Qiang Jin Jiu

Chapter 279: CH 279

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Fog locked the capital, Li Jianting's body was soon covered by the rain, she was a remnant cloud in this towering temple cluster, spreading too fast, not even an "opponent". The gates of Zhengdongmen continued to shake in the "squeak" sound, and Luo Mu, who re-embarked on the wall, tried his best to mobilize the soldiers in the city.

"Archers prepare--"

Luo Mu's order has not yet been issued, and Hu Taitai screamed in the rain when he interrupted: "Hit the door!"

In words, Zhongbo's single-ended artillery has been bombarded, and the capitals who have been in the capital for a long time can't fight it. On the contrary, the mixed soldiers brought by Luo Mu have more power. Luo Mu is good at defending in Chazhou. The most afraid of them is the bandits. Now the Tiger Tiger is a bandit in his eyes!

"Oh!" Luo Mu spit out the dirt in his mouth, and watched the city's defense force attack coldly. "The capital wall of the capital is not falling for a hundred years. With a few single-shot cannons, it will still be as solid as possible until next year." He supported The wall stack, shouted to the bottom of the Tiger Tiger, "Yantai Tiger, you and I work together, if you want to preserve your face today, you might as well go to court with me, you will not win this battle!"

Huantai Huji hated Luo Mu for framing himself. He was angry with his stomach and listened to him saying that he could not help but burn in anger and kicked the **** of the collision, saying, "Shut your mother's mouth!"

He was so stunned, the soldiers immediately rose up, followed the Hu Taihu and pushed the car into the gate again, making the gate make a loud noise.

Unexpectedly, Luo Mu sneered for a moment, waved and drank, "Let's go!"

The stone prepared by the Zaibei had fallen from the high wall of Liuzhang, and it fell into the garrison like a shower of hail. It could not stand even wearing a helmet. The person who was hit by the stone was physically disabled, and the worst was Dying. The soldiers near the collision hid their heads to dodge, the car was hit, and the whole body suddenly tilted. Because of the weight, it could not be stopped by only a few people. They could only watch the collision crash into the mud.

Huantai Tiger wiped the mud on his face, knowing that he was doing it again, Luo Mu just excite him!

"Tiger!" Fei Shengzema detoured, grabbed the Zhongbo army flag with one arm, and yelled at Taihu from a distance, and said, "I pass the words of the prince--you fight this battle!" He waved the flag sharply , Pointing to the capital, "No matter the success or failure, you are a good man at Zhongbo!"

Good man!

The tiger's blood rushed up, filled his chest, and shook his palms slightly. He was instructed by Xiao Chiye himself, but made many mistakes under the seat of Shen Zechuan, but Shen Zechuan still gave him a chance. He suddenly raised his hand and patted his cheek.

This slap was so severe that it seemed particularly loud in the heavy rain.

Yantai Tiger's cheeks were flushed red, his eyes covered with scars were slightly opened, and the momentum remained, but he calmed down a little. He replied loudly, "This battle is undefeated, and I am not worthy of being a court official and second grandfather of Taihu Tiger! Even today, even if I am broken, I will open the door for my master!"


The **** Gong'e in the royal palace competed for objects, and the sound of killings at the gate spread to Batu, and they all wanted to escape before the city broke. Minglitang's lamp was only lit, and Fengquan took off the eunuch's robe and sat beside the tea case. His thin figure looks like a young man among the overlapping white veils.

The sound of rain splattered like the sound of a piano, and the sky was dark like a night.

Fengquan held the faint lamp, raised his head between the flying veils, exposed half of his face, and saw a pair of black boots stopped in front of the veil, and the rain dripped along the opponent's scabbard, on the mirror-like ground Narrow ripples.

"Who do you think you will see," Feng Quan said softly, "Does Shao Fengquan?"

Qiao Tianya clutched the scabbard and dangled wet strands, unable to see through the layers of white gauze. His heavy sleeves dangled to the side, as if trapped in the hand holding a sword.

Fengquan touched the lamp, and half of his face laughed slowly, even with an overflowing smile in that eye. He said gently, "You're late."

Qiao Tianya raised his eyes.

Fengquan stood up, and they were too far apart, as if they never knew each other. The friendship of the total horns has gone through a long journey, and Songyue, who has returned to his place, still holds the harp, but he gradually finds that none of the people who left have returned.

"You left Lidu with your sword and became the swordsman you said. Qiao Songyue, I hated you in those years," Feng Quan slightly raised his head and pointed to his ear, "I only take this."

The unsightly piercings hide the dirt.

"I only take this ..." Fengquan's voice lowered, his expression became more gloomy. "What do you look at me like?"

He looked so young, his pale face retained the youthful melancholy, and even his limbs didn't look like they were open.

"My father gave you the sword, and my grandmother sent me to Zhongbo, where I met Lei Changming." Fengquan squeezed the words from his teeth. "I want to die ... I almost got rid of it, but Lei Startled picked me up from the ditch, just like the dogs he raised, let me live in Gedara for five years, five years ... I am smarter than those hybrids, Amur fancy me, he wants I was a four-legged snake, leading him to the Scorpion of the Big Week, but I just want to come back. "

Amur let him back.

"Go back to your hometown," Amur handed Feng Quan a dagger in front of the golden account. "See your father and friends, if they are as before, you will be free."

Fengquan took it seriously, he returned to Da Zhou, and reunited with Shao Chengbi as he wished. Feng Quan looked at Qiao Tianya's shadow, as if telling someone else's story: "I saw my father and he was very happy. He stroked the top of my head, and then kneeled in front of me and wept."

"He took you," Qiao Tianya said mutely. "Sent to the palace."

"That was just a step in the plan. His father spent his second life in atonement, and praying for Buddha was useless, and Donggong was still his nightmare. Taifu didn't die. This was their only hope for the old ministers of Donggong. Father kept incognito outside the gate of Zhao sin Temple Waiting for Qi Huilian's activation, in order to avoid suspicion, he asked me to take those medicines. "Feng Quan pointed to his chest, the vicissitudes in his eyes and the young face contradicted. He mobilized the expression on his face, which seemed strange at this moment. "Who would doubt me? Even if I was called Fengquan, no one believed that I was Shao Fengquan."

Xue Xiuzhuo was so cautious, but he did not doubt Fengquan's identity; Li Jianting was so vigilant, but he still listened to Fengquan's lies. It was not that they were not smart enough, but that Fengquan's appearance had not matched his age. Shao Chengbi's son is thirty-six years old this year, but Fengquan doesn't seem to have yet to win the championship. This error keeps him from being suspicious at all.

Fengquan's eyes were dark. He was tired of crying and laughing. This face was not real. He said, "What's the use of Qi Huilian? The old lunatic has been trapped in Zhaosin Temple for 20 years. Like a dog who begging for food, he still remembers the success or failure of Da Zhou."

Qi Huilian didn't know that Amuer was still in the pool of water. After Shen Zechuan left Zhaosin Temple and entered Tianchen's court, Qi Huilian remembered the defeat of Zhongbo soldiers, and he faintly noticed the irresistible strange power. But Qi Huilian didn't think this was such a huge and intricate situation, let alone that Fengquan would be the scorpion sent by Amuer.

"You admire Qi Huilian," Feng Quan's face was covered by white gauze. "You are so pitiful, what is the difference between Qi Huilian and Xue Xiuzhuo? These people who claim to be righteous and martyred treat people as pawns. My father was willing to treat me Trapped in this body, "Fengquan looked tiredly at the top of Minglitang," make me not a ghost, a man or a woman, "

"Donggong's damage caused catfish and Shao Bo's debt was paid off when he copied the house," Qiao Tianya's eyes fixed on the shadow of Bai Sha. "You don't owe anyone."

Feng Quan opened his arms and dragged his wide sleeves on the coffee table. He giggled, his envy and sarcasm: "Qiao Songyue, how good it is to be a swordsman ... why do you think my father did this? 'Faithful?'

The tiny candlelight was about to go out.

"The thing that prompted the fall of the East Palace was Jin Yiwei's counterfeit instruments. Who can make the handwriting of the Prince and the East Palace staff so similar? It is the East Palace staff themselves." Fengquan smiled, "Qiao Kanghai dared to fight because he stood After doing so, the empress queen was overthrown by emulating the handwriting of the East Palace. "

Qiao Tianya suddenly clenched the hilt of the sword.

Feng Quan took a step closer and turned over the coffee table with a sleeve gown. He said, "My father asked Hua Si to raise his noble hand to protect your family, but Hua Si Qian refused, and his father could only ask Shen Wei."

Qiao Tianya breathed slightly, he said, "Zhongbo-"

"Yes!" Feng Quan yanked the white veil in front of him and said cruelly: "The defeat of the Chinese soldiers was due to the leak of the military figure of the Ministry of Defense, which was given to Shen Wei by my father and Shen Wei to Amuer. Meetup! "

Qiao Tianya's complexion blew loudly outside the hall.

"The machete slaughtered the Liuzhou City," Fengquan approached with wide sleeves, his eyes frantic, "Shen Zechuan's entire family died in that defeat. This is thanks to you and me!"

Qiao Tianya held the bony joint of the hilt and made a light sound, Fengquan looked at his expression, like a wolverine looking at his failure. Qiao Songyue dyed all the dust, but this was not enough. He was still enviable and wandering was free.

Fengquan further, the face was divided into black and white in the thunder and thunder. His hatred was backlogged in the chest and burned beyond recognition. He said, "I went back to my father, but he turned me into a debt repayment monster." He grabbed Qiao Tianya's lapel, bent his body slightly, and raised his head coldly, "I am every day, every time I was asking myself one day, who I am, I am a scorpion, an old minister, or a dog of countless people! "His face became haggard," Shao Chengbi confessed for his **** and killed me with his own hands! Look at me Qiao Songyue, do you know who I am ?! Qi Huilian is too cruel, he doesn't believe me, but he wants to put me here. I disguised as Mu Ru's brother, taking the place of Xiao Fuzi, and learning to be a teenager Pretentious. Ah ... "he gritted his teeth." These self-righteous big men, Qi Hui's death was wonderful? I tried everything to remove Wei Huaigu for him! "

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"It's you," Qiao Tianya raised his hand, but did not touch Fengquan. "I replaced the post that Yang Cheng sent to the Criminal Department."

"It's me ..." Feng Quan shook his hands, it was excited, "Qi Huilian was so smart that he didn't even think he would die here, but he sent it himself. If there was no Shen Zechuan, the world would be left to me Sandbox. "

Yang Cheng accused Wei Huaigu of reselling military rations. The post was supposed to be sent to the Ministry of Punishment, but the brand was replaced by the brand of the Ministry of Households in the middle. This made Wei Huaigu's suspicion that he had been exposed. In order to ensure that others were unharmed, he chose to surrender, which indirectly prompted Xue Xiuzhuo to take action.

"Tianchen's disease case," Qiao Tianya twitched his fingers, "you did it."

At the beginning, the official ditch of Donglong Street was blocked, the Huahua Building collapsed, and the epidemic broke out. Qiao Tianya had said during the discussion with Xiao Chiye that the disease did not start from Donglong Street but from the palace.

"If Li Jianheng dies on that day," Fengquan snake spit out his core, "I will win this game."

The scorpion, the old genus, the inward-looking eyeliner, Fengquan is the one who has the upper hand from beginning to end. His multiple identities have led him to have intelligence on all factions. He was like a poisonous spider dormant in the center of the cobweb, always trying to figure out and observe everyone's every move.

There was no emotion in Qiao Tianya's red eyes, and his throat rolled, and he did not let go of his sword in the tugging of Fengquan. He looked at Fengquan and said, "But you still let Shao Bo go on an expedition."

The rainstorm blocked the footsteps outside the temple. At this moment, Fengquan's eyes were numb. He flushed his eyes, raised his chin slightly, and said disdainfully to Qiao Tianya: "Because I don't want to play anymore."

His twisted, weird shadow lay on the floor, and followed him crawling in this deep house. He gradually failed to distinguish who he really was in the alternation of day and night-he worked for everyone but betrayed everyone. He is not a winner at all. He is a ant in a mess, an ant who is out of control.

Qiao Tianya said: "I'm in Zhongbo and I've been waiting for you for a long time. No one has turned back these years."

Fengquan burst into tears as he rolled his eyes, shaking his head and saying, "Songyue ..." He seemed to return to the day when he had been separated. His eyes were complicated, both as envy and as abomination, "everyone It's all dead. "

Qiao Tianya felt a great pain in his heart, his sword-shaking hand couldn't stop shaking, and in the sound of heavy rain, he seemed to be awake, detached from the endless dream, and finally understood.

Everyone is dead.


"The forbidden army has entered the city!" The south side door opened wide, and the army ran hard, spreading the news in all directions, "Reinforcement!"

"No reinforcements!" The miscellaneous army pushed the army that blocked the road and looked at Zhengdongmen in the rain. "An anti-thief surrounded Badu."

"Huaizhou, Huaizhou's reinforcements!" Chen Zhen put on her robe, "After Tao Yan left, the court sent someone!"

"The order issued didn't respond," Liang Minshan wiped the rain on his face and looked outside the city. "I'm afraid he won't come."

"Ximen still has horses and horses," Xue Xiuzhuo suddenly turned around, stepped across the heavy rain, and tightly held Li Jianting's arm. "The emperor, I can't hold it anymore, Juexi still has room to turn around!"

Li Jianting's body trembled amidst the sound of chaos in the chaos. She held Xue Xiuzhuo with a resolute look and said, "He and the teacher guard the country."

Xue Xiuzhuo looked at Li Jianting and said, "The Lord disgraces the minister, the courtier is still there, and there is no reason for the emperor to keep the door."

"I can't forsake the teacher and run away," Li Jianting's voice was dumb, she was in the rain, her long eyelashes were covered with rain, as if she was crying, "Even if the city breaks, I should coexist with the kings and die."

Xue Xiuzhuo was wet, and in just one year, he had changed too much. He took the stubborn position from Hai Liangyi, and has already done his best in the face of the imperial court. The decline of the prudent faction began with him and ended with him. He would accompany Da Zhou to complete the final journey.

"There is no regret for the emperor to have said this." Xue Xiuzhuo lifted his body, slowly finishing his clothes in the heavy rain, and said, "Chen and the emperor, teachers and students ... Let the teacher go on behalf of the emperor. "

Li Jianting choked.

The Zhengdong Gate slammed in the end, only to hear the loud noise from the city gate. The unbearable door opened a narrow lane, and the knife of the garrison had already come in. The inside army and the army together pushed the door panel together, and the Tigers led the crowd to push the city gate inward.

Xue Xiuzhuo turned, waved his sleeves, and said, "Escort the emperor out of town!"

Li Jianting refused to leave, the guards have swarmed up. She looked at Xue Xiuzhuo in the rain, and the courtiers turned their backs on her, no one turned back. She shouted, "Teacher ..."

Xue Xiuzhuo stepped up the steps of the city. In the bombardment of the trebuchet, he looked calm. He said outside the city, "Shen Zechuan is here?"

Raindrops slammed on the armor, and the wind stepping frosty clothes stood out in it. Behind Shen Zechuan was the hunting and hunting flag. He leaned over Xue Xiuzhuo, as if observing the real opponent.

Xue Xiuzhuo's front was soaked with rain, and the beast pattern on the tonic was blurred. He didn't wipe the rain from his face, and his stubbornness has not diminished so far. He raised his hand to reveal the waistband he was holding.

"When I help you become Jin Yiwei's acquaintances," Xue Xiuzhuo's eyes calmed. "I suspect you are a scorpion. I misread it. You are far more terrible than scorpions. You go back to Sudu, cross the door, take The name of Shen Wei is the sinner of all ages. "

Raindrops flowed along the sides of Shen Zechuan, his expression was overcast, his eyes were extraordinarily indifferent. He finally said: "From me to this door, it is the sinner. I am alive, and I am dead, you are not sure. I can withstand swearing by thousands of people today, and I will be able to afford insults in the future.

The strong wind blew Shen Zechuan's hair, his lip line moved slowly, and a cold smile appeared in the heavy rain.

"Give me back my husband, my counsellor, and my brother."

The city gate slammed to the ground, and Hutaitai rushed into the aisle. The wall stack was smashed with debris and splattered, and the two doors in the capital were broken. The embargoes and the garrison troops echoed south and east, killing them with the army and various army in various streets and lanes.

Xue Xiuzhuo cut his cheek with broken pieces of stone, and the blood flow was endless. He clenched his waistband tightly, and could only watch the stone monument, which symbolized Dazhou's dignity, collapse.

"You come to collect this debt, I am willing to pay for it," Xue Xiuzhuo said suddenly in the chaos that broke out. "It was me who killed Qi Huilian, and it was me who killed Yao Wenyu. Stop it! Horses cross Liangtian, the soldiers spread, Shen Zechuan-my head is for you! "

Huantai Tiger cut through the miscellaneous army in front of him and noticed a familiar taste when he raised the knife. He wiped off the blood on his face, turned over the body of a miscellaneous army with his feet, and the ghost leaned over and took off the opponent's clothes.

Shen Zechuan didn't reply, and saw the strong crossbow on the wall burst into the arrow rain. The wind stepping on the frosty clothes stepped on the hoof uneasily, the sound of the rain urged, Fei Sheng's ears suddenly moved, and then his appearance changed, almost rolling down from the horse's back, kicking up with the shield of the defending army, screaming: "Beware of me!"

There was no cover in front of Shen Zechuan, and Fei Sheng's eyes seemed to fall behind. Suddenly, Shen Zechuan opened the folding fan in the rain, and he blocked it. But the bamboo body was too brittle, and it cracked in a snap.

However, this one is enough!

Fei Sheng couldn't pull the knife, he held the sharp arrow empty-handed, and landed steadily in an instant.

"Did you know?" Fengquan raised his index finger and nodded in front of him. "The smartest people are also the most stupid people. I think they are too hard to fight each other, so here we build a platform for them."

Fengquan blinded Qi Huilian, deceived Xue Xiuzhuo, and played with Amuer, so that these brilliant players could overturn the boat in the gutter. His treacherousness stumbled into the invisible and became a sharp blade without traces.

He is not under the control of anyone.

"It's up to me to throw the dice," Feng Quan opened his arms and chuckled in the empty Minglitang. "Whoever can step into the gate of the palace alive today is the winner of this game."

"Fuck him ..." Yantai Tiger has already seen the tattoo on the body. He looked up and looked at the dense army in front of him. His scalp was numb and he spit. "... These army are all scorpions!"

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