[Psychokinetic] Eyeball Pulling – A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG

Chapter 90: Chapter 90 – Loss and Prayers

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“Astrid!” Leena shouted.

She broke free of her restraints and dashed forward. Leena wrapped her arms around Astrid’s shoulders.

The warmth that was expelled from Leena’s body sent a cosy feeling into her body. It was a feeling that she would never forget, and one that she would always long for.

Astrid placed her hands on Leena’s back.

“We will need a burial,” Astrid said and took a step back.

Her gaze landed onto the two dead Wayfarers. They were only first years, dead before they were even able to make their mark on the world.

The more fragile first and second years didn’t bother resisting against the restraints. Their gazes were locked to the dead bodies as tears fell down the sides of their faces.

Astrid could see that some had given up, yet others seemed to have bolstered up a strong resolve for the future. She wasn’t sure what to say. Would she be able to convince them not to give up, that it would become easier and there would be no more loss? Because that would be a lie.

“Astrid, your eyes,” Leena whispered.

Astrid could feel Leena’s stare, her pupils moved, looking at the details within her eye.

Astrid quickly covered her face and connected to the matter around her eyes. She could feel their peculiarity, like something within was dancing. With a thought, it was if she was placating it, the strange feeling disappeared and the matter returned to normal.

“Is it gone?” Astrid asked.

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Leena nodded with a heaviness that told Astrid that she was concerned.

Astrid clasped her hands around Leena’s. She connected to the restraints and removed them with a yank of psychic energy.

Then she wandered over to the deceased Wayfarers alongside Leena. Josh scrambled to his feet and joined them, alongside Mina, Nick, and Gloria.

Mina crouched to the floor, and gently removed the Wayfaring badge from the young man's chest. Tears fell from the corner of her eyes, and dampened the hem of her shirt's collar as she mumbled the name on the badge.

Jeremy Booker. Astrid glanced at the name.

Josh was the one to remove the other. A young woman by the name of Lore Wilks.

Astrid steeled herself and clashed her fist sideways against her chest. She followed it by slamming her feet together and peered up into the deep ocean above the bubble layer. It was the common salute of a Wayfarer, but it also doubled as a send off for the deceased in battle. It was a sign of respect for the fallen.

While the others grieved, Astrid wandered to Prince's body. He had to have something that was worth scouring his mangled body.

Astrid gazed at the scraps that were left from her dark matter explosion and spotted a dull metal ring within the scarlet pool. She brought it into her hands with Psychokinesis.

It looked like two ropes interlocked with each other as the spiraled around in a circle, forming the ring that was attached to Prince's hand.


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