Qi World Hunters

Chapter 3: Arriving at the Mainland 3

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The wooden interior of the ship had been damaged by the seahorse monster and even the sturdy private chambers of Jin Ling were not in a good state, but in front of what he perceived to be a strong cultivator that could kill him swiftly, he did all he possibly could. He sat Fabian in a wooden table, and he sat across him while anxiously waiting for him to speak.

"Haaaaaa......" exhaled Fabian as he finished his tea, and put his cup on the table with a smile " Thanks for the tea, I really needed something to warm up."

"No...no need to thank me. It is I who should be thanking you benefactor. If it wasn't for you, we all would.....

"Enough!" Fabian raised his hand stoping Jin from going on another rant. " I know  you are grateful, but this is enough for now. Besides, it would be rude to ask for anything seeing as I'm going to propose something of you. "

Hearing those words Jin's face became solemn. Seeing this Fabian gave and internal laugh, but he didn't outwardly show it.

"You see, captain Jin Ling, I am part of an organization, and that organization is looking to recruit some new members. It is a very interesting one that doesn't have many limitations, good benefits, and most importantly, we don't really care about your morality or affiliation to another organization or sect.  Of course I won't force you to join it, but words that have been said can't  be taken back." said Fabian as he took another sip of his tea.

"Of course, I am honoured by your offer, but....I...I....

"Speak freely!"

Jin gritted his teeth as he weighed the consequences , and finally said what he wanted "I  apologize, but don't see myself joining your organization. I really want to enjoy my freedom, even though it may be risky like today, and for this I'm deeply sorry."

Hearing Jin's word's, Fabian narrowed his eyes and he released some of his hostile Nen outward. Immediately a cold blanket enveloped Jin who stood up, and immediately backed away until he hit the wooden interior of the ship.

"What... just....

"Ha....hahahahaha" heartily laughed Fabian " Captain Jin, you really are a rare man. Smart enough, brave enough , cautious enough, and most importantly you have a spirit for adventure. These traits are not rare individually, but together they are something I'm looking for. Also, I didn't say you were accepted to the organization yet.

 Do you think you could get it's immense benefits so easily? People would kill for an opportunity to even take the test for such a spot in the organization. Still.... even if you don't agree to joining the organization, I have a job for you. Please...." motioned Fabian towards Jin Ling to sit, which the later wearily did.

"In about one years time other candidates will be recruited, and I'm in need for someone to transport them to a predetermined destination. Of course I will pay you for your work, half now, half when the job is over. Is that fair?"


Jin didn't answer immediately as he was being to think it would be better if this strange man hadn't interfered at all. He had already rejected his first offer, so rejecting him a second time was no a good move, even an insult.' Tch, I'm in a tight spot. If I outwardly reject him he will definitely not be as calm as he is, and I definitely won't be as I am now. 

Damn it..."

 Fabian on the other hand saw right through Jin, and with a smile struck while the iron was hot. A crystal bottle with the label of a young woman's face appeared in his hand . He put it on the tablet carefully, opened the cork , and immediately ingested a pill from it.


Without a warning a huge amount of Aura coated Fabians entire body like flames. This lasted for about five seconds and didn't seem to hurt Fabian at all, but Jin was once again with his back towards the wall.


Seeing the reaction of Jin , Fabian did as before, and motioned for him to sit once again "Please sit, and let me explain my offer. Also, you better listen well as I'm not going to explain it again."

Jin reluctantly agreed to sit at the table once again, but this time he was completely dejected. He looked like a little kid being told no, but his appearance made it even more funny. Fabian though managed to keep his composure, and begun explaining.

"The process you just witnessed is something very little people have had the pleasure to. That would be enough to place your name on the annals of history, but I'm offering you something more." said Fabian as he lazily pointed to the glass bottle on the table. " In this bottle there are 99 pills which make you one year younger than you are currently, and all of them are without any side effects. 

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Five...." said Fabian as he raised his hand, and Jain couldn't help but ask. 

"Five what?"

"Five years, five years of youth is what I'm offering you right now if you accept my second offer. You understand the meaning of such a thing don't you?"


Jin of course knew what that meant if it was true, but he still couldn't believe it. ' Getting younger by one year, and it also without any side effects? This is nothing else but a devine medicine of legend. Even if one year doesn't mean anything for someone younger, for some of the old monsters that can live up to hundreds of years it is something they want, but can't obtain..... especially for those that have stagnated in their realm. They would kill thousands for even one , but he is offering me five of them?'

"So, what do you say? " softly interrupted Fabian as Jin looked completely shocked. 


Five days had passed since the fight with the seahorse monster and Fabian had finally arrived at his destination, 'Great Rock ' city. It was a huge and dense eastern styled city with more than 1 million residents, and right now it was the gathering place of countless cultivators who came for the same reason.

"Haaaa....such a great sight! " exclaimed Jin as he opened his arm's wide and basked in the sun. He had spent five years in a forsaken island , far from a proper civilization, but not that was over and he was somewhat free.  Of course he still didn't let his work behind as he was looking for members for his organization.

"Ahh, that reminds me. I've almost forgot to spin the wheel of Hatsu." mumbled Fabian as he activated his own , true Hatsu. He didn't know how it came to be or how, but he had this  Hatsu since he came to this world.

' Copy Hunter '

The Hatsu activated and several small lines appeared in front of him.

[ Missions


G.I Cards

H points: 3420]

Fabian selected Hatsu's with his mind and he held his breath, but he was somewhat disappointed. Besides the Hatsu's he knew he had, he now had another new one.

[Joystick Manipulation]

(One hour duration)

'Well , it's not bad, but it's not that good either. As with any Hatsu, it depends on how you use it.'

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