Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 15: Volume 3 - CH 2

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Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Shinjuku Ward. Between other skyscrapers standing in a row, the thirty-story skyscraper of the Japanese branch of the League of Mage-Knight Nations towered over them.

In the branch leader's office at the top floor, Japanese branch head Itsuki Kurogane sported deep wrinkles on his brow while holding the telephone on his desk.

"I see. Shizuku lost."

A sigh resounded frightfully in the room that was as dim as night.

「Her opponent was 'Raikiri', so maybe it was inevitable.」

"Nangou-sensei's prized child, was it?"

「Yes. Shizuku-san was unlucky. If it weren't for how stupidly the selection battles were arranged, she likely could've easily become a representative.」

How stupidly.

Itsuki nodded without voicing his agreement with the words from the man on the phone. Those words were certainly accurate.

Selecting representatives based on real battles, the method suggested by Shinguuji, the new board chairman―Itsuki had repudiated it head-on as something abominable.

"And? What became of Ikki?"

「…The 'Worst One' is maintaining his streak of perfect victories even now. Sheesh, Hagun's students are so disappointing. To let an F-rank dunce get this far.」

"Does it seem like he'll become a representative?"

「While I'm sorry to say it, that dunce has already brought down the 'Crimson Princess' and the school's third-ranked 'Runner's High'. The way Hagun's people have been disappointing so far, no matter how a fight between Raikiri and the Crimson Princess plays out… he'll be shown in front of the whole country.」

"That is unacceptable."

A situation Itsuki didn't even want to imagine was becoming reality, and Itsuki's voice grew as heavy as lead.

「Y-Yes! Exactly as you say!」

"Is there anything we can do?"

「Ah, if the director's authority is used to revoke his qualifications as a student knight….」

"…If that was an option, I would've taken it a long time ago. But whether it's a mage-knight or a student knight, the ones who control those qualifications are the white-bearded officials of the League of Mage-Knight Nations―in other words, the head office holds that authority. A branch can make a divestiture demand but can't do the divesting itself. If that demand isn't made with some basis, it lacks persuasiveness."

One year ago, they'd even spurred on the 'Hunter' in order to get that persuasive power, but Ikki had stubbornly refused to be baited. Even though the Hunter had driven him to the verge of death, he still avoided the temptation.

If Ikki was going to resist, then he'd be prevented from gaining combat experience. Therefore, Itsuki would be strict even to the point of forcing him to repeat a grade. To have him expelled by snatching away his qualifications as a student knight, Itsuki needed to take the first step of getting him removed from school.

However, that was helpless talk based on Itsuki's limited authority. To make it work, he needed a basis to persuade those entitled people.

"In any case, if we don't do something effective before the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival begins―"

At that moment―

"For this situation with Ikki Kurogane, I have an excellent idea."

From the dark, a droll male voice resounded. The voice came from the doorway. Itsuki turned his eyes languidly, and as if permeating the entire dark room, an obese middle-age man with an Ebisu-like face[1] stood there.

Itsuki remembered that face.

"Akaza, is it?"

"It's been a while, honorable clan head. Nha ha ha."

The middle-aged man was Mamoru Akaza, a branch member of the Kurogane family.

"…You said you have an excellent idea?"

Asking that, Itsuki hung up the telephone. The voice on the other hand was already less interesting than Akaza's words.

Grasping the situation, Akaza pasted a shady smile on his grateful face and made a noise in his throat.

"Nha ha ha. Yes, the truth is, I have some interesting information from some of my dumb muscle subordinates. If it's used well, the anxiety that the honorable clan head is currently feeling can be cleansed―"

On the next Sunday, Ikki Kurogane and Stella Vermillion rode to Hagun Academy's training camp deep in the mountains of Okutama along with the student council members in a van that Saijou drove.

They were after Okutama's mystery, to determine the true identity of the rumored giant. However, the training camp grounds were endowed with rugged terrain of many mountains and deep forest. To search that with only seven people, even Blazers couldn't do it half-heartedly.

Since that was the case, they could hardly start without first filling their stomachs and restoring their energy. Therefore Ikki and Stella left speaking with the administrators to Saijou and Toutokubara, and made curry for lunch with the remaining members.

Dividing all of the tasks between them, using the cookware borrowed from the training camp grounds, they carried the ingredients Touka brought to a campsite.

They could've rented the dining hall as well, but since they went to the trouble of coming to the mountains, they went with the flow and made camp curry instead.

"Nn~. The fresh air feels great."

While bringing cookware like kitchen knife and chopping board, and setting up the cooking area with bricks, Stella took a grand breath.

"Since there's little asphalt here, the air is really crisp, isn't it?"

"Japan has concrete everywhere. It's too well settled. It's unbearably hot and humid."

"Well, the country is practically subtropic as well."

Stella's motherland, the Vermillion Empire, was located in northern Europe. It had a colder atmosphere, and was also drier. For Stella who was brought up in that kind of country, the Japanese summer that she was experiencing for the first time was frankly draining.

In truth, Ikki had recently been hearing Stella groaning at night as if unable to sleep. Since Japan's summers were hot enough that people died from it, her discomfort was understandable.

"Hey hey, Stella-chan! Let's play badminton together!"

Suddenly, Renren, who had been a step ahead and was done with hauling cookware, waved a racket in one hand and called out to Stella.

"Okay! But I'm pretty good, you know?"

"What was that~? I won't lose with my footwork! Come and get it!"

"Hmph~♪ I'll make you regret challenging me to this game!"

Stella accepted Renren's invitation enthusiastically.

"Ah, Stella…."

Ikki called out to stop them, but Stella was already running off.

"Oh man, even though we said we'd make lunch right now."

To Ikki who was sighing, Touka smiled cheerfully as she carried a bag full of supermarket ingredients.

"It's fine. We don't need that many people to make curry. Let's leave cleaning up to those two."

"I guess we should. Ah, that's right. How much did the groceries cost? We'll pay our share."

"Ha ha ha. You don't need to worry about that sort of thing, since you two came to help us out. We'll pay for things like food at least. Or should I say, if we don't treat you, I'll feel bad about it."

Touka shrugged as if slightly troubled. Certainly, Ikki would feel equally guilty if he were in Touka's place. It'd embarrass both of them if he refused after this.

"…In that case, I'll accept your kind offer."

Utakata chimed in.

"Touka's curry is made from a secret homemade recipe for curry roux, so it's ridiculously tasty."

"Yes. By all means, please look forward to it."

"But let me help prepare it at least."

"Then Kurogane-san, please peel the potatoes and carrots."

"Got it."

"Uta-kun, you'll prepare the rice?"

"For making that curry, the rice will of course be that, right?"

"Yes. I've bought proper California rice, so I'll leave it to you."

"Heh. I'm itching to get started."

Utakata and Touka somehow spoke to each other with their eyes.

Ikki who was watching through it all didn't understand any of it, but he was at least able to appreciate their very close relationship.

It had already been five years since he left home. He had lived alone for such a long time, and naturally mastered skills in housework. Therefore Ikki finished the duties he had been assigned extremely skillfully.

First, he soaked the peeled potatoes in water, so that they wouldn't fall apart while cooking. Then while the potatoes were soaking, he peeled the carrots and chopped them into bite-size pieces, and brought them to Touka.

On the way, Ikki suddenly stopped.

Touka, wearing an apron, was cutting meat and mincing onion with magnificent technique while humming the hero's theme song of a nation-wide anime.

His breath caught at the sight of this figure that gave an impression of a young wife, because that figure, like a painting, carried a consummate sense of beauty.

"Hmm? Is something the matter?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing."

Touka called out to him after looking over her shoulder, and Ikki came back to his senses.

What was I doing? …Just now, I was swallowed up in Touka-san's atmosphere.

After having seen Raikiri take down Shizuku with overwhelming power, he hadn't felt anything about Touka up until now. The mysterious thoughts notwithstanding, Ikki rolled that question around his head, and brought to Touka the vegetables he was carrying.

"Here are the potatoes and carrots. I've soaked the potatoes in water."

"Thanks for the work. Wow, they're peeled so beautifully. And the size of the cuts is great."

"Since we're going through the trouble of eating outdoors, I thought it'd be great to have hometown curry."

"A gold star for a perfect score. Kurogane-san is good with a kitchen knife as he is with a sword, I see."

"Ha ha, I've lived by myself for a long time, after all. Is there anything else I can help with?"

"No. I can do the rest myself, so you can take a break."

Certainly, two people over one pot would be nothing but a hassle. Ikki accepted Touka's suggestion, and stepped out of the cooking area.

In the middle of doing so―

"Ha ha ha. What's wrong, Kouhai-kun[2]? Were you fascinated by Touka's hu~ge butt, I wonder?"

Utakata, who was boiling rice in an outdoor cooking pot, was questioning Ikki's brief pause in staring at Touka just a moment ago.

"N-No! That wasn't what I was doing!"

Ikki immediately threw out a denial.

Touka's butt certainly looked round and soft, and a boy couldn't help but feel fascinated by it, but―

"No, what am I thinking…. I don't really understand myself, but… that is, I was captivated by the sight of Toudou-san cooking. How do I put it, it was as though I couldn't bring myself to look away."


Utakata oohed and aahed at Ikki's reply with great interest.

"Couldn't bring yourself to look away, is it? Yep. And even realizing it on the first glance. Kouhai-kun really isn't an ordinary person."

"What do you mean?"

"You felt that seeing her like that was something you couldn't pass up, right? That sensation is honest, you know. That sight is close to the core, the source of Touka's strength."

"The source of her strength?"

"Yeah, I've been watching Touka since the old days, and I know that well."

Since the old days―

Sometime ago when Utakata and Touka had exchanged eye contact, Ikki had felt some kind of old connection between them. Ikki spoke frankly about that feeling.

"Misogi-san, have you been acquainted with Toudou-san since long ago?"

"Hmm? Yeah. You see, me and Touka came from the same orphanage."


"It was the Wakaba House, one of the social welfare services developed by the Toutokubara Foundation. They took custody of children without relatives and brought them up. Both me and Touka were at that institution. Since Kanata was also coming and going at that place, we've all been friends since those days. The three of us did all kinds of stuff."

"Is… is that so?"

Utakata said it like it was nothing, but Ikki showed just a bit of embarrassment in response. He had expected them to be childhood friends, but it was completely outside his expectations that they had come from the same institution.

It was what it was, and more than that, Ikki found it difficult to decide whether he should go deeper into this subject, but….

The source of Toudou-san's strength.

The words from Utakata who has watched her since the old days, they would arouse interest without fail. What kind of girl was Touka Toudou?

Therefore, Ikki asked him boldly.

"Umm, do you mind telling me about it, Misogi-san? What did you mean by the source of Toudou-san's strength?"

At that inquiry, Utakata sank into a brief silence, then spoke.

"…Kouhai-kun, what kind of place do you think of when you hear the word orphanage?"

"An establishment where children live when they don't have relatives… right?"

"Well, that's quite correct, but the 'don't have relatives' part can be complicated. Some kids lose their parents to accidents and misfortune, some kids are thrown away by their parents… those kinds of children are still better off than some who are almost killed by their parents before child services separate them… eh, there are all sorts."

"By their parents… is it?"

"Yep. And our facility in those days had kids in those kinds of splendidly complex situations and, how do I say this, the atmosphere was bad. With a company of fellows having such circumstances, hurt and abused for trivial reasons, …everyone was suffering. But in the middle of that, Touka had a smiling face for everyone and always did her best for them. Even though she was also in the same environment. She read picture books for the small children, and on the orphanage director's behalf made delicious food… because the director was a very nice person, but the cooking was unbearably unpleasant. Everyone was super happy about that, you know. Ahaha."

"She was a very helpful person, wasn't she?"

"In the old days. She was the type who always had to meddle in other people's business. …Even with the guy who was almost killed by his parents. That one was already unmanageably violent anyway, so broken he couldn't be helped, but no matter how he injured Touka over and over again, Touka couldn't abandon him even once. Thanks to that… he got his humanity back again. He managed to recover human emotions. That's why that guy is still thankful to Touka to this day, and loves her very much."

Utakata lowered his eyes humbly, and spoke of the old days. The tone of the story had turned to first-person here and there. Perhaps… it was likely that the child who was almost killed by his parents was Utakata himself.

"That guy asked Touka once. Why was Touka so strong? That she would care no matter what. Touka who was in the same situation of having no parents, even though she was the same as the other kids, why she loved everyone else that much. And Touka answered."

「My parents loved me very much. It might've been a very short time that I had an ordinary family, but I received a lot of smiles and affection. With those memories, my dead parents continue to support me even now. Because of that, I want to smile at the other kids too. I want to make memories that can support everyone, the way my parents did for me. Because to love others is something precious and beloved that my parents taught me.」

And then―

"Exactly as she said, Touka continued to give her smile and her courage to everyone in Wakaba House until she left the facility. She continued to demonstrate to us orphans that even we can become great people. And she's energetically continuing to do so as someone with top strength among the entire nation's student knights, Raikiri."

Having heard that much, Ikki also understood what Utakata meant when he spoke of "the source of that girl's strength".

It was―good intentions.

Demonstrating a peerless strength not for her own sake, but for other people. Touka Toudou was a young lady who held that kind of spirit. Ikki had caught a glimpse and was captivated by a fragment of that in seeing the figure of Touka making food to treat Ikki and the others.

Therefore, he had recognized the information that couldn't be overlooked, the heart that the foundation of her strength was built on.

"―Kouhai-kun. You're strong. And you're more frank than I expected. I'm not at the level to compete with you face-to-face, and I think even Kanata wouldn't be a close call. But someone like you can't surpass Touka. Touka's strength is extraordinary. The reason is because that girl knows what it would mean for her to lose, and how many people will grieve if it happens. That's why she can't lose. That's why she can't break. Between the two of you, the weight of responsibility you're carrying is different."

Ikki didn't answer those words. His gaze simply left Utakata and turned to Touka who was cooking cheerfully, his thoughts moving in her direction. To those delicate shoulders burdened by the hopes and prayers of many people. And to the answer regarding Touka's strength.

…Certainly, I don't have that kind of thing.

Ikki came this far by only believing in his own worth. Not relying on anyone, not doing it for anyone. Simply working for the sake of his own dream. Therefore, the weight that Utakata spoke of didn't dwell in Ikki's sword. No one else's hopes dwelled there.

That truth coiled around Ikki's heart like a dark, vague shape. And he asked himself. Was his sword, lacking that weight, able to defeat that girl?

Lunch was curry made with garlic rice instead of white rice.

It seemed to be a recipe from the time at Wakaba House, when there wasn't much money to spend and everyone couldn't make feasts to rejoice over, so Touka, Utakata, and Kanata put it together through trial and error.

Touka had dissolved ample amounts of savory beef tendon into the homemade curry roux she brought to camp in Tupperware, and together with the fragrant aroma of garlic rice, there was no way it could be unappetizing.

Because Ikki had never eaten such delicious curry before, he had unfortunately stuffed himself too much unintentionally. But in the other direction, unlike the four people who were eating normally, Stella didn't have very much. Maybe she wasn't hungry.

Then after lunch, Touka chose how to settle their stomachs by splitting them into groups so that they could walk around.

After all, though they were Blazers, it was too dangerous for people to walk in the mountains alone.

The groups were Touka and Utakata, Saijou and Renren, and lastly Ikki and Stella. As a provision for emergencies, only Kanata remained in the training camp building, and the party finally set out on their mountain hunt.

The objective was to find a giant and secure it.

The Ikki/Stella group was walking around the area that they were entrusted with, the mountain forest on the west side.

This location was different from the ordinary mountains that a mountaineer would go through. It was part of a facility for Blazer training. Consequently, there the trails were not well maintained, and vegetation grew dense and abundantly all over the place. In addition the slope of the terrain was severe. It was very much a precipitous trail.

No, if it was simply precipitous, then for Ikki and Stella who regularly trained their bodies, it wouldn't be anything special, but―

"Huh, again?"

Ikki caught in his left hand a shadow that leaped from the thickets with a crunching sound. It was a pit viper with its fangs bared.

This was already the third time. The ruggedness of the trail aside, for surprise attacks to continue like this was a little tiresome.

Ikki threw the viper far away with a snap of his wrist, and tentatively called for Stella's attention as she followed behind him.

"It looks like this side of the river has a lot of poisonous snakes. They're not the type to kill with a bite, but Stella, you should be careful."


Stella's answer wasn't energetic. How should he put it, at a glance, Stella didn't have much ambition right now. With the spirit she had shown at the student council office before, she should probably be leading the charge, pushing her way through the thicket. That was how she should be, but Stella right now was sagging her shoulders and slouching, and only following Ikki from behind sluggishly.

"What's wrong? You don't look too lively, but did losing at badminton shock you that much?"

It seemed that the badminton match with Renren had ended with Stella's utter defeat. Stella had miscalculated the force of her smashes, ruining herself by hitting the birdie out of the court again and again.

Certainly the matter would make her sulk, he thought, but….

"It's not really about that…."

Stella answered with a denial. But as she answered, there was an indecisiveness in her voice, as if the person herself didn't entirely understand why she wasn't energetic.

I wonder what's really the matter?

Ikki tilted his head in puzzlement at his sweetheart who was acting different from usual.

But at that moment, he didn't grasp how huge the change was.

I wonder if she's just a little worn out from not being used to mountain trails.

"Follow me properly so you don't get lost, okay?"

Saying that, Ikki cleared the way forward through the thicket so that Stella would have an easier path.

But he was mistaken. This abnormality of Stella's wasn't something that should be disregarded.

At around two hours of walking the unpaved trail―

…Looks like the weather's getting bad, huh?

Ikki stared at the sky through spaces in the dense foliage above. The sky visible through the leaves that had been dazzlingly green just a while ago was now darkened into an ashen shadow of itself. It was a color that suggested it could start raining at any time. He had heard that the weather in the mountains can change quickly, but this much? And since they were high above sea level, he also felt unpleasantly cold.

Could it be that rain is coming?


Lowering his eyes back down from the sky, Ikki suddenly saw something unusual.

Fallen trees.

And not just one or two of them. Ten or twenty trees had collapsed, opening a clearing in the mountain forest.

That cause was the ground, as if something gigantic had crawled out of the ground, turning over the brown earth as it came up and bringing the deep scent of soil in doing so. The trees that were standing there were similarly uprooted.

The huge gouge had a diameter of about five meters. And in the horribly muddy, mushed-up ground, there was a footprint of fifty centimeters wide.

"This is…!"

That shape wasn't from the hoof of a beast, but resembled a human's footprint. But there were no humans that big, so the maker of this footprint was no human―perhaps it was the rumored giant.

"Hey Stella, this―"

Ikki called out to report his discovery to Stella behind him―

"Ha… ha…."

When he saw Stella breathing heavily and leaning on a tree for support, he noticed something.

"Stella? Could it be you're worn out…?"

He thought she was leaning on the tree because the mountain trail had fatigued her, but he was wrong. Ikki realized it as he looked at Stella's face. Even though the air was this cold, Stella's face was deeply red, and her forehead was packed with drops of sweat.

It was to an unusual degree. It was strange under any circumstance.

"Stella!? What happened to make you sweat so much?"

"I-I don't know…. It's just, for a while now my body has been really heavy… I've been nauseous, and dizzy…. Hey Ikki, there's something I need to tell you."

Stella raised her red face listlessly, and put on a very serious expression. From her heavy but indecisive seriousness, he easily knew the inquiry was about something very important. What was she going to say?

Ikki gulped, and braced himself.

"What is it?"

And she asked―

"Do kisses cause pregnancy?"

He almost fell to his knees in the aftermath of his exhaustion.

"…No. No they don't."

He didn't want to think about how frightening humanity would be if kissing a girl made her pregnant.

"I mean, Stella, are you not feeling well?"


"No. Umm, in English it would be cold, wouldn't it? No, don't they call it fever?"

"O-Oh… I guess I understand it."

Stella managed to dig out Ikki's meaning from his awkward English.

"I see. This is… the 'cold' I've heard about."

"Stella, have you never had a cold?"

"Not once…. Oh, right…. When I was a child, I was envious of people having an excuse to take a break from school, but this doesn't feel like anything to envy."

Stella declared that and forced herself to laugh. For her, it was the first time her body had experienced such a thing. That was why she couldn't figure out until now the reason her body was in a bad condition. Perhaps, in Japan's hot and humid climate which her body hadn't adapted to yet, her immunity had fallen.

"It's impossible to keep investigating with your condition, I guess. Let's go back right now."

"W-Wait a second…. Since we just found a clue after all that work…."

"Even if you say that, you probably can't move anymore, right?"

"That's not true. Something like this… w-what?"


Stella tried to separate from the tree she was leaning on, when she trembled unexpectedly and began to fall to the ground.

Ikki moved quickly, and just barely caught her on his chest. And he noticed her temperature; it was so abnormally high that he could feel it through her clothes.

This is worse than I thought….

Stella didn't realize she had a cold, and worsened it by pushing herself to the limit. If they didn't get down from the mountain immediately….

Ikki made that judgment, and picked her body up in his arms.

"Even if you don't like it, I'm going to carry you back like this."

"Ah, uuu…."

Stella made a face like she was a little dissatisfied, but gave up resistance at Ikki's forceful tone. But naturally, Stella's intentions aside, her body already had no energy to spare for resistance. As proof, Stella breathed roughly and entrusted her body to Ikki.

If we don't get out of the mountains and have a doctor examine her….

For Ikki, running down a mountain while carrying a person wasn't difficult. Reaching the bottom of the mountain probably wouldn't take much time. That had to be true. But this was when trouble sprang up.

*drip, drop*

Rain fell onto Ikki's head from the gray sky. And soon after, the rain turned to bucketfuls coming down.

Recently, the subtropical parts of Japan had seen lots of squalls and heavy rains.

"Whoa, with this timing…!"

Ikki aside, right now was a bad time for Stella to get rained on. If her body got cold, her immunity would drop even more. Her body was still strong enough to fight the illness, but if her body got worse here, the illness could even become as bad as pneumonia.

If that happened, it would affect her representative selection battle matches. He had to prevent that at all costs.

―That's right! On the way here, there was a small shack at the river for emergency evacuation!

Recalling that, Ikki changed his plan immediately. He gave up the idea of running down the mountain, and decided to wait out the rain in that shack for now.

It was a small distance to the mountain shack, and by the time they finally managed to arrive there, both Ikki and Stella were completely soaked.

There, Ikki raised a fire in the shack's sunken fireplace in order to dry their clothes. And while he fed the fire with the stored firewood, he used the student datapad's telephone function to get in touch with Kanata who was standing by at the training camp lodge.

「Stella-san collapsed?」

"Yes. At the moment, I've carried her to a shack nearby to take shelter."

「Oh my…. How bad is it?」

"I think it's probably just a bad cold, but a doctor should still examine her."

"I understand. I'll send for a rescue immediately."

"That'll really help. Also, about the giant we were looking for, we found footprints that look to come from such a thing. What's more, there were signs that something gigantic came out of the earth. It might be that the giant is underground."

"Underground… is it? We're suddenly talking about something unbelievable like a gigantic creature underground, but… alright, I understand. We'll take over investigating those traces. The two of you should stay in the mountain shack, and please rest and wait for the rescue personnel. I believe they will arrive in an hour or two. The outside is becoming extremely cold, so please don't forget to dry off."

"Yes. Please take care of the investigation for us."

Ending the telephone call, Ikki threw the last of the firewood onto the fire. Because he did so, the inside of the room became much warmer.

"Great. Now our clothes can dry."

Ikki stripped off his dripping clothes, leaving only his trousers, and spread them near the sunken fireplace. After that, he turned his back to the partition with difficulty, and called out to Stella who was still breathing poorly.

"Stella, you should undress too. You might think it's embarrassing, but if you stay like that your cold will get worse."


Stella and Ikki were a couple, but that relationship had only just recently reached the level of kissing. For Stella, she was certainly reluctant to reveal her bare skin to her sweetheart. But she didn't complain. She meekly took off her soaked jacket, and reached for the clasp of her skirt.

Stella understood. This wasn't the time to be obstinate. She had to make sure her physical condition didn't get worse. For both Ikki and Stella, it was a critical stage. They were fighting in the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival selection battles that were limited to only six winners. If her cold worsened due to her spirit going down, the cherished promise between them would be finished.

That vow to meet in the Sword-Art Festival finals. That was the most important thing. Stella wasn't a girl who'd confuse that priority.




When she tried to step out of her skirt, Stella's body tumbled down. With her body in such poor shape for the first time in her life, Stella didn't know how much it had worsened, didn't know that the effects were so huge, she didn't even have the strength left to remove her own clothes. Ikki, who caught her on his chest before she fell to the ground, also recognized that.

The temperature he felt through her clothes, it had grown higher since the last time. Stella's condition was worsening by the moment. He didn't want her to do anything unreasonable, any more than this. Therefore Ikki boldly suggested something to Stella.

"Stella, those clothes, should I help you out of them?"

To that suggestion, Stella opened her scarlet eyes wide. Of course she did. Even though she was already embarrassed by the idea of showing her skin, to have Ikki take off her clothes? That kind of thing was absolutely out of the question.

―But Stella….

"…Sure… please do."

She instantly nodded her head just a little. Ikki was just as embarrassed, but he forced himself to make the suggestion. He was earnestly worried about Stella's body. It wasn't like Stella didn't understand that. That was why she decided to entrust her body to Ikki.

And Ikki also realized again that Stella was setting aside her own concern, and strongly cautioned himself.

I have to hold it together.

Stella was setting aside her own concern, suppressing her own embarrassment, and accepting his suggestion. In that case, it was out of the question for him to be strangely conscious of the situation and stir up her own shame. Right now, he was the only one who could help Stella. So that she wouldn't experience any embarrassment, he'd strip her clothes off quickly and professionally. Having any guilty thoughts was forbidden.


After warning himself strongly, Ikki steeled his resolution and reached out for Stella's clothes. He'd start with the stockings that were clinging to her skin. Having them glued to the skin like that, the wetness was probably unpleasant. Thinking that, Ikki unfastened the garter belt that the stockings were attached to, inserted a finger into the space between one stocking and Stella's thigh, and slowly rolled the stocking down.

Under the rolled-down black cloth, a dazzling white bare foot came into view. A calf with muscle developed by extensive exercise, from thigh to toe it was unlike the gourd shape of the Japanese who did agriculture, but a thin and straight form characteristic of a people who did hunting. Seeing this shape in Stella's long and supple legs, Ikki couldn't avoid having bad thoughts about the beauty of those legs even though he tried to gulp down the saliva in his mouth.

Moreover, those white and lovely feet being exposed were at his own fingertips. There was no way he could avoid being conscious of that. And since Stella's beautifully polished toenails were lined up with his fingers, at the time he rolled the wet stockings, Ikki felt an intense numbness running between his brain and spine, and realized the naivete of his own intentions.

…There's no way I can stay professional about this kind of thing.

If it was some other girl, Ikki might've been been able to stay disciplined. But this was the girl he loved most. That beloved girl's clothing, he was taking them off piece by piece with his own hands. It's not like he did something so sensual very often. Moreover, every time he exposed Stella's skin a little, a sweet fragrance rose up from her naked body and tickled his nose. Only by removing the stockings from both legs, Ikki's heart was already thumping so strongly that it was about to explode. With him like this already, would he be able to take off her shirt?


Ikki peeked a fleeting glance of Stella's expression. The color of Stella's face was so red that it could burst into flame at any moment. Her eyes were wet, and undoubtedly not just because her body was risking a fever.

I can't show any unreliablity right now.

"Stella, relax a little more."

Ikki, so that the he wouldn't agitate Stella's shame, spoke while smiling.


In giving that reply, Stella wasn't very firm. Well, that was natural. She must've been at least this embarrassed with Ikki being so close to take off her clothing. It would be unreasonable to tell her to relax. In that case, there was little he could do but quickly release Stella from this situation.

Realizing this, Ikki took the button of Stella's shirt in his hand. And starting from the bottom of her neck, he undid the buttons one by one without touching her skin. It was hard to pinch the buttons of the shirt that had become damp from soaking up rainwater and were now clinging tightly to the distinctly plump shapes of Stella's breasts, but to avoid being in any way rough, he made sure to stay careful. Deliberate. And so he unwrapped Stella's chest.

After he unfastened the bottom button, Ikki took the shirt collar in his hands. And somehow opened the shirt. He pulled off the damp shirt that resisted the motion, exposing Stella's shoulder as if pulling away a veil that concealed her skin.

Her breath and throat moved together alluringly. Her lace brassiere held her large breasts tightly. A young woman's softness above a white belly squirmed greedily and contracted a little with each breath, despite how well-trained her body was.

From the slippery rain and the cold sweat of her fever, Stella's entire body glistened. That sensual brilliance….

*Foom* Something in Ikki's brain became charred. His throat became dry in an instant. Ikki was immediately compelled to kiss that sweetly fragrant flesh, to touch it with his tongue, to nibble it gently, to quench his thirst on that fresh moisture.

But Ikki suppressed all of that compulsion with his reason. What was he thinking while his precious Stella was suffering? He struck down those intentions that were bubbling up, and mustered his self control. If he didn't do that, his emotions would erupt. But despite that….

"Umm, Ikki… undo the bra…."

Stella, who was in her underwear, said something unthinkable.

"Eh…!? What did you just say?"

"It's really hard to breathe…. Just unfasten the hook…."

She complained with rough breaths, and Stella's chest rose and fell heavily. Certainly, the brassiere that held her chest down might be painful for Stella. It was expected for a girl with big breasts. But….

Me, undo it?

He was strongly perplexed.

But Stella said that she was in pain, and he couldn't reply with reluctance. Since she asked him to do it, she had brought forth her intention.

"Y-Yeah… got it. Leave it to me."

Feigning as much calm as possible, Ikki nodded.

Stella's brassiere had a front hook. It was a model with a shoulder strap, so there was no way to remove the brassiere without unhooking the front.

In that case, it's fine. I won't look. It's fine. It's absolutely fine.

Ikki suggested that to himself, and inserted his finger into the hook, and unfastened it with a snap.

In an instant, Stella's breasts that had been held back literally sprang out.

The two massive orbs that rose up from below his hands bounced almost with a *boing*. It was a temptation more than enough to deal a fatal blow to Ikki's tattered reasoning.

But Ikki, anticipating it, had taken measures. In the instant he unhooked the front of the brassiere, he bit his own tongue so that he wouldn't look at Stella. That sharp pain blew away any wicked emotions, and successfully held his tattered reasoning together. And he, who got through the predicament….

What am I even fighting with here…?

His mood became somewhat miserable. He, who was putting on airs after desperately stifling himself at a girl's naked body. If he had more experience with girls, he'd probably behave with more dignity.

Even if I say that, it's too late for it.

Well anyway, he had to fulfill a man's minimum duty. Even while losing a grip on his innermost thoughts, he kept his self control, and without changing his expression, he calmly finished removing Stella's clothes. The shame he had inflicted on Stella, it surely ended up at the minimum level.

"N-Now, get under this blanket quickly. Since we're high in the mountains, it'll be cold."

Saying so, Ikki put a blanket included in the cabin's emergency supplies on Stella's shoulders. When he did so, Stella thanked him with a weak voice.

"Sorry… Ikki. For troubling you."

"It can't be helped if it's just a cold. Especially since it's your first time dealing with summer in Japan."

"It's also true, but… you looked like you were having a hard time…."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

Ikki became flustered. He must've kept his face from showing anything.

But Stella's gaze wasn't on Ikki's face. She was surprised, staring lower on his body with astonished eyes―exactly on Ikki's waist.

―He had a horribly unpleasant hunch.

"It… it became amazing.…"

Ikki, who presently laid his eyes on his own waist, realized that one section of his own body had not been calm.


This is bad….

It wasn't at the level that he could hide with a distraction. While the lower part of his body was in that condition, his face was quite ashamed. He wanted to die.

"A-Ahaha…. how do I explain this? It's something that happens to men, a part that moves unintentionally, and it would be a big help if you could overlook this happening right now."

As he expected, things became awkward, and Ikki mumbled his explanation while avoiding Stella's eyes. But to Ikki―

"Nn… don't apologize…."

Stella gently smiled with her face bathed in sweat.

"…It's… certainly embarrassing, but… but like I said at the pool, if it's you, I don't hate it…. Rather, I know you got excited because of me, and it makes me happy."


Left dizzy and shaking wildly, Ikki fell prostrate on the spot.

It was probably her fever talking. Stella's state was different from the usual. Her eyebrows dropping from lack of strength and her damp eyes, they looked meek and fragile. He couldn't help but tell this girl how cute she was, hug her immediately, and kiss her.

But Stella turned her eyes to peek at him, and…

"Hey Ikki…"

…said something outrageous.

"…do you want to… do it with me?"

"Hey Ikki… do you want to… do it with me?"

For an instant, Ikki couldn't understand what he had just been asked. But the confusion from the surprise attack only lasted that instant. He immediately understood how lethal the inquiry was.


He screamed from astonishment.

"W-Wait, Stella, do you know what you just said to me!?"

"Yes… I understand it."


Ikki was reflected in earnest scarlet eyes. Those eyes were slightly clouded in fever, but gave an extremely serious gaze. It wasn't a joke, she definitely wasn't saying it because she was delirious from fever. Stella was seriously asking Ikki. Ikki recognized it at that moment.


But even if he recognized it, what should he do? Should he say what he really thought?

Ikki didn't deny the answer to that question one bit. Of course he wanted to. Not just today. Whenever he kissed her, whenever he held her hands, whenever he hugged her. At various times, Ikki felt that impulse in himself. It was right on target. Because Ikki was a boy, and Stella was a girl. There was no way he could deceive himself. It was the natural progression in how a person thinks of his sweetheart.

Nevertheless. There was a special meaning in those words. Humans were creatures who confirmed their intentions with words. Those confirmed intentions decided the distance between two people. If Ikki returned an honest answer here, if Stella answered as well―

…The things that came out of our mouths can't be taken back…!

He wasn't confident enough to finish it. If he finished it in this place, after going back to the dorm, after Stella's cold got better, those things would be settled but there would be other effects he couldn't suppress.

But he must not do that. Ikki thought so. He couldn't make a mistake in this procedure. Therefore―

"Sorry…. That question, I can't answer it yet."

Gazing straight back at those scarlet eyes, Ikki gave his response.

"Stella, I love you, and I want to say so proudly in front of everyone. Shizuku and Alice of course, and even people we don't know… even Stella's parents. I think these feelings inside me are the most wonderful emotions. But… if our relationship changes like this right now, I think I would feel guilty in front of your parents. I think I should stand proudly in front of them."

Both Stella and Ikki had mature bodies. It wasn't like there was any fear of what others might think. But still―Ikki thought there was a proper procedure for such important things. Stella was a precious treasure raised by her parents. If he would get involved, he had to at least greet them. He thought that was rather expected of a man.

"That's why, sorry."

He couldn't answer Stella's question, so Ikki apologized again. Saying so honestly, Ikki grasped even the rest of the current of the current situation. He really wanted to announce the relationship between him and Stella. If he did so, he could stand proud in front of anyone and say that he loved Stella. But he couldn't do that, in the end. If he announced it, there would be a scandal. Stella, who was a public figure, would suffer under the burden whether she's willing or not. He wanted to protect her from that during the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. For that reason, he had to respect that limit during that time.

That was what Ikki thought. It was a stubborn way to think, but this was something he couldn't compromise. Even if she thought he was a loser for it. Ikki explained this to Stella.

"No, that's not it."

Suddenly, Stella entwined her fingers with Ikki's. She gave a firm smile with her feverish expression.

"I said something strange, and bothered you to think about it so seriously. Sorry."

She apologized to Ikki. That expression was feverish and hot, but it wasn't just from illness.

「I love you, and I want to say so proudly in front of everyone.」

…He thought of me that importantly….

In truth, Stella hadn't been thinking of Ikki as much as he had been thinking of her. Stella had only been looking only at Ikki in front of her, but Ikki had been looking toward the people in her background, as well as keeping the relationship between them going into the future in mind as well.

It―made her very happy. Because he was thinking so seriously about their relationship, treating it as something important.

I say that, but… what was I doing!?

Just by taking off her clothes a little, from getting a little excited, she had forgotten her chastity. Not just today. It kept happening recently. A unicorn would shun such a maiden.

Ikki is more like a maiden, isn't he?

She became ashamed after realizing her intentional thoughtlessness from before.

"…I must've become strange from the fever. I'll take a little rest."

Blaming her shame on her illness, Stella settled herself sideways on the blanket.

"Yeah. I'll keep an eye on the fire."

Ikki didn't keep going with the current topic either. Rather than talk about it with a girl, he held off. He probably thought he was embarrassing Stella as well. Setting aside those thoughts, Stella wanted to curl up.


Stella, who was happy that Ikki thought so seriously about their relationship―

I really want him to say it properly after all.

Examining Ikki's words, even the feverish and befuddled Stella could understand his clumsy answer. What kind of answer was "I can't answer"? Examining the context made it simple to understand. However―she didn't want to just imagine it. She wanted to hear it from his own mouth, with his own voice.

Stella thought so no matter what. He would say it in due time. Believing that, it would probably be a mistake if she hurried him.

She didn't understand it, but she was certain of one thing.

…I'm kind of naughty….

The girl right now was clearly self-aware about that.

Soon after the question that was a little dangerous, Stella fell asleep wrapped in her blanket. However, she only did so for thirty minutes. When she woke up again, Stella's condition had become alarmingly stable. Her sweat that was flowing like a waterfall had stopped, and she spoke more without painful breaths, so with her body already revitalized she sat next to Ikki. Her cheeks were still flushed from fever, but if it was to that extent, she probably wouldn't develop pneumonia. Ikki was relieved that Stella had gotten back a bit of her vigor.

If it's like this, it might be okay to have a little talk.

Ikki thought it would be okay for her to sleep until the rescuers came, but whether Stella was bad at staying still and enjoying leisure, or whether her embarrassment at the conversation before had already come back, she was going on and on about various school topics with an unusual talkativeness. It was fun to listen to her, but Ikki only wanted to hear one thing.

So Ikki confirmed that Stella had enough energy to converse, and opened a topic himself.

"Hey, Stella."

"Hmm? What?"

"What kind of people are your parents?"

"Why… do you want to know?"

"Well you see, since we're together, we'll have to announce it sometime, right? Because of that, we have to greet them, after all. I want to know what kind of people they are before I meet them."

Meeting Stella's parents. It was unavoidable. In other words, it was a first step. At the latest, it would happen after the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. But as far as Ikki was concerned, he had to avoid confronting Stella's parents without having any information. At least, what kind of people they were. He had to know that much.

So he asked Stella, but―

"Oh, s-so that's why…. In order to announce it, huh… ooh."

To that question, Stella's face became noticeably pale. It was an expression that plainly rejected his inquiry as disagreeable. In the end―

"Hey Ikki. I have a suggestion, but… can't we hide the marriage until the last minute?"

As one would expect, Ikki couldn't hide his bewilderment.

"No, of course there's no way we could do that…. It might be good to not announce it to the world, but if we don't tell your parents at the very least…."

"About that, a daughter can just tell her father 'Surprise~☆' one way or another."

"That kind of 'Surprise~☆' isn't cute, you know. If we're not careful, he'll have a heart attack."

At least Ikki was confident that if his sister invited their father to her wedding one day over the morning newspaper, it wouldn't end with just spitting out coffee.

"But, but…."

"Umm… do you not want me to meet your parents that much?"

Having been taken to the heart of the matter, Stella nodded with a bit, though she was divided on the issue.

"Ooh… Mother is a commoner, you know? But Father is a very eccentric person, and really dotes on me, so… if he hears that you and I are together…."

"He might oppose our relationship?"

"No. I don't think he'd oppose it."

"Then wouldn't it be fine―"

"But before deciding whether to approve it or object to it, I think he'll bury you when you come to Vermillion to greet him."

That would be absolutely not fine.

"So you're saying that since he's a genuine king, I'm not refined enough…."

"No, it's not about being refined."

Ikki had huge headache, though not from something like Stella's cold. Definitely not. But in order to properly love Stella, it was necessary to follow this procedure. That was absolute. This was a situation he wouldn't be allowed to escape. What kind of existence was his opponent? Ikki had no choice but to face him. Therefore he would do his best, and give the king of Vermillion a favorable impression.

"…W-Well, he at least treasures his daughter, right? Then he's a good father, isn't he?"

"He can't let go of his children, you know. He opposed it weeping when I decided to study abroad."

"No, anybody would try to stop it if his daughter went to study abroad because 'I'm going in order to find someone stronger than me'."

"At that time, Mother saved me by putting Father in prison, some way or another."

"'Some way or another'!? She put a king in prison 'some way or another'!? Your mother doesn't really sound like a commoner!"

"Oh, that's right. If Mother put Father in prison this time too…."

You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

"No no no! It's fine! We'll meet them normally!"

"Eh? But you'll die?"

"Did you just say something staggering like it was natural?"

Ikki recoiled a bit at the words Stella gave with such a serious look. But for him, he was resolved for the sake of associating with Stella.

"…I'm happy that Stella is worried for me, and though the explanation ended really strangely, but I won't run away from this. I'll meet Stella's father properly, and fight for his approval. That's something I have to do as a man."

Ikki's voice was colored by a strong determination. A strong determination that would never be shaken. Understanding that, Stella took a single breath.

"…I get it. Then let's go to Vermillion and meet them."

And after that… her expression became happy, and spoke while leaning on Ikki's shoulder.

"I want to boast about my sweetheart, right?"

"Thanks, Stella."

Saying so, Ikki caressed Stella's brilliant red hair, and she narrowed her eyes happily and rubbed her cheek against Ikki's shoulder. But suddenly her expression clouded over as if she abruptly thought of something.

"…Hey Ikki, about what we just said."

With a meek face, she asked Ikki.

"Me too, I wonder if I should greet your parents?"

Stella's expression was self-conscious as she asked that. It was reasonable. She knew that outside of Shizuku, Ikki didn't have a good relationship with his family.

And the truth was, Ikki's own expression clouded over at the question. He didn't know. Whether or not it was necessary.

―Really, was he considered a child of that family anymore? He who defied their commands, ran away from home―no, whether his father even considered them family. Ikki thought of this while recalling his own father's face.

And after thinking for a while….

"You're right. I think it's important, so when the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival is over, shall we go to the Kurogane house together once?"

Ikki answered that way. At least Ikki… thought of his father as family. His father didn't want to deal with Ikki as his son even once, but he was still Ikki's irreplaceable parent. In Ikki's heart, he wanted the day that they understood each other to come. Therefore he believed that there were still family bonds.

"…Okay. I understand."

Stella nodded at Ikki's answer.

―Honestly speaking, Stella had been uneasy about Ikki's reply at that time. Stella knew how Ikki was treated by the Kurogane family from Kurono, from Shizuku, and from Ikki himself.

「You can't do anything, so don't try.」

Were those words that a father would tell his real child? Giving up on a child's potential arbitrarily, and not just doing that, but further crushing him. That kind of parental relationship, if Stella who was brought up by loving parents saw it, it was frankly abnormal. It wasn't something parents would do. That was why she was uneasy.

「There were still family bonds.」

Thinking of the situation that way―wasn't that too naïve? And that naïve thinking, someday… wouldn't Ikki's heart be decisively wounded?

But she couldn't say so. Of course not. Your father doesn't think of you as his child anymore. There was no way she could say something so wretched.

So Stella could only believe it herself. That Ikki's faint hope wouldn't be betrayed.

―And like that, the time came for silence between the two to break.


Suddenly, Ikki and Stella raised their heads.

They noticed it. The earth was shaking slightly.

Stella spoke.

"I wonder what it is? An earthquake?"

But an earthquake wouldn't feel so little. Because the shaking that two of them felt, it felt more like numbness than shaking. And it wasn't just once. At a constant interval, thud. Thud. It was as if the ground was being struck by something with gigantic mass.

"…Could it be, these are the footsteps of a giant?"

What went through Ikki's mind was the scene that he had witnessed thirty minutes ago. The gouged-out earth, the trees that had been uprooted and thrown about. The huge footprints that had been carved into the ground. If it was the creator of the huge footprints, it wouldn't be weird for the earth to tremble every time it walked. Ikki wasn't one who talked about believing in UMAs[3], but certainly after seeing evidence with his own eyes, he thought it was highly likely that it was responsible.

So Ikki stood up.

"I'll go and take a look. Since it's the reason we came here today."

"I'll go too!"

Stella stood up along with him, but….


*pow* Ikki flicked her on the forehead. With only that, Stella was beaten, and she fell on her back.

"W-Why not!? I want to see the giant too…!"

"There's a one-in-ten-thousand chance that this is a giant, but it's a ferocious animal instead, you might not be able to fight it. So please stay docile, Miss-Person-With-A-Cold."


Stella puffed up her cheeks and booed like a spoiled child, but she reluctantly abided by the command Ikki made with a serious expression.

Ikki left Stella behind, facing the entrance to the mountain shack. And pressing his ear to the thin wooden door, he tried to guess what was happening outside.

Thud, thud. The sound was quite close. He could tell that the center of the vibrations that followed the steps was also near.

"…Come forth, Intetsu."

Speaking words tinged with magic power, Ikki manifested his beloved raven-black sword into his right hand. After that, he took a deep breath and calmed his mind and body―then rammed the door vigorously, leaping outside.

In front of his eyes was―the uninhabited forest, with rain continuing to fall. That scene was the same as when Ikki carried Stella here.

What does this mean?

The sound, the vibration, both certainly existed. But the mass that had to create them was nowhere to be found. And when he took notice, the sound and vibration had disappeared the moment Ikki leaped outside.

…What is going on?"

Feeling completely confused, Ikki turned back.

And then….


He saw saw a rock giant standing in front of the mountain shack at a height of around of five meters.

Ikki had come out from between the legs of that too-huge giant.

N-No way…!

At that excessively unrealistic spectacle, Ikki stood stock still without thinking. But the next moment, he saw an even more unbelievable scene.

Of all things, that giant aimed a huge arm at the mountain shack and swung downward. Yes, aiming at the shack where the sick Stella was!


In an instant, the mountain shack was literally turned to pieces by that unthinkable mass.

"Eek!? W-What!? What in the world is going on!?"

Stella, whom Ikki was cradling, screamed into Ikki's chest.

It was by a hair's breadth. In the instant that the shack was smashed, Ikki invoked Ittou Shura and with his highest speed saved Stella from being crushed.

"Stella, are you alright?"

"Y-Yes. But what in the world…."

"It's exactly what it looks like."

Saying that, Ikki looked toward the rock giant.

"There really was a giant, apparently."


Stella also turned her gaze that way, and made visual contact with the destructive culprit.

"Somehow, it's not the same as what I was thinking!"

"That's what you care about!?"

But Stella's statement was reasonable. The giant that materialized didn't fit the image of a gigantic human that they had. It was a crude humanoid shape made from many large and small rocks joined together. If one looked at it, one would doubt that it was even a living creature.

However, even if it was probably not a living creature, they understood one thing. This rock giant held hostility and malice toward Ikki and Stella. The truth was, the giant was once again gathering speed to pursue them, aiming and swinging at them with its huge arm. Ikki, carrying Stella, immediately jumped sideways and avoided the blow. The earth at his back was blasted by the unnatural force. Such a hit would blow even a Blazer away without difficulty.

In that case―there was nothing to do except bring it down before it could hit them.

"Stella, you stay here. Try not to let your body get wet, okay?"

Ikki set Stella down, and confronted the rock giant with Intetsu in his hands.

"Are you going to fight? Will you be alright? A sword won't be very effective, you know?"

"I'll be fine. I have a technique for dealing with this kind of opponent, more or less."

Saying that, Ikki raised his left hand closer to his blade, and drew the right hand that held Intetsu back with all his strength. It was plainly a stance for thrusting.

But the stone giant didn't care―no, as if it didn't have any will of its own, it lunged with its stone fist mechanically. A monotone attack with such sluggishness couldn't possibly get through the Worst One.

Ikki turned toward the rock giant, and with superhuman strength granted by Ittou Shura, he rushed forward as if flying. He just barely crossed right beside the stone fist as it passed.

―With the right hand that he was drawing back with all his strength, he unleashed a forward stab. A flash of steel that broke the sound barrier took flight.

It wasn't an ordinary thrust. Arm strength, leg strength, charging power―more than Ikki's superhuman body mastery, the vector of all of his power was focused on the point of his sword, a technique that forced out his highest offensive ability. This was the secret technique that boasted the strongest offensive ability among the Worst One's seven secret swords.

"The first secret sword―Saigeki!"[4]

Ikki, who charged as if flying, without decelerating, made his body into a bullet and pierced the rock giant's chest. The impact of the penetration struck the giant's body, and from the huge hole bored into its chest, the giant made from joining rocks collapsed while making a clattering noise. The rocks being joined together fell apart, and returned to rubble having lost the humanoid shape.


But the moment Ikki landed with a small expression of relief….


Ikki saw something unbelievable. The crumbling stones were joining back together as if by magnets, and piled up together once again. The wreckage of the smashed giant once again repaired its humanoid shape.

And it wasn't the one giant this time. It was dozens of stone dolls, each as tall as Ikki.

And Ikki saw something even more strange in the middle of that scene. While the stones were attaching to other stones as if by magnetism, there was a presence of a thin, string-like magic power.

Right, this was no rock monster. Someone was using strings of magic power to manipulate rocks like puppetry. Namely, this was―

"A Noble Art…! The enemy is a Blazer! Stella, stay alert on the surroundings!"

"Ikki! Behind you!"

Reacting to Stella's shout, Ikki cleaved off the stone hand that was coming at his back to strike him. With a clang, Ikki's arm fell numb from the recoil of hitting his sword against hard rock. A small crack appeared in the stone doll.

Like I thought, if I don't use Saigeki, I can't deal with it…!"

But Saigeki had a lethal flaw. It was a charge technique, so it required him to set up an opportunity. As one would expect, in fighting dozens of stone dolls at the same time, there was no leisure time to set up such an opportunity.



He couldn't protect himself, and blood sprayed from Ikki's brow after he took a stone hand to his head. He had warded off the stone hand with Ten'i Muhou, but there were too many enemies, unfortunately. An attack he couldn't parry and cut through had come.

This is bad….

Even though he needed to press on, the end of the time he could use Ittou Shura was coming too quickly. The remaining time was less than thirty seconds. At this rate, he wouldn't be able to win.

What should I…!

But the enemies weren't stopping to let Ikki think. While some surrounded Ikki, five of the rock dolls aimed approached Stella whose body was wrapped in a blanket.


Ikki yelled out at seeing the scene. But he couldn't do anything other than cry out. He couldn't break out of the enclosure immediately. Stella was still weak. It was too dangerous for her to be attacked by the enemy right now―

"Take this!"

But as Ikki was thinking this, he saw Stella leaping forward and pulverizing the five stone dolls entirely into smithereens using a single strike from Lævateinn.

Moreover, not just the danger coming for her personally, she blew away the stone dolls surrounding Ikki with her strong sword, pulverizing them, and hastened toward where Ikki stood after easily defeating them.

"…Uh, somehow this is different from what I think of as a sick person."

"Yeah. I'm also quite surprised. I guess I'm unreasonably powerful, huh?"

Ikki wondered if she should say so about herself, but as expected he couldn't do anything but nod in surprise.

"I was able to move my body thanks greatly to taking a small rest. I'll also fight with you together. For this kind of opponent, my affinity is good."

Certainly so. With Stella's superhuman physical strength, she could cut them, and with only that power she could pulverize the stone dolls. Frankly, Ikki didn't want a sick person to fight no matter how strong she was, but as it was, Ikki's limits in fighting by himself left no room for argument. Having assistance here―at the moment he thought so….

"No no. A sick person shouldn't be doing unreasonable things. Stella-chan~♪"

Suddenly, a frivolous voice that was out of place on a battlefield rang out.

The owner of that voice appeared before Ikki and Stella equally as suddenly, without any warning.

"Vice President Misogi…!"

"Hey there, you two. I came to save you, Kouhai-kun."

"That was really fast. I heard we had to wait another half an hour."

"Ahaha~☆ Well, I'm a guy who does the impossible. If you can believe that~♪"

Utakata said so while posing.

Behind Utakata―


Were they targeting everyone that moved?

Together with the bellows of the stone dolls, many stone fists swung down on Utakata's back, aiming at the top of his head. They were hard fists that could even hit Ikki who was clad in Ten'i Muhou. If they hit a human's soft skull directly, they would surely pulverize it in one hit.

"Misogi-san, behind you!"

Ikki cried out at that impending danger.

But Utakata pasted a smile on his face, and didn't move his body one bit at what was happening behind him.

―The stone fists, they blasted away everything above Utakata's neck.



At that sight, Ikki and Stella widened their eyes and became speechless. With the strength of the stone fists, Utakata's skull had been smashed like a tomato. His small headless body fell into the storm-dampened mud, without moving a twitch. That was the decisive ending that anyone could see.

"Too bad, but that was a trick, you know?"

The next instant, Utakata who should be dead was sitting on the shoulder of the stone doll that had killed him.

"Aha~☆ I tried to tell you about this, didn't I?"

"…Huh? E-Ehhh!?"

Utakata smiled giddily as if nothing had happened. At that sight, Stella raised her voice in confusion. And while Ikki didn't raise his voice as well, he was equally confused. Certainly, he saw Utakata's skull being crushed with his own eyes. The pink brain matter had been scattered, slightly mixed with white bone tissue. The grotesque image was still etched onto the back of his eyelids. It was an unmistakable reality.

It had to be, but then it disappeared. Cause and effect had been wound back. …There was only one power that could induce this kind of unrealistic phenomena.

"A Noble Art―is this an ability from the causation manipulation system?"


Utakata nodded to confirm Ikki's words.

The abilities of Blazers existed along several systems. Ikki's Ittou Shura was an ability of the body enhancement system. Stella's Dragon's Breath was an ability of the elemental manipulation system. And Ayase Ayatsuji's ability to open wounds was an ability from the conceptual manipulation system. Among those various Blazer superpowers, the system that was the rarest and said to be the strongest was causation manipulation.

"My Noble Art, Black Box[5], is an ability that manipulates the outcome of events. Attacking me is always a mistake. That's how it is."

At those words, Ikki thought back to the scene. The first time they met 'Fifty/Fifty' face to face, at that restaurant. At that time, he got rid of Ikki's wound with just a touch. Back then, Ikki wasn't able to comprehend what kind of skill and power he had.

I wasn't injured. He rewrote causation like that?

Understanding that, Ikki shuddered. Ikki had seen many kinds of superpowers, but he didn't remember ever seeing anything like the superpower that Fifty/Fifty held.

This is the superpower that's called the strongest among many Noble Arts?

He couldn't imagine how he would stand against it.

However, at this moment, he was grateful for that extraordinary power. If it was a power this irrational, it would surely make escaping this predicament easy. Ikki and Stella both thought this, but―

Stella spoke.

"With that kind of power it's an easy victory, right? Please lend a hand, Senpai. We'll put an end to this monster right away!"

"Ah, that's impossible."

Utakata flatly rejected Stella's suggestion.

"Eh? W-Why!?"

"The thing is, my Black Box is an ability whose nature is entirely to manipulate outcomes. In other words it's a superpower that makes even a one percent possibility into certainty. But conversely, it doesn't bring anything into existence. With my strength as an individual person, there's no way it can do anything useful. I can turn a one percent probability into a one hundred percent, but I can't turn a zero percent into a one percent. In other words, you two were breaking these rocks with your swords a moment ago, but there's probably no way I'm the unreasonable type of person who can join in on such a battle. Especially a boy who looks as cute and weak as me? No way, no way."

"So you have that kind of weakness, uh?"

"Yep. If I could manipulate everything and everything, I'd be in the representative battles, you know. But the outcomes that Black Box can manipulate, in the end it's limited to things that are possible. If we get right to the core of it, it's an ability that won't ever let me beat an opponent I can't beat without it."

And Utakata's body was powerless against other people, so the range of that impossibility was particularly wide. Being aware of that, Utakata didn't enter the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival selection battles.

But if that was how it was ….

"Then what did you come here to do!?"

A reasonable question was asked. It would be troubling if people without battle strength increased. Answering Stella's justifiable question, Utakata gave a smile with hidden meaning.

"I came to save you, of course. But just like I said, fighting isn't my domain. My duty is entirely to serve as that girl's navigation."

Saying so, Utakata leaped off from the stone doll with a *boing*.

"―So there it is. I'll leave the rest to you, Touka."

He looked up at the mountain slope.

Before his gaze, on that gentle slope, at the boundary of the mountain forest and the small clearing where the mountain shack had been built―

"Okay. Thanks for guiding me, Uta-kun."

The girl with glasses and chestnut-colored hair brandished her sword sparkling with golden electricity.


"It has to be by a hair's breadth, but it's good that you two are safe."

Touka looked at Ikki and Stella's figures, and while her eyes were slightly damp, she showed some relief. And then she tightened her face again.

"Please have a rest, the two of you. I'll handle everything here."

Lowering her body, she prepared to attack the stone dolls that surrounded Ikki and the others.

But Stella turned to Touka and raised her voice to stop Touka.

"Wait, Touka-san! Swords don't work on these things! It's ridiculous to fight these incomprehensible opponents by yourself! I'll also―"

―fight. Stella was going to say this.

"It's fine. I know their weakness."


Touka said so.

"It's inorganic matter being manipulated by threads of magic power, instigated by an enemy. This, out of the many types of Device, is a battle technique used by those who favor Steel Wire Usage. And for this battle technique, there is an inviolable rule. When operating multiple dolls simultaneously, one doesn't operate everything directly, but uses some dolls to operate others. In other words, one creates linchpins, and uses them for management. The biggest merit of this battle technique is that while the user conceals himself, he'll attack one-sidedly without risking injury, which makes finding the enemy the number one countermeasure. In that case, the threads that link to him should be made exceedingly subtle. But… if we say it in reverse, as long as we break the hub of those strings, Steel Wire Usage won't be able to operate its dolls."

It was a tactic that couldn't be used standing in an arena without places to hide. In other words, it was a way of fighting that student knights weren't accustomed to. However, while Touka was a student knight, she had gone to the scene of crimes many times as a member of the special convention along with Toutokubara, and currently had experience confronting terrorists. Consequently, she had a thorough knowledge of styles that Ikki and Stella were unfamiliar with.

With that knowledge, her eyes―

"Found it."

Among the dozens of crawling stone dolls, she exposed the one body operating all of the dolls in an instant. And in that instant, Touka's body disappeared.

No, not disappeared. Before anyone could see it, she pierced the enemy line―she plunged toward the hub that she had discovered.

Shippu Jinrai.[6]

Stimulating her muscles with the power of lightning, it was Touka's Noble art that increased her performance to its limit. That speed, it was undoubtedly like lightning. The stone dolls couldn't react to the abrupt change in situation at all. Simply put, wooden puppets certainly could only be caught flat-footed―


Within that instant, everything was decided.

With the speed of a flash, a blade of plasma was unsheathed, and the hub was bisected with a single stroke.

Then came a blast of air, and all the stone dolls on the field were demolished. After a blast that appeared to send everything flying ended, there was not a single enemy remaining.

There was no sign that the dolls were being recreated again. The enemy who hadn't been found yet seemed to have withdrawn after the hub was destroyed.


Standing alone, Stella voiced her astonishment at Touka's performance.

"It's amazing that she recognized the enemy's weak point immediately, but more than that, Touka-san's balance of superpower and sword technique is very good."

"That's true."

Ikki had the same opinion.

And also, that the strength of Raikiri, Touka Toudou, was probably based on her conviction. The breadth of Touka's practical ability was vast. Given lightning's high offensive power, it wasn't only used for normal attacks. From strengthening physical ability with lightning to observing the psychology of others to manage them, her swordsmanship was born from that. Whether it was superpower or swordsmanship, she displayed them at an extremely high dimension of skill, and brought them together at an equally high dimension.

As for how good that balance was, Ikki who was extremely specialized in swordsmanship of course, in his eyes, believed that Touka was higher ranked than Stella. Stella herself probably perceived Touka's strength which she didn't match.

"Honestly, I've been considerably enlightened."

It was unusual for her, to cough out such a laudable statement. But her expression was slightly stiff. To Ikki, the reason was understandable. She had realized it. At the present time, the Crimson Princess didn't reach Raikiri's level.

A-rank and B-rank. According to that rating, Stella's potential was definitely higher. In another year, Stella should certainly surpass Rakiri. But at least right now, if the two of them fought… eight or nine times out of ten, Touka would win. Stella herself was aware of that, and probably for that reason, her face was stiff.

And to Stella….


Touka, who had finished up the dolls, ran up to her.

"I-I heard that you collapsed. Are you okay!?"

With Touka's entirely flared-up expression, she looked like a completely different person from the dignified one who beat the dolls so easily just a while ago. Becoming more pale than Stella who was sick, she was acutely worried about how badly Stella had collapsed.

"Eh, ah, yes. I'm much better after resting a little."

Therefore Stella also laughed and answered Touka to set her at ease, but―Touka pressed her own forehead against Stella's, and immediately saw through that lie.

"Aren't you extremely feverish!? You're not alright at all! And despite that, your body is this wet… what will you do if your cold gets worse?"

"It can't be helped. The mountain shack was attacked and destroyed."

In answer, Stella pointed out the wreckage of the crushed mountain shack. Touka's face, when she saw that, clouded over in worry.

"Uta-kun. Is there another emergency shelter anywhere nearby?"

"Nope. But there's supposed to be a cavern a little bit north from here."

"In that case, let's take refuge there for now. We can't let a sick person be exposed to the rain. And if we don't give Kurogane-kun treatment too…."

With those words, Touka picked up Stella's body suddenly.

"Now, let's be off, Stella-san."

"Wha-wha! Wait, carry, don't carry me! It's embarrassing!"

"That's no good. A sick person should be obedient."

With the gentleness of a mother admonishing her child, but using words that exerted a forceful pressure, she silenced Stella, and Touka proceeded to carry Stella away.

Seeing that back, Utakata who was standing alone murmured something that only Ikki could hear.

"Both of Touka's parents died from illness, you know. That's why she's been unusually persistent about managing people's physical condition since the old days. It's better not to go against Touka when she's like that. Because if you quibble and throw a tantrum, you'll get a spanking."

"Has Vice President Misogi also gotten one?"

"Her slaps on the wrist are amazing. She's a prodigy for that kind of thing."

It seemed to be the case. Having experienced the argument at the student council room, it seemed to Ikki that the relationships between mother and troublesome children hadn't changed from the old days.

"Now then, Kouhai-kun, can you walk by yourself? If it's impossible, I'll lend you my shoulder?"

Utakata made the suggestion from worry about the extreme fatigue Ikki got after using Ittou Shura. But Ikki calmly shook his head.

"No, I'm fine. If it's just walking."

"In that case, splendid. Hurry and follow me."

The party coming together this way, they presently escaped to the cavern in order to fend off the rain.

※ ※ ※

"Ha ha ha. I only intended to meddle with the trial run for the new hub a little, but what an outrageous retaliation I got bit by. Sheesh."

In a certain place in Japan. Even though it was still noon, inside a dark room that was like a shady hangout for drifters. There, a tall man, while sinking his waist deeply into a couch, let out a sigh and gave a faint smile.

"Dear me, as expected of the famous Raikiri. Wooden puppets weren't even worth mentioning, I guess."

"Such a harsh smell. Was your arm burnt?"

Standing behind the tall man, a shadow asked him while looking down at him as if in scorn.

"It's already well-done."

The tall man, to the question, showed his left arm. The left arm of the man who was controlling the stone dolls had been burnt by Raikiri's high-voltage current that had flowed through the threads, and flesh had been scorched off. The degree of that damage was fierce, such that even recovery in a capsule would probably not restore it perfectly.

Despite that, where were the tall man's cries of pain? He was happily singing Touka's praises.

"Thanks to that, my left hand has become useless, hasn't it?"

"It's because you did a useless thing right before festival eve, you fool."

"I can't say anything in response, I guess. Ha ha ha."

"I'm an ordinary student, so I don't know the organization's plans, but you're someone right beside the organization, aren't you? With strategy in front of you, shouldn't you hold back on doing careless things?"

"Well, that's true, but I can't help it if waiting around isn't fun, you know. It's not enjoyable. That's not a good thing. I hate things that aren't fun. It's because I'm a Pierrot[7]. I always have to be laughing. Whether virtuous or corrupt, a Pierrot's style is to be fun, wouldn't you say?"

"You words are as difficult to understand as ever."

"Ha ha ha. Thank you for saying so. Being a wet blanket is also a strong point of a Pierrot who reads the heart of others."

Answering with a voice that didn't hide its frivolity, the tall man moved his the fingers of his right hand nimbly with a swish. As he did so, the scorched left arm fell off beautifully at the shoulder as if being cut by sharp cutlery. Because the area at the shoulder had been cauterized, there was no bleeding.

"Ah, do you want some? It's well-done, but…."

"I don't need it. You might as well feed it to that cat."

"Ha ha ha. She'll cry again if you don't call her a sphinx properly."

"Even if you attach wings with glue, a cat is a cat."

At the curt reply from the shadows behind him, the tall man sighed and spoke his innermost thoughts. Sheesh, that one didn't have youthful dreams, huh?

"Oh, by the way, the Crimson Princess you're infatuated with was also at the scene. Her facial color wasn't good at all, so I wonder if she had a cold?"

"I wouldn't know about such things."

"Oh? You're not concerned? I heard that you came here to meet her."

"True. That's the reason I'm accompanying you bastards on your blood sports. But if her physical condition is damaged to the point that she can't be in the tournament, then I say the Crimson Princess is only a girl of that level."

With a voice that traveled clearly in the dark, the words of the man answering contained no lie. Sensing that, the tall man clearly felt that the compatibility with the shadow that was scorning him was bad. Sheesh, this man was terrible at banter.

"Well well, you're quite cold, aren't you? Nowadays, women won't spare a glance for men who don't make small talk, you know?"

"Tell your nonsense to a mirror, clown."

Perhaps the man in the shadows also felt that their compatibility was bad. He spoke as if spitting out the words, and left the place.

Staring at the back that was melted into the darkness, the tall man again let out a sigh ―and said….

"Really, not cute at all. I'd prefer he share his younger brother's simplicity."

After that, the rain continued to fall for an unexpectedly long time. It was around three hours. With that impact, in the end the sun had started to set by the time Ikki and the others could come down from the mountain. At some point, the clouds what were sending furious rain disappeared before anyone noticed, and the sky became perfectly clear of clouds, and the scene fell under a beautiful red hue.

Honestly, there was really something wrong with Japan's weather recently. As all of them thought that, they headed back to the training lodge. Along the trail, Stella who Ikki was carrying once again asked something of Touka.

"Hey, Touka-san. The one who manipulated the rock dolls from before, is it okay to let him get away?"

In the end, after fleeing the rain, they were confined to the entrance of the cavern the entire time, so they couldn't find the true identity of the enemy who manipulated the rock dolls and attacked Ikki and the others. Stella seemed displeased about that. Well, that feeling was something everyone in the situation shared. Since they were going back and leaving the fundamental question about the giant behind, they couldn't erase the feeling of leaving things undone. However―

"…Well, if we were able to catch that person, we would've wanted to do so, but it seems that's a bit impossible."


"When I demolished the hub, I measured the distance to the practitioner using Raikiri's lightning attack on the threads, but it would be too far to go and catch that person."

"How far away would that be?"

"At an estimate, it would be about a hundred kilometers."

"Bu, *cough cough*!"

At the dubious distance, even if the location of the training camp was within the Tokyo metropolis area, Stella choked over her surprise. Certainly, they couldn't go that far to make an arrest.

"Haa. I was shocked by that. Can a steel wire user manipulate dolls from that far away?"

"No. Ordinarily, it would be impossible. There was a B-rank steel wire user in the special assembly of Blazers I was on the same team with, but the distance that person could freely manipulate dolls was around five hundred meters."

She pointed out that fact. In other words, at that time, it was an abnormal thing directing those threads. Referring to that, Touka's expression stiffened slightly.

"Therefore… it may be me who'd have to be rescued before getting to confront him."

"If that's the case, it would be wise not to chase too far."

It was too dangerous to charge in without a plan against that kind of unknown opponent. Hearing Touka's words, Ikki understood her judgment. Nonetheless, Stella seemed to have a personality that was dissatisfied over leaving an enemy alone, and cleared her throat.

"But quitting without knowing anything, it's somehow unsatisfying."

"Since we relayed the information to the chairman through Toutokubara-san, if a decision is needed, I think the chairman will take measures. Moreover, since that person suffered wounds, he probably won't come here again."

You said something amazing without hesitation just now, Toudou-san.

It was amazing for a steel wire user to manipulate dolls form a hundred kilometer away, but for Touka to cast a lightning strike against an enemy over a hundred kilometers away was also extraordinary, after all.

After that, while they spent the walk exchanging a childish conversation, they continued back through the evening. The way was muddy from rain, but they were Hagun's distinguished student knights. Nobody tripped clumsily. Since Ikki had gotten enough sleep in the cavern, the fatigue from Ittou Shura didn't drag him down, and his walking while carrying Stella was easy. Consequently, the march progressed as smoothly as one would suppose, and all of them managed to reach the foot of the mountain where the lodge buildings were before sundown.

"Ah! Hey there, everyone! Welcome back!"

Their return was greeted by Renren and Saijou, who were waiting for them outside.

"Stella-chan, I heard you collapsed? How terrible, right?"

"Sorry to worry you. It was the first time I had a cold, so I didn't even know I had one."

"You could rest if you were just tired, but you're an extremely energetic person, right? You made holes in the ground with the badminton birdie. Thinking isn't something you can do with your body, right?"

"…Somehow, I feel like you're calling me an idiot."

…She's really not like what I think of as a sick person, after all.

Why was this girl hitting a badminton birdie as if she was playing tennis? Somehow, he had the sense that Stella would win through the selection battles as usual even with a cold.

"Having fought a giant while your partner was collapsed, you look like you've thoroughly suffered, huh?"

Suddenly, Ikki heard sympathetic words from Saijou.

"Ha ha ha… well, I'm used to being unlucky, so I'll be fine."

"I heard you were injured, but is it serious?"

"I was only wounded a little, so no. I'm alright."

"I see."

Nodding, Saikou took out a small bottle from his pocket and handed it to Ikki.

"What's this?"

"My family is a lineage of doctors. This is an ointment made from a secret formula. It's effective on bruises, so you should go apply it."

"Is that so? Okay, thanks. I'll use it later."

Ikki stated his thanks for Saijou's kindness with a smile. Then from behind him, Utakata and the others….


"Is that why you don't attack me even when I'm only in my underwear in the student council room!?"

"W-W-What stupid things are you two saying!? That was camaraderie! Probably, surely!"

"Why does even Touka-san seem halfway unsure…?"

Ikki heard a conversation that gave him a headache somewhat as if he had been hit on the head.

"Sorry that my colleagues are so noisy. Well, that's how they always are, so don't mind them."

"Ha ha ha."

Saijou-san has a strong mind.

This person might also be wise in the ways of the world.

"Haa. I'm tired from walking the entire time today. And my stomach is empty. Hey, hey, Touka, let's all have barbeque before we go back."

"Ah, that would be great! I didn't eat much at noon, so I want to have some meat."

"I agree!"

Stella and Renren latched onto Utakata's suggestion, but Touka shook her head with full turns of her neck.

"No way. Stella-san is sick, you know. She has to go to a doctor first."


"Stella-chan looks completely lively, so she's probably fine―"

"Yeah. I'm alright."

"See, she says she's fine. As an upperclassman and as the student council president, shouldn't you respect her independence!?"

"Even if you split hairs, no is no. If we don't take a cold seriously, it can be dreadful. In addition, Stella-san is in an important season, so if an unlikely emergency happened, it would be a disaster."



Stella's stomach, resting on Ikki's back, made a complaining noise. It seemed that her appetite really was coming back. In addition, the heat he felt from her body had also fallen considerably compared to the time they were in the mountain shack. Perhaps she had nearly completely recovered from the cold. It was a staggeringly superhuman recovery power, but if it was Stella, he couldn't say it was impossible.

"…Toudou-san. It's certainly true that we should go to a hospital, but not eating something when you're hungry is also bad for the body, you know. The body wants energy to fight the illness, after all."


Renren shouted out.

"Ooh! That's right, that's right! Kurogane-kun said something good just now!"

"Hmm. That's true, I guess…. …I think she'll have the chance to eat meat while convalescing, but… I understand. Then let's take Stella-san to the hospital and get her some medication, and after that we'll go to an all-you-can-eat yakiniku[8] place. If we eat first, we won't be in time to get her treated before the hospital closes."

Utakata cheered.

"Thanks, Touka! Yahoo! Meat!"

"Misogi-senpai! Let's go to Jo●en![9]"

"Alright, leave making the reservation to me!"

"Stop! I said we'll go to an all-you-can-eat place!"

This bunch of people is as lively as ever.

But suddenly, Ikki noticed that someone was missing.

"By the way, where is Toutokubara-san?"

Renren blinked.

"Kanata-senpai? She went to receive a guest who just came."

Saijou also spoke up.

"Hmm, now that you mention it, I forgot that there was a message I had to deliver. Actually, just a while ago, someone came here to visit you, Kurogane."


"Yeah, it seems he came when he found out you were here after going to the academy."

Who could it be? Ikki tilted his head in confusion. Especially to pursue him all the way to Okutama. Honestly, he couldn't think of any acquaintance who would want to meet him that much.

"Saijou-san, what is the person's name?"

"I think it was―"

After thinking about it for a short while, Saijou seemed to recall.

"Ah, that's right. He gave his name as Azaka."

At the name that was announced, Ikki's expression stiffened. And at the same time―

"Oh, he's here, he's here. Finally, we meet."

A man's cloying voice came to Ikki's ears. Turning his gaze, he saw Kanata Toutokubara leading the person she had probably been receiving.

"It's been such a long time~ Ikki-kun. Ha ha ha."

An obese middle-aged man wrapped in a red suit, smiling with an Ebisu-like face.

Ikki knew him. He had met him several times during the period he lived in his parents' home.

"Ikki, who's this old man…?"

Perhaps Stella sensed something serious through his back as he carried her. She asked Ikki timidly. In response, Ikki lowered Stella from his back, and answered.

"This is… Mamoru Azaka-san. The current head of the Kurogane house's branch family."

Just from knowing what kind of person this was, Stella received all she needed to understand the situation. Stirring up, Stella whose demeanor became like a menacing cat faced the visitor with her hackles raised.

Kanata, who had guided Azaka, expressed confusion at the mood that had grown dangerous as if the air had started to sting,

"Excuse me, is something wrong?"

But Azaka himself, who had been receiving hostility one-sidedly….

"Ha ha ha. Please don't make that scary face. I don't like it either, you know? After all, I went as far as to show up in Okutama for a good-for-nothing like yourself, right?"

Without feeling the timid situation at all, he pasted a smile on that uselessly grateful face, and spat out aggressive words. At those bluntly contemptuous words, even the people of the student council who didn't know what was going on felt the distinct animosity that the visitor was directing toward Ikki. This person was Ikki's enemy.

In that case, for Touka who considered the feelings of her colleagues, she had to fire back.

"You, what are you doing? That way of speaking, isn't it rude?"

She immediately turned an intimidating gaze toward the discourteous visitor.

"Well well, if it isn't the famous Raikiri-san. Good afternoon to you. Ah, or is it late enough for good evening? I heard your conversation, you know. It seems you went to save Ikki-kun, didn't you? No, I'm sorry, I should describe it as an upright adherence to your duty. As a representative of my family, I humbly apologize. Exactly as I said."

"Wh-Who would want an apology like that―"

"I'm truly very sorry~"

Watching Azaka speak with Touka this way, it seemed he wasn't listening to Touka's words at all. And it seemed he was one-sidedly showing his contempt for Ikki all over again. To that excessively conspicuous malice, Touka was so bewildered she became speechless. The other student council officers were the same.

And in the brief period of silence that fell, Akaza raised his face without a moment's delay.

"Well, let's please leave that aside for now, and get down to business immediately. I can't bear the many mosquitos here in the mountains. Ha ha ha. The reason I came here today, it's because the head of the ethics committee for the League's Japanese branch has something very important to communicate to Ikki-kun."

The point of the conversation appeared. Though Akaza's expression had a smile, his eyelids were narrowed into slits, and the light coming out of them was dim. That his important matter was worthless was evident even without listening to it.

But if it wasn't heard, the conversation wouldn't progress. Therefore Ikki prompted him to continue.

"I wonder what he has to say after all this time?"

"Ha ha ha. Well, it's still early for you to ask what he has to say beyond this. Here, here. Today's evening publications."

What Akaza handed over were several newspaper articles. What exactly was written there, and what did they have to do with Ikki? While feeling a strange apprehension, Ikki opened one of the newspapers up, and―

There, a photograph of Ikki and Stella exchanging a kiss against a background of many trees was published.

Overwhelmed by surprise, Stella glued her round eyes to the photo.

"Ikki, th-this is…!"

There was no mistake. In the school, in a spot in the forest that Ikki and Stella always used for training. It was a photograph of one of the times they exchanged a kiss.

That picture was published on a page of every one of the evening papers that Akaza had handed over.

Right―everything had been cleanly exposed. The relationship between the two of them. To everyone within the school.

"What a great picture, isn't it? It has your faces just right. Even though it was at night, cameras today are dreadful. Ha ha ha. Maybe you can't tell since we're in the mountains? That the public is in an uproar right now? Laying hands on a state guest, it's an unprecedented scandal."

"W-Wait a second!"

Stella snatched the newspaper and shouted angrily.

"W-What is this article!? What is this nonsense!?"

Screaming that, she pointed at the front-page stories with merry words that exacerbated the seriousness of the situation:

『The Man Who Stole a Princess's Purity』

『King of Vermillion Outraged』

『International Problem Brewing Between Japan and Vermillion?』

And there, criticisms of the person called Ikki Kurogane were published, supplied by the Kurogane family. That his behavior was bad in the old days, that he was a problem child who troubled the Kurogane house, that he was a person with a problematic personality, and so on. Furthermore, that his philandering was excessively bad, that he continued licentious associations with several girls besides Stella, going even that far.

What a bunch of utter lies. But in these articles, those lies were listed as if they were true.

「Ikki Kurogane was a boy with a notoriously problematic personality in the past.」

Stella, seeing such a statement, couldn't help but fall silent. However, to the enraged Stella, Azaka put on a grin that stretched across his entire face.

"No, no. All of that is true, you know. Even though you weren't aware, Princess. That's natural. I'm not such a good-for-nothing person that I'd spread rumors. However, we know what kind of person he was in the past. …It truly pains me to speak ill of a relative, but this boy, he has been a scoundrel since the old days, even committing assault, theft, and blackmail. Look, there should even be comments from victims published there. Ha ha ha."

"Aren't all of those things fabrications!? That he's not the kind of person who'd do those things, anyone who knows him even a little bit would get that!"

"Ha ha ha. Well, however you think of it, Princess, the truth is this has become the news. How the general public will receive it is clear, no? The reality is, after receiving this information, the voices in the League objecting about Ikki-kun's qualities as a knight will become stronger. Therefore, the League's Japanese branch will hold an emergency inquiry regarding this matter. And there, Ikki-kun's qualities as a knight will be comprehensively inspected, and if he is judged unfit, the Japanese branch will send the League's headquarters a request for Ikki-kun's expulsion. …Today, I'm here to take Ikki-kun in for that inquiry."

Stella's understanding solidified at Akaza's attitude. This wasn't an ordinary scandal―Ikki's family, the Kurogane house, had conceived a clearly spiteful attack on him. They were using this scandal for maximum effect, and attacking Ikki's status as a knight. By taking advantage of the scandal, they would revoke Ikki's status as a knight that was managed by League's headquarters, and impose expulsion on him. In order to suppress the failure who didn't act in accordance with the will of the Kurogane main house.

"This is is a formal hearing called by the ethics committee. If they find you unacceptable… ha ha ha. Well, Ikki-kun's situation is growing very bad. …Of course, you'll come along without a fight, right? Ikki-kun. Ha ha ha."

Akaza put both hands on Ikki's shoulders, and announced it with a syrupy tone.

In contrast, after Ikki was silent for a short while….

"I understand."

As if resolving himself, he answered that way. Standing upright, he returned Akaza's gaze with eyes ready to take the challenge.

Stella perceived it in Ikki's stare. A powerfully malicious ordeal like they had never encountered before was drawing near the person she loved.

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