[Psychokinetic] Eyeball Pulling – A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG

Chapter 45: Chapter 45 – Knife Skills and a Campfire

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Astrid gazed at the ghouls approaching them. She counted sixteen of them before giving up. After all, they were approaching at a speed that she still had to get used to. Their high strength propelled their legs forward at an intense speed that made Astrid jealous. When will I receive a movement skill?

With the newly formed knives at her waist, she threw them forward. They streaked through the air and with the sound of something hard piercing bone; they pierced through the dense skull, all the way down to the blade's hilt as viscous liquid seeped down from the crack in between the blade.

Astrid raised her hand. Her psychic mana latched onto the other ghoul’s eyeballs. With a yank, their white gelatinous beads were torn from their skulls. Commanding them to [Crash] pink liquid was sent splattering into the air as explosions blew open their skulls. Fragments of bloodied bone and brain matter scattered, covering the already manky swamp ground in red and white.

“What’s your obsession with pulling out eyeballs?” Brett said. “Seriously, it’s so messy.”

“You don’t see me complaining when you slit throats and blood sprays everywhere.” Astrid crossed her arms.

“Yeah, well, at least it’s controlled.” Brett continued. “Somewhat anyway. Yours just splatters everywhere! Look.”

Brett turned around and pointed to the pink smattering of brain matter on his leather jacket.

“If anything, the smell is an improvement.” Rachelle joked.

“Smell? You’re one to talk, with the amount of perfume you slather yourself in. It’s no surprise our world ended.”

“At least I don’t smell like a donkey that rolled around in shit!” Rachelle squared up to Brett as she held her nose.

“Guys,” Leena said, “you all reek of the stables.”

Daniel laughed. “She’s right there.” He lifted his arm and took a whiff. His head recoiled back.

“Biological warfare, how powerful.” Astrid chuckled.

You are reading story [Psychokinetic] Eyeball Pulling – A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG at novel35.com

“And we still have six days?” Leena asked.

Lisa placed her hand on her shoulder. “You get used to it... maybe.”

“You’ll get used to it alright,” Daniel said. “It’s not always going to be like this. But sometimes you just end up taking the short straw.”

“Yep, you can’t find gold without sifting through a bit of shit now and then.” Brett flashed a smile.

Leena looked away, focusing on the surrounding sights.

The Wayfaring group made their way through the town. Killing every ghoul in sight so that Astrid could gain more experience and levels. For Daniel and the others, they didn’t need it as at level one-hundred and twenty gaining experience from level sixties, to ninety provided a miniscule amount of experience. So they just let Astrid have fun tearing down the enemies as they casually walked through the town.

They were expecting some stronger ghouls to be lurking, so they always held their guard up. But none made their appearance. They were all dead, or skulking away in some underground area. There were a few times that Astrid’s Psych Domain picked up matter moving beneath them, but it was scarce. They were just stragglers wandering underground. It would be a waste of energy and time to go down and fight them when it was unneeded.

Further past the church, they began walking to the other town that was far in the distance. The lesser ghouls had thinned out as soon as they left the ghost town. Most of them were level sixty to seventy-five, which meant Astrid could easily blow their skulls to smithereens. Or use her matter-formed blades to kill without even being seen. Her control was increasing by the second, every time she would experiment with changing directions last second. She wanted to get to a point where she could halt it in a blink of an eye, then shoot it to the target. She could do it now and then, but sometimes she would lose connection to the blade as she stopped it too fast.

Their heavy boots thudded against the wooden platforms.The wood was rickety and rotten in most areas. She had ended up just resorting to using her extra mana container size to levitate over the wood. Rob, Losef, and Leena had the biggest problems as their heavyweight bore down onto the frail planks of wood. Often stepping through it entirely as their leg disappeared.

Astrid could finally see the end of the swampy marshes.

She could hear a splash of water. Everyone stood at attention and leapt back. Rob’s heavy weight smashed against the platform, sending him down into the swamp water below. At the front, a massive reptilian maw slammed shut against the platform. Sending wooden splinters flying.


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