[Psychokinetic] Eyeball Pulling – A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG

Chapter 74: Chapter 74 – Major Image

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Somewhere on the Great Oceans of Ruitera.

A speedster boat flitted across the rough ocean waves with dexterous ease. The front of the boat was split with two appendages on either side that seemed to split the water in two. It even had two smaller boats that were welded onto the side with an arm that attached them to the main vessel. It looked to stabilise it, causing it to travel faster than normal.

Stuart glanced at the bow of the boat. A tall and slender man stood, despite the harsh waves battering the speeding boat. His long, red, shoulder length hair flapped against the wind. He wore a long jacket that passed his knees and one hand rested on a curved blade. The other was hidden under the long sleeve as the rest of the material loosely hung. A black mask with glowing white teeth adorned to the front, was glued to his face.

“I hear this is going to be a big haul,” Stuart said.

He picked out a piece of dried meat from in between his teeth with a toothpick. He wore a peaked cap. He had to hold it with one hand so that it didn’t disappear from the buffeting wind.

He was well and truly a newbie within the Prince’s team. He had heard a lot of them were wiped out during a bubbled expedition, and it wasn’t any normal one. But a Bubbled City. They had scouted it for years, yet they were all killed, apart from the Prince.

Thinking of the Prince, he had heard many tales about him, but coming from a small surviving Wayfarer colony, they were all but myths. He knew he was a talented young man in his late twenties, thirties at most, and that his talent was shocking. Mostly attributed to his rare classes, Stuart thought.

Even from a young age, he took command of multiple pirate voyages on the great oceans, only ever coming back with light wounds and plenty of freshly plundered equipment along with them.

Stuart didn’t necessarily agree with the methods, but it was hard enough to feed oneself. Finding food in the Oceans or Bubbles always came at a risk of death after all. It took only a whiff of blood in the waters for strong ocean beasts to skulk towards them with a promise of a meal. Depending on the size of them, it would only be a snack. However, even small snacks became banquets in high quantities.

“If the Forschythes are known for anything, it’s giving their offspring some damn fine equipment.” Horace said.

The coarse hairs on his face almost looked like thick bristles as he scratched them with anticipation.

“Still surprised that Prince suggested we go so close to Rebirth,” Stuart said. “One small mistake and we’re done for. And you’ve heard of the report of that Sinwen youngling miss. I heard she can already fight against those at level one-hundred.”

“The auction report?” Horace said.

“That’s the one,” Stuart continued. “I mean shit, what the hell is that progression? Even our very own Prince of the Devil Ocean can’t compete against that.”

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He glanced over at the man that stood at the boat’s bow.

“I heard that the only reason she could do that was because of a suicide Skill,” Horace grimaced. “If there was one person to have it, it would be a damned Sinwen, wouldn’t it?”

“Battle crazed psychos, the lot of them.”

“Then what would that make us?” Horace gripped onto a nearby handle as the boat crashed against a wave.

“That’s different. They have all the food and safety they need within those high walls. It’s their choice to–”

The long coated man suddenly clasped Stuart’s mouth. His eyes were void of sympathy.

“Save me from your pathetic indignation,” Prince said, and let go of Stuart’s mouth. “It’s unbecoming of one of my men. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about me. It looks like I’ve turned lax in my older age.”

A grin crept up from the corner of his lips. “So I’ll only take a finger.” Prince yanked Stuart’s arm and placed it on a wooden block in the middle of the boat.

“Wait, wh–why?” Stuart stumbled.

“There’s nothing that pisses me off more than having a bumbling idiot that questions their own motives for surviving.” Prince unsheathed his sword. “If you can’t find your own resolution for a living, then I’ll give you one.”

Prince raised his sword. “Well, I’m afraid I’m taking one away, am I not?” A shrill laugh left his throat as he swung down.

* * *

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