Race to the Top

Chapter 15: Chapter-15: Cataclysm-3

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The soldiers of the southernmost watch tower of the Ravenshade city were quite surprised when they saw their oldest and toughest soldier run into the tower covered in blood and guts. They immediately jumped up on their feet and ran behind to ask what had happened…

“Ron! Where are Stewie and Brian?” one of the soldiers asked Ron who ran inside. But Ron didn't even acknowledge their questions. He didn't stop, just ran straight inside.

He practically knocked down the door of the communication room of the tower. The operator of the communication device was practically asleep in the chair by the machine. Ron who had seen the machine work a thousand times didn't wake up the operator and started using it on his own.

The communication machine was a big chunky metal box that had many dials and switches. With this device, the people of the watch towers were able to communicate with other watch towers as well. He started rotating some dials and immediately contacted the central tower which was responsible for all the watch towers in his sector….

“This Control tower-3, whom am I speaking to?” came the voice from the receiver.

“This is Ron from watch tower 50. I need to report an upcoming beast wave!” Ron practically yelled.

“You don't have to yell man, speak normally in the receiver.” Came an annoyed voice from the other end.

“No, you don't understand. This wave… This is different. It is very different from something that we had encountered. It is too big!” Ron yelled again.

“FUCK! DO NOT SCREAM IN THE RECEIVER ASSHOLE! And give me specifics. You know the rules, I can't get this to my senior to sign troops.”

“Yeah Yeah… I saw around 400 goblin riders. Around 11-13 Earth Porcupines. And there were I guess 23-30 Kobolds.”

“Oye Oye… Are you drunk? Do you even realize what you are saying? This a literal army, not a Beast Wave. You know that if this a prank or we found out that you are lying then you will be executed.”

“Listen to me you mother fucker! I just lost 2 of my friends. And I am standing in the watch tower covered in guts and blood. So no, I am pranking you. Nor I am lying to you. Just send the troops as fast as you can!” Ron yelled.

“Roger. Stay there. I will get my supervisor then.” The guy from the other end said and then he disconnected the communication.

After he was done, Ron turned around and saw that all the soldiers were looking at him. They all looked very frightened and anxious as to what is about to happen.

“Men. Prepare for battle. Inform the neighboring towers about our situation. NOW!” Ron yelled and suddenly everyone started running. The people of the tower started gearing up in preparation for the battle.


Sonia practically was running towards the Yureka. While Igor was also running behind her. They both got the message of the cataclysm. She had no idea about what was about to happen, but she knew that there was one person in the city that could help her. And that was Yureka. Thus she started running towards her manor after waking up Igor.

As Sonia got to the gate of Yureka’s manor soldiers at the gate stopped her. After all, she was visiting her at a very odd time.

“Stop! You cannot go inside. Come back tomorrow.” One of the guards asked her.

“No, I have to meet her. Something terrible is going to happen and I need to inform her about it.” Sonia pleaded. But before the guards could say another word, Yureka flew down from the sky. And as soon as the guards saw her, they stopped speaking and saluted her.

“Sonia? What are you doing here at this time? Yureka asked in a very sweet voice while coming down.

“Your Lordship, I just received a message on my system. It said that a cataclysm is about to happen, and I don't what that means. It said that all players or Earthians are supposed to brace themselves. What does this mean your lordship?” Sonia asked.

“Cataclysm? I don't know. Quite frankly I have never heard about such a thing before.” She answered in a sweet voice. But it was then horns started to blow all around the city….


[A.N- I don't know how to write the sound of a horn.]

Hearing the horn everyone was startled. After all the horn represents a high-level attack on the city. It is usually used when Roghorth comes to the city for destruction or another city is invading them.

“Meet me at the Front Line,” Yureka said, and then she flew away. And then Sonia also started running towards the front while Igor who was tired from the previous run mumbled some profanities and then started running after them.

Vecrus isn't an advanced city like Ravenshade. It is powerful, there was no doubt about it. But it didn't have big walls like the Infragillis or Ravenshade. Because of politics, Vecrus is a city that had no allies. While Ravenshade and Cloudhold have formed an alliance with each other on the left side. And Infragilis and Bacrcelma have formed an alliance in the right. Thus no one allied with Vecrus.

With no allies, comes no import-export. And because of this Vecrus is considered the poorest Great city. And with the lack of funds, the great city of Vecrus could not make appropriate initiatives to guarantee the security of its people. Even though they do not have a great wall like Infragilis or a communication network like Ravenshade, but still Vecrus was still a great city. Its security measures although not that efficient but are still considered great.

Vecrus had made 8 strongholds in some strategic parts of its domain. Rangers from these strongholds regularly patrol the area and if they spotted a beast wave, they would use firecrackers as the way to inform the city about the wave.

The main army of the city is then deployed towards the beast wave to take care of it. But tonight something very incredible happened. 3 beast waves were reported in the span of 5 mins. Because of this city lord had to set foot on the battlefield.

For Yureka, defeating a beast wave would be a walk in the park as she is the second strongest being of Midgard. She is a Level-92 Warlock and is only second to the skills of the lord of the city of Infragillis. But the thing that one has to worry about was the fact that there were 3 beast waves. One of the waves could be dealt with by the army. She could take care of one. But the last one would still be able to reach the city. After all, Yureka is powerful but she could not defeat a beast wave in seconds. It takes time…

As Yureka landed in the front, or boot camp of the main army, she saw that the whole camp was awake. Almost everyone was ready and would be deployed in a matter of minutes. And it was then she noticed that the commander general of the army was running towards her…

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“Your Lordship!” the man yelled while coming towards her. Yureka nodded her head as he yelled. And when he came to Yureka he started whispering…

“Your lordship, something terrible has happened.” He whispered. Commander knew that the news of three beast waves hitting at the same time could cause panic and may lower the morale of the men. That is why he had previously disclosed that there are only two beast waves, out of which one would be dealt with by the city lord. But the information that he received moments ago was a piece of very grave news. That is why he couldn't help by whisper...

“I know. That is why I am here.” Yureka whispered back.

“Your Lordship, the situation has changed drastically. Firecrackers and ravens had come from the other 5 strongholds as well. They have also reported possible beast waves.”

“What!” Yureka exclaimed.

“Yes Your Lordship. What should we do?”

Hearing this, Yureka pinched herself to see whether she was dreaming of not. And sure enough, she was not. There was no way in hell that they had the manpower to deal with this. The people of the city would be slaughtered at a very large scale if 8 beast waves hit them. It was also possible that the city of Vecrus would be no by tomorrow.

What the hell is happening right now? Wait… Sonia! She said something about a cataclysm. This is bad. Very bad.’ Yureka thought.

It was then she looked at the soldiers that were running around here and there. She then clenched her fingers tightly and started thinking carefully. Beast waves are formed when monsters spawn randomly at a place. But the thing is that these monsters remain docile for some amount of time. And they would only attack when approached. And when after some time, they go into a frenzy and started running toward the populated area and started killing off innocent unsuspecting people.

The only way to defeat the beast wave is to kill all the monsters of the wave or to wait it out. After a fixed amount of time, the beasts that had spawned vanished away like they were never, to begin with. Waiting out beast waves is never a good option as beast waves cause too much destruction which is why they are dealt with as soon as they are spawned.

In today’s case, as they will not be able to defeat the wave, the only thing that they could do right now is to wait it out. But the thing was that Vecrus didn't have outer walls like Ravenshade and Infragillis. But do have walls located in the inner part of the city.

That part of the city is where the rich reside. Therefore to appease them and maintain their security, those people Yureka made those walls. But at this moment, that wall was their best shot…

“Commander I want you to send ravens throughout the Vecrus and tell them to gather in the inner city. If they are not able to come then seal the stronghold and hide. While I want all of your men to go and wake up the city. And get all the citizens behind the inner wall. And secure it.” Yureka said loudly.

“Your Lordship what about the small villages which don't have Raven coops?” Hearing this question, Yureka didn't reply. Seeing this commander understood what was she trying to say. He immediately turned around and started barking orders to his men.

While Yureka supervised him. She also instructed some soldiers to carry as much rations and supplies as they could to the inner city cause they could be stuck there for a long time. Soon ravens were sent to all the strongholds.

Yureka knew that the main problem with her plan was the inner city wall itself. It was never made to withstand siege in the first place. It is not that high and it would probably break apart if a high-ranking monster attack it. And if her doubt is right that then there will be several monsters in the beast wave who would have the ability to break those walls.

“Your Lordship!” someone Yureka from behind. This broke her stupor and looked at Sonia and Igor who were running towards the Front. As soon as they came over to her, Sonia started speaking furiously….

“Your Lordship, it is very bad. We just received an emergency quest from our system.”

“What is the quest?” Yureka asked in an emotionless voice rather than the sweet voice that she used in the public.

And thus Sonia started narrating the quest to her….

Hearing this Yureka immediately took out a watch from her pocket and checked the time. They had 6 hours before sunrise. And they had to survive till then.

It was then that Yureka instructed Sonia and Igor to the inner walls and stay there. She would wrap up everything and come there….


The safest and most powerful city in all of Midgard is called The Infragills. The word ‘Infragilis’ itself means something which is not fragile or unbreakable. And that is why the city was named such. But it was not arrogance that made the people give this city such a grand name. Instead, the name of the city comes from the 10Km long walls that hide the city from outside influence.

With a height of 15m, the grand wall of Infragilis protects its citizen and had held the record of never being broken through once. But the wall itself is not the only thing that protects the city.

The city itself is located in such a place that it is surrounded by the abyss from three sides. While the fourth side is protected by the wall. Thus it is practically impossible to infiltrate the city. Anyone who wants to enter the city had to through the wall. That is why even during the time of beast waves, the city remains unpenetrable.

This place is also the home and under the leadership of the strongest mortal in Midgard, Damien Godric Grond. Being the strongest and manliest and strongest man in Midgard, Infragilis is considered to be an impenetrable fortress…

On the top of the wall of Infrgilis, many soldiers stood in formation quiver of arrows and bows. With the arrows, there were many barrels of combustible liquid that had been prepared to deal with the beast waves. And with the soldiers stood two men with knight-like silver armor. One of the men was a very muscular and handsome man. He had short hair with a little bushy beard. While the other man was an old man with a grey beard and a battle ax at his back.

“Your lordship if we believe those Earthians, then this assault would continue till dawn. But I am afraid that looking at the numbers of monsters that had spawned, I don't believe that we will be able to survive that long sir.” The old man said.

“Do you think that monsters would be able to penetrate the wall?” the handsome man or Damien Godric Grond asked.

“I don't they will be able to penetrate the wall. But I am more worried about the gates sire. There are three gates throughout the wall. And they are made entirely of wood. They don't have the same thickness or integrity as the wall. And I am afraid that the constant onslaught for 6 hours may break the gate.” The old man said honestly.

“It seems that we just have to deal with it as it comes. Infragilis had not fallen for over 100 years. And it would not fall tonight.” declared the Damien with arrogance and confidence in his voice.

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