Race to the Top

Chapter 20: Chapter-20; Aftermath-1

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Dave woke up the next morning confused and paranoid from the darkness of the room. It was then he remembered his whereabouts. He then slowly calmed down and then remembered what had transpired yesterday. And after he had calmed down, he started searching for the lantern he found last night. He kept it close to him while sleeping so he found it pretty easily.

He then lit the lantern and looked at the destroyed room where he had spent the night in. He got up slowly and felt the pain in his leg has gotten worse. But he still endured it and limped his way out of the room.

On this fine morning, the tower didn't seem as dark and eerie as it was last night. But the smell of the rotting flesh in the tower had definitely become worse. Eventually, Dave had to wrap a cloth around his nose to lessen the burden of smell…

Dave started this morning by scavenging anything that could help him in his journey. He took some clothes, and candles, and found a pouch full of coins and many more useful things. In the end, he came to the armory. He didn't know how to use a bow and arrow. Nor does he know how to use any weapon that was in the armory. Yet still, he took the things that were in great condition.

He figured that he could sell these weapons to someone. Or he could try to use some of them. A bow and arrow is a good weapon and could help him eliminate his target from some distance. While he could throw spears at big monsters.

As far as armor was concerned, he didn't take it. All the armor had the insignia of Raven on them. And he didn't want to be associated with Ravenshade in any way to avoid suspicion.

After he had gathered anything and everything that could be remotely useful in his journey, he made a makeshift crutch for himself and started moving again. He felt bad for leaving the mutilated bodies of the soldiers just like that, but there was nothing that he could do for now. His leg was hurting like crazy and he didn't even have a way to give them a proper burial. Also, he didn't want to get caught while snooping around in the tower…

After he had made some distance between himself and the tower, he stopped for a minute and had some breakfast under the bright sun in between the grasslands. He ate the beef jerky that he found yesterday. He actually wanted to eat the fish that he found, but as he didn't know how to start a fire, he had to use beef jerky for sustenance for now.

As Dave ate his breakfast peacefully a number of blue color messages started popping up in front of him….

After Dave had gone through all the invitations, he was quite surprised by what he read. These invitations were like contracts that he had to sign with these gods. Also when he read about the points where he cannot kill fellow familia members and other allied familia members, he started to understand what was happening around here…

The Gods were simply playing a game. It wasn’t good enough for them that they had sent a bunch of normal humans to this world to get killed or to kill. But now they wanted to make them their pawns? This was simply unforgivable. He started boiling with anger when he realized what these gods were trying to do. But alas, he cannot do anything to them for now.

Dave than just dismissed all the invitations and concentrated on eating his breakfast. He didn't reply to any of those invitations. He just simply dismissed them and started moving on…

Even while moving he could not shake off the anger that he was feeling. And just like that, he covered a lot of distance. He didn't know for long he had walked. But still, he wasn't able to reach any river or anything similar to the abyss. Seeing this, Dave started thinking that maybe he underestimated the sheer size of this world.

Tired of walking in the open grasslands, Dave started cursing his luck. The only good thing about his situation was that his leg had stopped hurting. Other than that his situation is as shitty as it could be.

But when all the hope was lost, it was then he spotted it. Out in some distance, he could see smoke rising in the air. Looking at the smoke, he determined that it may have been caused by the mayhem from the last night. But there was also a chance that this could be man-made.

Thus Dave started moving toward the smoke. He didn't know what he would find there, but he figured as he was getting nowhere, it wouldn't hurt to check the place out….


As Dave closer to the smoke, he started coming across huge fields. And he soon realized that he was approaching a town of some sort. Most of the crops in these fields were crushed and destroyed. It seemed that the beast tide from yesterday hit this town hard.

As he came to the town, he saw that most of the houses and building of the town was destroyed. Some part of the town was burned while some part was simply destroyed. While limping through the main road of the town, he was able to smell the burnt wood and blood in the air. The dead silence and the smell of death in the air gave him a very haunting feeling from this place.

“Is anyone there!” Dave shouted in the haunted town. He then started roaming around the town shouting and looking for someone alive. But he wasn't able to find anyone.

While shouting he eventually roamed around the whole town. There was truly nothing left there in this town. He eventually started thinking that maybe he should scavage anything that he could find useful in this town and just bounce. But it was then he heard it…

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The roar of the war cry, whatever it was sounded way too familiar to him. Hearing this cry he immediately remembered the green midget that was killed by the Kobold. When it was getting chased by that monster, the midget was also making a similar noise. Seeing this, Dave then immediately armed himself.

With the sword at his side, Dave then took out the bow and arrow that he got from the tower. The bow that he got was a standard bow around 3feet long. While the quiver that he had held around 25 arrows at once.

And with the bow and arrow in his hand, he started limping towards where the sound came from. Eventually, he was able to come across what looked like a battlefield…

By the edge of the town, a bunch of people was fighting a big group of green midgets. Dave didn't dare to show himself because the number of midgets was too big in number. And he didn't have any shred of confidence that he would be able to help these people in any way. So he decided to just observe the fight from the distance.

From what he saw from afar, the group of people was trained professionals as they all were in formation and were defending against the group of midgets very skillfully. These people had formed a circular formation. In the middle were these two archers who constantly fired the green midgets. While surrounding the archers were four swordsmen, who used their great shields and sword to keep the midgets at bay.

It was only after observing them for some time, Dave saw that these people were stuck. And they were not handling the situation skillfully. The midgets that were surrounding them had started throwing rocks at them as they had understood that going near them, meant getting stabbed by the sword. And now the swordsmen were having a tough time fighting off these midgets.

As he observed the situation of these people for a while, Dave was stuck in a moral dilemma. He didn't know what was he supposed to do. He didn't have the power nor the courage to fight off the midgets.


It was then Dave heard a scream. And from the sound of the scream, it was pretty clear that the sound was of a girl. And probably a little girl. As he heard the sound of a girl, Dave then started observing the group more carefully. And it was then he saw that formation that they had made was not meant to fight with a bunch of enemies in the first place. But it was meant to protect the people that were in the center of the formation.

As he came to understand that there is a kid in the middle of the formation, Dave made a decision. He had to do something. But before getting to the action, he immediately opened his stat menu to allocate some stat points…

After thinking for a while, Dave then made his decision. As he had 10 stats points, he decided that he would use it in such a way that everything gets upgraded simultaneously…

In the end, he decided that he would give one stat point to strength. Because he could not deny the usefulness of strength. Also, he decided that he would give 3 stat points to Dexterity, Agility, and Intellect. While he didn't know what kind of effect the arcane would have on his body, he just ignored it for now.

After he was ready, Dave stood up. He had confidence in his face and bloodlust in his eyes. He took his bow and took out an arrow from the quiver on his back.

He knocked the arrow in the bow and brought the string of the bow and took aim. At that moment, he felt like he could do anything in this world. And he could hit his target from this distance.

But while knocking the arrow, Dave didn't know that a person is supposed to hold the front of the arrow in position with the help of the middle and the index finger. This helps in keeping the arrow in position and also in aiming. But Dave didn't know that.

With the newfound strength that he had gained after upgrading his stats, he pulled the string of the arrow as far as he could and released it…

Because of not position the front of the arrow with his finger, the arrow got knocked out on the ground as soon as he let go of the string. Also to aim, Dave had leaned it a lot towards the bow. Because of this after releasing the arrow, the string got caught in his ear and almost cut in half…


Dave yelled in pain. But it is only after yelling he realized with his yell he had gathered the attention of both the monsters as well the group of humans.

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