.

So before I have the confidence to fly around with my power, I'll need to either confirm that there aren't any other psychics—and that the world doesn't know that psychics exist, or I'll need to amass enough strength to protect myself.

The problem with that is that if someone else has the same power that I do, and they awakened it before me, there's almost no way I'll be able to protect myself. I've reached my current level after only having my power for about 2 1/2 months. If there is another person like me, and they've had this power for years, there's almost no chance I'd be able to defeat them.

It's not impossible, but it's highly unlikely.

It's astoundingly discouraging.

Knowing that if there is another person like me, they'd be able to swat me like a fly—if they've had this power longer than I have. 

I feel kind of helpless at the idea of others having this kind of power. If others have this power, they're probably already very powerful, and I'll never be able to reach their level before they crush me.

This feeling is horrible.

My only hope is to continue growing my power, and hope that I'm not discovered first. But so far, I've found absolutely no sign of others with this power. Not a single clue.

I hate it. Not knowing the truth really sucks.

Instead of being depressed about the reality of my situation, I should explain the final advancement I've made, I've finally broken my limit on the amount of objects I can manipulate. All throughout my training, I've continuously tried manipulating multiple objects at once, but regardless of my attempts, I was never able to move more than two objects at once.

As it turns out, the reason for my inability to manipulate any more than two objects at once was related to my ability to shape my psychic muscle. By splitting my psychic muscle into multiple individual arms, I became capable of manipulating multiple objects at one.

It was extremely difficult to learn, but now I can control five objects simultaneously.

Five objects isn't much, but it's a huge improvement over the two objects I could previously handle.

Learning to accurately manipulate 5 objects at once was more difficult than I thought it'd be. At first, it was like growing multiple new arms—with each of them needing to coordinate with the other four. It took a lot of practice and patience.

Even today, I still get confused sometimes, especially when handling large objects. With smaller objects, I usually don't have issues with coordination between my psychic limbs, but it's still difficult.

Regardless though, I can't hide away forever, and I finally feel as if I've gained enough power to change something, to save something. Even if there's a risk, I won't allow myself to just hide away out of fear of the unknown.

I've been hiding away training for nearly three months, and I've gained a power that can only be countered by an equal.

That means that anyone who tries to harm me will be risking themselves. If I don't even have the courage to use my power outside of my training grounds, what's the point of having it?

The way I see it, there's really three primary ways I could be discovered: another human seeing my power, cameras, and another with a similar sixth sense. I can hide from humans just fine, and if there is another person with an equivalent sixth sense, there would be no point in hiding—they'd find me regardless.

That just leaves cameras.

I've thought a lot about how to deal with them, they're almost everywhere in my home ward. My sixth sense has given me a way to counter them though. If I focus my perception on a camera, I can feel—see it's internal structure. From there, I can simply use my power on a few pieces of the cameras internals—disabling it while I'm within it's view, and as soon as I'm far enough away, I can simply release my hold on it, and it'll turn back on.

So long as I take my time, I should be able to remain invisible. As for the third method of discovery, I haven't figured out a solution yet.

If another person has this power, they'll likely be strong, and very aware. They may even be able to detect me without me knowing it.

I can't let myself stagnate based on the unknown. I've spent hundreds of hours in my search for other psychics, and I've turned up entirely empty. Either I'm alone, or I'm not—and other psychics are very well hidden.

I can't hide away forever based on something that may not even exist.

That's why tonight, I'll take my first step.

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