Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 11: Volume 2 - CH 4

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It was midnight of the day Ikki battled Ayase. A single silhouette could be seen in the forest clearing where Ikki usually trained. The silhouette swung a dimly glowing Katana under the moonlight.

A windless night, but the sound of the blade swaying in the wind could be heard. It was a beautiful form of training, as if dancing.

But that movement suddenly came to a stop.


The silhouette… Kurogane Ikki turned towards the entrance of the recess while wiping his sweat and asked. He felt a presence there; as expected, a girl with glossy fire-blonde hair stood there. It was Stella Vermillion.

She frowned a bit, but asked frankly.

"You're still at it? If you're not careful then it's going to affect the battle tomorrow."

The battle Stella mentioned was a duel with Kuraudo. After Ikki's match with Ayase yesterday, Ikki and Stella heard everything from her. From the beginning till the end, and what happened two years ago.

How Ayatsuji Kaito, the Last Samurai had been beaten.

And after hearing everything, Ikki firmly promised Ayase that he would duel Kuraudo tomorrow betting the dojo. Tomorrow… a battle even harder than today's might be waiting. Then the wisest decision now would be to rest. Ikki also understood that, but he couldn't calm down.

"…Was it a shock?"

"Well, yeah… For me, Kaito-san might've been something like an idol."

For Ikki who was abandoned by the adults of the Kurogane house, people like Kaito were the same as a swordsmanship master for him. Watching their matches, he stole, analyzed, and practiced their techniques over and over again. It was something which became the foundation of the current Ikki. So hearing the past events from Ayase was a shock to him. Decayed by disease, in a match with no magic… in other words, in a match not between knights but swordsmen, he was one-sidedly beaten.

"As expected, Kurashiki-kun really isn't a pushover."

"Are you nervous?"

"…Yes, because he is such a tough opponent."

Kurashiki Kuraudo, the ace of Donrou Academy. A third year. He was in the best eight of the last festival. Information about a figure like him could be easily found if searched. His device was Orochimaru[1], a white saw blade with the ability to expand its length. It killed the meaning of distance. He could thrust at the opponent with bullet like speed even from a long distance, and if that was dodged he could still mow down the entire ring. If his opponent came in close range, he could shrink Orochimaru to a short sword and overwhelm his opponent with a rotating barrage.

Serpent Bone Blade, Kuraudo's Noble Art which had an absolute reach no matter what the distance was didn't have any blind spots. It wasn't a flashy move. But this simple move had an annoying amount of offensive power. The constant change in distance between the opponent was difficult to deal with for a swordsman like Ikki, who specialized in sword fights.

Thus he was called 'Sword Killer', and like the nickname stated, his ability was the natural enemy for swordsmen. And he beat Kaito. So Ikki had a feeling that Kuraudo had something else up his sleeve.

"But, that's something I understand."

Ever since he felt that barbaric aura with that savage expression of his at the restaurant. But that wasn't the reason Ikki couldn't calm down.

"…Stella. After you heard Ayatsuji-san's story, what did you think?"

"She got mixed up with a troublesome mutt, and I pity her."

"Is that all? I…."

"You don't have to say it."

Stella interrupted him and muttered.

"Probably, we're thinking the same thing. That's why you said it, didn't you?"

"Is that so…. Yeah, that's right. I knew Stella would understand."

Ikki's face lit up happily. He was happy that his lover was thinking the same thing as him.

"But whatever the truth is, it shouldn't concern Ikki, right? What you have to do hasn't changed."

"Yeah, that's right."

Nodding, Ikki once again swung his sword in the darkness.

…Body condition is fine. No problems with vitality either. All that's left is to wait. After tomorrow, everything will be clear.

―The truth that Ayase had yet to realize, the events that happened two years ago.

On the evening of the next day, Ikki and Stella headed for the ex-Ayatsuji dojo grounds being guided by Ayase.

"This road, it brings back memories."

Ikki muttered while looking at the old familiar houses lined up.

"Come to think of it, didn't Kurogane-kun come challenging our dojo once?"

"Yeah. But I was turned away after being told they didn't do stuff like that anymore."

"That's from Ikki's middle school days, right? You went to many places and visited a lot of dojos."

"Might've been a mischievous side of me. When I could manage the time, I would go around the country and make challenges."

"That's a lot of willpower. But Kurogane-kun, wasn't it dangerous? A middle school student going around challenging dojos, weren't you ever beaten to a pulp because of that cheeky attitude?"

"There was that too. Sometimes I would get beaten from all directions by disciples until I'm half-dead. But it couldn't be helped since I did something rude like challenging their dojo. The challenger can't complain no matter what the challenged does to him, that's an ironclad rule."

That's right. He knew it was dangerous, and the number of times he was almost killed couldn't be counted with just his fingers. But at that time, he just wanted to become strong no matter what. Since the adults around him didn't help him at all, he wanted to experience everything, absorb everything, and gain all the strength he could.

But still, I didn't do stuff like attack the pupils and forcefully challenge the dojos when I was refused.

While reminiscing, the three left the highway and entered a vacant space mixed with groves of trees. Before them was a solitary house surrounded by long walls.

"This… was my home once."

But now, it was appropriate to call it an abandoned samurai mansion. The tiles were out of place, the wood supporting the gate rot and collapsed. The area around was littered with cigarette butts, snack boxes, poly-bags etc. The white walls now had tasteless and colorful graffiti.

"What tasteless scribbles. I've heard that there are people with awesome graffiti skills but this, this is totally a no."

"…I don't think that's where you should be surprised…. What a mess."

Ayase who guided them here had a pained expression, as if she was killing off the disappointment she was feeling. Her precious place was damaged to such an extent, of course she would.

I have to get it back.

Ikki resolved himself yet again, and took out a wooden sword from his bag.

"Kurogane-kun… may I ask, how are you going to get back the dojo?"

"Of course, I'll go straight in and challenge the dojo master. There's no other way right?"

After hearing what happened two years ago, Ikki thought that Kuraudo's way of doing things was surprisingly modest. Of course, attacking the students to get the right of challenging the dojo wasn't exactly modest, but in the end, everything was settled under a supervised duel both parties agreed to. In other words, both good and evil, truth and false, everything was entrusted to that duel. So a third party butting their nose in the results would be very rude. It's an insult towards Kaito.

"That's so like Ikki."

"I understand… But Kurogane-kun, please be careful. That man… Sword Killer is very strong. Certainly at that time my father was ill, but he was still strong enough that I and the other pupils couldn't even touch him. But he still lost…."

"I know. He's the ace of Donrou too. Not someone I can go easy against."

Ikki took a deep breath once.

"Then, let's go."

Resolving himself, he headed towards the gate of the ex-Ayatsuji dojo.

Before the now decaying and almost collapsed gate of the dojo, about five people, probably high school students in crude-looking garb were kneeling down and chatting in a crude manner. Among them, there was the skinhead they saw at the restaurant. Without a doubt, they were Kuraudo's lackeys.

"Pardon me, but could I have a moment of your time?"


I wonder why these types of people start everything with a threat.

"…A-Ah! Aren't you that coward from the restaurant―!"

It seems like the skinhead remembered Ikki. He immediately recognized him.

"Eh? You mean that guy you talked about recently?"

"Yeah, yeah! That coward who couldn't say anything even after getting hit by Kuraudo, he could only shake!"

"HAHAHA! Looks weak too. He's wearing the Hagun uniform but is this guy really a Blazer!?"

"Nn? Rather isn't that Ayase-chan in the back… whoa! Who's that totally hot redhead chick!?"

One of the idle boys noticed Stella's presence and with a wrapped smile, he approached Stella.

On the other hand, Stella glared at him as if looking at a spineless insect. Red sparks started to appear in the air.

Ah, that's bad.

Before burnt corpse number one could be produced, Ikki grabbed the shoulder of the guy who was approaching. He was doing it out of goodwill, but the atmosphere around them suddenly changed abruptly.

"Hey! The hell's with the hand, mate?"

"I was trying to save you from dying here but, well hear me out. I've come to challenge Kurashiki-kun to a duel. Please guide me to where he is."

At that, their eyes all turned round for a moment,


And they started an outburst of laughter.

"Hey hey hey, you serious! A duel!? A chicken like you? This is priceless!"

"In the first place you, do you even know what duel means?"

"Hihihi! Damn, this is too much~"

"Kukukukuh… Hey, bro. It's unfortunate but Kuraudo doesn't have the hobby of dueling small fry cowards like you. So why not fight us instead? If you beat us then we'll take ya to him―good deal, right?"

"Haha, fight fight! This's gonna be good."

Saying that, one of them materialized a Device that looked like an army knife and touched Ikki's cheeks with the flat while laughing.

At that provocation, Ikki….

Ah, so these guys are Donrou students huh….

―And so, since the circumstances favored him, he suddenly grabbed the thug's wrist.

"That's fine by me."


He showed a smile that could almost be called heartless.

"So, because that brown-haired asshole was too annoying, I ripped off his trousers and left him rolling on the main street."

"Gyahaha, seriously!"

"No way~ Kyahaha!"

In the ex-Ayatsuji dojo halls, some boys were sitting on the floor while chatting. The subjects of their chatter were the same as always. Who fought with who, who cheated who, who did it with who, and so on. Kuraudo wasn't really interested in all that so he sat alone at the sofa, away from his friends while smoking tobacco.

…These guys sure don't get tired talking about the same thing everyday.

They were colleagues who agreed with his view, but this was the only thing he didn't understand about them.

I'd rather take part in the selection matches they started in Donrou and Hagun.

Because then he could spend a more stimulating time. While sighing he released some smoke, and looked at it while it fumed towards the hole in the roof. The evening sky was peeking in. Now that he thought about it, it's become two years since he stole this dojo.

After all this time, maybe I should sell it.

As he was thinking while releasing tobacco smoke―

"Hey, Kuraudo."

"What? Got a stomachache or something?"

"…Do you remember the guys who you messed with in that restaurant recently? You know those two with Ayase-chan."

"Aah, what about them?"

"I thought I'd seen their faces before but yesterday, I suddenly remembered."

One of the guys showed Kuraudo his datapad. There was an article titled 『Mock Battle! A-Rank Knight 'Crimson Princess' Defeated by F-Rank Knight 'Worst One'!』 and some pointed-out links to the reference videos on the display. The reference videos were of course, that of Stella's and Ikki's mock battle.

"I heard from a friend at Hagun today that this guy even defeated that Runner's High! And one group gave him this exaggerated nickname, Crownless Sword King! Maybe… maybe we messed with someone really bothersome here…."

He was sweating with a blue face after learning the true identity of the person he messed with. But as for Kuraudo―


After watching that video, he had a broad grin showing all thirty-two of his teeth.

"I see now. I thought he was only at the level of Ayase, but I didn't think he'd be this strong."

Kuraudo felt his internal temperature rise rapidly. Well, it couldn't be helped if his pent-up energy wanted to explode.


He wanted to postpone it till the festivals but, now it was better to just go to Hagun today. Or should he just use Ayase to get to him? While he was making that wicked plan―


Kuraudo heard the footsteps that were nearing the dojo hall while treading the soil. It was quite the clean sound; by clean, meaning that the posture of walking was correct. Among his companions here, there wasn't anyone who could do that.

"Haha. Hey hey, now this is interesting."

"Eh? Kuraudo, what are you…."

For a moment, the footsteps stopped in front of the door. Then it was opened quite forcefully. The guests that came were just as Kuraudo expected. Kurogane Ikki, Stella Vermillion, and Ayatsuji Ayase, the three from the restaurant.

"Pardon us."

"Uwah! What a mess. I'm surprised you guys could live in this trashcan."

"W-Who the hell are you!"

"Wait, from the restaurant…!"

His companions were restless at the unexpected guests but Kuraudo just sat on the sofa like always and glared at Ikki, who had a wooden sword in one hand and a vinyl bag in the other.

"…What a coincidence. I was just thinking of going to your place."

"Is that so? Thank goodness we didn't miss each other."

Ikki was completely relaxed even though he was in enemy territory. He has guts.

"So, why'd ya come coward?"

"I don't think your stupid enough to not know what I want after seeing all this but… I'm here as a substitute. In place of Ayatsuji-san, I'll be taking the dojo back."

"Haha! I was wondering what you'd say, but laame~! I don't know what that woman brainwashed you with, but this dojo is something I got with a fair and square duel. If you're a swordsman, then of course you know what that means right?"

"Of course. ―That's why, I won't tell you to just return it."

Saying that, he approached the sofa.

"Kurashiki-kun, I'm challenging you to a duel."

He thrust the wooden sword right in front of Kuraudo's nose.

"Dojo challenge, huh?"

"The same method as Kurashiki-kun. You're not thinking of running away are you?"

Oh? So he's gonna provoke me too, huh?

He was almost a different person from when they first met. But it doesn't matter why he had a change of heart… since it's interesting.

Kuraudo grabbed the sword tip in front of his nose.

"Haha. A'right. I'll accept it."

With his grip, he smashed the wooden sword.

"However, it'll be the same as how I did it. You're going to have to fight all these thirty idiots alone before you get to fight me. Start from there."

"I don't mind. The girls are here just to watch. When challenging a dojo, I have to abide by the dojo master's rules. Because that's the proper manner of doing it."

"Seems like you know a dojo challenger's etiquette huh. Fine, wait a bit. I'll go call the guys."

Kuraudo accessed the cell phone feature in his handbook to call the guys outside but―

"No, there's no need for that."


"I thought you'd say that, so I already finished all that up before coming here."

Saying that, he turned the vinyl bag he had upside down. Donrou Academy student datapads starting falling down on the floor while making noises. And among them, one started to ring. That one was, in fact, the recipient Kuraudo just called.

"All that's left are the seven people here."

Showing his trophies, he made a bold smile at Kuraudo as if taunting him.

"T-This bastard! Riding on his luck!"

"Kill him―!"

After learning that their companions had been done in, the seven thugs there started to materialize their Devices one after another.

But Kuraudo halted them and―

"You guys get down."


"Th-There's no need to be scared! Let's gang up on him and kick his ass!"

"Settle down. ―You're in the way."


His companions gulped and paled. They were pressured by the mad danger dwelling in Kuraudo's eyes.

I see, even if these guys all attack at the same time, it won't even be sport for him.

Then that'll just be a waste of time.

"A change of rules. The duel will be between you and me, a fight with real weapons. The one to die loses."

Declaring that, Kuraudo took out his Device, the white nodachi Orochimaru.

Generally, it was forbidden for student knights to use their abilities out of school. But there were a few exceptions. One, when they were mixed up in some sort of incident. And also, in a private dojo if the dojo owner permitted it. Now was the latter case. And Ikki had no reason to refuse.

"You have my gratitude for accepting, Sword Eater."

Replying, Ikki also materialized his Intetsu and got into stance. For a moment, Kuraudo felt all the hair on his body standing up with a chill.

―He understood, this was the real deal. This feeling, he hadn't felt it since the Last Samurai.

Swordsmen really are the best. The tension while facing them is on another level than fighting some random idiot.

A piercing gaze. A dully shining blade tip. Everything, as if hollowing out his insides. A welling up tension that couldn't be helped. This kind of feeling, he couldn't get enough of that even in the Festival.

Kuraudo cast everything out at that stimulation, and―

"Now then, let's go!!!"

With that rage, he slashed at Ikki.

First off, Kuraudo dashed ahead which immediately killed the distance. He kicked the floor with his magically fortified legs and drew near Ikki.


A flash of iron. He swung his nodachi with its saw blade with his right hand which ripped through the wind. He was full of defects and openings. A very crude and sloppy way of handling a sword. It was quite easy to defend. However, though he didn't have the basic knowledge on how to handle a nodachi, he swung it with a flash with only his arm strength alone!

Rather than slashing, it looked more like he was mowing it down.

A sloppy motion, but why's the swing so sharp!?

Once, twice, thrice. Intetsu which continued to block the hits started to creak. Ikki's arms screamed in pain. Even his ankles felt like they were jabbed.

What ridiculous power! As if he was a beast. His swings were like a wild beast baring his fangs. No logic, no theory, no smarts, he overpowered men with his brute strength alone!

But that kind of arm movement will completely unbalance him and his recovery will be late!

After receiving the attack for about three times, Ikki carried his body backward with his legs and attacked Kuraudo's flank. A loud burst of sound, a pressure passed by the tip of his nose. Kuraudo who swung the nodachi with one hand had his chest area wide open.


The reason he dodged the swing by a hair's breadth was for the counterattack. Ikki attacked Kuraudo not intending to let the chance escape. But―the skull tattoo on Kuraudo's chest looked as if it was laughing at that careful counter.


What Ikki's hands felt was a steel response. A steel blade stopped Ikki's perfectly timed counter.

"Haha, too bad."

The beast laughed, sticking out his tongue. Certainly, it was regrettable. Ikki's timing was perfect. To be able to block it even with that timing, it's not something possible by normal human reflexes.

Unless he predicted his counter and planned to guard from beginning.

…No that's not it…. It couldn't be that he…! But that's….

Suddenly, an extremely dangerous possibility popped up in Ikki's mind.

"Ha! Haha-!"

But he didn't have the time for deep thoughts. Kuraudo pushed back Ikki along with Intetsu with only a one-handed push with the nodachi.

With that, the battle distance changed from that of a sword's to a spear's. None of their swords would reach. Was he resetting the distance?

No, wrong.

"Chase and kill, Orochimaru!"

It was still within the reach of Orochimaru. Kuraudo's nodachi extended like a snake and chased after Ikki with the intent to kill.


Ikki reflexively blocked with Intetsu but―

"HAHA! I'm not done yet!"

Kuraudo's attack had not ended yet. His nodachi immediately shrank and then he used it like a whip to slash at Ikki, again extending the blade. Right now, their distance was one where only Sword Eater's attacks would reach, a one-sided battle. Ikki had no choice but to take a defensive stance in front of those attacks.


Ikki's black blade was chipped off little by little while raising sparks against the long distance attacks of the white saw blade.

His arms were also giving off at those long distance attacks.

"Yeah! Do it Kuraudo―!"

"Turn him into a pile of dirt!"

Kuraudo's audience who cheered when he took the upper hand. On the other hand, Ayase who was on Ikki's side had a paled face.

"At this rate your guard will be broken! Kurogane-kun, take some distance!"

"That's useless. If Ikki moves back then that nodachi will just expand that much to adapt with it so there's no meaning in widening the distance. Rather, that would be more disadvantageous for him."

"Kuh, that means the situation can only worsen?"

"Yes. However… Ikki isn't the type of guy to sit by idly while that happens!"

The Crimson Princess who strongly promised this had hit the mark. Of course, since she was the woman who knew the Worst One the best.

Ikki who was only defending with that wide gap suddenly leaned forward. Using his feet, he pushed his entire body ahead. Of course Kuraudo wouldn't let that happen so easily. This distance was perfect for him, a one-sided battle where Ikki couldn't attack. So he swung his sword again to protect that distance.

A white snake sliced the wind while chasing after Ikki. It was the howl to break open Ikki's cranium. But Ikki leaned even more forward. A dash! Only made possible by Ikki since he has a trained body.

Ikki nimbly avoided the blade, and dashed towards the opponent he had come to defeat.

"He did it…!"

Ayase who saw that splendid evasion shook her fist. But―


But Sword Eater wasn't someone so soft that he'd let his opponent approach him just because his attack was evaded. Orochimaru which had lost its target for a moment turned its sharp snake head around as if possessing a will, and once again attacked towards Ikki's exposed back.

"T-That sword can also do that!?"

Ayase shouted.

Orochimaru's true value wasn't its ability to extend its length but the fact that it could move like its master ordered. As if the blade had a mind of its own, it changed its direction and chased after Ikki. After acknowledging that Ikki dodged it, Orochimaru turned its blade towards his back. As a result, Ikki wouldn't be able to escape being skewered!

"Aa, if it was Kurashiki-kun, I thought you would do that."

But there was just one opening.


Ikki did a sidestep with minimum movement and dodged the blade chasing after him.

That's right, Ikki wasn't just fighting defensively. He wasn't that submissive of a person. There would definitely be a deeper scheme in his battles. When he was dodging Kuraudo's attacks by a narrow margin, he was actually analyzing and sealing Kuraudo's movement, action, and combination patterns, all the while disclosing the roots of the person called Kurashiki Kuraudo.

Perfect Vision.

The power of the Worst One that even caught the invisible Hunter. The power to read the actions of a beast and with that knowledge, return a perfect counter attack. The counter he released after reading Kuraudo's attacks was the fastest possible attack by a Japanese sword―a thrust.

An attack aiming to gouge out the eyes of the skull under that uniform. Kuraudo was also full of openings with that surprise attack. There was no way he could turn his sword around nor evade the upcoming attack at this point. That wasn't something a human could possible do.

Thus bull's eye. Ikki's attack hit Kuraudo's chest!

That was supposed to happen. But just before it hit, the skull in front of Ikki's eyes suddenly vanished.


What happened? For him to lose sight of his target with that timing? He could not understand. Did he just lose sight of Kuraudo like the mist?

No, that's not it. Ikki's senses immediately rang out in a frenzied alarm. It almost hurt.

Danger, Danger, DANGER, DANGER―!

….He ducked!

Just before the attack hit, Kuraudo bent his upper body back so much that it was almost parallel with the floor, and thus he dodged the attack. As if he was mocking Intetsu from directly below it, he looked up and….


He attacked Ikki with Orochimaru.


Ikki blocked it with Intetsu just before it slashed his neck. Because the attack was very heavy, his shoulder got dislocated, but he didn't let the attack through. His expression also became bad. But the reason for that wasn't his disadvantageous position or the power of the attack.

As I thought… this guy…!

Kuraudo stood up straight with the momentum of that attack, and once again began his barrage.

Ikki's breathing was a mess compared to when he was just dodging a moment ago. He couldn't afford to go too far here. He raised Intetsu up in order to block the down coming nodachi.

But the moment their blades should've crossed—with a haze, Kuraudo's nodachi disappeared.


―This is bad!

Ikki, even though he was kind of roughed up already, threw his body backwards with all his strength. Right at that moment, a flash appeared at the space Ikki was just in. The air was torn apart.


Because he suddenly jumped backwards, his stance was completely broken but he managed to get a foothold and regain his balance. Ayase and Stella who were watching their exchange just now halted their breathing.

Ikki's uniform―at the abdomen area, there was a huge slit. It meant that if Ikki hadn't jumped back just now, they would have been seeing his entrails spilling out.

"Haha! Good job dodging that just now."

"…Wha-What was… that…!?"



"He would've been split in two right~?"

"Yeah, as expected of Kuraudo! That guy isn't even worth his time!"

"Get him!"

Disturbance and bewilderment. Expectations and excitement. There was a change in the energy of the cheering party of both sides. But Ikki didn't have the time to pay any heed to that.

"…I see, so that's it."

Because he happened to realize it. An unthinkable possibility which was in the corner of his mind ever since Kuraudo dodged Ikki's first perfect counter. But that worst possible possibility was in actuality, reality.

"So this is your real power, which defeated the Last Samurai."

"There's been one thing I've been concerned about since I heard how Kaito-san was defeated by Kurashiki-kun two years ago from Ayatsuji-san. Why was Kaito-san defeated so one-sidedly? Even if he was ill, he was someone who grasped for the crown in the world of swords, the Last Samurai. The battle would never be that one-sided at his own court. There had to be a suitable reason."

And that was the factor Ikki noticed about Kuraudo's strength.

"And I've now confirmed that."

Evading and defending against attacks that had almost absolute perfect timings. Disappearing like haze and attacking from a completely different angle. All of these were the fruit of one certain ability.

"What are you talking about!? Is there some kind of trick!?"

Ayase immediately pressed at the topic. For her, this might be the answer to why her father was defeated so one-sidedly two years ago, a truly important matter.

Did Kuraudo use some kind of trickery? But Ikki denied that.

"No, there's no deceit nor trick."

"Haha, seems like you've noticed…. Say it, I'll match the answer."

Kuraudo, who had a large grin, asked to reveal the true identity of his power that Ikki had managed to see through.

"It's something Kurashiki-kun got directly from his roots: reflexive sensitivity."

"Reflexive… sensitivity…."

"Ikki, that… isn't that the same normal reflex gear all humans have?"

"That's half right, half wrong. If put into words then it would be that, but the efficiency, and speed are all too great. I'm talking about the time it takes for a human to complete the sensory process, as in 'sense', 'comprehend,' and 'respond'. For the most part, it's point three seconds for us. They say a professional sprinter has a time of point fifteen seconds. And no matter how much you train, this number can't cross the bounder of point one seconds. That is common sense. However… for Kurashiki-san who just dodged that counter, it seems like the time for him is point zero five seconds or lower."


You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

Stella and Ayase became speechless at that fact. Well, it was obvious to be surprised. The reaction time for Ikki and Stella was about 0.13 seconds. Kuraudo's senses had long crossed the human boundary. In other words, the time it took for Ikki and Stella to perform one action, Kuraudo could do about two or three actions in that same amount of time.

"And with that common sense defying reaction speed, he can dodge our attacks that might seem absolutely impossible to dodge with perfect timing, or he can change the direction of an attack just before it clashes with ours and make it come from a completely different angle. The reason why his sword seemed to vanish halfway was because of that."

"Haha… hahaha… HAHAHA! BINGO!"

Kuraudo widened his eyes while laughing madly.

Yes, his sword wasn't an art. It was pure violence. And with that violence, the Sword Eater tramples all down.

Because reaction speed was the base of all sports and actions. No matter how much one trains, or how much one polishes his stance; it doesn't matter how much experience one has, it all becomes meaningless before it. No matter how much of an absurd surprise attack is thrown at him, he can deal with it after seeing it. No matter how someone charges at him recklessly, he can change his guard after seeing that. It allowed something irrational like seeing the opponent's choice of rock, paper, or scissors before making his own: that was the true value of the Sword Eater.

Techniques and experience, schemes and tactics, a nightmare that renders all of these useless. Superhuman reflexes, and reaction ability born from that, adding the two and thus creating Marginal Counter.

"You're the first one to see through my Marginal Counter on the first meeting! I'll commend you, Worst One! As I thought, you're the best. But so what!? Even if you know how it works, can you do anything about it?"


Hearing that, Ikki's expression clouded.

Yes. His Perfect Vision was meaningless before a rock, paper, scissor game where the opponent could see his move beforehand. And Ittou Shura only fortified his physical abilities and not the transmission speed of his brain. In other words, it was exactly as Kuraudo said. Ikki had no method of tearing through Marginal Counter.

"Haha. You can't, can you. My Marginal Counter isn't an 'art'. It's a special trait. I didn't cheat and stuff…. And just this ain't the limit of my Marginal Counter!"

Saying that as if howling, he attacked. And what came towards Ikki was an attack as if it was aiming for two areas at the same time!


As if biting it, the swing by his right hand attacked both the left and right side as if biting in. A phantom like that, unrealistic as it may be came in with ridiculous vigor and speed which was impossible to defend against, attacking both sides at the same time.

Even if he managed to defend against one of the attacks, the other would just rip him apart. Then he had only one thing to do. Ikki used all his strength to leap backwards and tried to evade it. Being a twofold attack didn't matter if he just escaped it's range.

"There's no way I'd let you do the same thing twice riiiiight!?"

Orochimaru's blade extended and immediately chased after Ikki. There was no longer any meaning in distance. The saw blades came in from both left and right and intersected on Ikki's body.

―But right at that moment, Ikki took action. With a clang, the sound of two blades clashing reverberated and sparks containing mana flew out. With Intetsu which Ikki had in his right hand, he repelled the Orochimaru coming from the right. But that was… a mistake! Ikki's reflexes weren't fast enough to be able to block the second attack coming from the left! The saw blade coming from the left struck his body!

The saw blade ripped off the flesh from his body which flew in the air, and blood spilled on the floor dyeing it red… that was supposed to happen.


But that didn't happen. What spilled wasn't blood but sparks. Why? The answer was in Ikki's hand which defended against Hebigami.


After noticing it, Kuraudo raised a howl. Ikki wasn't gripping the hilt of <Intetsu>, but the base of the blade and thus intentionally reduced his reach.

"That's right, kodachi[3] techniques…! As expected of Ikki!"

"Kurogane-kun can use a kodachi?"

"He can even teach Shizuku who has a kodachi-shaped device, so of course he can use it!"

Ikki hated teaching wrong things to others, knowing that nature of his, Stella was convinced. And her guess was correct. Ikki wasn't only well versed in swordsmanship, he was also proficient in archery, grappling, unarmed, and many others. Even if it could only raise his strength on a minuscule level, he desperately practiced it and used all the time his body would allow to pursue those methods. Because he was well aware of the fact that he was weaker than anyone. And he was now bringing out everything he had learned back then.

The fact that was able to discern the position of the Hunter after being struck by his arrow was also a result of that. That was true for his display of defense and offense in this match too. Because of the shorter reach, the kodachi had less offense, but since it could be rotated faster, the blocking ability rose. Ikki, utilizing that defense, deflected Kuraudo's godspeed attack.

"It means that you're not the only one who can change his reach."

Ikki, after defending against Hebigami with Intetsu immediately stepped in and started the counter.


Kuraudo laughed after seeing Ikki challenge him, despite that fact that Ikki had already witnessed his overwhelming attack speed. Even though this was just one exchange, for a mage-knight who relied heavily on mana, this was once in a lifetime decision. Kuraudo commended Ikki for that. But―

But you can't win. Not with just this.

It was skilled of him to suddenly switch to a kodachi technique. But in the end, the reach is still short.

―So he'll teach that guy. As one of the best eight of the whole country. As someone who resides at the summit of the Seven Star.

Strength isn't just gorgeous sword techniques that enchants people. Strength isn't some burning feeling you have when you fight for a friend,

It's something simpler; it's something far more dreadful. There's just one fixed answer to that.

―It's just simple overwhelming violence.



For a moment, Ikki including those who were watching, Stella and Ayase were at a loss for words. The snake-like attack that was released at Ikki after he stepped in to counter attack―it had four heads! An impossible four-fold attack!

He can still go faster―!

A complete surprise attack. But Ikki didn't lose his cool and blocked the attack, coming to sever his head and to attack his left flank, with kodachi technique.

However it wasn't enough. Kuraudo released four attacks at Ikki instantly. Ikki could only block two. The remaining two slashed at Ikki's chest with a cross.




"…I-I'm fine, I can still fight."

A large amount of blood was spilling. The wound probably reached the sternum. But Ikki still poured power into his knees and refused to give up. He continued to gaze at the opponent before him.

"Oh! You avoided a fatal wound by using the momentum of the first and second hits to move backwards. Crafty ain't ya…? But that all ends now!"

Kuraudo extended his Orochimaru, that was now dyed in fresh blood, like a whip.

"What can you do from that distance? I'll turn ya into mincemeat!"

He attacked from a distance where only he could take the offensive, and slashed at the wounded Ikki.

At first when Ikki blocked Orochimaru, Ayase thought that he could definitely win this. When he deflected Hebigami with kodachi technique, she thought 'He can do this!' But each time, Sword Eater just rose even higher. He jumped over every one of their expectations and hypotheses. Like a nightmare.

The current Ikki could go head to head and win against every last one of the current festival candidates at Hagun. He was the Crownless Sword King who even defeated the Crimson Princess without sustaining a single wound. Even that Ikki―

He can't do a thing… even in close range.

Perfect Vision lost to Marginal Counter. With Ittou Shura, Marginal Vision left all the actions useless after the initial dash when using that, so there's no meaning in using it. Rather, it could be fatal if he used it carelessly.

Ittou Shura was something Ikki used by utilizing all his resolution and determination. If he tried it while at his wit's end, he would end up burning all his power. He couldn't stop half way, nor could he do minuscule regulations like holding back and extending the time limit a bit. And if an opponent who could make two to three actions in the time he could make one go fully defensive, defeating that opponent in just one minute would be nigh impossible.

He's completely… out of options….

All he could do was keep defending against Orochimaru and Hebigami while standing on top of the puddle made of his own blood and bear that deep gash. A completely one-sided battle.

Ayase gulped while biting down her lips and seeing the figure of Kuraudo continuing his barrage on Ikki.

…Strong! This man, he can't be defeated!

So this was the national level! In the best eight of the last festival, this was the real strength of Sword Eater.

Are there such monsters at the summit of the Seven Stars…!?

She couldn't see victory. No way out was visible. He trampled down all tactics and techniques sent at him while mocking.

Before that, Ikki kept getting hurt as time dragged on. He kept defending against Orochimaru and Hebigami time and time again with his acute observation and kodachi techniques which were dulling as time went on, and the number of strikes he couldn't dodge or defend against increased. And each time that happened, the saw blade chipped away the meat on his arms or thighs.

At this rate―!

An ominous déjà vu. The sight of Ikki refusing to stay down even after being injured to such an extent overlapped with the sight of Kaito two years ago.


Ayase could no longer bear it.

"Vermillion-san! Please stop this match! At this rate, Kurogane-kun will break!"

"If I stop it now then you won't get this dojo back you know."

"I don't care! Kurogane-kun is more important!"

"That's true. …But still, no."

Ayase was shocked at the words from Stella, who was watching her lover be chipped apart little by little while having her arms crossed under her breasts like it was nothing.

"Why!? Aren't you his girlfriend!? Then how can you say that!? Or is there some kind of way to turn this situation around!?"

"―No way. If it was me I could've restricted him with my flames, but Ikki doesn't have that option. He doesn't have a method to attack from that distance. And on top of that, his only way of attacking, his defense and offense in close range as a swordsman, he can't do that from that distance…. The situation is quite hopeless I guess. Honestly, I didn't think that skull guy would be so strong."

The replying Stella was serenity itself. But looking closely, her fingernails were piercing into the white skin of her crossed arms. A drop of blood smudged on her uniform. She's enduring it, the urge to dash out right this instant.

"The label of best eight in the country isn't a joke, I have to admit after seeing this. That man is strong. At this rate Ikki is going to lose."

"I don't get it…even though you understand all that why aren't you stopping him!?"

"There's no way I can do that."


"Because Ikki… he looks like he's having so much fun."


Ayase looked at Ikki, thinking, what the hell was Stella saying? And she was hit by shock.

He's… laughing?

Ikki had a smile on his face. And it wasn't the usual kind and innocent smile. As if a beast baring his fangs.

"Come to think of it, he was smiling like that when facing my Katharterio Salamandra."

"W-Why? Even though he might be killed? T-There's so much blood… why?"

"Isn't that because it's so fun?"

She couldn't understand. She wasn't yet… at that level. But, Stella understood. And probably, her father did too.

"…Hey Sempai. After hearing your story, there was one thing me and Ikki just couldn't figure out. We just weren't satisfied."

"Weren't… satisfied?"

"Did the Last Samurai really sink into regret?"

"…H-Huh? What are you saying? That, isn't that obvious!"

Ayase suddenly became excited at Stella's unexpected words.

"If only, if only that guy didn't appear, then we would still be living peacefully! My father wouldn't have fallen into a coma! Our dojo wouldn't have been stolen away! The pupils wouldn't have to be hurt either! That guy, he destroyed our peaceful daily life! That, of course Father had regrets!"

"But that's nothing but Sempai's subjectivity right?"


"Just try thinking about it a little. A man who once wanted the crown in the world of swords, he was even called the Last Samurai because of that absurdly high ambition… a person like that, would he truly be happy in a life where he couldn't even use his sword, and would decay as an instructor? Is it really a daily life he would want to continue forever? ―If it was me, then I definitely wouldn't be able to bear it."


"Certainly, the nuisance of the fight is undeniable. And the methods that skull guy took to challenge your father wasn't commendable at all. But, there was a person who would go that far just to challenge your father…. As a swordsman, isn't this something to really be glad about?"

No way…. There's no way that's possible. After all, Father was always smiling. He would take care of the pupils with kind eyes, and pass off his sword to the next generation―

「This is my battle! Don't interfere!」


At that exact moment, something inside of Ayase, something that has been loose for a long time fell into place perfectly with a click. And then, she understood everything.

During that fight, the reason why Kaito looked so dreadful, and why he sounded so much like a wild demon that even Ayase had never seen or heard him like that, when Ayase tried to stop the duel. Why he intended to continue the duel with that obvious outcome.

She hadn't realized it till now; she hadn't realized Kaito's true feelings.

For so long, she had thought that Kaito accepted a duel he didn't want to forcefully, and was defeated full of regret.

But, that's wrong! Absolutely, wrong!

Certainly, he had intended to fight for the pupils that were injured. He wanted to fight to protect the place his daughter lived in.

However, that wasn't everything!

The fuel that drove Kaito back then, it had been a feeling far simpler than decorum or morals, it had been far more pure.

He wanted to fight.

He wanted to fight the opponent before him.

He wanted to defeat the amazing guy before him.

It was just the simple natural instincts of a wild beast to fight. Because that fight was, for Kaito-san who was ridden with illness, a moment he had always yearned for. He desired it even if his soul should burn away, a single moment of passion.

…Aaah… so that's it.


That word, it wasn't something he said to us.

If it's now, she could understand. Those words were not aimed at Ayase or the pupils; he said those words to Kuraudo. No matter what the reason, there was a boy willing to challenge a illness-ridden fossil of the past like him. But he failed to show him everything of the Ayatsuji single-blade style. So he was asking Kuraudo to forgive the weak him.

…Really, that old fool.

To actually speak the words that might as well be his last words to his enemy. She always thought of him as a more intellectual type of person. But what? He turned out to be an astonishing egoist! Almost like a boy who just hates to lose.

But… still.

…Then was my father… happy in the end?

At that moment, a loud and conspicuous clang rang out through the hall.

The loudest clashing sound till then suddenly rang out, and the hall fell into silence.

"Haa, haa! Haa!"

In that silence, Ikki was panting roughly. The blood loss from the countless wounds he sustained greatly drained his energy. But―Ikki wasn't the only one who was panting.

"Ugh! Haa, haa, haa."

Even though Kuraudo hadn't received a wound yet, he was also breathing heavily. The battle seemed to be completely one sided, but why was he almost exactly as tired as Ikki?

The answer, Stella immediately figured it out.

"That's it! So that's the weak point of Marginal Counter…!"

"Eh? What are you talking about Vermillion-san?"

"Just carefully look at the face of the skull guy, you'll understand."

Being told that, Ayase looked at Kuraudo's face. He was sweating a lot, and from his chin, drops of sweat were pouring down as if overflowing.

"…I see! It's his stamina!"

"Yes. It's quite simple now that I think about it. That overwhelming common sense-defying Marginal Counter of his boasts higher action counts, but in return the stamina consumption is really harsh. Ikki immediately realized that and played for time while sustaining the minimum amount of injury he could, in order to bring down his stamina!"

As if confirming that, Kuraudo suddenly gnashed violently.

Damn mimic…! This was supposed to be going with my pace, but before I knew it I got caught in that bastard's game of endurance!

Even though he was half dead and could barely hold his sword, he immediately saw through the weakness of Kuraudo's Marginal Counter and drew him into his own pace. As a result, Kuraudo's energy was almost completely exhausted.

Yes, it's exactly as Stella said. Ikki wasn't the type of guy to just quietly sit around while he was being attacked. In his arsenal, there were many methods to wear out his opponents.

Almost like witchcraft… what an annoying bastard.

Kuraudo got the chills when he tried to think of how many layers of planning this simple attacking and blocking match had.

On the other hand, Ayase was full of admiration for Ikki.

"As expected of Kurogane-kun! He can even do that from a place where his swords don't reach the opponent! If it's this, then he might be able to win…!"

But when Ayase was swinging her fists in happiness with the possibility of a turnaround, Stella showed a severe expression.

"…Maybe, maybe not."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"This game of endurance was his last card. He didn't have any other options as he couldn't change the distance at all. That's all. And Ikki is also out of stamina. He is way past his limit. In a protracted battle, the possibility of him losing is higher."

It was just something he did as a last resort in that hopelessly disadvantageous situation. So it wasn't something that had much merits for this side. The only thing that could be said was―

"Well, no matter who loses and who wins… the next blow will probably be the last."

That was the only truth.

"…This bastard… there has to be a limit to stubbornness…!"

"Haa, haa… unfortunately, I really hate to lose…. And… it's been a while since I've been thrown around this much…. It's so fun… it would be a shame to just end it."

"Haa… haa… haa… fun, is it? Hahahahaha! You too huh, you're pretty much screwed up in the head, too!"

"…That, I could say the same about you…!"

"…Yeah, but it's time to end that too."

Kuraudo corrected his breathing, and straightened his back. And he brandished Orochimaru.

"The next will bring you down."

He declared that to the warrior covered in blood, standing before him. With the next strike—he'd kill.

And accepting that death challenge, Ikki happily raised the ends of his lips.

"―Yeah, that's right. I was thinking that too."

He aimed the black blade before his eyes, pointing the tip directly at Kuraudo's chest. The two knights exchanged the pledge of bringing a certain death to each other, and then―

"Lastly, can I ask something?"


Before ending the match, Ikki asked something he had to hear from Kuraudo no matter what.

"The great sword master that we both long for… was he smiling just like how we are right now?"

At that question, Kuraudo's eyes suddenly turned wide.

"…Haha, don't ask something so obvious."

He replied as if spitting it out.

"There's no damn way that someone who is called the Last Samurai wouldn't enjoy an exciting death match as fun as this one."

"…Is that so."

He wanted to know that. And he wanted the answer to be that as well. That's why, Ikki said it.

"Thank you."

He dashed out while baring his fangs.

While spilling blood from the many cuts across his body, Ikki jumped out with a short posture.

His red-dyed body was half dead, half alive. But the speed of that dash right now was the highest since the start of the battle, almost like a gale.

What a ridiculous bastard!

Kuraudo didn't feel rueful when commending that Ikki. Then, he should also throw away all hesitation. He decided to pour all his soul into the next attack, and shrank Orochimaru to the size of a one-handed sword.

Shrinking the reach, but prioritizing the speed. A full speed attack containing his all. Utilizing the full of Marginal Counter, an ultimate technique that only Sword Eater could unleash!

"Yamata no Orochi[4]―!"

A full power attack. And at the same time he swung the sword; eight heads appeared as the attack! Dimly glowing in a bone-colored radiance, the eight headed serpent assaulted the dark haired knight while baring it's fangs.

Ikki, who couldn't stop the four-fold attack, couldn't possibly stop this. He would be murdered without a doubt.

But, even though that was a fact. But still!

The Worst One didn't stop. Without a shred of hesitation, he dashed towards the coming eight-headed serpent. With the blade positioned parallel to his eyesight, and with the tip pointed directly at Kuraudo's chest, he jumped forward without any intention of defending.

Was it self-abandonment? Was it a random frenzied attack?


…No! This is―

From the blade positioned parallel with his eyesight. And from the depths of the pair of eyes that released a blinding radiance. Kuraudo felt a chill as if his whole body was being cut apart.

He knew this. In the past, there was a moment where he felt the same sensation. That was, during the match with Ayatsuji Kaito. During the very last moment. At that time, the almost dead Kaito was trying to do something. Just like the current Ikki, he had his sword positioned like that, and he jumped forward abandoning all defense.

Kuraudo had always pondered what that was until today, that feeling. But he certainly felt it right at that moment, that sensation.


From a man who was half dead, a man who could collapse any moment, he felt an unreasonable fear that well up from his very depth. And right now, it was the same—and exactly because so!


Kuraudo didn't stop his sword. Even at this very moment, he could evade with his Marginal Counter. But still, he didn't! He faced it head on!

Of course I will…!!!

Kuraudo always longed to see this. He wanted to see the continuation of that duel, even though he thought it was no longer possible. Maybe, just maybe Kaito might recuperate. Maybe Ayase would also master the sword completely and come to challenge him.

With that marginal wish in mind, he had always waited at this place. That was why he wouldn't stop. There was no reason for him to stop.

"It was worth the wait! These two long years―!!!"

Immediately after, their two figures intersected, and fresh blood flew in the air.

The splash of blood that rose so high that it reached the ceiling―was Kuraudo's. There was a massive slantwise gash on his huge built body, starting from the right shoulder till the end of the lower left abdominal area.

And as for Ikki, he sustained no wounds.

Why? Yamata no Orochi was something that didn't allow defending nor evading. In truth, Ikki took on the eight serpent fangs with his body. But why was he unharmed?

The reason, Ayase understood it immediately.

…N-No doubt… that's….

In the past, Ayase had witnessed this technique just once. When Ayase decided to enter Hagun Academy, it was the secret technique of the Ayatsuji single-blade style her father had shown her.

At that time, when Ayase attacked her father with Hizume, she certainly did hit his body. But, she wasn't able to cut him. The response, it was as if he was cutting the sakura petals dancing through the air. Her father said this―

―A counter-attack will be delayed if one uses the blade for deflection in order to perform an interception.

Because whenever one shifts the enemy's sword to evade, then one's own sword will also shift from the place he wants to attack a proportional distance. Then what should be done in order to perform a perfect counter?

Kaito's gave an answer to that question. All one had to do is take the opponents attack with one's body and ward it off without shifting the opponent's sword along with the place one wants to attack.

A peerless stance to evade the enemies attack by taking the most minimum possible movement, dispelling everything of the material world while feeling every physical existence around.

"Ayatsuji single-blade style final secret, Ten'i Muhou[5]!"

But why was Kurogane-kun able to use it? Even Kaito only used this top secret technique in front of her once, so why―


Then she remembered something Ikki had said at that family restaurant.

"It's all because of Ayatsuji-san's hard work. Even alone, I think you would have noticed it, you would've reached that secret when the time's right."

Ikki never says anything he isn't sure of. Ayase who had directly received his training knows of his sincerity the best.

"No way, did he already know it then…!"

"Blade Steal."


"Ikki's sword style. He's able to steal even the deepest secrets of a sword style after observing it. This happened in my case too."

Yes, at that time, Ikki had already seen through the Ayatsuji style. The destination where Ayase's sloppy sword, a sword that was training desperately to chase after her father's back, would reach.

Confirming that, Stella showed a delighted look. Because she knew that this was Ikki's true dreadfulness. He wasn't satisfied, even though he had so much power. Stocking on power and techniques even if it would help him only a little, and using it, in order to reach a new height. That unstoppable ambition is what makes the Worst One the Crownless Sword King. That was the true essence of Kurogane Ikki, the Crimson Princess's lover.

"…God, that's a man worth chasing after, really."

Stella muttered that in an amazingly low tone. But at that moment,


Something that no one there could believe happened. Kuraudo, while bearing that obviously fatal wound howled like a mad beast and sustained his stance, refusing to let his body fall. The huge amount of blood flowing from his wound formed a blood puddle beneath his feet. But even so, Kuraudo didn't let his knees bend, and he didn't admit defeat.

He's still standing!

At this, even Ikki couldn't hide his surprise. But―

"…I see. So this is what that old mister wanted to use then."

There was no fighting spirit harbored in Kuraudo's eyes.

"Haha… Awesome…."

As if yearning for the battle that occurred here two years ago, he laughed cheerfully. And then, he once again turned his attention towards Ikki after lifting up his blood-dyed body.

"Worst One―your name?"

"Kurogane Ikki."

"Kurogane… We'll continue this at the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival."

Saying that, he headed towards the exit of the dojo. It seems like he no longer had the intention to fight. Guessing that, Ikki asked―

"Kurashiki-kun, this dojo―"

"Do whatever you want. ―Cuz there's no reason for me to wait anymore."

That was his answer.

"W-Wait Kuraudo!"

"Hey you guys! We're leaving!"


His lackeys followed Kuraudo one by one and left the dojo. And just when their figure completely vanished,

"Whoa! Get a grip, Kuraudo!"

"This is bad, he's completely lost consciousness!"

"Someone hurry up and call an ambulance!"

"Wait a bit! I'll drive us to school."

"Kurauudo! Hang on―!"

Their panicked voices echoed from the distance.

Ikki banished his Intetsu with a sigh, though there seemed to be some admiration dwelling in that.

"Not letting his enemies see his weakness…. He's surprisingly stubborn too."

"Just like you right?"


Being suddenly pushed back, he fell on his backside.

"W-What are you doing, Stella!"

"Don't go spouting that pretentious stuff while you can't even stand."


Certainly, the current Ikki couldn't even stand up again, let alone walk. Because he was found out, he averted his face with a pout.

"You noticed…."

"Of course! Jeez, getting beat up like this every single day! If you had that awesome technique then why didn't you use it sooner!"

"Don't ask for the impossible. It's the secret attack of the great Last Samurai. There's no way I could use it without prior preparation. If I didn't wear out Kurashiki-kun to make his sword attacks go a bit dull, then I would've been turned into mincemeat."

"Then at least try to avoid those injuries a bit more!"

Sighing, Stella tossed her bag at Ayase.

"Sempai, I brought a first aid kit just in case, can you please stop the bleeding? A girl from a dojo like you should be able to right? In the meantime I'm going to call a sensei and meet up, we can't get on the train all covered in blood like this, can we?"

"Y-Yes, I got it!"

Replying, Ayase took the bag. Inside, there were many first aid materials like bandages, disinfection liquids and so on. Before Stella finished calling the school to get a car, she should be able to complete some of the treatment. Ayase steadily beginning the treatment, and while doing so….

"Kurogane-kun. …Thank you."

She tightly grabbed Ikki's hands and gave her heartfelt gratitude.

"Because of you, I think I've finally understood what my father really felt…. I thought I was the one who understood him the most, but looks like I didn't understand him at all."

"That's not true."


"The reason I was able to win today was thanks to the fact that Ayatsuji-san was able to perfectly remember Kaito-san's teachings. I don't think, other than Ayatsuji-san, anyone else could've done that. You understand him the most. Because, you are the Last Samurai's successor."


Was it really so? Ayase didn't know that for sure. But she, certainly, prayed for that to happen.

"Then, I'll have to get stronger. Strong enough so that I can proudly call myself his successor, strong enough to beat that boy myself."

Ayase's eyes were no longer clouded like they were before. She probably will never again lose her way. Because she had found a place for herself, a place where she was proud to be.

Ikki showed a relieved smile at this Ayase.

"I'll be looking forward to it."

He prayed so that the wish of the girl would one day come true.

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