Qi World Hunters

Chapter 5: Looking for Companion’s 2

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Dust and wood splinters flew everywhere from the power of the sword Qi , but when the dust cleared, Fabian was unharmed. He had just moved a step to the left and completely dogged the attack.

"Who are you? " voiced an angry voice from the street. " Are you one of her bodyguards, or are you just a bystander? If it's the later, I suggest you turn around and not meddle in the business of the ' Great Mountain Saber' sect."

"Is that so...." coldly answered Fabian as as fixed his hair. He then took a good look at the burly young man that was just threatening him and smiled. 'He looks no older than 25 with that face, but has a good amount of Aura around his body. Going by it's density he should be twice as strong Jin Ling, but he still isn't anywhere near my level. Still, I can't underestimate him as given the right circumstances one could defeat opponents stronger than him. Still...

"Hmmm, you are a rude one aren't you? Attacking me without a warning, and then threatening me with the name of your sect? You really want to get a beating." As Fabian finished those words his baleful Aura projected outwardly, especially towards the young man. The horses not far away ran of in a frenzy, the workers of the teahouse also retreated, but one young woman was watching the interaction with gleaming eyes. Fabian also smiled at the reactions of the bystanders.

"Indeed you have attacked me and even offended me , but I'm a generous man and will forgive you for only a single token to the ' Rolling Mountains ' secret realm. So, what do you say? The great ' Great Mountain Saber', sect wouldn't care about such trivial things, would it?"

Of course Fabians words didn't sit well with the young man as his face became red.

"What do I say?! I say you're mad!" yelled back the young man as Qi quickly gathered in his long saber . He then immediately rushed forward, his saber Qi already ready to explode. " Dieeee, ' Great Mountain Descent '......


The saber Qi exploded as dust was raised once again, but the young man didn't stop. He cleared up the dust with a swing of his saber and looked at the direction of Fabian who was unscathed. He gritted his teeth and gathered his Qi once again and continued to attack Fabian in close quarter's combat, but each of his swings missed.



Another small hole appeared on the ground, but Fabian was still untouched. He was even mocking the young man, but the latter couldn't't do much besides breath hard and swing his saber.

' What the hell is going on? Who is this guy?!' thought the young man ' How can he, who is clearly around my age be so powerful....no, it has to be a trick. How can I, Lei Jian , the second young master of the ' Great Mountain Saber' sect be bested by him? No .....I will not...

"Oh, you seem to be determined more than ever. So, what are you going to do? Maybe you have a trick up your sleeve?" taunted Fabian as he noticed the look on his face, but his opponent didn't answer and only gritted his teeth. He then once again gathered a huge amount of Qi and instead of focusing on Fabian, he bombarded the place with smaller and weaker sword Qi, but it was useless. The small sword Qi were slapped away like flies by Fabian , but it was all a distraction.

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The young man raised his sword high over his head and with a look of concentration rushed forward. Of course Fabian immediately retreated, and unexpectedly, Lei Jian also did the same. The distance between the two of them was about five meters when Lei Jian did a wide downward swing with his saber, but something out of Fabians expectations happened.

"'Great Mountains Ascension"....ghhhhh....." yelled Lei Jian as the slash turned into a stab, and a fast ball of turbulent saber Qi rushed forward. Fabian of course was a little caught of guard by such a thing, but he still managed to use his Aura to protect himself.


The aber qi exploded in front of Fabian showering his body with it's power, even the wall behind him not being spared and made into a beehive. 

"Heh, is that all you got?" said Fabian as he lowered his hands. His hair was a little disheveled and his shirt was a little torn, but he was completely unharmed otherwise. On his face was plastered a calm look, a complete opposite of Lei Jian.

"How, how...." muttered Jin Ling as a small drop of blood fell to the ground from his nose. The reason was not clear as he hadn't be hit even once through this fight, but Lei Jian knew very well.

 ' Shit, my head hurts! Using such a move at my level is like riding a wild tiger. Going from a slash oriented saber Qi to a thrust oriented one puts a heavy toll on my spiritual energy, but still.... even with that, this guy isn't even injured.'

"Oh, it that defeat I see in your eyes? I guess that you will accept defeat then, or you still want to try?

Lei Jian gritted his teeth as he looked at the undamaged opponent, and then released a sigh of relief. 


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