Puppet No.4

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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The child was a terrifying opponent, even when his cultivation was sealed.

Clearly, he had no qualms when dealing killing blows, every move without hesitation and unpredictable. His body was also fortified and strengthened by some unknown means, causing most restrictive spells or curses to slide off him without any visible effect. Additionally, with his monstrous strength and pain tolerance, he was a killing machine.

On the other hand, Wan Yuanjun was unwilling to hurt the child, which restricted all of his more powerful moves which actually had effects. He was constantly on the defensive, pushed back and curbing his own abilities.

As a result, he was actually — shockingly — on the losing side.

That was, until the child drew the first blood.

A small nick appeared on his arm — Wan Yuanjun's defensive spiritual layer had been pierced by the cultivated bones of another disciple — and blood leaked out into the air. As the blood began to harden and congealed into a clot, the child's eyes widened, and his attacking blows stopped.

Surprise written in his face, the boy said excitedly, 'Hey, you're also a Mistake!'

He was a what?

Since the boy had stopped attacking, Wan Yuanjun also paused, though his vigilance didn't relax. Instead, he signalled to the surviving disciples hiding nearby to begin setting up a trapping formation.

The boy continued, 'If you're a Mistake, you can join me and become a Puppet!' He thought for a bit, 'You're very strong, so maybe you don't have to kill more Mistakes, so you can directly begin training!' He added earnestly, 'It's very fun! Being a Puppet is the best, and you can repay your life to the Grandpas!'

Wan Yuanjun caught a few keywords.

Mistake. Puppet. Killing "Mistakes". Training. Grandpas.

He asked cautiously, 'Who... no, what are Mistakes?'

The boy seemed very patient when talking about this topic. With a rather fervent, passionate voice, he explained, 'Mistakes aren't meant to be born into this world. We are Mistakes and should die, but the Grandpas were benevolent enough to give us a chance to survive, and become Puppets! Only Puppets are allowed to live... But Mistakes can get stronger and live longer if they kill each other! We can steal each other's life, so we can live.. but being a Puppet is better.'

Wan Yuanjun decided to take that information — which was no information, really — with a handful of salt. It was likely that the boy's words were lies fed to him by the Demonic Sect.

He asked, 'How do you know I'm a Mistake?'

The boy replied, 'I can feel it. I've killed a lot of Mistakes, so I can smell it on you. You're a Mistake. You could become a great Puppet... or you could make me stronger.' He said sheepishly, 'My Grandpas tell me to kill any outsider Mistakes, but you're so strong, I think that Grandpa will be happy if you become a Puppet. They always want powerful Puppets.'

Wan Yuanjun could feel that the boy's goodwill towards him had risen.

'And, and, it's very fun! We can do a lot of training, and do the Spring Cleaning... you'll love the Grandpas! Yes, you can meet the Grandpas... You can kill and please the Grandpas.' He took in a deep breath, and froze. 'Wait. You didn't... you've never killed a Mistake. Or a Puppet.'

The boy suddenly twitched and became rather muddled, as though confused or unable to work something out. He mumbled and whispered to himself, unaware of his surroundings, even when the large trapping formation beneath him activated with a low hum and locked him into a giant birdcage. As golden wires formed around him, encaging him, the boy finally looked up at Wan Yuanjun through the bars and said, 'You're alive.'

Wan Yuanjun felt the air change, becoming colder. He slowly nodded, caution dyeing every part of his body.

The boy stepped forward, gripping the bars. His eyes bulged, his voice hoarse with some deep, unseen and unknown emotion of tension, fear and disdain. 'You've kill a Mistake. I can smell it on you.'

He whispered softly, so quiet that it would be hard to hear it if not for Wan Yuanjun's enhanced hearing. 

'Something is wrong,' He muttered. 'I think I've been lied to.

'Who lied to me?

'Someone has broken my Rules.'

The Sect Leader of the Demonic Sect's eyes widened.

Too quick.

Puppet No.4 had found out again too quickly.

They needed to seal his memories, stat —

He froze.

He sighed, and laughed.

The prediction was right again.

There was no point in being here anymore.

Let the broken star shatter.

He could get a new one later.

Puppet No.4 was a mystery to others, the Grandpas, Puppets and himself.

He had a very, very big reliance on Rules.

He needed Rules to live. That way, he knew what should and shouldn't be done. He knew what to do to get rewards, and what to do to get punished. 

That was why he was very sensitive to lies and concealment, especially if they involved his Rules.

He also obeyed his Rules without hesitation, and anything that broke his Rules had to be removed or fixed.

Someone had told him lies, and that meant that his personal Rules needed to be fixed.

One of his private Rules was that he had to repay goodwill and his saviours.

That was why he was so obedient to his Grandpas.

Because they were his saviours, and they had said so. 

But if they weren't...

Then, he didn't need to follow their Rules anymore.

He didn't need to love them, to obey them, to protect them.

Those Rules were no longer Rules.

Then, who was his saviour?

Who is the purpose of his life?

Who was his saviour?

Who was it?

Was it...

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The one who corrected his Rules?

Then, that man...

That man was his Saviour.

Therefore, Puppet No.4 was no longer Puppet No.4.

He was whatever his new saviour wanted him to be.

The pig-masked man, far far away, smiled.

He said, 'The predictions are right again.'

He continued, 'We're such stubborn fools.'

'Let's try again.'

Wan Yuanjun carefully observed the boy in front of him. 

He was still in the golden cage, like a wounded canary all locked up and away, but the boy didn't express any fear or caution anymore. Instead, he'd opened his great, silver eyes and stared at him with the fervent gaze one would give to their god.

This sudden change in attitude was very disconcerting.

Kneeling down to meet the boy's eyes, Wan Yuanjun slowly spoke, his every action watched by Sect Elders and the boy alike, 'My name is Wan Yuanjun. I mean no harm, and I request that you do the same.'

Earlier in the day, his initial "introduction" was performed on the expectation that the boy's mind had been fragmented by the Demonic Sect. Such minds would typically be unable to contain knowledge, and speaking to them would often cause great pain and headaches. As they were unable to preform mind-searching techniques without harming the child, he had resorted to using body language and limited speech to convey meaning. But since the child's mind was clearly intact, if not twisted, using formal speech should be of no problem.

The boy nodded.

Wan Yuanjun continued, 'Please hand over all of your weapons.' Anyone who'd tried to take his weapons by force had ended up dead, so they could only hope for his cooperation.

Surprisingly, the boy immediately handed over the human tibia, several shattered bone fragments, long thin hairs, a needle, a hairpin and some teeth. The boy asked, 'Do I need to give you my hands, limbs and jaw? My nails are cut, so I can't give you that... Or can I give you my body? I'm pretty sure that's a weapon...'

Slight shivers running up his spine, Wan Yuanjun quickly said, 'No, no, that's fine, no need.'

The boy nodded.

Wan Yuanjun waited for the child to speak, but three minutes passed without either of them saying a word. He finally asked, 'What's... your name?'

The boy promptly responded, 'Whatever you wish me to be called.'

...This sudden obedience is too frightful!

Wan Yuanjun said, 'Alright... so what were you normally called?'

Leaning his head to the side in thought, the boy smiled and responded, 'Puppet No.4! Or Xiao Si! But call me anything you like!'

Okay... sure, let's go with that for now. Wan Yuanjun said, 'Alright, let's call you Xiao Si.'

Looking at the boy deeply, he calmly inquired, 'Why... are you so obedient?'

Xiao Si smiled. 'Because you are my saviour.'

Everyone listening in: '?'

Xiao Si explained, 'You're a Mistake, and you didn't kill other Mistakes. But you're alive. That means that the Rule of Mistakes must kill other Mistakes to live is false. That means that the Demonic Sect has lied to me. Their Rules are wrong. I only like Rules that are right.' Slowly, a large smile blossomed on his face, an enchanting spider lily glowing red. 'I live for my Rules. You fixed them; therefore, you are my saviour, and according to my Rules, I must repay my saviours.'

Shuffling fluidly into a kowtow, Xiao Si knocked his head onto the ground forcefully, devotion and worshipful obedience written onto his upturned, innocent and pure face. Smiling softly, with a some kind of holy madness, he said, 'You are my Master. Master, I await your orders.'

Everyone fell into a muffled sort of horrified silence, when one saw something depraved and grotesque yet holding an appeal that made one want to come closer.

It was like watching and wanting to commit a taboo.

After an intensive session of interrogation, Xiao Si was finally released from the golden cage... while burdened with a dozen different types of magical restraints and a constant, 24/7 surveillance crew watching him warily. He was then moved to a side room attached to Wan Yuanjun's house.

Wan Yuanjun wanted to talk to the boy more, but he was then quickly summoned by the Sect Leader and had to leave.

When he arrived at the Sect Leader's dongshiThink of a furnished cave full of spiritual power that cultivator normally lives in., he quickly knelt down.

The woven silk carpet that he was kneeling on was simple, yet exquisite, with dull brown hues that couldn't hide its masterful craftsmanship. A quick glance at the smooth walls would reveal that the modest glowing lamps were, in fact, rare sea pearls of the highest grade. The lotus-shaped incense burner that sat in the corner of the dongshi was crafted from the finest immortal steel, the tiny gemstones embedded inside emitting low, elegant yet unassuming aura, whist the scent — One Thousand Moments Incense — gently drifted around the room in a way that was not overbearing nor too meek. The folding screens was thoughtfully and carefully paced in ways so that it would not hinder the fengshui, the delicate and sophisticated paintings of swallows and koi adding a touch of serenity and calm. The incredible, twisting tree — it looked like a massive bonsai tree — behind the Sect Leader's table and chair set reached from the floor to the ceiling, the green, stiff tufts powerful and strong on the graceful and winding branches, reminiscent of a dancer spreading her fingers into the sky, her body bent into beautiful curves and shapes.

The Sect Leader was a very sophisticated man.

He wasn't someone who flaunted his wealth or power in an ostentatious parade; rather, he made others respect him through his subtle displays of wisdom, might and skill. He made others know of his great power through showing others his superior conduct and behaviour, as though personifying the word "immortal".

Seated in front of the tree, the Sect leader was dressed in white, plain yet elegant robes, the simple ornaments handing from his hairpiece and sash a light blue hue and sparkling with hidden, mysterious beauty. His long, black hair was impeccably pulled back into his hair-crown, the two ends of the embroidered ribbon that lay down his back so straight and symmetrical it felt unnatural.

Staring down at his disciple with a faze devoid of warmth, the man didn't let him get up from the kowtow. Instead, he kept his unspoken silence and tapped his fingers on the white jaded table.

With each crisp tap on the marbled surface, dots of sweat appeared on Wan Yuanjun's paling face. His Shizun had injected spiritual energy into his fingers, resulting in each sound carrying a terrifying power that he didn't dare to defend against. It was from this, and not his Shizun's face, that he could tell of the other's mood.

His Shizun was annoyed.

After a long, tense period of silence, the man finally said, 'I let you take responsibility the other day because of our deal.' Turning to the side, he picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup. The fragrant aroma diffused into the air, the herbal scent with a slight hint of bitterness mixing with that of the incense's. Taking a sip, his every movement radiating elegance and sophistication, he continued, 'Back in the meeting, you wanted to take in the Demon Children, and yet... the remaining survivor has slain our sect members, your servants, and your confidants. Are you going to take revenge? Will you punish, educate, of kill the beast?'

Surveying the still-silent young man below him, he let out a breath, his voice carrying a hint of weariness. 'Of course not. Wan-erThe "er" suffix is used to call someone you view as a child in a familiar way. Doesn't have to be blood-related., you really... must I remind you? He's dead.' Teacup tapping on the table with a harsh ruthlessness, Guo Heng said, 'That little brother of yours is long gone. You won't find him again in your life.' Looking down the the grey, crack-like markings on the jade table, Guo Heng traced them with his slender, white fingers, the callouses hidden under his skin unseen. 'I lost mine too. You've lost yours.' Looking at Wan Yuanjun, he said, 'I've searched... for seven hundred and forty-five years, eight months, and twelve days. Don't search for him for the rest of your life, or you'll search for all eternity... or find bones.'

With a wave of his hand, Wan Yuanjun finally stood up shakily, his head respectfully bowed to the ground. He said simply, 'Shizun.'

Guo Heng pinched the bridge of his nose, a pained frown appearing on his divine face.

'Shizun, I've already stopped searching.' His voice didn't shake. 'My little brother has disappeared, and I'm not going to search for him anymore.' Looking his Shizun in the eyes, he said firmly, 'I'm not searching. It's just that when I see other children, I feel pity for them... so I wish to help.'

Guo Heng smiled.

He spoke softly, with the kind of tone that one would give to themselves and others alike, 'It is precisely this that proves that you are still searching.

'It's just that... you're searching for him in others.'

With a lost expression, he laughed, 'We're both fools, aren't we?

'This pair of master and disciple.'

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