Pygilist: Fire + Fist [Dungeon Isekai]

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Socialize

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Chapter 20: Socialize


“Who else are we waiting for?” asked Parth as he joined the group standing outside the quarters.

“Kwame and the triplets,” answered Moira as she nodded at him.

He looked at the gathering and saw that Emilia’s entire team was there. The only missing people were the ones Moira pointed out.

The sun was slowly inching towards the horizon, almost done for the day. They had just one more day before things would kick off. Tomorrow was the last day of training. Generally, training hard the day before a fight was inadvisable. This situation was not the same though. The D’Raacs were kind enough to lend every team their healing facilities. It was not the end all be all, so most teams did not push themselves this close to the Dungeon jump. Access to healing or not.

Their team was lucky that they had a potent healing artifact, so they could afford to push themselves.

One more day of training, and then that was it. This gathering was the last relaxing moment they'd have before they returned from the first trial of the Dungeon. He was sure that nobody would be in the correct mindset for any relaxation tomorrow. Everyone would be tense with worry and fear. It was better to have some reprieve beforehand.

Even then, he could see the tense stances of Moira and Andrea. Emilia seemed unaffected. Maybe she was like him, with nothing to lose.

The two teams had only known each other for a day after all. Not to mention the fact that most of that time was spent locked in battle or training.

“Sister Moira,” shouted an all too familiar voice as a green blur launched at Moira.

He watched in amusement as Amber piggybacked on Moira and refused to let go. On the surface, Moira looked annoyed, but he could tell that she didn’t mind it.

“Amber, don’t annoy her,” said Opal, all prim and proper as the triplets joined the group. Zircon silently stood behind her sister, curiously looking at the unfamiliar people.

“No, Opal! You hog all her time. It’s my turn,” shouted Amber as she tightened her grip around Moira.

Parth smirked as he looked at Moira’s plight.

"I feel betrayed. Since the moment you lot met Moira, you have forgotten about me," he said in a sad tone. Everyone could hear the obvious fake inflection behind that voice.

It was true though. The triplets had bonded with Moira in a way he did not expect. Remembering what Lady Nakiri told him, he could see why. Opal was the one most attached to Moira, on account of them being very similar. Amber thought that Moira was the epitome of coolness, as she was an aspiring Aviatrix. He didn’t exactly know how popular the sport was on Funar, but going by Amber’s reactions, either it was insanely popular, or Amber was a huge fan. Zircon was as usual. She took some time to open up to Moira, but she too latched onto the older fairy.

What surprised him more was the dour and pissed Moira latching onto them as well. She didn't say it, but she didn't need to. Anyone else who jumped on her back like that would have been shaken off, kid or not. He knew that Moira had been invited to Lady Nakiri’s place for a dinner by the triplets, and going by the looks of it, Moira too was now in their pocket. Just like him. They would help the little kids if they could.

“Stop acting, you’re not good at it,” said Opal, causing him to laugh in response.

He then turned towards team Patcher and saw that they were looking at the scene with a mixture of amusement and uncertainty.

“Right, you haven’t met each other,” he said and introduced the two teams to each other.

 A couple of minutes passed as the introductions were done and they stood waiting for their last member.

Soon, they spotted Kwame walking towards them from the main gate. It looked like he had been outside already and was just now returning to the compound. If they knew that he was outside, they could have directly linked up at some other location.

“Sorry I’m late,” said Kwame as he reached them. He wasn’t alone though. Accompanying him was James Kade, a friend that Kwame made during his stay in Viz.

“It’s alright. You’re not really late. You joining us, Mr. Kade?” asked Parth. James Kade was an African American in his mid-thirties. At some point, he had taken Kwame under his wing.

It didn't surprise Parth. Both Moira and Kwame were people who had a proper life back on Funar and Earth. Proper families that they were snatched away from. Kwame missed his family the most. If Parth hadn’t lost his parents a year ago, he would have been in a similar boat. No matter how much time was given to them, it didn’t take away all that pain. There was nothing else to do, as they had to fight for their lives, so everyone learned to compartmentalize. It didn’t mean that everyone was good at it.

Everyone flocked towards what was familiar. Most voyagers formed cliques with people from their worlds. Like in this case, it helped them cement friendships with other teams.

It was necessary, as the first part of the Dungeon was the most dangerous.

“Thanks for inviting me, Parth. Gotta decline though. I've got a team dinner tonight. I'll see you tomorrow Kwame," said James as he nodded at everyone else and walked back towards the quarters.

As the older man walked inside, Parth couldn't help but wonder how the Dungeon picked its victims. He had noted that most of the voyagers were on the younger side. Only a very few were older than thirty. Most of them were in their late teens and early twenties.

He didn’t get to ponder much though as they began walking towards the main gate. This was supposed to be an evening of relaxation. The calm before the storm. He’d treat it as such.



The group made its way into Cleo’s Orchid half an hour later.

"I'm starving," exclaimed Amber as she ran toward the counter and began flicking through the menu projected next to it.

Opal ran after her sister to ensure that Amber did not go overboard; a common sight. Zircon was close on the heels of her sister. Another common sight.

Cleo’s was the first store he had visited in Viz, and he liked the ambiance and the quality of their products a lot. He often visited during his morning runs, and the triplets had become loyal customers of Cleo’s as a result. Fairies and their love for fruits was nothing new after all.

“Come, I’ve reserved a table upstairs. The kids will join us. They know their way around this place,” he said as he led the rest of the group to the terrace.

As they walked up the stairs, he nodded at the familiar waitstaff that he had grown acquainted with over his regular visits.

Within minutes, they were seated at a particularly large table at the rooftop dining area of Cleo's. Parth liked that about the place. Downstairs was a juice bar that appealed to the people on the go, while upstairs was a proper restaurant. He hadn’t tried out the food upstairs, but if it was anything like the beverages they served downstairs, it would be more than satisfactory.

It didn’t take the triplets long to find the table and join the rest. By that time, everyone had placed their orders using their rings, and the triplets had done so directly at the counter.

“Well, let’s talk,” said Emilia as the three captains sat at the end of the table.

“How goes the search for more alliances then?” asked Parth.

Emilia’s eye twitched as she shook her head in dismay.

"No luck. Nobody wants to team up with us. It is natural, of course. We were told about this. Some families have a vendetta against my artifact. Others are just opportunistic and don’t want to afford me the time to grow stronger,” she said, her face not betraying any nervousness at that prospect.

“Don’t worry, Emilia. We will help,” said Opal, all serious.

Emilia chuckled and ruffled the fairy’s head, causing her to pout as she combed her hair back into place.

"No, young lady. We will help each other. But you already have a preexisting alliance with two teams. I don't want you to jeopardize it. Prioritize your commitment to them. Without those agreements, the three of you would not have been on the same team, after all. They might know that you are close to Parth’s team, and us by association. Just prioritize them if they need help. We are the older ones, we can take care of ourselves,” she said.

Parth snorted in amusement, knowing full well what the kids were like.

“Yes?” asked Emilia in confusion.

Instead of replying, Parth just gestured at Opal.

“It’s stupid. It’s not fair for them to bully you just because of your artifact. You did not even pick it,” said Opal with a rare pout.

Parth agreed wholeheartedly with the girl. Yet, irrational hatred was nothing new to humans… or in this case, humanoids.

As they waited for their food to get there, the group splintered into pockets of discussions. He looked around to see the three teams engaged in different conversations. Andrea was regaling tales about her tourneys to the other girls. Amber, Zirc, and Moira were listening intently to her accounts. On the other hand, Kwame and Stefan were silently talking about something.

“And what about you, Parth?” asked Emilia, bringing his concentration back to their discussion.

“We have a tentative alliance with the Cuban’s team, on account of Kwame. You saw him before we left. James Kade. Affable guy, and a good team, we'll help each other if the need arises. They won't be directly helping you though," Parth said with a sigh.

“Vendetta, or opportunity?” she asked calmly.

“The latter. His patron and advisors have strictly vetoed them from helping you unless you help them out of a sticky situation. They’re more concerned with winning the whole thing. Kade and his team are good people, but their patrons are very greedy, apparently. They even tried getting us to pay for their tentative aid and shit. Thankfully, Kade didn’t agree with that, because he doesn’t put a price on friendship,” said Parth.

"But he'll put a price on associating with us?" she asked sharply.

“His patron will. Kade can't fight against them for everything, so he's fine to let things be on that front," said Parth.

The three of them stayed silent for a few seconds. Breaking them out of that was the arrival of their food.

Parth graciously accepted his plate of steaming pasta and thanked the waiter. The others did the same as various dishes were placed all around the table.

“Hmm, the service is quite fast,” said Emilia.

“They’re the best,” said Opal imperiously before she cut into her shortcake.

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“You’re only going to have dessert?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said, brooking no arguments.

He just chuckled in response, knowing that there was nothing else to do. Most of the cafeteria food was nutritious as it was. Not to mention the fact that with improved mana reserves came a massive boost to health and fitness.

As they continued eating, his mind wandered back to what they were speaking about.

"They're not taking it seriously. I think," he said.

“What do you mean?” Emilia asked.

"Our patrons and advisors have been stressing about the mortality rate. It has gotten way better as of late, but there is a real danger in the dungeon. The Centurial Challenge is not a sport. Not entirely. As long as we are in the dungeon, it is a fight for survival. It becomes a spectator event only when we beat the dungeon. At that point, it becomes a game. These patrons are too focused on the prize and not what's actually at stake," he said.

“That’s not right. Lady Nakiri has been very stressed about our survival. Are others really taking it for granted?” asked Opal.

"Sure looks like it. I mean, let's be honest. Even if the information was available, it isn't hard for patrons and advisors to gaslight their voyagers into thinking of it along those lines. We only have footage of the tourney. Never of the dungeon. So, nobody knows for sure except for the journal entries. But then again…" he shrugged, sure that his point was made.

"My journal entry is pretty barren, given that so many of my predecessors were taken out in the early stages. And for those that made it through, their thoughts were not worth much. Ripe with arrogance, and drunk with power," she said with disgust.

"Yeah. The point is that the journal entries are not objective. Some Pyglists had nothing good to say about the dungeons while others were carried by their teams. The rest were ambivalent. In the end, we can't say for sure. But the danger is real. Those that do not realize it are going to be in for a rude awakening," he said.

"We shall see. We don't have many alliances. Big surprise. We are strong, so we will make it through," said Emilia as she took another bite out of an exotic steak.

“I sure hope so,” he said as he got back to his pasta.



“I’ll meet you all tomorrow. I have an order to pick up,” he said as the group walked out of Cleo’s.

“How long will it take?” asked Moira.

“Just a couple of minutes.”

“Then we’ll wait here. Call us when you’re done. We can go back together,” said Emilia as the rest of them agreed in some fashion or the other.

“Alright then. Meet you in ten,” he said as he walked towards Viggo’s store.

“I’m coming with,” said Andrea as she fell into step right next to him.

“You sure? There are other places to explore.”

“Oh I’m sure,” she said with amusement as they kept walking. 

It didn’t take them more than a couple of minutes to reach Viggo’s store.

“Ah, here comes my favorite customer,” said Viggo as he saw Parth entering.

Parth casually looked around the empty store and snorted in amusement.

“It seems like I’m your only customer.”

“Bah. Either you come when it’s too early, or when it’s closing time. Don’t blame me for that, lad,” said Viggo. He then looked at Andrea and squinted his eyes, possibly looking for any identifiable marks. As Parth knew, that wouldn’t amount to anything, as Andrea’s marks were on her ankles. “Viggo Vang at your service, Miss,” he said after his futile attempt at finding out either her artifact or her clan.

“Andrea Ortega. Nifty store you got here.”

“And don’t you forget it. Anything you want, I got,” he declared.

“Don’t mind if I take a look then,” she said as she began wandering around the shop.

“She a voyager too?” he whispered at Parth once Andrea was out of earshot.


“Your team?”

"Why? Want to manipulate your betting action?" asked Parth with a smirk.

“Not really, we’ll get proper packets on the teams before everything kicks off anyway. This time, everything’s going to be different. They’re confident that they’ll be able to salvage the footage from the dungeon,” said Viggo.

“You speak as if you’ve attended multiple Centurion Challenges.”

"Eh, it's our way of life here. Old matches get telecasted every day. Anyway, here," he said and placed a box on the table.

Parth took it and opened it to find several strips of brown and white tablets inside. He picked a strip and was about to remove a tablet when Viggo stopped him.

“Don’t waste your supply. You’ll need it inside the dungeon,” he said as he picked up a strip from his drawer and handed it to Parth. He then quickly placed a cup of water on the table.

“So, I just pop the tablets in the water and that’s it?” he asked.

“Yup. Coffee capsules for instant consumption. The brown ones are coffee and the white ones are sweeteners. They can be swallowed as they are, but the taste will be vile. It’ll give you the caffeine boost regardless. People like it best with milk and water, but anyone who owns a proper machine won’t be caught dead drinking these things,” he said.

“Eh, I’m fine as long as I get a hit a day in the dungeon. Beggars can’t be choosers,” Parth said.

“Fair enough. Go on then, give it a try,” said Viggo.

“No kettle?” asked Parth as he looked at the glass of water.

“As if you need it.”

In response, Parth manifested his gauntlet over his right hand and dipped an armored finger in the water. In a second, the water sizzled with the heat and was brought to a boil. He quickly dropped one tablet of each color and watched as they dissolved immediately.

“Fast acting,” he mused.

“You don’t even need to stir it. It might taste bog standard, but it has its merits,” said Viggo.

“Does it work chilled?” asked Andrea as she joined them and placed a basket full of snacks on the table.

“Of course,” said Viggo as he handed her the strip of tablets and gave her an empty cup. “Let me fetch some cold water and ice,” he said and got up, but got stopped by Andrea.

"No need. Just give me the normal one," she said. He looked at her in confusion and then shrugged as he poured the room-temperature water into the cup.

She repeated the same actions as Parth, but the only difference was that she manifested a boot, which Viggo couldn’t see because of the counter separating them.

Instead of heating up, her cup of water cooled down instantly. She had enough control not to freeze it completely into a block of ice. Just like Parth didn’t vaporize the water immediately. Viggo didn’t need to see the artifact, as he realized what she had done; who she was.

Down went the tablets and she took a sip as well. By then, Parth was already done with his cup of coffee and was loath to even call it as such.

“You said the tablets alone tasted vile. I don’t think the water makes any difference. By god, if I had any other option, I’d take it,” he said as he scrunched his face.

“Nobody is forcing you. But you can’t go a day without drinking one can’t you, you addict,” said Viggo.

“I’m not that bad. But I’m sure the dungeon will stress me enough to get me craving,” he said.

“What about you, lass?”

“I’ll pass,” she scrunched her face as the strong caffeine did its work. 

Parth paid Viggo as he picked up the box and nodded solemnly at Viggo.

"In a day eh? Stay safe and make it out. You too," he added the last bit, looking at Andrea.

"Sure will. Thanks, Viggo,” said Parth as they both thanked the shopkeeper and walked out of his store.

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