Quick Transmigration: Death Dare Not Do Us Part

Chapter 2: Employment

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After the second half of the scroll sank into her 'skin', she felt a connection to the system, and also experienced some sort of sensation.

This space, she felt a bond with it, like it was a domain, her domain. She tugged at it–the bond, and the space started pixelating.


After a few sparks, the white faded to reveal a library that extended for five metres, and then only a void. But she wasn't disappointed, because there was this vague message in her bond, one that told her the space could grow.

Meanwhile Fae turned visibly flustered, with error signs flashing on the smiley face.

'What's wrong?'

[N-nothing host! I'm just... Excited! Yes! Excited!]

Excited?! It was frightened!!

Souls with an inborn domain were extremely rare, as it signified their talent. It wasn't as though it was a newborn system, and it had handled enough hosts to not be called a rookie, but it hadn't faced the fabled Monster talents.

Fae calmed down, it wasn't all that bad, and it could still request for reassignment if things didn't work out well. And before it even requested reassignment, the host should at least pass the internship mission.

And who knew? Things might work out and this host could even speed up it's promotion, and it could save enough CPs to get a physical body.

A screen materialized in front of Fae, and a tentacle protruded out of the body and tapped the screen, prompting one of the tabs to expand.

[Recommended Job: Agent]

Sigh, it couldn't be surprised anymore, at least it expected no less from someone who manifested a domain, even though said domain turned out to be a library.

[Okay host! Your Status board is ready!]

At it's words, one of the tabs flew towards F-3245 and expanded into a larger board.


Name: ??

Age: ??

Job: Agent

Department: N/A

Authority Level: Class-0

Identity: ########, #######, ######, Agent #131 (Intern), F-3245

Karma: ??





With her focus on the screen, she listened to the system as it explained the in and out of what it called the 'Status board.'

The question marks and the hashed identities were as a result of her soul, as the Status board only came about from a Comprehensive Soul Analysis, and her fragmented soul carried incomplete information.

The parts that were locked was a direct function of the System that she couldn't use as her Authority Level as too low, and to increase it, she just had to work hard to get a promotion.

'What's F-3245?'

[Oh! That signifies that you're the 3245th Fragmented soul to retain enough will to leave Nirvana]

She raised an invisible eyebrow, and Fae took the cue.

[The Darkness, that's Nirvana. More information can be revealed if your Authority Level is high enough.]

Nirvana, it was a fitting name.

'And Intern?'

[You're still an intern host. You'll only be recognized as a true Agent when you successfully complete your first two missions]

The only response it got was a mental 'hmm'

[Okay host! Are you ready for your first mission?]

Another 'hmm'. It seemed it was the only one excited.

[Oh ok! I'll inform the Admin and request the mission.]

'I see'

The system hovered in the same position, and opened another tab in the screen infront of it, then started typing away at the screen with another tentacle that emerged from the body and the one formerly protruding, making it two.

She stood there, her thoughts unknown, but didn't have to wait long, as Fae had finished whatever it was doing and called out with an unknown emotion in it's voice.

[Um, h-host, this is your mission.]


Reality Coordinates: #1-344.

Mission Type: Trajectory Adjustment

Grade: Variable

Halo of Assigned Vessel: Non-existent

Transport Method: Transmigration


She scanned the given mission, and then glanced at the System, she heard something in it's voice before, was it doubt? Or fear? What did it fear?

'There's no sign of my objective here.'

[You'll receive it when your transmigration is successful]


[Good luck host!]


Her vision spun, it felt like her body was twisting upon itself. And just before she lost consciousness, she could faintly hear Fae's last words.

[You'll really need it.]

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In her absence, the library-her domain-faded away, reverting to the characteristic white of the system space.

Fae opened a screen, and among the several options there, it tapped one. It immediately teleported to a dome-like structure. The roof of the dome was see-through, and beyond it was a mesmerizing view.

It was a splash of primordial colours, with billions of stars shimmering in the sea that was the Cosmos.

The darkness outside cast a shadow on the dome, as it was floating in Space.

The interior of the dome stretched for about a mile, and was filled with nothing but rows upon rows of spectacles.

They ranged from monocles to bifocals. From medieval pince-nez, to modern glasses, to goggles that came directly out of a sci-fi movie. It was like a walk through time.

Each rows were divided into sections, marked with coordinates of different Realities.

In the middle of the dome was a particular heap of different glasses, there seemed to be something buried in there.

Fae immediately flew to the heap and silently looked at the person lying there with only his head visible.

There lay an Entity whose looks would make you believe he wasn't older than 15. With his blue hair tangled in the mess he was sleeping on.

As if sensing the System's presence, he opened his eyes dazedly, and yawned, emerging from the plentitude of glasses that made up a hill.

He slid down to the metal floor and dusted his sweatshirt, facing Fae with his grey eyes shining with mischief.

"Why are you here?"

Fae let out the thoughts it had been holding in the presence of it's host.

[Isn't it obvious? Sir Five! Did you forget that Interns don't take Variable grade missions?! Those Realities are unstable].

The man only shrugged in response and nudged the oversized glasses that almost fell off his nose.

"Hey. Don't blame me. It's not my fault."

What? Didn't this foolish Admin know the gravity of what he had done?

[Sir Five! Let's be serious here, I could file a complaint to the Arbiters! It's against the rules to as-]

"Zip it."

Zip it? Zip what?! It turned around to retort at the new stranger that just talked and immediately went mute when it saw who appeared from one of the rows of shelved glasses.

The first thing that came into view was an illustrous robe that seemed to contain the secrets of the cosmos, it was a flowing black that felt alive, with stars swimming inside.

Staring at it for a long time would put you in a trance where you saw the birth and destruction of realms and planets. 

On "Their" waist hung a sword that seemed to be vibrating at every second, emitting an air of mystery. In comparison, the scabbard was ordinary and rusted, which was out of place considering the grandeur of the person.

When the "Entity" fully emerged from the portal, their long black hair was still trailing down and seemed endless that not even everything even came into view.

"Their" hands were folded behind "Their" back, and when looking up, an ink black mask veiled "Their" face, as though no one was worthy of gazing upon it.

The only reason Fae could even glimpse at "Their" true form without dying or going mad was simply because of it's connection to the Main System.

Fae couldn't believe it had nearly offended one of the three Custodians. It was shivering from fear.

[Ahem...w-what brings Your Excellency here?]

"Am I not allowed to be here?"

[N-never! Your Excellency! I dare not harbor such thoughts!]

The being hummed in acknowledgement. 

"At ease #54122, I assume you're the system for Agent #131."

[Affirmative Your Excellency.]

"I was informed you had uncertainties about your host's mission."

[A-ah, something like that.]

"You seem to forget that the Archives make no mistakes."


Missions recommended by the Archives had to first be approved by Administrators, so Fae had forgotten a very basic detail: all Worker's internship missions were given in accordance to their potential.

It was once again amazed at it's new host. Was she so talented that she triggered a Variable grade mission? Something that could only be taken up by people with Class-3 Authority.

As a result, it was successfully tricked by the words of this "Excellency", and forgot another basic detail: CMA Executives could interfere with internship missions.

Admin #5 who had been omitted into the background finally spoke up. 

"Karma, stop scaring my subordinate."

Fae sighed out of jealousy. Yeah, only an Admin had the guts to talk to a Custodian like that.

At the words of Five, Lady Karma who had been all glittery and godlike harrumphed, and all the characteristics that made "Her" look and feel transcendental turned dull, literally.

"Her" raven black hair slowly retracted until it became waist-length, the mesmerizing robe gradually transformed till it resembled just high quality silk. The vibrating sword on "Her" waist disappeared. And with "Her" Divinity withdrawn, "She" became 'her'.

Then and there, Fae watched as two of CMA's highest Executives bickered like children.

Forgetting again, to think deep and come up with a valid reason as to why a Custodian even made an effort to answer it's doubt and show interest in a mere intern, a fragmented soul at that.

"I wasn't scaring it, just letting a mere system know it's place."

"Sigh, Destiny already told you to fix your attitude."

"So what, Eldest Sister's not here. Are you going to tell on me?"

"I could."

"You wouldn't dare. Your Tomoe spectacles from #6-34 reside in my bosom."


Fae choked on it's breath at their conversation, or it would have if it had one.

It silently shrank, and disappeared into the backdrop with only one thought repeating itself.

'I'm already missing my host.'

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